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TR 38.863
Non-terrestrial networks (NTN) related RF and co-existence aspects

V18.2.0 (Wzip)2024/06  … p.
V17.3.0  2023/12  … p.
Mr. Jin, Yiran
Samsung R&D Institute UK

full Table of Contents for  TR 38.863  Word version:  17.1.0

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1  Scopep. 7

The present document covers the RF and co-existence aspects of the work item "Solutions for NR to support non-terrestrial networks (NTN)" [2]
The objectives for the study are the following:
  • Study and specify adjacent channel co-existence scenarios of Non-terrestrial networks (NTN).
  • Study and specify needed generic RF core requirements for the network and the UE such that adjacent channel co-existence scenarios are met.

2  Referencep. 7

3  Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 8

3.1  Termsp. 8

3.2  Symbolsp. 9

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 10

4  General aspectsp. 11

5  Regulatory aspectsp. 11

6  Co-existence studyp. 18

6.1  Co-existence simulation scenariop. 18

6.2  Co-existence simulation assumptionp. 20

6.3  Co-existence simulation methodologyp. 37

6.4  Co-existence simulation resultsp. 39

6.5  Summary of co-existence studyp. 64

7  RF requirementsp. 66

7.1  SAN Reference points for RF requirementsp. 66

7.2  Common issues for satellite access node and NTN UEp. 67

7.3  Satellite Access Node requirementsp. 68

7.3.1  Generalp. 68

7.3.2  Transmission characteristicsp. 69

7.3.3  Receiver characteristicsp. 74

7.3.4  Othersp. 80

7.4  NTN UE requirementsp. 80

8  Conclusionp. 87

A  Calibration results of NTN componentsp. 88

B  Calibration results of TN componentsp. 93

C  Summary of NR-NTN co-existence studyp. 96

D  Summary of simulation results for the IoT derivationp. 97

$  Change historyp. 98

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