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RFC 7950

The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language

Pages: 217
Proposed Standard
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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                 M. Bjorklund, Ed.
Request for Comments: 7950                                Tail-f Systems
Category: Standards Track                                    August 2016
ISSN: 2070-1721

                  The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language


YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration data, state data, Remote Procedure Calls, and notifications for network management protocols. This document describes the syntax and semantics of version 1.1 of the YANG language. YANG version 1.1 is a maintenance release of the YANG language, addressing ambiguities and defects in the original specification. There are a small number of backward incompatibilities from YANG version 1. This document also specifies the YANG mappings to the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF). Status of This Memo This is an Internet Standards Track document. This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841. Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................9 1.1. Summary of Changes from RFC 6020 ..........................10 2. Key Words ......................................................12 3. Terminology ....................................................12 3.1. A Note on Examples ........................................16 4. YANG Overview ..................................................16 4.1. Functional Overview .......................................16 4.2. Language Overview .........................................18 4.2.1. Modules and Submodules .............................18 4.2.2. Data Modeling Basics ...............................19 4.2.3. Configuration and State Data .......................23 4.2.4. Built-In Types .....................................24 4.2.5. Derived Types (typedef) ............................25 4.2.6. Reusable Node Groups (grouping) ....................25 4.2.7. Choices ............................................27 4.2.8. Extending Data Models (augment) ....................28 4.2.9. Operation Definitions ..............................29 4.2.10. Notification Definitions ..........................31 5. Language Concepts ..............................................32 5.1. Modules and Submodules ....................................32 5.1.1. Import and Include by Revision .....................33 5.1.2. Module Hierarchies .................................34 5.2. File Layout ...............................................36 5.3. XML Namespaces ............................................36 5.3.1. YANG XML Namespace .................................36 5.4. Resolving Grouping, Type, and Identity Names ..............37 5.5. Nested Typedefs and Groupings .............................37 5.6. Conformance ...............................................38 5.6.1. Basic Behavior .....................................38 5.6.2. Optional Features ..................................38 5.6.3. Deviations .........................................39 5.6.4. Announcing Conformance Information in NETCONF ......40 5.6.5. Implementing a Module ..............................40 5.7. Datastore Modification ....................................44 6. YANG Syntax ....................................................44 6.1. Lexical Tokenization ......................................45 6.1.1. Comments ...........................................45 6.1.2. Tokens .............................................45 6.1.3. Quoting ............................................45 6.2. Identifiers ...............................................47 6.2.1. Identifiers and Their Namespaces ...................47 6.3. Statements ................................................48 6.3.1. Language Extensions ................................48 6.4. XPath Evaluations .........................................49 6.4.1. XPath Context ......................................50 6.5. Schema Node Identifier ....................................54
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   7. YANG Statements ................................................55
      7.1. The "module" Statement ....................................55
           7.1.1. The module's Substatements .........................56
           7.1.2. The "yang-version" Statement .......................57
           7.1.3. The "namespace" Statement ..........................57
           7.1.4. The "prefix" Statement .............................57
           7.1.5. The "import" Statement .............................58
           7.1.6. The "include" Statement ............................59
           7.1.7. The "organization" Statement .......................60
           7.1.8. The "contact" Statement ............................60
           7.1.9. The "revision" Statement ...........................60
           7.1.10. Usage Example .....................................61
      7.2. The "submodule" Statement .................................62
           7.2.1. The submodule's Substatements ......................63
           7.2.2. The "belongs-to" Statement .........................63
           7.2.3. Usage Example ......................................64
      7.3. The "typedef" Statement ...................................65
           7.3.1. The typedef's Substatements ........................65
           7.3.2. The typedef's "type" Statement .....................65
           7.3.3. The "units" Statement ..............................65
           7.3.4. The typedef's "default" Statement ..................66
           7.3.5. Usage Example ......................................66
      7.4. The "type" Statement ......................................66
           7.4.1. The type's Substatements ...........................67
      7.5. The "container" Statement .................................67
           7.5.1. Containers with Presence ...........................67
           7.5.2. The container's Substatements ......................68
           7.5.3. The "must" Statement ...............................69
           7.5.4. The must's Substatements ...........................70
           7.5.5. The "presence" Statement ...........................71
           7.5.6. The container's Child Node Statements ..............71
           7.5.7. XML Encoding Rules .................................71
           7.5.8. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations ...................72
           7.5.9. Usage Example ......................................72
      7.6. The "leaf" Statement ......................................73
           7.6.1. The leaf's Default Value ...........................74
           7.6.2. The leaf's Substatements ...........................75
           7.6.3. The leaf's "type" Statement ........................75
           7.6.4. The leaf's "default" Statement .....................75
           7.6.5. The leaf's "mandatory" Statement ...................76
           7.6.6. XML Encoding Rules .................................76
           7.6.7. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations ...................76
           7.6.8. Usage Example ......................................77
      7.7. The "leaf-list" Statement .................................77
           7.7.1. Ordering ...........................................78
           7.7.2. The leaf-list's Default Values .....................79
           7.7.3. The leaf-list's Substatements ......................80
           7.7.4. The leaf-list's "default" Statement ................80
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           7.7.5. The "min-elements" Statement .......................80
           7.7.6. The "max-elements" Statement .......................81
           7.7.7. The "ordered-by" Statement .........................81
           7.7.8. XML Encoding Rules .................................82
           7.7.9. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations ...................82
           7.7.10. Usage Example .....................................83
      7.8. The "list" Statement ......................................84
           7.8.1. The list's Substatements ...........................85
           7.8.2. The list's "key" Statement .........................85
           7.8.3. The list's "unique" Statement ......................86
           7.8.4. The list's Child Node Statements ...................87
           7.8.5. XML Encoding Rules .................................88
           7.8.6. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations ...................88
           7.8.7. Usage Example ......................................90
      7.9. The "choice" Statement ....................................93
           7.9.1. The choice's Substatements .........................94
           7.9.2. The choice's "case" Statement ......................94
           7.9.3. The choice's "default" Statement ...................96
           7.9.4. The choice's "mandatory" Statement .................98
           7.9.5. XML Encoding Rules .................................98
           7.9.6. Usage Example ......................................99
      7.10. The "anydata" Statement .................................100
           7.10.1. The anydata's Substatements ......................100
           7.10.2. XML Encoding Rules ...............................101
           7.10.3. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations .................101
           7.10.4. Usage Example ....................................101
      7.11. The "anyxml" Statement ..................................102
           7.11.1. The anyxml's Substatements .......................103
           7.11.2. XML Encoding Rules ...............................103
           7.11.3. NETCONF <edit-config> Operations .................103
           7.11.4. Usage Example ....................................104
      7.12. The "grouping" Statement ................................104
           7.12.1. The grouping's Substatements .....................105
           7.12.2. Usage Example ....................................105
      7.13. The "uses" Statement ....................................106
           7.13.1. The uses's Substatements .........................106
           7.13.2. The "refine" Statement ...........................106
           7.13.3. XML Encoding Rules ...............................107
           7.13.4. Usage Example ....................................107
      7.14. The "rpc" Statement .....................................108
           7.14.1. The rpc's Substatements ..........................109
           7.14.2. The "input" Statement ............................109
           7.14.3. The "output" Statement ...........................110
           7.14.4. NETCONF XML Encoding Rules .......................111
           7.14.5. Usage Example ....................................112
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      7.15. The "action" Statement ..................................113
           7.15.1. The action's Substatements .......................114
           7.15.2. NETCONF XML Encoding Rules .......................114
           7.15.3. Usage Example ....................................115
      7.16. The "notification" Statement ............................116
           7.16.1. The notification's Substatements .................117
           7.16.2. NETCONF XML Encoding Rules .......................117
           7.16.3. Usage Example ....................................118
      7.17. The "augment" Statement .................................119
           7.17.1. The augment's Substatements ......................121
           7.17.2. XML Encoding Rules ...............................121
           7.17.3. Usage Example ....................................122
      7.18. The "identity" Statement ................................124
           7.18.1. The identity's Substatements .....................124
           7.18.2. The "base" Statement .............................124
           7.18.3. Usage Example ....................................125
      7.19. The "extension" Statement ...............................126
           7.19.1. The extension's Substatements ....................126
           7.19.2. The "argument" Statement .........................127
           7.19.3. Usage Example ....................................127
      7.20. Conformance-Related Statements ..........................128
           7.20.1. The "feature" Statement ..........................128
           7.20.2. The "if-feature" Statement .......................130
           7.20.3. The "deviation" Statement ........................131
      7.21. Common Statements .......................................134
           7.21.1. The "config" Statement ...........................134
           7.21.2. The "status" Statement ...........................135
           7.21.3. The "description" Statement ......................136
           7.21.4. The "reference" Statement ........................136
           7.21.5. The "when" Statement .............................136
   8. Constraints ...................................................138
      8.1. Constraints on Data ......................................138
      8.2. Configuration Data Modifications .........................139
      8.3. NETCONF Constraint Enforcement Model .....................139
           8.3.1. Payload Parsing ...................................139
           8.3.2. NETCONF <edit-config> Processing ..................140
           8.3.3. Validation ........................................141
   9. Built-In Types ................................................141
      9.1. Canonical Representation .................................141
      9.2. The Integer Built-In Types ...............................142
           9.2.1. Lexical Representation ............................142
           9.2.2. Canonical Form ....................................143
           9.2.3. Restrictions ......................................143
           9.2.4. The "range" Statement .............................143
           9.2.5. Usage Example .....................................144
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      9.3. The decimal64 Built-In Type ..............................144
           9.3.1. Lexical Representation ............................145
           9.3.2. Canonical Form ....................................145
           9.3.3. Restrictions ......................................145
           9.3.4. The "fraction-digits" Statement ...................145
           9.3.5. Usage Example .....................................146
      9.4. The string Built-In Type .................................146
           9.4.1. Lexical Representation ............................146
           9.4.2. Canonical Form ....................................147
           9.4.3. Restrictions ......................................147
           9.4.4. The "length" Statement ............................147
           9.4.5. The "pattern" Statement ...........................148
           9.4.6. The "modifier" Statement ..........................148
           9.4.7. Usage Example .....................................149
      9.5. The boolean Built-In Type ................................150
           9.5.1. Lexical Representation ............................150
           9.5.2. Canonical Form ....................................150
           9.5.3. Restrictions ......................................150
      9.6. The enumeration Built-In Type ............................150
           9.6.1. Lexical Representation ............................150
           9.6.2. Canonical Form ....................................151
           9.6.3. Restrictions ......................................151
           9.6.4. The "enum" Statement ..............................151
           9.6.5. Usage Example .....................................152
      9.7. The bits Built-In Type ...................................154
           9.7.1. Restrictions ......................................154
           9.7.2. Lexical Representation ............................154
           9.7.3. Canonical Form ....................................154
           9.7.4. The "bit" Statement ...............................155
           9.7.5. Usage Example .....................................156
      9.8. The binary Built-In Type .................................157
           9.8.1. Restrictions ......................................157
           9.8.2. Lexical Representation ............................157
           9.8.3. Canonical Form ....................................157
      9.9. The leafref Built-In Type ................................157
           9.9.1. Restrictions ......................................158
           9.9.2. The "path" Statement ..............................158
           9.9.3. The "require-instance" Statement ..................159
           9.9.4. Lexical Representation ............................159
           9.9.5. Canonical Form ....................................159
           9.9.6. Usage Example .....................................159
      9.10. The identityref Built-In Type ...........................163
           9.10.1. Restrictions .....................................163
           9.10.2. The identityref's "base" Statement ...............163
           9.10.3. Lexical Representation ...........................163
           9.10.4. Canonical Form ...................................164
           9.10.5. Usage Example ....................................164
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      9.11. The empty Built-In Type .................................165
           9.11.1. Restrictions .....................................165
           9.11.2. Lexical Representation ...........................165
           9.11.3. Canonical Form ...................................165
           9.11.4. Usage Example ....................................166
      9.12. The union Built-In Type .................................166
           9.12.1. Restrictions .....................................166
           9.12.2. Lexical Representation ...........................166
           9.12.3. Canonical Form ...................................167
           9.12.4. Usage Example ....................................167
      9.13. The instance-identifier Built-In Type ...................168
           9.13.1. Restrictions .....................................168
           9.13.2. Lexical Representation ...........................169
           9.13.3. Canonical Form ...................................169
           9.13.4. Usage Example ....................................169
   10. XPath Functions ..............................................170
      10.1. Function for Node Sets ..................................170
           10.1.1. current() ........................................170
      10.2. Function for Strings ....................................170
           10.2.1. re-match() .......................................170
      10.3. Function for the YANG Types "leafref" and
            "instance-identifier" ...................................171
           10.3.1. deref() ..........................................171
      10.4. Functions for the YANG Type "identityref" ...............172
           10.4.1. derived-from() ...................................172
           10.4.2. derived-from-or-self() ...........................174
      10.5. Function for the YANG Type "enumeration" ................174
           10.5.1. enum-value() .....................................174
      10.6. Function for the YANG Type "bits" .......................175
           10.6.1. bit-is-set() .....................................175
   11. Updating a Module ............................................176
   12. Coexistence with YANG Version 1 ..............................179
   13. YIN ..........................................................179
      13.1. Formal YIN Definition ...................................180
           13.1.1. Usage Example ....................................182
   14. YANG ABNF Grammar ............................................184
   15. NETCONF Error Responses for YANG-Related Errors ..............211
      15.1. Error Message for Data That Violates a "unique"
            Statement ...............................................211
      15.2. Error Message for Data That Violates a
            "max-elements" Statement ................................211
      15.3. Error Message for Data That Violates a
            "min-elements" Statement ................................211
      15.4. Error Message for Data That Violates a "must"
            Statement ...............................................212
      15.5. Error Message for Data That Violates a
            "require-instance" Statement ............................212
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      15.6. Error Message for Data That Violates a Mandatory
            "choice" Statement ......................................212
      15.7. Error Message for the "insert" Operation ................212
   16. IANA Considerations ..........................................213
   17. Security Considerations ......................................213
   18. References ...................................................214
      18.1. Normative References ....................................214
      18.2. Informative References ..................................215
   Acknowledgements .................................................217
   Contributors .....................................................217
   Author's Address .................................................217

1. Introduction

YANG is a data modeling language originally designed to model configuration and state data manipulated by the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF), NETCONF Remote Procedure Calls, and NETCONF notifications [RFC6241]. Since the publication of YANG version 1 [RFC6020], YANG has been used or proposed to be used for other protocols (e.g., RESTCONF [RESTCONF] and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Management Interface (CoMI) [CoMI]). Further, encodings other than XML have been proposed (e.g., JSON [RFC7951]). This document describes the syntax and semantics of version 1.1 of the YANG language. It also describes how a data model defined in a YANG module is encoded in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) [XML] and how NETCONF operations are used to manipulate the data. Other protocols and encodings are possible but are out of scope for this specification. In terms of developing YANG data models, [YANG-Guidelines] provides some guidelines and recommendations. Note that this document does not obsolete RFC 6020 [RFC6020].
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1.1. Summary of Changes from RFC 6020

This document defines version 1.1 of the YANG language. YANG version 1.1 is a maintenance release of the YANG language, addressing ambiguities and defects in the original specification [RFC6020]. The following changes are not backward compatible with YANG version 1: o Changed the rules for the interpretation of escaped characters in double-quoted strings. This is a backward-incompatible change from YANG version 1. When updating a YANG version 1 module to 1.1 and the module uses a character sequence that is now illegal, the string must be changed to match the new rules. See Section 6.1.3 for details. o An unquoted string cannot contain any single or double quote characters. This is a backward-incompatible change from YANG version 1. When updating a YANG version 1 module to 1.1 and the module uses such quote characters, the string must be changed to match the new rules. See Section 6.1.3 for details. o Made "when" and "if-feature" illegal on list keys. This is a backward-incompatible change from YANG version 1. When updating a YANG version 1 module to 1.1 and the module uses these constructs, they must be removed to match the new rules. o Defined the legal characters in YANG modules. When updating a YANG version 1 module to 1.1, any characters that are now illegal must be removed. See Section 6 for details. o Made noncharacters illegal in the built-in type "string". This change affects the runtime behavior of YANG-based protocols. The following additional changes have been done to YANG: o Changed the YANG version from "1" to "1.1". o Made the "yang-version" statement mandatory in YANG version "1.1". o Extended the "if-feature" syntax to be a boolean expression over feature names. o Allow "if-feature" in "bit", "enum", and "identity". o Allow "if-feature" in "refine".
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   o  Allow "choice" as a shorthand "case" statement (see
      Section 7.9.2).

   o  Added a new substatement "modifier" to the "pattern" statement
      (see Section 9.4.6).

   o  Allow "must" in "input", "output", and "notification".

   o  Allow "require-instance" in leafref.

   o  Allow "description" and "reference" in "import" and "include".

   o  Allow imports of multiple revisions of a module.

   o  Allow "augment" to add conditionally mandatory nodes (see
      Section 7.17).

   o  Added a set of new XML Path Language (XPath) functions in
      Section 10.

   o  Clarified the XPath context's tree in Section 6.4.1.

   o  Defined the string value of an identityref in XPath expressions
      (see Section 9.10).

   o  Clarified what unprefixed names mean in leafrefs in typedefs (see
      Sections 6.4.1 and 9.9.2).

   o  Allow identities to be derived from multiple base identities (see
      Sections 7.18 and 9.10).

   o  Allow enumerations and bits to be subtyped (see Sections 9.6
      and 9.7).

   o  Allow leaf-lists to have default values (see Section 7.7.2).

   o  Allow non-unique values in non-configuration leaf-lists (see
      Section 7.7).

   o  Use syntax for case-sensitive strings (as per [RFC7405]) in the

   o  Changed the module advertisement mechanism (see Section 5.6.4).

   o  Changed the scoping rules for definitions in submodules.  A
      submodule can now reference all definitions in all submodules that
      belong to the same module, without using the "include" statement.
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   o  Added a new statement "action", which is used to define operations
      tied to data nodes.

   o  Allow notifications to be tied to data nodes.

   o  Added a new data definition statement "anydata" (see
      Section 7.10), which is RECOMMENDED to be used instead of "anyxml"
      when the data can be modeled in YANG.

   o  Allow types "empty" and "leafref" in unions.

   o  Allow type "empty" in a key.

   o  Removed the restriction that identifiers could not start with the
      characters "xml".

   The following changes have been done to the NETCONF mapping:

   o  A server advertises support for YANG 1.1 modules by using
      ietf-yang-library [RFC7895] instead of listing them as
      capabilities in the <hello> message.

2. Key Words

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119].

3. Terminology

The following terms are used within this document: o action: An operation defined for a node in the data tree. o anydata: A data node that can contain an unknown set of nodes that can be modeled by YANG, except anyxml. o anyxml: A data node that can contain an unknown chunk of XML data. o augment: Adds new schema nodes to a previously defined schema node. o base type: The type from which a derived type was derived, which may be either a built-in type or another derived type. o built-in type: A YANG data type defined in the YANG language, such as uint32 or string.
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   o  choice: A schema node where only one of a number of identified
      alternatives is valid.

   o  client: An entity that can access YANG-defined data on a server,
      over some network management protocol.

   o  conformance: A measure of how accurately a server follows a data

   o  container: An interior data node that exists in at most one
      instance in the data tree.  A container has no value, but rather a
      set of child nodes.

   o  data definition statement: A statement that defines new data
      nodes.  One of "container", "leaf", "leaf-list", "list", "choice",
      "case", "augment", "uses", "anydata", and "anyxml".

   o  data model: A data model describes how data is represented and

   o  data node: A node in the schema tree that can be instantiated in a
      data tree.  One of container, leaf, leaf-list, list, anydata, and

   o  data tree: An instantiated tree of any data modeled with YANG,
      e.g., configuration data, state data, combined configuration and
      state data, RPC or action input, RPC or action output, or

   o  derived type: A type that is derived from a built-in type (such as
      uint32) or another derived type.

   o  extension: An extension attaches non-YANG semantics to statements.
      The "extension" statement defines new statements to express these

   o  feature: A mechanism for marking a portion of the model as
      optional.  Definitions can be tagged with a feature name and are
      only valid on servers that support that feature.

   o  grouping: A reusable set of schema nodes, which may be used
      locally in the module and by other modules that import from it.
      The "grouping" statement is not a data definition statement and,
      as such, does not define any nodes in the schema tree.

   o  identifier: A string used to identify different kinds of YANG
      items by name.
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   o  identity: A globally unique, abstract, and untyped name.

   o  instance identifier: A mechanism for identifying a particular node
      in a data tree.

   o  interior node: Nodes within a hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.

   o  leaf: A data node that exists in at most one instance in the data
      tree.  A leaf has a value but no child nodes.

   o  leaf-list: Like the leaf node but defines a set of uniquely
      identifiable nodes rather than a single node.  Each node has a
      value but no child nodes.

   o  list: An interior data node that may exist in multiple instances
      in the data tree.  A list has no value, but rather a set of child

   o  mandatory node: A mandatory node is one of:

      *  A leaf, choice, anydata, or anyxml node with a "mandatory"
         statement with the value "true".

      *  A list or leaf-list node with a "min-elements" statement with a
         value greater than zero.

      *  A container node without a "presence" statement and that has at
         least one mandatory node as a child.

   o  module: A YANG module defines hierarchies of schema nodes.  With
      its definitions and the definitions it imports or includes from
      elsewhere, a module is self-contained and "compilable".

   o  non-presence container: A container that has no meaning of its
      own, existing only to contain child nodes.

   o  presence container: A container where the presence of the
      container itself carries some meaning.

   o  RPC: A Remote Procedure Call.

   o  RPC operation: A specific Remote Procedure Call.

   o  schema node: A node in the schema tree.  One of action, container,
      leaf, leaf-list, list, choice, case, rpc, input, output,
      notification, anydata, and anyxml.
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   o  schema node identifier: A mechanism for identifying a particular
      node in the schema tree.

   o  schema tree: The definition hierarchy specified within a module.

   o  server: An entity that provides access to YANG-defined data to a
      client, over some network management protocol.

   o  server deviation: A failure of the server to implement a module

   o  submodule: A partial module definition that contributes derived
      types, groupings, data nodes, RPCs, actions, and notifications to
      a module.  A YANG module can be constructed from a number of

   o  top-level data node: A data node where there is no other data node
      between it and a "module" or "submodule" statement.

   o  uses: The "uses" statement is used to instantiate the set of
      schema nodes defined in a "grouping" statement.  The instantiated
      nodes may be refined and augmented to tailor them to any specific

   o  value space: For a data type; the set of values permitted by the
      data type.  For a leaf or leaf-list instance; the value space of
      its data type.

   The following terms are defined in [RFC6241]:

   o  configuration data

   o  configuration datastore

   o  datastore

   o  state data

   When modeled with YANG, a datastore is realized as an instantiated
   data tree.

   When modeled with YANG, a configuration datastore is realized as an
   instantiated data tree with configuration data.
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3.1. A Note on Examples

Throughout this document, there are many examples of YANG statements. These examples are supposed to illustrate certain features and are not supposed to be complete, valid YANG modules.

(page 16 continued on part 2)

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