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RFC 5912

New ASN.1 Modules for the Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)

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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        P. Hoffman
Request for Comments: 5912                                VPN Consortium
Category: Informational                                        J. Schaad
ISSN: 2070-1721                                  Soaring Hawk Consulting
                                                               June 2010

 New ASN.1 Modules for the Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)


The Public Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX) certificate format, and many associated formats, are expressed using ASN.1. The current ASN.1 modules conform to the 1988 version of ASN.1. This document updates those ASN.1 modules to conform to the 2002 version of ASN.1. There are no bits-on-the-wire changes to any of the formats; this is simply a change to the syntax. Status of This Memo This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes. This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Not all documents approved by the IESG are a candidate for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 5741. Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2010 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
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   than English.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1. Design Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. ASN.1 Module PKIX-CommonTypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. ASN.1 Module AlgorithmInformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. ASN.1 Module for RFC 2560 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5. ASN.1 Module for RFC 2986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6. ASN.1 Module for RFC 3279 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7. ASN.1 Module for RFC 3852 (Attribute Certificate v1) . . . . 34 8. ASN.1 Module for RFC 4055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9. ASN.1 Module for RFC 4210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 10. ASN.1 Module for RFC 4211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 11. ASN.1 Module for RFC 5055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 12. ASN.1 Module for RFC 5272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 13. ASN.1 Module for RFC 5755 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 14. ASN.1 Module for RFC 5280, Explicit and Implicit . . . . . . 91 15. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 16. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
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1. Introduction

Some developers would like the IETF to use the latest version of ASN.1 in its standards. Most of the RFCs that relate to security protocols still use ASN.1 from the 1988 standard, which has been deprecated. This is particularly true for the standards that relate to PKIX, Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), and S/MIME. This document updates the following RFCs to use ASN.1 modules that conform to the 2002 version of ASN.1 [ASN1-2002]. Note that not all the modules are updated; some are included to simply make the set complete. o RFC 2560, PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) [RFC2560] o RFC 2986, PKCS #10 certificate request [RFC2986] o RFC 3279, PKIX algorithms and identifier [RFC3279] o RFC 3852, contains PKIX attribute certificates, version 1 [RFC3852] o RFC 4055, Additional Algorithms and Identifiers for RSA Cryptography [RFC4055] o RFC 4210, PKIX CMP (Certificate Management Protocol) [RFC4210] o RFC 4211, PKIX CRMF (Certificate Request Message Format) [RFC4211] o RFC 5055, PKIX SCVP (Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol) [RFC5055] o RFC 5272, Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) [RFC5272] o RFC 5280, PKIX certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) profile [RFC5280] (both the implicit and explicit modules) o RFC 5755, PKIX attribute certificates, version 2 [RFC5755] Note that some of the modules in this document get some of their definitions from places different than the modules in the original RFCs. The idea is that these modules, when combined with the modules in [RFC5911] can stand on their own and do not need to import definitions from anywhere else. Also note that the ASN.1 modules in this document have references in their text comments that need to be looked up in original RFCs, and that some of those references may have already been superseded by later RFCs.
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   The document also includes a module of common definitions called
   "PKIX-CommonTypes".  These definitions are used here and in

   The document also includes a module of common definitions called
   "AlgorithmInformation".  These definitions are used here and in

1.1. Design Notes

The modules in this document use the object model available in the 2002 ASN.1 documents to a great extent. Objects for each of the different algorithm types are defined. Also, all of the places where the 1988 ASN.1 syntax had ANY holes to allow for variable syntax now use objects. Much like the way that the PKIX and S/MIME working groups use the prefix of id- for object identifiers, this document has also adopted a set of two-, three-, and four-letter prefixes to allow for quick identification of the type of an object based on its name. This allows, for example, the same back half of the name to be used for the different objects. Thus, "id-sha1" is the object identifier, while "mda-sha1" is the message digest object for "sha1". One or more object sets for the different types of algorithms are defined. A single consistent name for each different algorithm type is used. For example, an object set named PublicKeys contains the public keys defined in that module. If no public keys are defined, then the object set is not created. When importing these object sets into an ASN.1 module, one needs to be able to distinguish between the different object sets with the same name. This is done by using both the module name (as specified in the IMPORT statement) and the object set name. For example, in the module for RFC 5280: PublicKeys FROM PKIXAlgs-2008 { 1 3 6 1 5 5 7 0 995 } PublicKeys FROM PKIX1-PSS-OAEP-Algorithms { 1 3 6 1 5 5 7 33 } PublicKeyAlgorithms PUBLIC-KEY ::= { PKIXAlgs-2008.PublicKeys, ..., PKIX1-PSS-OAEP-Algorithms.PublicKeys }
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2. ASN.1 Module PKIX-CommonTypes

This section contains a module that is imported by many other modules in this document and in [RFC5911]. This module does not come from any existing RFC. PKIX-CommonTypes-2009 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-pkixCommon-02(57)} DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ATTRIBUTE -- -- Describe the set of data associated with an attribute of some type -- -- &id is an OID identifying the attribute -- &Type is the ASN.1 type structure for the attribute; not all -- attributes have a data structure, so this field is optional -- &minCount contains the minimum number of times the attribute can -- occur in an AttributeSet -- &maxCount contains the maximum number of times the attribute can -- appear in an AttributeSet -- Note: this cannot be automatically enforced as the field -- cannot be defaulted to MAX. -- &equality-match contains information about how matching should be -- done -- -- Currently we are using two different prefixes for attributes. -- -- at- for certificate attributes -- aa- for CMS attributes -- ATTRIBUTE ::= CLASS { &id OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE, &Type OPTIONAL, &equality-match MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL, &minCount INTEGER DEFAULT 1, &maxCount INTEGER OPTIONAL } WITH SYNTAX { [TYPE &Type] [EQUALITY MATCHING RULE &equality-match] [COUNTS [MIN &minCount] [MAX &maxCount]] IDENTIFIED BY &id }
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  -- Specification of MATCHING-RULE information object class

    &ParentMatchingRules   MATCHING-RULE OPTIONAL,
    &AssertionType         OPTIONAL,
    &uniqueMatchIndicator  ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL,
    &id                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE
    [PARENT &ParentMatchingRules]
    [SYNTAX &AssertionType]
    [UNIQUE-MATCH-INDICATOR &uniqueMatchIndicator]
    ID &id

  --  AttributeSet
  --  Used when a set of attributes is to occur.
  --  type contains the identifier of the attribute
  --  values contains a set of values where the structure of the ASN.1
  --      is defined by the attribute
  --  The parameter contains the set of objects describing
  --      those attributes that can occur in this location.

  AttributeSet{ATTRIBUTE:AttrSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
      type      ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttrSet}),
      values    SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF ATTRIBUTE.

  --  SingleAttribute
  --  Used for a single valued attribute
  --  The parameter contains the set of objects describing the
  --      attributes that can occur in this location

  SingleAttribute{ATTRIBUTE:AttrSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
      type      ATTRIBUTE.&id({AttrSet}),
      value     ATTRIBUTE.&Type({AttrSet}{@type})

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  --  This class definition is used to describe the association of
  --      object identifier and ASN.1 type structure for extensions
  --  All extensions are prefixed with ext-
  --  &id contains the object identifier for the extension
  --  &ExtnType specifies the ASN.1 type structure for the extension
  --  &Critical contains the set of legal values for the critical field.
  --      This is normally {TRUE|FALSE} but in some instances may be
  --      restricted to just one of these values.

      &Critical    BOOLEAN DEFAULT {TRUE | FALSE }
      SYNTAX &ExtnType IDENTIFIED BY &id
      [CRITICALITY &Critical]

  --  Extensions
  --  Used for a sequence of extensions.
  --  The parameter contains the set of legal extensions that can
  --  occur in this sequence.

  Extensions{EXTENSION:ExtensionSet} ::=
      SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF Extension{{ExtensionSet}}

  --  Extension
  --  Used for a single extension
  --  The parameter contains the set of legal extensions that can
  --      occur in this extension.
  --  The restriction on the critical field has been commented out
  --  the authors are not completely sure it is correct.
  --  The restriction could be done using custom code rather than
  --  compiler-generated code, however.

  Extension{EXTENSION:ExtensionSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
      extnID      EXTENSION.&id({ExtensionSet}),
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      critical    BOOLEAN
  --                     (EXTENSION.&Critical({ExtensionSet}{@extnID}))
                       DEFAULT FALSE,
                  --  contains the DER encoding of the ASN.1 value
                  --  corresponding to the extension type identified
                  --  by extnID

  --  Security Category
  --  Security categories are used both for specifying clearances and
  --  for labeling objects.  We move this here from RFC 3281 so that
  --  they will use a common single object class to express this
  --  information.


  SecurityCategory{SECURITY-CATEGORY:Supported} ::= SEQUENCE {
      type      [0]  IMPLICIT SECURITY-CATEGORY.
      value     [1]  EXPLICIT SECURITY-CATEGORY.


3. ASN.1 Module AlgorithmInformation

This section contains a module that is imported by many other modules in this document. Note that this module is also given in [RFC5911]. This module does not come from any existing RFC. AlgorithmInformation-2009 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-algorithmInformation-02(58)} DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS ALL; IMPORTS KeyUsage FROM PKIX1Implicit-2009 {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
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    security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
    id-mod-pkix1-implicit-02(59)} ;

--  Suggested prefixes for algorithm objects are:
--  mda-   Message Digest Algorithms
--  sa-    Signature Algorithms
--  kta-   Key Transport Algorithms (Asymmetric)
--  kaa-   Key Agreement Algorithms  (Asymmetric)
--  kwa-   Key Wrap Algorithms (Symmetric)
--  kda-   Key Derivation Algorithms
--  maca-  Message Authentication Code Algorithms
--  pk-    Public Key
--  cea-   Content (symmetric) Encryption Algorithms
--  cap-   S/MIME Capabilities

ParamOptions ::= ENUMERATED {
   required,         -- Parameters MUST be encoded in structure
   preferredPresent, -- Parameters SHOULD be encoded in structure
   preferredAbsent,  -- Parameters SHOULD NOT be encoded in structure
   absent,           -- Parameters MUST NOT be encoded in structure
   inheritable,      -- Parameters are inherited if not present
   optional,         -- Parameters MAY be encoded in the structure

--  Describes the basic information for ASN.1 and a digest
--      algorithm.
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the digest algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  Additional information such as the length of the hash could have
--      been encoded.  Without a clear understanding of what information
--      is needed by applications, such extraneous information was not
--      considered to be of sufficent importance.
--  Example:
--  mda-sha1 DIGEST-ALGORITHM ::= {
--      IDENTIFIER id-sha1
--      PARAMS TYPE NULL ARE preferredAbsent
--  }

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    &id                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params             OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence      ParamOptions DEFAULT absent
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence ]

--  Describes the basic properties of a signature algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the signature algorithm
--  &Value - contains a type definition for the value structure of
--              the signature; if absent, implies that no ASN.1
--              encoding is performed on the value
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &HashSet - The set of hash algorithms used with this
--                  signature algorithm
--  &PublicKeySet - the set of public key algorithms for this
--                  signature algorithm
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--     PARAMS TYPE RSASSA-PSS-params ARE required
--     HASHES { mda-sha1 | mda-md5, ... }
--     PUBLIC-KEYS { pk-rsa | pk-rsa-pss }
-- }

    &id             OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Value          OPTIONAL,
    &Params         OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence  ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &PublicKeySet   PUBLIC-KEY OPTIONAL,
    &smimeCaps      SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [VALUE &Value]
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence ]
    [HASHES &HashSet]
    [PUBLIC-KEYS &PublicKeySet]
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    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

--  Describes the basic properties of a public key
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the public key
--  &KeyValue - contains the type for the key value
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &keyUsage - contains the set of bits that are legal for this
--              key type.  Note that is does not make any statement
--              about how bits may be paired.
--  &PrivateKey - contains a type structure for encoding the private
--              key information.
--  Example:
--  pk-rsa-pss PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
--      KEY RSAPublicKey
--      PARAMS TYPE RSASSA-PSS-params ARE optional
--      CERT-KEY-USAGE { .... }
--  }

    &id             OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &KeyValue       OPTIONAL,
    &Params         OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence  ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &keyUsage       KeyUsage OPTIONAL,
    &PrivateKey     OPTIONAL
    [KEY &KeyValue]
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [CERT-KEY-USAGE &keyUsage]
    [PRIVATE-KEY &PrivateKey]

--  Describes the basic properties of a key transport algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the key transport algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
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--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &PublicKeySet - specifies which public keys are used with
--                       this algorithm
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--  kta-rsaTransport KEY-TRANSPORT ::= {
--      IDENTIFIER &id
--      PARAMS TYPE NULL ARE required
--      PUBLIC-KEYS  { pk-rsa | pk-rsa-pss }
--  }

    &id                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params             OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence      ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &PublicKeySet       PUBLIC-KEY OPTIONAL,
    &smimeCaps          SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [PUBLIC-KEYS &PublicKeySet]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

--  Describes the basic properties of a key agreement algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the key agreement algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &PublicKeySet - specifies which public keys are used with
--                        this algorithm
--  &Ukm - type of user keying material used
--  &ukmPresence - specifies the requirements to define the UKM field
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--  kaa-dh-static-ephemeral KEY-AGREE ::= {
--      IDENTIFIER id-alg-ESDH
--      PARAMS TYPE KeyWrapAlgorithm ARE required
--      PUBLIC-KEYS {
--         {IDENTIFIER dh-public-number KEY DHPublicKey
--            PARAMS TYPE DHDomainParameters ARE inheritable }
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--      }
--      - - UKM should be present but is not separately ASN.1-encoded
--      UKM ARE preferredPresent
--  }

    &id             OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params         OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence  ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &PublicKeySet   PUBLIC-KEY OPTIONAL,
    &Ukm            OPTIONAL,
    &ukmPresence    ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &smimeCaps      SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [PUBLIC-KEYS &PublicKeySet]
    [UKM [TYPE &Ukm] ARE &ukmPresence]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

--  Describes the basic properties of a key wrap algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the key wrap algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--  kwa-cms3DESwrap KEY-WRAP ::= {
--      IDENTIFIER id-alg-CMS3DESwrap
--      PARAMS TYPE NULL ARE required
--  }

    &id                OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params            OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence     ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &smimeCaps         SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]
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--  Describes the basic properties of a key derivation algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the key derivation algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--  kda-pbkdf2 KEY-DERIVATION ::= {
--      PARAMS TYPE PBKDF2-params ARE required
--  }

    &id                OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params            OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence     ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &smimeCaps         SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

--  Describes the basic properties of a message
--      authentication code (MAC) algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the MAC algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &keyed - MAC algorithm is a keyed MAC algorithm
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Some parameters that perhaps should have been added would be
--  fields with the minimum and maximum MAC lengths for
--  those MAC algorithms that allow truncations.
--  Example:
--  maca-hmac-sha1 MAC-ALGORITHM ::= {
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--      PARAMS TYPE NULL ARE preferredAbsent
--  }

    &id                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params             OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence      ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &keyed              BOOLEAN,
    &smimeCaps          SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    IS-KEYED-MAC &keyed
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

--  Describes the basic properties of a content encryption
--      algorithm
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the content
--        encryption algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  Example:
--  cea-3DES-cbc CONTENT-ENCRYPTION ::= {
--      IDENTIFIER des-ede3-cbc
--      PARAMS TYPE IV ARE required
--      SMIME-CAPS { IDENTIFIED BY des-ede3-cbc }
--  }

    &id                OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
    &Params            OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence     ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &smimeCaps         SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]
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-- Describes a generic algorithm identifier
--  &id - contains the OID identifying the algorithm
--  &Params - if present, contains the type for the algorithm
--               parameters; if absent, implies no parameters
--  &paramPresence - parameter presence requirement
--  &smimeCaps - contains the object describing how the S/MIME
--              capabilities are presented.
--  This would be used for cases where an algorithm of an unknown
--  type is used.  In general however, one should either define
--  a more complete algorithm structure (such as the one above)
--  or use the TYPE-IDENTIFIER class.

    &Params      OPTIONAL,
    &paramPresence ParamOptions DEFAULT absent,
    &smimeCaps   SMIME-CAPS OPTIONAL
    [PARAMS [TYPE &Params] ARE &paramPresence]
    [SMIME-CAPS &smimeCaps]

-- AlgorithmIdentifier
-- Provides the generic structure that is used to encode algorithm
--    identification and the parameters associated with the
--    algorithm.
-- The first parameter represents the type of the algorithm being
--    used.
-- The second parameter represents an object set containing the
--    algorithms that may occur in this situation.
--    The initial list of required algorithms should occur to the
--      left of an extension marker; all other algorithms should
--      occur to the right of an extension marker.
-- The object class ALGORITHM can be used for generic unspecified
--     items.
-- If new ALGORITHM classes are defined, the fields &id and &Params
--     need to be present as fields in the object in order to use
--     this parameterized type.
-- Example:
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--    SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier ::=
--       AlgorithmIdentifier{SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM, {SignatureAlgSet}}

AlgorithmIdentifier{ALGORITHM-TYPE, ALGORITHM-TYPE:AlgorithmSet} ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            algorithm   ALGORITHM-TYPE.&id({AlgorithmSet}),
            parameters  ALGORITHM-TYPE.
                   &Params({AlgorithmSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL

--  S/MIME Capabilities
--  We have moved the SMIME-CAPS from the module for RFC 3851 to here
--  because it is used in RFC 4262 (X.509 Certificate Extension for
--  S/MIME Capabilities)
--  This class is used to represent an S/MIME capability.  S/MIME
--  capabilities are used to represent what algorithm capabilities
--  an individual has.  The classic example was the content encryption
--  algorithm RC2 where the algorithm id and the RC2 key lengths
--  supported needed to be advertised, but the IV used is not fixed.
--  Thus, for RC2 we used
--  cap-RC2CBC SMIME-CAPS ::= {
--      TYPE INTEGER ( 40 | 128 ) IDENTIFIED BY rc2-cbc }
--  where 40 and 128 represent the RC2 key length in number of bits.
--  Another example where information needs to be shown is for
--  RSA-OAEP where only specific hash functions or mask generation
--  functions are supported, but the saltLength is specified by the
--  sender and not the recipient.  In this case, one can either
--  generate a number of capability items,
--  or a new S/MIME capability type could be generated where
--  multiple hash functions could be specified.
--  This class is used to associate the type that describes the
--  capabilities with the object identifier.

    &Type       OPTIONAL
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--  Generic type - this is used for defining values.

--  Define a single S/MIME capability encoding

SMIMECapability{SMIME-CAPS:CapabilitySet} ::= SEQUENCE {
    capabilityID        SMIME-CAPS.&id({CapabilitySet}),
    parameters          SMIME-CAPS.&Type({CapabilitySet}
                            {@capabilityID}) OPTIONAL

--  Define a sequence of S/MIME capability values

SMIMECapabilities { SMIME-CAPS:CapabilitySet } ::=
        SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF SMIMECapability{{CapabilitySet} }


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