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RFC 2051

Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC using SMIv2

Pages: 124
Proposed Standard
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Top   ToC   RFC2051 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                          M. Allen
Request for Comments: 2051                               Wall Data Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                   B. Clouston
                                                         Z. Kielczewski
                                                          Cisco Systems
                                                                W. Kwan
                                                Jupiter Technology Inc.
                                                               B. Moore
                                                           October 1996

          Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC using SMIv2

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Table of Contents

   1.     Introduction  ...........................................    1
   2.     The SNMP Network Management Framework  ..................    1
   3.     Overview  ...............................................    2
   3.1    APPC MIB structure ......................................    4
   4.     Definitions  ............................................   10
   5.     Acknowledgments  ........................................  123
   6.     References  .............................................  123
   7.     Security Considerations  ................................  123
   8.     Authors' Addresses  .....................................  124

1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it defines objects for managing the configuration,
   monitoring and controlling of network devices with APPC (Advanced
   Program-to-Program Communications) capabilities.  This memo
   identifies managed objects for the SNA LU6.2 protocols.

2.  The SNMP Network Management Framework

   The SNMP Network Management Framework consists of several components.
   For the purpose of this specification, the applicable components of
   the Framework are the SMI and related documents [2, 3, 4], which
   define the mechanisms used for describing and naming objects for the
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   purpose of management.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

3.  Overview

   This document identifies the proposed set of objects for managing the
   configuration, monitoring and controlling devices with APPC
   capabilities.  APPC is the aspect of SNA which supports peer-to-peer
   communication, and provides the interface for applications to
   communicate.  In this document, we will describe LU6.2 protocol-
   specific managed objects.

   This document describes both dependent and independent LU 6.2

   A dependent LU requires assistance from an SSCP in order to activate
   an LU 6.2 session.  An independent LU is able to activate an LU 6.2
   session without assistance from the SSCP.  If the agent supports
   dependent LU 6.2 only, the SNA NAU MIB, RFC 1666 [7] is used instead
   to represent those objects.

   Local LUs and partner LUs connect with each other using sessions.
   Multiple different sessions can be established between LUs with
   characteristics defined by Modes.  Session limits within a defined
   Mode are negotiated between the local and partner LUs using a
   protocol called CNOS (Change Number of Sessions).

   Transaction Programs (TPs) are applications that use sessions to
   communicate with each other.  Multiple TPs can use the same session,
   but not at the same time. A single usage of a session is called a
   conversation. While a session can stay active for a long time, a
   conversation can come up and down based on usage by the TPs.

   Common Programming Interface - Communications (CPI-C) is a standard
   API (Application Programming Interface) for APPC and OSI TP that is
   used by TPs for accessing conversations. Although, many of the CPI-C
   objects in this MIB are relevant to both APPC and OSI TP, the
   intention is for managing APPC products only.

   SNA names such as LU names, CP names, mode names, and COS names can
   be padded with space characters in SNA formats.  These space
   characters are insignificant.  For example, in a BIND RU a mode name
   of "#INTER" with a length of 6 is identical to a mode name of "#INTER
   " with a length of 8.  However, in this MIB, insignificant space
   characters are not included by the agent. Using the mode name from
   the previous example, an agent would return a length of 6 and the
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   string "#INTER" with no space characters for appcModeAdminModeName,
   regardless of how it appears in the BIND RU or in internal storage.
   The lone exception is the all blank mode name, for which the agent
   returns a length of 8 and the string " " (8 space characterss).

   When an SNA name is functioning as a table index, an agent shall
   treat trailing space characters as significant.  If a Management
   Station requests the objects from a row with index "#INTER  ", the
   agent does not match this to the row with index "#INTER".  Since an
   agent has no insignificant space characters in any of its table
   indices, the only reason for a Management Station to include them
   would be to start GetNext processing at a chosen point in a table.
   For example, a GetNext request with index "M       " would start
   retrieval from a table at the first row with an 8-character index
   beginning with M or a letter after M.

   The SNA/APPC terms and overall architecture are documented in [1],
   [5], and [6].

   Highlights of the management functions supported by the APPC MIB
   module include the following:

   o    Activating and deactivating statistics keeping and counting.

   o    Activating and deactivating tracing.

   o    Issuing CNOS processing verbs/commands for

   o    Monitoring of parameters related to local LU, partner LU, modes,
        TPs and CPI-C side information.

   o    Deactivating sessions.

   o    Monitoring of LU6.2-specific session operational parameters and
        statistics, historical information about abnormally terminated
        sessions, and information about APPC sessions that are
        transported by APPN HPR.

   o    Monitoring of conversation operational parameters, and
        historical information about abnormally terminated sessions.
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   This MIB module does not support:

   o    Modifying APPC defaults.

   o    Creating and deleting partner LUs, modes, TPs, and CPI-C side
        information tables.

   o    Modifying parameters related to local LU, partner LU, modes,
        TPs, and CPI-C side information.

   o    Activating or deactivating local LUs.

   o    Activating or deactivating partner LUs.

   o    Activating or deactivating conversations.

   o    Activating or deactivating Transaction Programs.

   o    Activating sessions.

   o    Traps

3.1.  APPC MIB Structure

   The APPC MIB module contains six groups of objects:

   o    appcGlobal - objects related to global defaults and controls.
        In addition, CNOS processing objects are also part of this group.

   o    appcLu   - objects related to LU6.2-specific local and partner
        LU, mode definition, monitoring and control.

   o    appcTp  - objects related to transaction program definition,
        monitoring and control.

   o    appcSession  - objects related to LU6.2-specific session

   o    appcConversation  - objects related to conversation monitoring.

   o    appcCPIC  - objects related to related CPI-C side information.

   These groups are described below in more detail.

   The objects related to LU6.2 are generally organized into two types of
   tables: the Admin and Oper tables.
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   The "Admin" table contains read-only objects which contain default or
   expected configuration values. This MIB does not create or modify
   configuration values.  The "Oper" table contains objects which
   provide current operational values, such as state values or
   negotiated parameters, for dynamic or configured objects.  Dynamic
   objects are created by the APPC system using one of the templates
   provided in the "Admin" table.  Configured objects usually have a
   one-to-one relationship between "Admin" and "Oper" entries.  However,
   some "Admin" values may have changed since the object became
   operational, such that the "Oper" values may no longer be based on
   the "Admin" values.  The "Admin" entry could even be deleted.  For
   example, some implementations may allow a mode definition
   (appcModeAdminEntry) to be deleted even while an active session was
   using this mode (appcModeOperEntry still exists).  Where appropriate,
   the "Oper" table may include initial starting values for objects that
   can be reconfigured while operational.  How the "Admin" values are
   changed or deleted is outside the scope of this MIB.

3.1.1.  appcGlobal group

   The appcGlobal group consists of the following tables and objects:

   1) appcCntrlAdminGroup

   This group of objects controls whether certain statistics and
   counters (e.g., session counters and RSCV collection) should be
   maintained by the Agent.  In addition, the ability to activate and
   deactivate tracing is also supported through objects in this group.
   These objects are for Agent implementations that wish to provide this
   level of operational control and are optional.

   The objects in this group represent the desired state, with the
   actual operational values in appcCntlOperGroup.

   These objects can be generated initially, after startup of SNA
   service, by the Agent which uses information from the Node
   configuration file.  Subsequent modifications of object values is
   possible by a Management station.  The modifications to these objects
   can be saved in the Node configuration file for the next startup
   (i.e., restart or next initialization) of SNA service, but the
   mechanism for this function is not defined in this document.

   2) appcCntrlOperGroup

   This group of objects monitors whether certain statistics and
   counters (e.g., session counters and RSCV collection ) are maintained
   by an Agent.  In addition, the ability to monitor tracing activity is
   also supported through objects in this group.
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   This table represents the actual operational state. These states can
   be modified via objects in the appcCntrlAdminGroup.

   3) appcGlobalObjects

   These objects describe global information such as APPC system start
   time, the control point name, and default LU 6.2 configuration
   values.  The type of default configuration information includes mode
   name, LU, and maximum logical record size.

   4) appcCnosControl

   These objects allows for issuing of CNOS commands relative to a local
   and partner LU pair and a Mode.  They support the following CNOS

   The objects in this group can be modified by a Management Station.

   This group consists of objects that are relevant to the CNOS commands
   parameters, which a Management Station needs to set.  After setting
   the parameters of a CNOS command, the Management Station will set the
   control object (appcCnosCommand) to request the Agent to issue the
   appropriate CNOS command.

3.1.2.  appcLu group

   The appcLu group consists of the following tables:

   1) appcLluAdminTable

   This table contains objects which describe specific LU6.2 local LU
   configuration information.  The type of information includes the
   maximum number of sessions supported and compression parameters.

   2) appcLluOperTable

   This table contains objects which describe specific LU6.2 local LU
   operational information. The type of information includes the maximum
   number of sessions supported, the number of sessions currently
   active, and compression parameters.

   3) appcLuPairAdminTable

   This table contains objects which describe local LU and partner LU
   configuration information. The type of information includes security
   information and whether parallel sessions are supported.
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   For those implementations that have partner LU definitions associated
   with each local LU, multiple entries with the same
   appcLuPairAdminParLuName could exist with different
   appcLuPairAdminLocLuName.  For those implementations in which partner
   LU definitions apply to all local LUs, the appcLuPairAdminLocLuName
   is set to '*ALL'.

   4) appcLuPairOperTable

   This table contains objects which describe partner/local LU pair run-
   time operational information.  The type of information includes
   security information and whether parallel sessions are supported.

   Although the Admin (appcLuPairAdminTable) table entries could be
   global to all local LUs in a Node, an entry in this Oper table is
   always associated with one local LU.

   A row in this table is created as soon as there is an active session
   between the local and partner LU. Two entries are present when both
   LUs in a pair are local.

   5) appcModeAdminTable

   This table contains objects which describe Mode configuration
   information. The type of information includes the mode name and
   maximum session limit.

   For those implementations that have Mode definitions associated with
   each local and partner LU pair, multiple entries with the same
   appcModeAdminModeName could exist with different
   appcModeAdminLocLuName and appcModeAdminParLuName.  For those
   implementations in which Mode definitions apply to all local and/or
   all partner LUs, the appcModeAdminLocLuName and/or
   appcModeAdminParLuName are set to '*ALL'.

   6) appcModeOperTable

   This table contains objects which describe Mode run-time operational
   information for each local/partner LU pair.  The type of information
   includes the mode name and maximum session limit.

   Although the Admin table entries could be global to all local and
   partner LUs in a Node, the Oper table entries are always associated
   with one local and partner LU pair.

   A row in this table is created as soon as there is an active session
   between local and partner LU for this Mode. Two entries are present
   when both LUs in a pair are local.
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3.1.3.  appcTp group

   The appcTp group consists of the following table:

   1) appcTpAdminTable

   This table contains objects which describe transaction program (TP)
   configuration information. The type of information includes the TP
   name and TP operation, indicating how the TP will be started.

   For those implementations that have TP definitions associated with
   each local LU, multiple entries with the same appcTpAdminTpName could
   exist with different appcTpAdminLocLuName.  For those implementations
   in which TP definition applies to all local LUs, it will have
   appcTpAdminLocLuName set to '*ALL'.

   There is no appcTpOperTable. Run-time information about TP tends to
   be product-specific (e.g., process Id), and much of the information
   can be derived from the conversation tables.

3.1.4.  appcSession group

   The appcSession group consists of the following tables:

   1) appcActSessTable

   This table contains objects which describe LU6.2 session information.
   The type of information includes the PCID and the pacing counts.

   2) appcSessStatsTable

   This table contains statistical information about LU 6.2 sessions.
   The type of information includes counters of bytes and RUs sent and

   3) appcHistSessTable

   This table contains historical information about APPC sessions that
   have terminated abnormally.  The type of information includes the
   unbind type and sense data.

   4) appcSessRtpTable

   This table contains information about LU 6.2 sesions that are being
   transported by High Performance Routing.  The type of information
   includes the NCEID and TCID.
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3.1.5.  appcConversation group

   The appcConversation group consists of the following tables:

   1) appcActiveConvTable

   This table contains objects which describe active conversation
   information. The type of information includes the state and type.  An
   entry is created by an Agent when the conversation is started, and is
   removed when the conversation ends.

   2) appcHistConvTable

   This table contains objects which describe historical conversation
   information about abnormally terminated conversations.  The number of
   entries and how long they are kept depends on the Agent
   implementation.  The type of information inclues the sense data and
   log data.

3.1.6.  appcCPIC group

   The appcCPIC group consists of the following tables:

   1) appcCpicAdminTable

   This table contains objects which describe CPI-C side information.
   The type of information includes the symbolic destination name and
   partner LU name.

   For those implementations that have CPI-C definition associated with
   each local LU, multiple entries with the same
   appcCpicAdminSymbDestName could exist with different
   appcCpicAdminLocLuName.  For those implementations in which CPI-C
   definition applies to all local LUs, it will have
   appcCpicAdminLocLuName set to '*ALL'.

   2) appcCpicOperTable

   This table contains objects which describe CPI-C run-time operational
   information.  The type of information includes the symbolic
   destination name and partner LU name.

(next page on part 2)

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