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RFC 4087

IP Tunnel MIB

Pages: 25
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  2667

ToP   noToC   RFC4087 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                          D. Thaler
Request for Comments: 4087                                     Microsoft
Obsoletes: 2667                                                June 2005
Category: Standards Track

                             IP Tunnel MIB

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This memo defines a Management Information Base (MIB) module for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects used for managing tunnels of any type over IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Extension MIB modules may be designed for managing protocol-specific objects. Likewise, extension MIB modules may be designed for managing security-specific objects. This MIB module does not support tunnels over non-IP networks. Management of such tunnels may be supported by other MIB modules. This memo obsoletes RFC 2667.

1. Introduction

Over the past several years, there has been a number of "tunneling" protocols specified by the IETF (see [RFC1241] for an early discussion of the model and examples). This document describes a Management Information Base (MIB) module used for managing tunnels of any type over IPv4 and IPv6 networks, including Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) [RFC1701,RFC1702], IP-in-IP [RFC2003], Minimal Encapsulation [RFC2004], Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) [RFC2661], Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) [RFC2637], Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) [RFC2341], UDP (e.g., [RFC1234]), Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (ATMP) [RFC2107], and IPv6-in-IPv4 [RFC2893] tunnels, among others.
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   Extension MIB modules may be designed for managing protocol-specific
   objects.  Likewise, extension MIB modules may be designed for
   managing security-specific objects (e.g., IPsec [RFC2401]), and
   traffic conditioner [RFC2474] objects.

2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410]. Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

3. Overview

This MIB module contains two current tables and one deprecated table. The current tables are: o the Tunnel Interface Table, containing information on the tunnels known to a router; and o the Tunnel Inet Config Table, which can be used for dynamic creation of tunnels, and also provides a mapping from endpoint addresses to the current interface index value. The version of this MIB module that appeared in RFC 2667 contained the Tunnel Config Table, which mapped IPv4 endpoint addresses to interface indexes. It is now deprecated in favor of the Tunnel Inet Config Table.

3.1. Relationship to the Interfaces MIB

This section clarifies the relationship of this MIB module to the Interfaces MIB [RFC2863]. Several areas of correlation are addressed in the following subsections. The implementor is referred to the Interfaces MIB document in order to understand the general intent of these areas.
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3.1.1. Layering Model

Each logical interface (physical or virtual) has an ifEntry in the Interfaces MIB [RFC2863]. Tunnels are handled by creating a logical interface (ifEntry) for each tunnel. These are then correlated, using the ifStack table of the Interfaces MIB, to those interfaces on which the local IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the tunnels are configured. The basic model, therefore, looks something like this (for example): | | | | | | +--+ +---+ +--+ +---+ | | |IP-in-IP| | GRE | | | | tunnel | | tunnel | | | +--+ +---+ +--+ +---+ | | | | | | | | <== attachment to underlying +--+ +---------+ +----------+ +--+ interfaces, to be provided | Physical interface | by ifStack table +--------------------------------+

3.1.2. ifRcvAddressTable

The ifRcvAddressTable usage can be defined in the MIB modules defining the encapsulation below the network layer, and holds the local IP addresses on which decapsulation will occur. For example, if IP-in-IP encapsulation is being used, the ifRcvAddressTable can be defined by IP-in-IP. If it is not specified, the default is that one entry will exist for the tunnel interface, where ifRcvAddressAddress contains the local IP address used for encapsulation/decapsulation (i.e., tunnelIfLocalInetAddress in the Tunnel Interface Table).

3.1.3. ifEntry

IfEntries are defined in the MIB modules defining the encapsulation below the network layer. For example, if IP-in-IP encapsulation [20] is being used, the ifEntry is defined by IP-in-IP. The ifType of a tunnel should be set to "tunnel" (131). An entry in the IP Tunnel MIB module will exist for every ifEntry with this ifType. An implementation of the IP Tunnel MIB module may allow ifEntries to be created via the tunnelConfigTable. Creating a tunnel will also add an entry in the ifTable and in the tunnelIfTable, and deleting a tunnel will likewise delete the entry in the ifTable and the tunnelIfTable. The use of two different tables in this MIB module was an important design decision. Traditionally, ifIndex values are chosen by agents, and are permitted to change across restarts. Allowing row creation directly in the Tunnel Interface Table, indexed by ifIndex, would
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   complicate row creation and/or cause interoperability problems (if
   each agent had special restrictions on ifIndex).  Instead, a separate
   table is used that is indexed only by objects over which the manager
   has control.  Namely, these are the addresses of the tunnel endpoints
   and the encapsulation protocol.  Finally, an additional manager-
   chosen ID is used in the index to support protocols such as L2F which
   allow multiple tunnels between the same endpoints.

4. Definitions

TUNNEL-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, transmission, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] RowStatus, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- [RFC4001] IPv6FlowLabelOrAny FROM IPV6-FLOW-LABEL-MIB -- [RFC3595] ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863] IANAtunnelType FROM IANAifType-MIB; -- [IFTYPE] tunnelMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200505160000Z" -- May 16, 2005 ORGANIZATION "IETF IP Version 6 (IPv6) Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " Dave Thaler Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 EMail:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for management of IP Tunnels, independent of the specific encapsulation scheme in use. Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4087; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."
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       REVISION     "200505160000Z" -- May 16, 2005
               "IPv4-specific objects were deprecated, including
               tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress, the
               tunnelConfigTable, and the tunnelMIBBasicGroup.

               Added IP version-agnostic objects that should be used
               instead, including tunnelIfAddressType,
               tunnelIfLocalInetAddress, tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress,
               the tunnelInetConfigTable, and the

               The new tunnelIfLocalInetAddress and
               tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress objects are read-write,
               rather than read-only.

               Updated DESCRIPTION clauses of existing version-
               agnostic objects (e.g., tunnelIfTOS) that contained
               IPv4-specific text to cover IPv6 as well.

               Added tunnelIfFlowLabel for tunnels over IPv6.

               The encapsulation method was previously an INTEGER
               type, and is now an IANA-maintained textual

               Published as RFC 4087."
       REVISION     "199908241200Z" -- August 24, 1999
               "Initial version, published as RFC 2667."
       ::= { transmission 131 }

   tunnelMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 1 }

   tunnel      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBObjects 1 }

   -- the IP Tunnel MIB-Group
   -- a collection of objects providing information about
   -- IP Tunnels

   tunnelIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TunnelIfEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "The (conceptual) table containing information on
               configured tunnels."
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       ::= { tunnel 1 }

   tunnelIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     TunnelIfEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
               on a particular configured tunnel."
       INDEX      { ifIndex }
       ::= { tunnelIfTable 1 }

   TunnelIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tunnelIfLocalAddress            IpAddress,   -- deprecated
       tunnelIfRemoteAddress           IpAddress,   -- deprecated
       tunnelIfEncapsMethod            IANAtunnelType,
       tunnelIfHopLimit                Integer32,
       tunnelIfSecurity                INTEGER,
       tunnelIfTOS                     Integer32,
       tunnelIfFlowLabel               IPv6FlowLabelOrAny,
       tunnelIfAddressType             InetAddressType,
       tunnelIfLocalInetAddress        InetAddress,
       tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress       InetAddress,
       tunnelIfEncapsLimit             Integer32

   tunnelIfLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel
               (i.e., the source address used in the outer IP
               header), or if unknown or if the tunnel is
               over IPv6.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelIfLocalInetAddress."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 1 }

   tunnelIfRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel
               (i.e., the destination address used in the outer IP
               header), or if unknown, or an IPv6 address, or
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               the tunnel is not a point-to-point link (e.g., if it
               is a 6to4 tunnel).

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 2 }

   tunnelIfEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IANAtunnelType
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
               "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 3 }

   tunnelIfHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (0 | 1..255)
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit to use in the outer IP
               header.  A value of 0 indicates that the value is
               copied from the payload's header."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 4 }

   tunnelIfSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                      none(1),   -- no security
                      ipsec(2),  -- IPsec security
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
               "The method used by the tunnel to secure the outer IP
               header.  The value ipsec indicates that IPsec is used
               between the tunnel endpoints for authentication or
               encryption or both.  More specific security-related
               information may be available in a MIB module for the
               security protocol in use."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 5 }

       SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..63)
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The method used to set the high 6 bits (the
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               differentiated services codepoint) of the IPv4 TOS or
               IPv6 Traffic Class in the outer IP header.  A value of
               -1 indicates that the bits are copied from the
               payload's header.  A value of -2 indicates that a
               traffic conditioner is invoked and more information
               may be available in a traffic conditioner MIB module.
               A value between 0 and 63 inclusive indicates that the
               bit field is set to the indicated value.

               Note: instead of the name tunnelIfTOS, a better name
               would have been tunnelIfDSCPMethod, but the existing
               name appeared in RFC 2667 and existing objects cannot
               be renamed."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 6 }

   tunnelIfFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IPv6FlowLabelOrAny
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The method used to set the IPv6 Flow Label value.
               This object need not be present in rows where
               tunnelIfAddressType indicates the tunnel is not over
               IPv6.  A value of -1 indicates that a traffic
               conditioner is invoked and more information may be
               available in a traffic conditioner MIB.  Any other
               value indicates that the Flow Label field is set to
               the indicated value."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 7 }

   tunnelIfAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The type of address in the corresponding
               tunnelIfLocalInetAddress and tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 8 }

   tunnelIfLocalInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel
               (i.e., the source address used in the outer IP
               header).  If the address is unknown, the value is
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      for IPv4 or :: for IPv6.  The type of this
               object is given by tunnelIfAddressType."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 9 }

   tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel
               (i.e., the destination address used in the outer IP
               header).  If the address is unknown or the tunnel is
               not a point-to-point link (e.g., if it is a 6to4
               tunnel), the value is for tunnels over IPv4 or
               :: for tunnels over IPv6.  The type of this object is
               given by tunnelIfAddressType."
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 10 }

   tunnelIfEncapsLimit OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (-1 | 0..255)
       MAX-ACCESS read-write
       STATUS     current
               "The maximum number of additional encapsulations
               permitted for packets undergoing encapsulation at this
               node.  A value of -1 indicates that no limit is
               present (except as a result of the packet size)."
       REFERENCE  "RFC 2473, section 4.1.1"
       ::= { tunnelIfEntry 11 }

   tunnelConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TunnelConfigEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The (conceptual) table containing information on
               configured tunnels.  This table can be used to map a
               set of tunnel endpoints to the associated ifIndex
               value.  It can also be used for row creation.  Note
               that every row in the tunnelIfTable with a fixed IPv4
               destination address should have a corresponding row in
               the tunnelConfigTable, regardless of whether it was
               created via SNMP.

               Since this table does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigTable."
       ::= { tunnel 2 }
ToP   noToC   RFC4087 - Page 10
   tunnelConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     TunnelConfigEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
               on a particular configured tunnel.

               Since this entry does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigEntry."
       INDEX      { tunnelConfigLocalAddress,
                    tunnelConfigID }
       ::= { tunnelConfigTable 1 }

   TunnelConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tunnelConfigLocalAddress            IpAddress,
       tunnelConfigRemoteAddress           IpAddress,
       tunnelConfigEncapsMethod            IANAtunnelType,
       tunnelConfigID                      Integer32,
       tunnelConfigIfIndex                 InterfaceIndexOrZero,
       tunnelConfigStatus                  RowStatus

   tunnelConfigLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel, or
      if the device is free to choose any of its
               addresses at tunnel establishment time.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 1 }

   tunnelConfigRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 2 }
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   tunnelConfigEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IANAtunnelType
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 3 }

   tunnelConfigID OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     deprecated
               "An identifier used to distinguish between multiple
               tunnels of the same encapsulation method, with the
               same endpoints.  If the encapsulation protocol only
               allows one tunnel per set of endpoint addresses (such
               as for GRE or IP-in-IP), the value of this object is
               1.  For encapsulation methods (such as L2F) which
               allow multiple parallel tunnels, the manager is
               responsible for choosing any ID which does not
               conflict with an existing row, such as choosing a
               random number.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigID."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 4 }

   tunnelConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     deprecated
               "If the value of tunnelConfigStatus for this row is
               active, then this object contains the value of ifIndex
               corresponding to the tunnel interface.  A value of 0
               is not legal in the active state, and means that the
               interface index has not yet been assigned.

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigIfIndex."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 5 }

   tunnelConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     RowStatus
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       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS     deprecated
               "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
               created, or old entries deleted from this table.  The
               agent need not support setting this object to
               createAndWait or notInService since there are no other
               writable objects in this table, and writable objects
               in rows of corresponding tables such as the
               tunnelIfTable may be modified while this row is

               To create a row in this table for an encapsulation
               method which does not support multiple parallel
               tunnels with the same endpoints, the management
               station should simply use a tunnelConfigID of 1, and
               set tunnelConfigStatus to createAndGo.  For
               encapsulation methods such as L2F which allow multiple
               parallel tunnels, the management station may select a
               pseudo-random number to use as the tunnelConfigID and
               set tunnelConfigStatus to createAndGo.  In the event
               that this ID is already in use and an
               inconsistentValue is returned in response to the set
               operation, the management station should simply select
               a new pseudo-random number and retry the operation.

               Creating a row in this table will cause an interface
               index to be assigned by the agent in an
               implementation-dependent manner, and corresponding
               rows will be instantiated in the ifTable and the
               tunnelIfTable.  The status of this row will become
               active as soon as the agent assigns the interface
               index, regardless of whether the interface is
               operationally up.

               Deleting a row in this table will likewise delete the
               corresponding row in the ifTable and in the

               Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
               deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigStatus."
       ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 6 }

   tunnelInetConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF TunnelInetConfigEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
ToP   noToC   RFC4087 - Page 13
               "The (conceptual) table containing information on
               configured tunnels.  This table can be used to map a
               set of tunnel endpoints to the associated ifIndex
               value.  It can also be used for row creation.  Note
               that every row in the tunnelIfTable with a fixed
               destination address should have a corresponding row in
               the tunnelInetConfigTable, regardless of whether it
               was created via SNMP."
       ::= { tunnel 3 }

   tunnelInetConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     TunnelInetConfigEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
               on a particular configured tunnel.  Note that there is
               a 128 subid maximum for object OIDs.  Implementers
               need to be aware that if the total number of octets in
               tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress and
               tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress exceeds 110 then OIDs of
               column instances in this table will have more than 128
               sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
               SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.  In practice this is not expected
               to be a problem since IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will not
               cause the limit to be reached, but if other types are
               supported by an agent, care must be taken to ensure
               that the sum of the lengths do not cause the limit to
               be exceeded."
       INDEX      { tunnelInetConfigAddressType,
                    tunnelInetConfigID }
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigTable 1 }

   TunnelInetConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tunnelInetConfigAddressType         InetAddressType,
       tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress        InetAddress,
       tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress       InetAddress,
       tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod        IANAtunnelType,
       tunnelInetConfigID                  Integer32,
       tunnelInetConfigIfIndex             InterfaceIndexOrZero,
       tunnelInetConfigStatus              RowStatus,
       tunnelInetConfigStorageType         StorageType

   tunnelInetConfigAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
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       SYNTAX     InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "The address type over which the tunnel encapsulates
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 1 }

   tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel, or
      (for IPv4) or :: (for IPv6) if the device is
               free to choose any of its addresses at tunnel
               establishment time."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 2 }

   tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 3 }

   tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     IANAtunnelType
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 4 }

   tunnelInetConfigID OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS     current
               "An identifier used to distinguish between multiple
               tunnels of the same encapsulation method, with the
               same endpoints.  If the encapsulation protocol only
               allows one tunnel per set of endpoint addresses (such
               as for GRE or IP-in-IP), the value of this object is
               1.  For encapsulation methods (such as L2F) which
               allow multiple parallel tunnels, the manager is
               responsible for choosing any ID which does not
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               conflict with an existing row, such as choosing a
               random number."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 5 }

   tunnelInetConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     InterfaceIndexOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS     current
               "If the value of tunnelInetConfigStatus for this row
               is active, then this object contains the value of
               ifIndex corresponding to the tunnel interface.  A
               value of 0 is not legal in the active state, and means
               that the interface index has not yet been assigned."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 6 }

   tunnelInetConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS     current
               "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
               created, or old entries deleted from this table.  The
               agent need not support setting this object to
               createAndWait or notInService since there are no other
               writable objects in this table, and writable objects
               in rows of corresponding tables such as the
               tunnelIfTable may be modified while this row is

               To create a row in this table for an encapsulation
               method which does not support multiple parallel
               tunnels with the same endpoints, the management
               station should simply use a tunnelInetConfigID of 1,
               and set tunnelInetConfigStatus to createAndGo.  For
               encapsulation methods such as L2F which allow multiple
               parallel tunnels, the management station may select a
               pseudo-random number to use as the tunnelInetConfigID
               and set tunnelInetConfigStatus to createAndGo.  In the
               event that this ID is already in use and an
               inconsistentValue is returned in response to the set
               operation, the management station should simply select
               a new pseudo-random number and retry the operation.

               Creating a row in this table will cause an interface
               index to be assigned by the agent in an
               implementation-dependent manner, and corresponding
               rows will be instantiated in the ifTable and the
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               tunnelIfTable.  The status of this row will become
               active as soon as the agent assigns the interface
               index, regardless of whether the interface is
               operationally up.

               Deleting a row in this table will likewise delete the
               corresponding row in the ifTable and in the
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 7 }

   tunnelInetConfigStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX     StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS     current
               "The storage type of this row.  If the row is
               permanent(4), no objects in the row need be writable."
       ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 8 }

   -- conformance information

                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 2 }
                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 1 }
   tunnelMIBGroups  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 2 }

   -- compliance statements

   tunnelMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS  deprecated
               "The (deprecated) IPv4-only compliance statement for
               the IP Tunnel MIB.

               This is deprecated in favor of
               tunnelMIBInetFullCompliance and
       MODULE  -- this module
       MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBBasicGroup }

           OBJECT      tunnelIfHopLimit
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelIfTOS
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
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               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelConfigStatus
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."
      ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 1 }

   tunnelMIBInetFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS  current
               "The full compliance statement for the IP Tunnel MIB."
       MODULE  -- this module
       MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBInetGroup }

           OBJECT      tunnelIfAddressType
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
                                         ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4) }
               "An implementation is only required to support IPv4
               and/or IPv6 addresses.  An implementation only needs to
               support the addresses it actually supports on the
      ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 2 }

   tunnelMIBInetReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS  current
               "The read-only compliance statement for the IP Tunnel
       MODULE  -- this module
       MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBInetGroup }

           OBJECT      tunnelIfHopLimit
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelIfTOS
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelIfFlowLabel
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."
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           OBJECT      tunnelIfAddressType
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
                                         ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4) }
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required.

               An implementation is only required to support IPv4
               and/or IPv6 addresses.  An implementation only needs to
               support the addresses it actually supports on the

           OBJECT      tunnelIfLocalInetAddress
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelIfEncapsLimit
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      tunnelInetConfigStatus
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required, and active is the only
               status that needs to be supported."

           OBJECT      tunnelInetConfigStorageType
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
               "Write access is not required."
      ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 3 }

   -- units of conformance

   tunnelMIBBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress,
          tunnelIfEncapsMethod, tunnelIfHopLimit, tunnelIfTOS,
          tunnelIfSecurity, tunnelConfigIfIndex, tunnelConfigStatus }
       STATUS  deprecated
               "A collection of objects to support basic management
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               of IPv4 Tunnels.  Since this group cannot support
               IPv6, it is deprecated in favor of
       ::= { tunnelMIBGroups 1 }

   tunnelMIBInetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { tunnelIfAddressType, tunnelIfLocalInetAddress,
          tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress, tunnelIfEncapsMethod,
          tunnelIfHopLimit, tunnelIfTOS, tunnelIfFlowLabel,
          tunnelIfSecurity, tunnelInetConfigIfIndex,
          tunnelInetConfigStatus, tunnelInetConfigStorageType }
       STATUS  current
               "A collection of objects to support basic management
               of IPv4 and IPv6 Tunnels."
       ::= { tunnelMIBGroups 2 }


5. IANA Considerations

This document introduces a new IANA-maintained textual convention (TC) which has been added to the IANAifType-MIB [IFTYPE]. The initial version of this IANAtunnelType TC can be found in Appendix A. The current version of the textual convention can be accessed at The assignment policy for IANAtunnelType values should always be identical to the policy for assigning IANAifType values. New types of tunnels over IPv4 or IPv6 should not be assigned IANAifType values. Instead, they should be assigned IANAtunnelType values and hence reuse the interface type tunnel(131). (Note this restriction does not apply to "tunnels" which are not over IPv4 or IPv6.) Previously, tunnel types that were not point-to-point tunnels were problematic in that they could not be properly expressed in the tunnel MIB, and hence were assigned IANAifType values. This document now corrects this problem, and as a result, IANA has deprecated the sixToFour(215) IANAifType value in favor of the sixToFour(11) IANAtunnelType value.
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6. Security Considerations

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. Unauthorized write access to any of the writable objects could cause unauthorized creation and/or manipulation of tunnels, resulting in a denial of service, or redirection of packets to an arbitrary destination. Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP. Unauthorized read access to tunnelIfLocalInetAddress, tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress, tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress, or any object in the tunnelConfigTable or tunnelInetConfigTable would reveal information about the tunnel topology. SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB module. It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8), including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for authentication and privacy). Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT RECOMMENDED. Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to enable cryptographic security. It is then a customer/operator responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.
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7. Changes Since RFC 2667

IPv4-specific objects were deprecated, including tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress, the tunnelConfigTable, and the tunnelMIBBasicGroup. Added IP version-agnostic objects that should be used instead, including tunnelIfAddressType, tunnelIfLocalInetAddress, tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress, the tunnelInetConfigTable, and the tunnelIMIBInetGroup. The new tunnelIfLocalInetAddress and tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress objects are read-write, rather than read-only. Updated DESCRIPTION clauses of existing version-agnostic objects (e.g., tunnelIfTOS) that contained IPv4-specific text to cover IPv6 as well. Added tunnelIfFlowLabel for tunnels over IPv6. The encapsulation method was previously an INTEGER type, and is now an IANA-maintained textual convention.

8. Acknowledgements

This MIB module was updated based on feedback from the IETF's Interfaces MIB (IF-MIB), Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions (PPPEXT), and IPv6 Working Groups. Mike Heard and Ville Nuorvala also provided valuable MIB guidance on this version.
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Appendix A: IANA Tunnel Type TC

This appendix defines the initial content of the IANAtunnelType textual convention. The most up-to-date and current version is maintained in the IANAifType-MIB. IANAtunnelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The encapsulation method used by a tunnel. The value direct indicates that a packet is encapsulated directly within a normal IP header, with no intermediate header, and unicast to the remote tunnel endpoint (e.g., an RFC 2003 IP-in-IP tunnel, or an RFC 1933 IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel). The value minimal indicates that a Minimal Forwarding Header (RFC 2004) is inserted between the outer header and the payload packet. The value UDP indicates that the payload packet is encapsulated within a normal UDP packet (e.g., RFC 1234). The values sixToFour, sixOverFour, and isatap indicates that an IPv6 packet is encapsulated directly within an IPv4 header, with no intermediate header, and unicast to the destination determined by the 6to4, 6over4, or ISATAP protocol. The remaining protocol-specific values indicate that a header of the protocol of that name is inserted between the outer header and the payload header. The assignment policy for IANAtunnelType values is identical to the policy for assigning IANAifType values." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), -- none of the following direct(2), -- no intermediate header gre(3), -- GRE encapsulation minimal(4), -- Minimal encapsulation l2tp(5), -- L2TP encapsulation pptp(6), -- PPTP encapsulation l2f(7), -- L2F encapsulation udp(8), -- UDP encapsulation atmp(9), -- ATMP encapsulation msdp(10), -- MSDP encapsulation sixToFour(11), -- 6to4 encapsulation sixOverFour(12), -- 6over4 encapsulation isatap(13), -- ISATAP encapsulation
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                      teredo(14)       -- Teredo encapsulation

Normative References

[IFTYPE] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, "IANAifType-MIB", [RFC2473] Conta, A. and S. Deering, "Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification", RFC 2473, December 1998. [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999. [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999. [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999. [RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz. "The Interfaces Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000. [RFC3595] Wijnen, B., "Textual Conventions for IPv6 Flow Label", RFC 3595, September 2003. [RFC4001] Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

Informative References

[RFC1234] Provan, D., "Tunneling IPX Traffic through IP Networks", RFC 1234, June 1991. [RFC1241] Woodburn, R. and D. Mills, "A Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol: Version 1", RFC 1241, July 1991. [RFC1701] Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D., and P. Traina, "Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC 1701, October 1994. [RFC1702] Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D., and P. Traina, "Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks", RFC 1702, October 1994.
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   [RFC2003]   Perkins, C., "IP Encapsulation within IP", RFC 2003,
               October 1996.

   [RFC2004]   Perkins, C., "Minimal Encapsulation within IP", RFC 2004,
               October 1996.

   [RFC2107]   Hamzeh, K., "Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol - ATMP",
               RFC 2107, February 1997.

   [RFC2341]   Valencia, A., Littlewood, M., and T. Kolar.  "Cisco Layer
               Two Forwarding (Protocol) "L2F"", RFC 2341, May 1998.

   [RFC2401]   Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the
               Internet Protocol", RFC 2401, November 1998.

   [RFC2474]   Nichols, K., Blake, S., Baker, F., and D. Black.
               "Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS
               Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers", RFC 2474, December

   [RFC2637]   Hamzeh, K., Pall, G., Verthein, W. Taarud, J., Little,
               W., and G.  Zorn, "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol",
               RFC 2637, July 1999.

   [RFC2661]   Townsley, W., Valencia, A., Rubens, A., Pall, G., Zorn,
               G., and B. Palter, "Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP"",
               RFC 2661, August 1999.

   [RFC2893]   Gilligan, R. and E. Nordmark.  "Transition Mechanisms for
               IPv6 Hosts and Routers", RFC 2893, August 2000.

   [RFC3410]   Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
               "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
               Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

Author's Address

Dave Thaler Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Phone: +1 425 703 8835 EMail:
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