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RFC 7681

Email Exchange of Secondary School Transcripts

Pages: 40
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5. Signed School Transcript

A signed school transcript is a MIME body part whose form corresponds to that of a signed OpenPGP/MIME message, as described in section 5 of the OpenPGP/MIME specification [RFC3156]. Accordingly, the MIME content type of a signed school transcript is "multipart/signed", and its form reflects the traditional use of multipart MIME structures to secure email communication [RFC1847]. Thus, the body of a signed school transcript comprises exactly two parts, as illustrated in
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   Figure 6.  The first part of the signed transcript body conveys the
   transcript content, in MIME canonical format, including an
   appropriate set of MIME content headers.  The form and interpretation
   of the transcript content is described in Section 4 above.  The
   second part of the signed transcript body is the school transcript
   signature.  The signature part represents the OpenPGP digital
   signature of the transcript originator as it has been applied to the
   transcript content conveyed by the first part of the signed
   transcript.  The transcript signature is assigned the content type
   "application/pgp-signature".  Transcript recipients MUST reject
   transcripts that are not validly signed pursuant to the specification
   for OpenPGP signatures [RFC3156].

         | SIGNED TRANSCRIPT                                |
         | Content-Type: multipart/signed                   |
         |                                                  |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |    | TRANSCRIPT CONTENT                        | |
         |    | Content-Type: multipart/mixed             | |
         |    |                                           | |
         |    | Body represents transcript content        | |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |                                                  |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |    | TRANSCRIPT SIGNATURE                      | |
         |    | Content-Type: application/pgp-signature   | |
         |    |                                           | |
         |    | Body represents OpenPGP signature over    | |
         |    | transcript content                        | |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |

               Figure 6: MIME Structure of Signed Transcript

   With the sole exception of the "Content-Type" header, the MIME
   content headers for each signed school transcript MUST correspond
   exactly to those for the embedded transcript content, as described
   above in Section 4.  For a signed school transcript, the value of the
   "Content-Type" header MUST be "multipart/signed", its parameters MUST
   conform to those described in Section 5 of the MIME/OpenPGP
   specification [RFC3156], and the value of the "boundary" parameter
   shall, of course, differ from all other boundary parameter values
   within the same message.  Figure 7 presents example headers for a
   signed school transcript.  Although the allowed headers may appear in
   any order, transcript recipients MUST reject signed transcripts for
   which the set of included headers differs from the set of headers
   associated with the embedded transcript content.
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   Content-Type: multipart/signed;
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Description: Official School Transcript for Hermione Granger
   Subject: Official School Transcript for Hermione Granger
   From: Transcript Authority at Hogwarts School
   Organization: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
   Eesst-Version: 1.0
   Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 09:55:06 -0600

   Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============BBBBBBBBBB=="
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Description: Official School Transcript for Hermione Granger
       ...  Transcript Content as illustrated in Figure 4  ...


   Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Description: OpenPGP signature
   Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc"

   Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

   -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


                Figure 7: Example Signed School Transcript

   The "Eesst-Version" header serves a crucial if non-obvious purpose
   for protocol implementors.  The presence of this header unambiguously
   distinguishes a signed school transcript from elements of an
   enveloping email message by which that transcript may be conveyed.

   For good reason, the format defined here for signed school
   transcripts intentionally shares many characteristics with the
   standard format for OpenPGP/MIME messages [RFC3156].  This similarity
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   not only admits some code reuse within recipient implementations,
   but, most importantly, also allows transcript recipients to inspect,
   verify, and extract received school transcripts using existing,
   widely deployed email clients.

   However, the formal similarity between signed school transcripts and
   generic signed messages can complicate recipient implementations of
   the transcript exchange protocol, because every signed body part must
   be fully evaluated to determine its status.  When a signed school
   transcript is conveyed to its recipient enclosed within a signed
   OpenPGP email message, both transcript and conveying message share
   the common MIME type "multipart/signed".  Moreover, both signed
   transcript and its conveying message share a common, high-level
   structure comprising exactly two MIME body parts, independently
   representing the signed content and the applied digital signature.
   When a "multipart/signed" MIME body part is encountered as part of a
   received email message, should that body part be construed as a
   proper signed school transcript, a signed email message by which a
   school transcript is conveyed, ill-formed school transcript, or
   something else altogether?  Without additional information,
   unambiguously answering these questions requires that every signed
   body part be fully verified, parsed, validated, and checked, because,
   absent additional information, a receiving implementation cannot know
   what tests need to be applied.

   Thus, the "Eesst-Version" header serves at least two important
   functions.  Most obviously, this header identifies what version of
   the EESST format has been applied in preparation of the relevant
   transcript.  Although, currently, the only acceptable version of the
   EESST format is 1.0, to deny even the possibility of future protocol
   evolution is to deny the lessons of history.  Less obviously, the
   "Eesst-Version" header allows simple, unambiguous detection of signed
   school transcripts while still allowing transcript recipients to
   validate and review school transcripts using familiar, widely
   available email clients.  For these reasons, the "Eesst-Version"
   header MUST be included in signed school transcripts and their
   content component, but, in order to most fully realize its value as
   syntactic disambiguator, the "Eesst-Version" header MUST NOT appear
   anywhere else.

6. Transcript Transmission

Provided that the transcript originator is prohibited from disclosing personal information without student consent, use of the EESST protocol empowers each student to limit sharing of his or her own school transcript to recipients chosen by that student. The design of the protocol not only protects the confidentiality of transcript content in transit but also increases the cost of surveillance by the
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   school or other interested parties of the student's interactions with
   colleges, prospective employers, or other third parties.

   A student may convey his signed school transcript to his chosen
   recipient using any medium or technology that is agreeable to them
   both.  For example, a student may copy his signed digital transcript
   onto a CD-ROM storage disk and send that physical medium to his
   intended recipient via a postal mail service.  However, because email
   will frequently be the most convenient means for students to
   distribute their transcripts, this specification defines a common
   email format by which each student may privately convey his/her
   signed school transcript to each recipient.  A common form for
   transcript transmission simplifies implementations of the transcript
   exchange protocol and fosters their interoperability.  A common
   format allows high-volume transcript recipients to automate
   decryption and validation of received transcripts as well as their
   preparation for subsequent review and analysis.  A common format that
   derives from existing email standards allows low-volume transcript
   recipients to use popular email client software to receive, decrypt,
   validate, and review transcripts.

   When a student conveys his transcript to a recipient via email, that
   student's confidential transcript information is vulnerable to
   interception and disclosure.  In order to mitigate this threat, this
   specification generally requires that the conveying email message be
   encrypted as described in the OpenPGP standard [RFC3156].  Every
   transcript recipient MUST be prepared to accept all transcript
   transmissions that are encrypted as described in any of the sections
   below.  A student SHOULD use either the encrypted transmission format
   (Section 6.1) or the encrypted and signed transmission format
   (Section 6.2), if he or she independently trusts that the
   transmitting computer will correctly transmit his or her transcript
   according to the OpenPGP/MIME specification without disclosing its
   plaintext content.  Otherwise, students MAY use the encrypted file
   transmission format (Section 6.3) or traditional inline transmission
   format (Section 6.4) below.  These latter formats simplify using a
   more trusted computer to encrypt a student's transcript and later
   transferring its encrypted form to a less trusted computer for
   transmission to the chosen recipient.

   Because transcript transmissions must be encrypted in order to assure
   student privacy, every potential transcript recipient MUST generate
   an OpenPGP key pair and publish its public component for use by
   students in the preparation of those transmissions.  The public key
   for each transcript recipient should be published (together with its
   OpenPGP fingerprint) on the web page for that recipient or in the
   global OpenPGP key database.  To protect the privacy of personal
   information transmitted to each chosen recipient, a student need only
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   retrieve the published key for that recipient and use it to encrypt
   the transcript transmission.

   With some effort, however, an attacker could, by masquerading as a
   legitimate transcript recipient, perhaps trick a student into
   transmitting private information to the attacker, encrypted in a key
   that is known to the attacker.  In order to protect student privacy
   in the face of such attacks, a transcript recipient should resist
   successful forgery of his/her OpenPGP identity by asking other
   trustworthy individuals (e.g., respected colleagues or institutional
   officers) to certify that identity.  An OpenPGP identity is certified
   by affixing another's digital signature to the associated OpenPGP key
   (see Section 12 of the OpenPGP message format specification [RFC4880]
   and Section 3 in the GNU Privacy Handbook [GPH]).  Those who sign a
   recipient's public key are implicitly vouching for the association
   between that key and the true identity of the recipient.  Consistent
   with the view that the student bears primary responsibility for the
   privacy of his/her transcript information, the student is ultimately
   responsible for evaluating the authenticity of public keys that he/
   she uses to encrypt that information while in transit.  Adding
   certifying signatures to a recipient's key reduces the chance that a
   student could be deceived by an imposter.

   In order to maximize student privacy and autonomy, the operation of
   this protocol sharply separates the function of transcript creation
   from the function of transcript transmission.  The former function is
   assigned exclusively to the issuing secondary school (the transcript
   originator), while the latter function is assigned exclusively to the
   individual student.  Participants in the protocol must behave so as
   to preserve the privacy afforded by this separation.  A transcript
   originator MUST NOT transmit, share, or distribute a school
   transcript or any component thereof to any party other than the
   individual student to whom it pertains.  A transcript recipient MUST
   reject any transcript that seems to have been transmitted by or on
   behalf of anyone but the student.  Although non-student transcript
   transmission can be difficult to detect reliably, certain
   transmission characteristics unambiguously suggest abuse of student
   prerogatives.  Accordingly, all recipient implementations MUST detect
   and reject transcript transmissions with any of the following

   o  A transcript recipient MUST reject any transcript that is
      delivered in the same email message or on the same physical
      storage medium as any other.

   o  A transcript recipient MUST reject any transcript for which the
      transcript originator and the sender of the transcript
      transmission are identical.
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   o  A transcript recipient MUST reject any transcript for which the
      transcript originator (who signs that transcript) and the signer
      of the transcript transmission are identical.

   o  A transcript recipient MUST reject any transcript for which the
      received transcript transmission is addressed to multiple

6.1. Encrypted Format

In the encrypted transmission format, the signed school transcript is conveyed to a single recipient as a MIME attachment to an OpenPGP encrypted email message. Consistent with Section 4 of the OpenPGP/ MIME specification [RFC3156], the transmission email message must have MIME content type "multipart/encrypted", and, as illustrated in Figure 8, the body of the message must comprise exactly two parts. The first body part must have MIME content type "application/ pgp-encrypted", and its content must include only the literal value "Version: 1" on a line by itself. The second body part must have MIME content type "application/octet-stream". Its content is the result of applying the OpenPGP encryption algorithm to the MIME canonical representation of the relevant signed school transcript. +--------------------------------------------------+ | ENCRYPTED TRANSCRIPT TRANSMISSION | | Content-Type: multipart/encrypted | | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | GRATUITOUS TEXTUAL PREAMBLE | | | | Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted | | | | | | | | Body is literal "Version: 1" | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | ENCRYPTED SIGNED TRANSCRIPT | | | | Content-Type: application/octet-stream | | | | | | | | Body represents OpenPGP encryption of | | | | signed school transcript | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------------------------+ Figure 8: MIME Structure of Encrypted Transcript Transmission
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6.2. Encrypted and Signed Format

In the encrypted and signed transmission format, the signed school transcript is conveyed to a single recipient as an attachment to an OpenPGP encrypted and signed email message. Consistent with Section 6.1 of the OpenPGP/MIME specification [RFC3156], preparation of a message in this format is a two-stage process. During this process, the transcript transmission is, first, digitally signed by the transmitting student and, second, encrypted to protect student information from disclosure to anyone but the lone recipient. +--------------------------------------------------+ | SIGNED TRANSCRIPT TRANSMISSION | | Content-Type: multipart/signed | | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | SIGNED TRANSMISSION CONTENT | | | | Content-Type: multipart/signed | | | | | | | | Body is signed school transcript | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | | | TRANSMISSION SIGNATURE | | | | Content-Type: application/pgp-signature | | | | | | | | Body is OpenPGP signature over signed | | | | transmission content | | | +-------------------------------------------+ | +--------------------------------------------------+ Figure 9: MIME Structure of Signed Transcript Transmission The first stage of preparing an encrypted and signed transcript transmission is applying the student's signature to the transmission content. As illustrated in Figure 9, the resulting MIME body part has content type "multipart/signed" and comprises exactly two parts. The first part is the signed transmission content and corresponds to the signed school transcript in its entirety, whose structure is illustrated in Figure 6. The second part is the transmission signature. Its MIME content type is "application/pgp-signature", and its content is the result of applying the OpenPGP signature algorithm, using the student's private key, to the transmission content, the canonical representation of the signed school transcript, which is already signed by the transcript originator.
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         | Content-Type: multipart/encrypted                |
         |                                                  |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |    | GRATUITOUS TEXTUAL PREAMBLE               | |
         |    | Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted   | |
         |    |                                           | |
         |    | Body is literal "Version: 1"              | |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |                                                  |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |
         |    | ENCRYPTED SIGNED TRANSCRIPT               | |
         |    | Content-Type: application/octet-stream    | |
         |    |                                           | |
         |    | Body represents OpenPGP encryption of     | |
         |    | signed transcript transmission            | |
         |    +-------------------------------------------+ |

      Figure 10: MIME Structure of Encrypted Transcript Transmission

   The second stage of preparing an encrypted and signed transcript
   transmission is wrapping the result of the first stage into an
   OpenPGP encrypted message, protecting student information from
   disclosure to anyone but the lone recipient.  As illustrated in
   Figure 10, the encrypted transcript transmission has the form
   proscribed in Section 6.1 of the OpenPGP/MIME specification.  The
   MIME content type is "multipart/encrypted" and the result comprises
   exactly two body parts.  The first body part must have MIME content
   type "application/pgp-encrypted", and its content must include only
   the literal value "Version: 1" on a line by itself.  The second body
   part must have MIME content type "application/octet-stream".  Its
   content is the result of applying the OpenPGP encryption algorithm to
   the MIME canonical representation of the relevant signed transcript
   transmission, which was produced during the first stage of the two-
   stage process.
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6.3. Encrypted File Format

Privacy protections afforded by the EESST protocol depend upon the assumption that the computer used by the student to transmit his or her school transcript reliably executes the required EESST protocol operations without disclosing confidential information. In particular, the transmitting computer is assumed to prevent any access to the plaintext form of a school transcript by anyone but the student. The hardware and software of the transmitting computer is assumed to be free of any flaws that could weaken the encryption applied to his or her transcript. The transmitting computer is also assumed to send the transcript reliably and directly to each chosen recipient without reporting to any third party either the fact of this transmission or the identity of the recipient. Validating these assumptions can be especially problematic when the student does not unilaterally own and control the transmitting computer. Sometimes the computer from which a student must transmit his or her transcript cannot reasonably be trusted. Indeed, some email client implementations manifestly do not permit students to compose a secure email message without sharing private information with either their email provider, system administrator, or other third party. Web- based email clients are perhaps the most obvious and widespread example of intrinsically insecure email platforms: neither cryptographic keys nor plaintext message content can be safely stored or processed on such systems. Another example of intrinsically insecure platforms are computers and email servers provided for student use by schools, to which, as a practical matter, school administrators and technical staff enjoy unrestricted access. A student may use the encrypted file transmission format when the computer that he or she must use to transmit his or her transcript cannot be trusted to perform the necessary encryption correctly or without disclosing the plaintext transcript. This format simplifies using a more trusted computer to encrypt a student's transcript and later transferring its encrypted form to a less trusted computer for transmission to the chosen recipient. For example, the student may use an implementation of the OpenPGP cryptographic algorithms on a trusted computer to encrypt the plaintext version of his or her signed school transcript, received from the transcript originator. The key used for this encryption is the public OpenPGP key of the intended transcript recipient. The binary file that results from this encryption is then transferred (e.g., via a USB flash drive or networked file transfer protocol) to a less trusted computer for email transmission to the chosen recipient. On this less trusted computer, the student invokes an email client application to compose and send a plaintext email
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   message (for example, see Figure 11) to the recipient that is
   formatted according to the MIME specification [RFC2045].  The binary
   file containing the encrypted version of the student transcript is
   included in the message as a MIME attachment whose content type is

   When the email message is received by the transcript recipient, the
   MIME attachment containing the encrypted school transcript may be
   detached and saved as a binary file on the local disk.  A local
   OpenPGP implementation is invoked to decrypt the saved file using the
   private OpenPGP encryption key generated by the transcript recipient.
   The process of detaching and decrypting the attached school
   transcript may be automated by large-volume transcript recipients.
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  Message-ID: <>
  Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 20:06:23 -0400
  From: Hermione Granger <>
  MIME-Version: 1.0
  To: Dean Vernon Wormer <>
  Subject: Transmission of School Transcript
  Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  Dear Dean Wormer:

  Please find attached my high school transcript, encrypted in the
  public encryption key published by Faber College for transcript
  transmission.  I stored the plaintext signed transcript that I
  received from my high school on my own secure computer under the
  filename TrnGranger.eml and encrypted its contents for transmission
  by invoking the following command:

  gpg --encrypt --recipient TrnGranger.eml

  The resulting encrypted file, TrnGranger.eml.gpg, is attached to
  this email message.  Save that file to the disk on your local
  computer and decrypt the transcript by invoking the command:

  gpg --output TrnGranger.eml --decrypt TrnGranger.eml.gpg

  Hermione Granger

  Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="TrnGranger.eml.gpg"
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TrnGranger.eml.gpg"


             Figure 11: Encrypted File Transcript Transmission
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6.4. Traditional Inline Format

A student may use the traditional inline transmission format when the computer that he or she must use to transmit his or her transcript cannot be trusted to perform the necessary encryption correctly or without disclosing the plaintext transcript. In common with the encrypted file transmission format described above (Section 6.3), the traditional inline format simplifies using a more trusted computer to encrypt a student's transcript and later transferring its encrypted form to a less trusted computer for transmission to the chosen recipient. The traditional inline format allows a student to use an implementation of the OpenPGP cryptographic algorithms on a trusted computer to encrypt the plaintext version of his or her signed school transcript, received from the transcript originator. The key used for this encryption is the public OpenPGP key of the intended transcript recipient. The encrypted transcript is represented as an ASCII-armored text file that is then transferred (e.g., via a USB flash drive or networked file transfer protocol) to a less trusted computer for email transmission to the chosen recipient. On this less trusted computer, the student invokes an email client application to compose and send a plaintext email message to the recipient. The content of the ASCII-armored file containing the encrypted version of the student transcript is pasted (or otherwise inserted) into the new email message as the sole content of its body. A traditional inline transcript transmission has the form of a simple email message (in the Internet Message Format [RFC5322]) whose body is exclusively and entirely the encrypted form of the signed school transcript being transmitted. Representation of the included transcript MUST conform to the OpenPGP Message Format specification [RFC4880] for the ASCII-armored encoding of the OpenPGP encryption of the canonical MIME representation of the relevant signed school transcript. An example inline transcript transmission is illustrated in Figure 12. When the email message is received by the transcript recipient, a local OpenPGP implementation is invoked to extract and decrypt the inline representation of the encrypted school transcript, using the private OpenPGP encryption key generated by the transcript recipient. The process of extracting and decrypting the transmitted school transcript may be automated by large-volume transcript recipients. While the traditional inline format is an acceptable method of secure transcript transmission, it is probably best suited to students who lack ready alternatives. Because inline representation of OpenPGP messages can sometimes be incompatible with other email features and
Top   ToC   RFC7681 - Page 34
   conventions, the encrypted file format may be a better alternative
   for transcript transmissions when the transmitting computer cannot be
   trusted.  A brief essay by Josefsson [Jos07] identifies multiple
   difficulties that can arise from use of inline OpenPGP, although none
   is strictly relevant to a correctly formed EESST transcript
   transmission.  Accordingly, the traditional inline format may be used
   when needed but only with full consideration of its potential
   limitations on interoperability.

   Return-Path: <>
   MIME-Version: 1.0
   Content-Disposition: inline
   Content-Type: text/plain
   Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 12:40:01 -0400
   From: Hermione Granger <>
   To: Transcript Receiver at Faber College
   Subject: Encrypted Inline Transmission of School Transcript
   X-Mailer: smtp-cli 3.3, see
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
   Message-ID: <1372869801.14441.1.camel@hermione>

   -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
   Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

   -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

       Figure 12: Traditional Inline Signed Transcript Transmission

7. Security Considerations

The security of the EESST protocol depends upon the security of the OpenPGP protocols on which it is based. Although the cryptographic algorithms included in OpenPGP are among the strongest used in any known protocol, the integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality of conveyed student information is not assured unless EESST protocol implementors and users faithfully observe all requirements and recommendations of the relevant specifications ([RFC4880], [RFC3156], and [RFC4270]). In particular, the SHA-256 digest algorithm and RSA key lengths of at least 2048 bits MUST be used. Happily, these are supported by all major OpenPGP implementations.
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7.1. Originator Private Key

The authority and integrity of generated school transcripts depend on the continued secrecy of the private cryptographic key by which those transcripts are signed. For greatest security, the guidance director should be physically present when and where the computer program is invoked to generate and sign the transcripts. When an OpenPGP public-private key pair is generated for use by a transcript originator, a key revocation certificate should also be generated and securely stored. In the event that the generated key pair is compromised, the stored revocation certificate may be used to notify others to reject subsequent uses of that key.

7.2. Originator Public Key

The public cryptographic key for each transcript originator should be published (together with its OpenPGP fingerprint) on the web page for the originating institution and/or in the global OpenPGP key database. Instructions for retrieving and validating the originator's public key should be included in the preface of all issued transcripts. An association of school guidance professionals may wish to publish an online collection of OpenPGP public keys submitted by their members. A college admissions officer (or other high-volume transcript recipient) could then download and import this key collection into a local key database for use in verifying received transcripts.

7.3. Originator Certification

In order to reduce the chance that an imposter might successfully masquerade as a particular transcript originator and substitute a false key for the authentic one, the identification of each transcript originator with a particular OpenPGP key should be certified by other well-known, trustworthy officials. To this end, the public key for a transcript originator should be signed by other officials of the originating secondary school, e.g., its principal, senior faculty, or local school board members. The OpenPGP public keys of these certifying officials should be published.

7.4. Recipient Public Key

The public cryptographic key for each transcript recipient should be published (together with its OpenPGP fingerprint) on the web page for the receiving institution and/or in the global OpenPGP key database.
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7.5. Secure Clients

The cryptographic operations upon which the security properties of this protocol depend must be performed in private by the relevant stakeholder. The confidentiality of a student's personal transcript information cannot be sustained if others enjoy unauthorized access to that content during the process of encryption. The integrity of an originator's signature on each transcript cannot be assured if others can learn the originator's secret key by observing the signature process. The confidentiality of personal information sent by many students to a particular transcript recipient cannot be assured if others can learn that recipient's secret key by observing the decryption of received transcripts. Therefore, every stakeholder should perform the cryptographic operations proscribed here only when present at a physically isolated computer that is entirely controlled by that stakeholder and that locally stores all keys and confidential information. Using "thin clients" or web-based computing to perform sensitive cryptographic operations forfeits whatever protections this protocol might have otherwise afforded.

7.6. Automatic Replies

Recipient implementations should not reply automatically or routinely to received transcript transmissions. Such replies could provide valuable feedback to an attacker, especially if they can be elicited at will.

8. IANA Considerations

The EESST exchange format is compatible with and entails no alterations to existing email standards. Indeed, the syntactic similarity between the exchange format and standardized email message formats empowers users to apply widely deployed email tools to verify, interpret, or otherwise manipulate secondary school transcripts. In the hope of preventing any incompatibilities that could arise from future standards evolution or changes in common usage, this section describes the registration of two message header fields that are used in the EESST exchange format but currently lack any formal definition in existing standards. Consistent with registration procedures defined in RFC 3864 [RFC3864], the subsections below describe additions to the "Message Headers" registry maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
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8.1. Registration of Eesst-Version Header

The "Eesst-Version" message header field is completely internal to the EESST transcript format, and, indeed, explicitly precluded from appearing within an enveloping email message (see Section 5). Registration has been completed in order to discourage its use in other contexts. Header field name: Eesst-Version Applicable protocol: mail Status: provisional Author/Change controller: James R. Davin Specification document(s): RFC 7681 Related information: The value of this header field identifies the version of the EESST exchange format to which the represented school transcript conforms. This header may appear only within EESST school transcripts.

8.2. Registration of Organization Header

The EESST exchange format entails use of the "Organization" message header field to identify the originating institution for a student transcript. A header field of this name and semantics is already defined for use within network news articles (see [RFC5536]). Moreover, the "Organization" header field also frequently appears in electronic mail messages, although, perhaps surprisingly, it currently lacks any explicit, written definition in that context. This registration publicly documents ongoing use of this header field and may discourage incompatible uses in future. Header field name: Organization Applicable protocol: mail Status: informational Author/Change controller: James R. Davin
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   Specification document(s): RFC 7681

   Related information:
      The value of this header field identifies the organization or
      institution to which the originator of the relevant message

      Note: this field is quite distinct from the mail address fields
      MTS.OrganizationName and MTS.OrganizationalUnitNames used in
      X.400 mail.

9. References

9.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <>.

9.2. Informative References

[Fun12a] Funck, J., "XML Schema for the PESC Format for Academic Record Data Elements, Version 1.7.0", June 2012, < High%20School%20Transcript/AcademicRecord_v1.7.0.xsd>. [Fun12b] Funck, J., "XML Schema for the PESC Format for High School Transcripts, Version 1.3.0", June 2012, < High%20School%20Transcript/ HighSchoolTranscript_v1.3.0.xsd>. [GPH] Ashley, J., "The GNU Privacy Handbook", 1999, <>. [Jos07] Josefsson, J., "Inline OpenPGP Considered Harmful", April 2007, < inline-openpgp-considered-harmful.html>. [Mar06] Marton, B., "XML Schema for the PESC Format for Core Main Data Elements, Version 1.2.0", February 2006, < High%20School%20Transcript/CoreMain_v1.2.0.xml>.
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   [PDF17]    Adobe Systems, Inc., "Document Management - Portable
              Document Format - Part 1: PDF 1.7, First Edition", July
              2008, <

   [RFC1847]  Galvin, J., Murphy, S., Crocker, S., and N. Freed,
              "Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and
              Multipart/Encrypted", RFC 1847, DOI 10.17487/RFC1847,
              October 1995, <>.

   [RFC1958]  Carpenter, B., Ed., "Architectural Principles of the
              Internet", RFC 1958, DOI 10.17487/RFC1958, June 1996,

   [RFC2045]  Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message
              Bodies", RFC 2045, DOI 10.17487/RFC2045, November 1996,

   [RFC3156]  Elkins, M., Del Torto, D., Levien, R., and T. Roessler,
              "MIME Security with OpenPGP", RFC 3156,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3156, August 2001,

   [RFC3778]  Taft, E., Pravetz, J., Zilles, S., and L. Masinter, "The
              application/pdf Media Type", RFC 3778,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3778, May 2004,

   [RFC3864]  Klyne, G., Nottingham, M., and J. Mogul, "Registration
              Procedures for Message Header Fields", BCP 90, RFC 3864,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3864, September 2004,

   [RFC4270]  Hoffman, P. and B. Schneier, "Attacks on Cryptographic
              Hashes in Internet Protocols", RFC 4270,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4270, November 2005,

   [RFC4880]  Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H., Shaw, D., and R.
              Thayer, "OpenPGP Message Format", RFC 4880,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4880, November 2007,

   [RFC5321]  Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 5321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5321, October 2008,
Top   ToC   RFC7681 - Page 40
   [RFC5322]  Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5322, October 2008,

   [RFC5536]  Murchison, K., Ed., Lindsey, C., and D. Kohn, "Netnews
              Article Format", RFC 5536, DOI 10.17487/RFC5536, November
              2009, <>.

   [Sal84]    Saltzer, J., Reed, D., and D. Clark, "End-to-End Arguments
              in System Design", ACM Transactions on Computer
              Systems 2(4), DOI 10.1145/357401.357402, November 1984,

   [Ste12]    Stewart, T., "Implementation Guide for the Postsecondary
              Electronic Standards Council XML Standard Format for the
              High School Transcript, Version 1.3.0", July 2012,

   [XML11]    Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Maler, E.,
              Yergeau, F., and J. Cowan, "Extensible Markup Language
              (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)", W3C Recommendation
              REC-xml11-20060816, August 2006,

   [XSD]      Biron, P. and A. Malhotra, "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
              Second Edition", W3C Recommendation
              REC-xmlschema-2-20041028, October 2004,


Derek Atkins, Paul Hoffman, and Werner Koch provided independent reviews of this memo. Fred Baker, Dave Crocker, Keith Moore, and Chris Newman provided comments and questions about drafts of this document.

Author's Address

James R. Davin Email: URI: