
reverse index of all RFC numbers:  9499..9400

RFC 9499
Best Current Practice: 219  45 p.
DNS Terminology
RFC 9498
Informational  74 p.
The GNU Name System
RFC 9497
RFC 9496
Informational  27 p.
The ristretto255 and decaf448 Groups
RFC 9495
RFC 9494
Proposed Standard  20 p.
Long-Lived Graceful Restart for BGP
RFC 9493
RFC 9492
Proposed Standard  20 p.
OSPF Application-Specific Link Attributes
RFC 9491
RFC 9490


RFC 9489
RFC 9488
RFC 9487
RFC 9486
RFC 9485
RFC 9484
Proposed Standard  37 p.
Proxying IP in HTTP
RFC 9483
RFC 9482
RFC 9481
RFC 9480


RFC 9479
Proposed Standard  21 p.
IS-IS Application-Specific Link Attributes
RFC 9478
RFC 9477
RFC 9476
Proposed Standard  7 p.
The .alt Special-Use Top-Level Domain
RFC 9475
RFC 9474
Informational  27 p.
RSA Blind Signatures
RFC 9473
Informational  13 p.
A Vocabulary of Path Properties
RFC 9472
RFC 9471
RFC 9470


RFC 9469
RFC 9468
RFC 9467
RFC 9466
Proposed Standard  20 p.
PIM Assert Message Packing
RFC 9465
Proposed Standard  9 p.
PIM Null-Register Packing
RFC 9464
RFC 9463
RFC 9462
Proposed Standard  16 p.
Discovery of Designated Resolvers
RFC 9461
Proposed Standard  10 p.
Service Binding Mapping for DNS Servers
RFC 9460


RFC 9459
RFC 9458
Proposed Standard  40 p.
Oblivious HTTP
RFC 9457
Proposed Standard  16 p.
Problem Details for HTTP APIs
RFC 9456
RFC 9455
RFC 9454
Proposed Standard  6 p.
Update to OSPF Terminology
RFC 9453
RFC 9452
RFC 9451
RFC 9450


RFC 9449
RFC 9448
RFC 9447
RFC 9446
RFC 9445
RFC 9444
RFC 9443
Proposed Standard  8 p.
Multiplexing Scheme Updates for QUIC
RFC 9442
RFC 9441
RFC 9440
Informational  14 p.
Client-Cert HTTP Header Field


RFC 9439
RFC 9438
Proposed Standard  28 p.
CUBIC for Fast and Long-Distance Networks
RFC 9437
RFC 9436
RFC 9435
RFC 9434
RFC 9433
RFC 9432
Proposed Standard  16 p.
DNS Catalog Zones
RFC 9431
RFC 9430


RFC 9429
RFC 9428
RFC 9427
RFC 9426
RFC 9425
RFC 9424
RFC 9423
RFC 9422
Proposed Standard  11 p.
The LIMITS SMTP Service Extension
RFC 9421
Proposed Standard  95 p.
HTTP Message Signatures
RFC 9420
Proposed Standard  132 p.
The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol


RFC 9419
RFC 9418
Proposed Standard  38 p.
A YANG Data Model for Service Assurance
RFC 9417
RFC 9416
RFC 9415
RFC 9414
RFC 9413
Informational  14 p.
Maintaining Robust Protocols
RFC 9412
Proposed Standard  5 p.
The ORIGIN Extension in HTTP/3
RFC 9411
RFC 9410


RFC 9409
RFC 9408
RFC 9407
RFC 9406
Proposed Standard  9 p.
HyStart++: Modified Slow Start for TCP
RFC 9405
Informational  5 p.  first april…
AI Sarcasm Detection: Insult Your AI without Offending It
RFC 9404
RFC 9403
Proposed Standard  22 p.
A YANG Data Model for RIB Extensions
RFC 9402
Informational  8 p.  first april…
Concat Notation
RFC 9401
Informational  6 p.  first april…
The Addition of the Death (DTH) Flag to TCP
RFC 9400

