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RFC 0909

Loader Debugger Protocol

Pages: 135
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 70 to 99
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ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 70   prevText
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 | MANAGEMENT    |     CREATE    |
                    2 |           Create Type         |
                      +---------------+---------------+   +-+
                                      *                    |
                                      *                    |  Create
                                      *                    |  Arguments
                      +---------------+---------------+    |
                    n |         Create Arguments      |    |
                      +---------------+---------------+   +-+

                           CREATE Command Format
                                 Figure 42


     Create Type

          The type of object to be created.  Arguments vary  with  the
          type.   Currently defined types are shown in Figure 43.  All
          are optional except for BREAKPOINT.

                    Create Type  |  Symbol

                       0            BREAKPOINT
                       1            WATCHPOINT
                       2            PROCESS
                       3            MEMORY_OBJECT
                       4            DESCRIPTOR

                               Create Types
                                 Figure 43
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 71
     Create Arguments

          Create arguments depend on the type of object being created.
          The formats for each type of object are described below.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               22              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |     CREATE    |
                    2 |           BREAKPOINT          |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    3 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    4 |                               |   |
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Create
                    5 |              Field            |   |  BREAKPOINT
                      +-------------------------------+   |  Arguments
                    6 |                               |   |
                      +--            Offset         --+   |
                    7 |                               |   |
                      +-------------------------------+   |
                    8 |        Maximum States         |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    9 |        Maximum Size           |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    10|     Maximum Local Variables   |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                         CREATE BREAKPOINT Format
                                 Figure 44


          The format  is the same for  CREATE  BREAKPOINT  and  CREATE
          WATCHPOINT.   In  the following discussion, 'breakpoint' may
          be taken to mean either breakpoint or watchpoint.

          The address is the location where the breakpoint  is  to  be
          set.   In  the  case of watchpoints it is the location to be
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 72
          watched.  Valid modes are any  PHYS_*  mode  that  addresses
          macro-memory,  PROCESS_CODE for breakpoints and PROCESS_DATA
          for watchpoints.

          'Maximum states' is the number of states  the  finite  state
          machine  for  this  breakpoint  will  have.  A value of zero
          indicates a default breakpoint, for  targets  which  do  not
          implement finite state machine (FSM) breakpoints.  A default
          breakpoint is the same as an FSM with one  state  consisting
          of  a  STOP  and a REPORT command for the process containing
          the breakpoint.

          'Maximum  size'  is  the  total  size,  in  octets,  of  the
          breakpoint  data  to  be sent via subsequent BREAKPOINT_DATA
          commands.  This is the size of the data only, and  does  not
          include the LDP command headers and breakpoint descriptors.

          'Maximum local variables' is the number of 32-bit  longs  to
          reserve  for  local variables for this breakpoint.  Normally
          this value will be zero.


          Creates a new process.  Arguments are target-dependent.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 73
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |     CREATE    |
                    2 |         MEMORY_OBJECT         |
                    3 |         Object Size           |
                    4 |           Name Size           |
                      +-------------------------------+  +-+
                    5 |    Name char  |  Name char    |   |
                      +-------------------------------+   |
                                      *                   |  Object
                                      *                   |  Name
                                      *                   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    n | 0 or Name char|       0       |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                        CREATE MEMORY_OBJECT Format
                                 Figure 45


          Creates an object of size Object Size, with the given  name.
          Object  Size  is in target dependent units.  The name may be
          the null string for unnamed objects.  Name  Size  gives  the
          number  of  characters  in  Object  Name,  and must be even.
          Always ends with a null octect.


          Used for obtaining descriptors from IDs  on  target  systems
          where  IDs  are  longer  than  32  bits.   There is a single
          argument, Long ID, whose length is target dependent.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 74
     8.2  CREATE_DONE Reply

          The target sends a CREATE_DONE reply to the host in response
     to  a successful CREATE command.  The reply contains the sequence
     number of the CREATE request, and a  descriptor  for  the  object
     created.   This  descriptor  is  used  by the host to specify the
     object in subsequent commands referring to  it.   Commands  which
     refer  to  created  objects  include  LIST_* commands, DELETE and
     BREAKPOINT_DATA.  For example, to delete a  CREATEd  object,  the
     host  sends  a  DELETE  command  that  specifies  the  descriptor
     returned by the CREATE_DONE reply.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               12              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |  CREATE_DONE  |
                    2 |     Create Sequence Number    |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    3 |    Mode       | Mode Argmuent |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |  Created
                    4 |                               |   |  Object
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Descriptor
                    5 |              Field            |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                         CREATE_DONE Reply Format
                                 Figure 46


     Create Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the CREATE command to which  this  is
          the reply.

     Created Object Descriptor

          A descriptor assigned by the target to the  created  object.
          The  contents  of  the  descriptor  fields  are  arbitrarily
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 75
          assigned by the target at its convenience.  The host  treats
          the  descriptor  as  a unitary object, used for referring to
          the created object in subsequent commands.

     8.3  DELETE Command

          The host sends a DELETE command to remove an object  created
     by  an  earlier  CREATE  command.   The  object  to be deleted is
     specified  with  a  descriptor.   The  descriptor  is  from   the
     CREATE_DONE reply to the original CREATE command.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               10              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |    DELETE     |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    2 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    3 |                               |   |  Created
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Object
                    4 |              Field            |   |  Descriptor
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                           DELETE Command Format
                                 Figure 47


          Created Object Descriptor

          Specifies the object to be deleted.  This is the  descriptor
          that  was returned by the target in the CREATE_DONE reply to
          the original CREATE command.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 76
     8.4  DELETE_DONE Reply

          The target sends a DELETE_DONE reply to the host in response
     to  a successful DELETE command.  The reply contains the sequence
     number of the DELETE request.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               6               |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | DELETE_DONE   |
                    2 |     Delete Sequence Number    |

                         DELETE_DONE Reply Format
                                 Figure 48


     Request Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the DELETE command to which  this  is
          the reply.

     8.5  LIST_ADDRESSES Command

          The host sends a LIST_ADDRESSES command to request a list of
     valid address ranges for a specified object.  The object is given
     by a descriptor.  Typical objects are a target  process,  or  the
     target   physical   machine.    The   target   responds  with  an
     ADDRESS_LIST reply.  This command is used for obtaining the  size
     of dynamic address spaces and for determining dump ranges.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 77
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               10              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | LIST_ADDRESSES|
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    2 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |  Object
                    3 |                               |   |  Descriptor
                      +--            ID             --+   |
                    4 |              Field            |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                       LIST_ADDRESSES Command Format
                                 Figure 49


          Object Descriptor

          Specifies the object whose address ranges are to be  listed.
          Valid  modes  include  PHYS_MACRO, PHYS_MICRO, PROCESS_CODE,
          and PROCESS_DATA.

     8.6  ADDRESS_LIST Reply

          The target sends  an  ADDRESS_LIST  reply  to  the  host  in
     response  to  a  successful  LIST_ADDRESSES  command.   The reply
     contains the sequence number of the LIST_ADDRESSES  request,  the
     descriptor  of  the  object being listed, and a list of the valid
     address ranges within the  object.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 78
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | ADDRESS_LIST  |
                    2 |      List Sequence Number     |
                    3 |   Flags     |M| Item Count    |
                    4 |                               |
                      +--                           --+
                    5 |          Descriptor           |
                      +--                           --+
                    6 |                               |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    7 |                               |   |
                      +--        First Address      --+   | First
                    8 |                               |   | Address
                      +-------------------------------+   | Range
                    9 |                               |   |
                      +--         Last Address      --+   |
                    10|                               |   |
                      +-------------------------------+  +-+
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                      |                               |   |
                      +--        First Address      --+   | Last
                      |                               |   | Address
                      +-------------------------------+   | Range
                      |                               |   |
                      +--         Last Address      --+   |
                      |                               |   |
                      +-------------------------------+  +-+

                         ADDRESS_LIST Reply Format
                                 Figure 50
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 79

     List Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the LIST_ADDRESSES command  to  which
          this is the reply.


          If M=1, the  address  list  is  continued  in  one  or  more
          subsequent  ADDRESS_LIST replies.  If M=0, this is the final

     Item Count

          The number of address ranges described in this command.


          The descriptor of the object being listed.

     Address Range

          Each address range is composed of a pair of 32-bit addresses
          which  give  the  first and last addresses of the range.  If
          there are 'holes' in the address space of the  object,  then
          multiple  address  ranges will be used to describe the valid
          address space.

     8.7  LIST_BREAKPOINTS Command

          The host sends a LIST_BREAKPOINTS command to request a  list
     of  all  breakpoints associated with the current connection.  The
     target replies with BREAKPOINT_LIST.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 80
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               4               |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |LIST_BREAKPOINTS

                      LIST_BREAKPOINTS Command Format
                                 Figure 51

     8.8  BREAKPOINT_LIST Reply

          The target sends a BREAKPOINT_LIST  reply  to  the  host  in
     response  to  a LIST_BREAKPOINTS command.  The reply contains the
     sequence number of the LIST_BREAKPOINTS request, and  a  list  of
     all  breakpoints  associated  with  the  current connection.  The
     descriptor and address of each breakpoint are listed.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 81
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |BREAKPOINT_LIST|
                    2 |      List Sequence Number     |
                    3 |   Flags     |M| Item Count    |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    4 |    Mode       |     0         |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    5 |                               |   |  Breakpoint
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Descriptor
                    6 |              Field            |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    7 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    8 |                               |   |
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Breakpoint
                    9 |              Field            |   |  Address
                      +-------------------------------+   |
                    10|                               |   |
                      +--            Offset         --+   |
                    11|                               |   |
                      +-------------------------------+  +-+
                                      *                   |  Additional
                                      *                   |  Descriptor-Address
                                      *                   |  Pairs

                       BREAKPOINT_LIST Reply Format
                                 Figure 52


     List Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the LIST_BREAKPOINTS command to which
          this is the reply.

ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 82
          If M=1, the breakpoint list is  continued  in  one  or  more
          subsequent  BREAKPOINT_LIST  replies.   If  M=0, this is the
          final BREAKPOINT_LIST.

     Item Count

          The number of breakpoints described in this list.

     Breakpoint Descriptor

          A descriptor assigned by  the  target  to  this  breakpoint.
          Used   by   the   host   to   specify   this  breakpoint  in
          BREAKPOINT_DATA and DELETE commands.

     Breakpoint Address

          The address at which this breakpoint is set.

     8.9  LIST_PROCESSES Command

          The host sends a LIST_PROCESSES command to request a list of
     descriptors  for all processes on the target.  The target replies
     with PROCESS_LIST.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               4               |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  |LIST_PROCESSES |

                       LIST_PROCESSES Command Format
                                 Figure 53
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 83
     8.10  PROCESS_LIST Reply

          The target  sends  a  PROCESS_LIST  reply  to  the  host  in
     response  to  a  LIST_PROCESSES  command.  The reply contains the
     sequence number of the LIST_PROCESSES request, and a list of  all
     processes  in  the  target.  For each process, a descriptor and a
     target-dependent amount of process data are given.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | PROCESS_LIST  |
                    2 |      List Sequence Number     |
                    3 |   Flags     |M| Item Count    |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    4 | PROCESS_CODE  |     0         |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    5 |                               |   |  Process
                      +--            ID             --+   |  Descriptor
                    6 |              Field            |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    7 |       Process data count      |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    8 |  Process data |  Process data |   |
                      +-------------------------------+   |  Process
                                      *                   |  Data
                                      *                   |
                                      *                   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    n |  Process data |  Process data |   |
                      +-------------------------------+  +-+
                                      *                   |  Additional
                                      *                   |  Descriptor-Data
                                      *                   |  Pairs

                         PROCESS_LIST Reply Format
                                 Figure 54
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 84

     List Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the LIST_PROCESSES command  to  which
          this is the reply.


          If M=1, the  process  list  is  continued  in  one  or  more
          subsequent  PROCESS_LIST replies.  If M=0, this is the final

     Item Count

          The number of processes described in this  list.   For  each
          process  there  is  a  descriptor  and  a variable number of
          octets of process data.

     Process Descriptor

          A descriptor assigned by the target to this  process.   Used
          by the host to specify this PROCESS in a DELETE command.

     Process Data Count

          Number of octets of process data for this process.  Must  be

     Process Data

          Target-dependent information about this process.  Number  of
          octets is given by the process data count.

     8.11  LIST_NAMES Command

          The host sends a LIST_NAMES command to  request  a  list  of
     available names as strings.  The target replies with NAME_LIST.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 85
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               4               |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | LIST_NAMES    |

                         LIST_NAMES Command Format
                                 Figure 55

     8.12  NAME_LIST Reply

          The target sends a NAME_LIST reply to the host  in  response
     to  a LIST_NAMES command.  The reply contains the sequence number
     of the LIST_NAMES request, and a list of  all  target  names,  as
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 86
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | NAME_LIST     |
                    2 |      List Sequence Number     |
                    3 |   Flags     |M| Item Count    |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    4 |           Name Size           |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    5 |  Name Char    |   Name Char   |   |  Name
                      +---------------+---------------+   |  String
                                      *                   |
                                      *                   |
                                      *                   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    n | 0 or Name Char|       0       |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                                      *                   |  Additional
                                      *                   |  Name
                                      *                   |  Strings

                          NAME_LIST Reply Format
                                 Figure 56


     List Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the LIST_NAMES command to which  this
          is the reply.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 87

          If M=1, the name list is continued in one or more subsequent
          NAME_LIST replies.  If M=0, this is the final NAME_LIST.

     Item Count

          The number of name strings in this list.  Each  name  string
          consists  of  a character count and a null-terminated string
          of characters.

     Name Size

          The number of octets in this name string.  Must be even.

     Name Characters

          A string of octets composing the name.   Ends  with  a  null
          octet.   The  number  of  characters must be even, so if the
          terminating null comes on an  odd  octet,  another  null  is

     8.13  GET_PHYS_ADDR Command

          The host sends a GET_PHYS_ADDR command to convert an address
     into physical form.  The target returns the physical address in a
     GOT_PHYS_ADDR  reply.   For  example,  the  host  could  send   a
     GET_PHYS_ADDR  command  containing a register-offset address, and
     the target would return the physical address derived from this in
     a GOT_PHYS_ADDR reply.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 88
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               14              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | GET_PHYS_ADDR |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    2 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    3 |              ID               |   |
                      +--            Field          --+   |
                    4 |                               |   |  Address
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    5 |                               |   |
                      +--            Offset         --+   |
                    6 |                               |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                       GET_PHYS_ADDR Command Format
                                 Figure 57



          The address to be converted to a physical address.  The mode
          may    be   one   of   PHYS_REG_OFFSET,   PHYS_REG_INDIRECT,
          PHYS_MACRO_PTR, any OBJECT_* mode, and  any  PROCESS_*  mode
          except for PROCESS_REG.

     8.14  GOT_PHYS_ADDR Reply

          The target sends  a  GOT_PHYS_ADDR  reply  to  the  host  in
     response  to  a  successful  GET_PHYS_ADDR  command.   The  reply
     contains the sequence number of the  GET_PHYS_ADDR  request,  and
     the specified address converted into a physical address.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 89
                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               16              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | GOT_PHYS_ADDR |
                    2 |      Get  Sequence Number     |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    3 | PHYS_MACRO    |      0        |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    4 |                               |   |
                      +--             0             --+   |
                    5 |                               |   |  Address
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    6 |                               |   |
                      +--            Offset         --+   |
                    7 |                               |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                        GOT_PHYS_ADDR Reply Format
                                 Figure 58


     Get Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the GET_PHYS_ADDR  command  to  which
          this is the reply.


          The address resulting from translating the address given  in
          the  GET_PHYS_ADDR command into a physical address.  Mode is
          always PHYS_MACRO and ID and mode argument are always  zero.
          Offset gives the 32-bit physical address.
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 90
     8.15  GET_OBJECT Command

          The host sends a GET_OBJECT command to convert a name string
     into  a  descriptor.   The  target  returns  the  descriptor in a
     GOT_OBJECT reply.  Intended for use in finding control  parameter

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |        Command Length         |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | GET_OBJECT    |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    2 |           Name Size           |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    3 |  Name Char    |   Name Char   |   |  Name
                      +---------------+---------------+   |  String
                                      *                   |
                                      *                   |
                                      *                   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    n | 0 or Name Char|       0       |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                         GET_OBJECT Command Format
                                 Figure 59


     Name String

          The name of an object.

     Name Size

          The number of octets in this name string.  Must be even.

     Name Characters

          A string of octets composing the name.   Ends  with  a  null
          octet.   The  number  of  characters must be even, so if the
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 91
          terminating null comes on an  odd  octet,  another  null  is

     8.16  GOT_OBJECT Reply

          The target sends a GOT_OBJECT reply to the host in  response
     to  a  successful  GET_OBJECT  command.   The  reply contains the
     sequence number of the  GET_OBJECT  request,  and  the  specified
     object name converted into a descriptor.

                       0             0 0   1         1
                       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
                    0 |               12              |
                    1 |   MANAGEMENT  | GOT_OBJECT    |
                    2 |      Get  Sequence Number     |
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+
                    3 | Mode          | Mode Argument |   |
                      +---------------+---------------+   |
                    4 |                               |   |
                      +--             ID            --+   |  Object
                    5 |                               |   |  Descriptor
                      +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                          GOT_OBJECT Reply Format
                                 Figure 60


     Get Sequence Number

          The sequence number of the GET_OBJECT command to which  this
          is the reply.

ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 92
          The  descriptor  of  the  object  named  in  the  GET_OBJECT
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 93
                                 CHAPTER 9

                        Breakpoints and Watchpoints

          Breakpoints  and   watchpoints   are   used   in   debugging
     applications.   Each  breakpoint or watchpoint is associated with
     one debugger connection and one address.  When  a  breakpoint  or
     watchpoint is triggered, the target executes one or more commands
     associated with it.  A breakpoint is triggered when  its  address
     is  executed.   A  watchpoint  is  triggered  when its address is
     modified.  The same mechanism is used for structuring  breakpoint
     and  watchpoint  commands.  For brevity's sake, 'breakpoint' will
     be used in the remainder of this document to refer  to  either  a
     breakpoint or a watchpoint.

          The commands used by the host to manipulate breakpoints  are
     given in Figure 61, in the order in which they are normally used.
     All commands are sent from the  host  to  the  target,  and  each
     specifies the descriptor of a breakpoint.

      Command               Description

      CREATE                Create a breakpoint
      BREAKPOINT_DATA       Send commands to be executed in an
                            FSM breakpoint
      START                 Activate a breakpoint, set state
                            and initialize breakpoint variables
      STOP                  Deactivate a breakpoint
      CONTINUE              Activate a breakpoint
      LIST_BREAKPOINTS      List all breakpoints
      REPORT                Report the status of a breakpoint
      DELETE                Delete a breakpoint

                    Commands to Manipulate Breakpoints
                                 Figure 61
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 94
          There are two kinds of breakpoints:  default breakpoints and
     finite state machine (FSM) breakpoints.  They differ in their use
     of commands.

          Default breakpoints  do  not  contain  any  commands.   When
     triggered,  a  default  breakpoint stops the target object (i.e.,
     target process or application) it is located in.  A STATUS report
     on  the  stopped  object is sent to the host.  At this point, the
     host may send further commands to debug the target.

          An FSM breakpoint has one or more conditional command lists,
     organized into a finite state machine.  When an FSM breakpoint is
     created, the total number of states is specified.  The host  then
     sends commands (using BREAKPOINT_DATA) to be associated with each
     state.  The target maintains a state variable for the breakpoint,
     which  determines  which  command  list  will  be executed if the
     breakpoint is triggered.  When  the  breakpoint  is  created  its
     state  variable is initialized to zero (zero is the first state).
     A breakpoint command, SET_STATE, may be used within a  breakpoint
     to  change  the  value  of  the state variable.  A REPORT command
     applied to a breakpoint descriptor returns its  address,  whether
     it is armed or disarmed, and the value of its state variable.

          Commands valid in breakpoints include all  implemented  data
     transfer and control commands, a set of conditional commands, and
     a set of breakpoint commands.  The conditional commands  and  the
     breakpoint  commands  act on a set of local breakpoint variables.
     The  breakpoint  variables  consist  of  the  state  variable,  a
     counter,  and  two  pointer  variables.  The conditional commands
     control the execution of breakpoint command lists  based  on  the
     contents  of  one  of  the  breakpoint variables.  The breakpoint
     commands are used to set the value of the  breakpoint  variables:
     SET_STATE  sets  the  state  variable,  SET_PTR  sets  one of the
     pointer  variables,  and  INC_COUNT  increments  the   breakpoint
     counter.   There may be implementation restrictions on the number
     of breakpoints, the number of states, the number  of  conditions,
     and  the  size  of  the  command  lists.  Management commands and
     protocol commands are forbidden in breakpoints.

          In FSM breakpoints, the execution of commands is  controlled
     as  follows.   When  a  breakpoint is triggered, the breakpoint's
     state  variable  selects  a  particular  state.   One   or   more
     conditional  command  lists  is  associated  with  this state.  A
     conditional  command  list  consists  of  a  list  of  conditions
     followed  by  a  list  of  commands  which  are  executed  if the
     condition list is satisfied.  The debugger starts a breakpoint by
     executing  the  first  of  these lists.  If the condition list is
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 95
     satisfied, the debugger executes the associated command list  and
     leaves the breakpoint.  If the condition list fails, the debugger
     skips  to  the  next  conditional  command  list.   This  process
     continues  until  the  debugger  either  encounters  a successful
     condition list, or exhausts all the conditional command lists for
     the  state.   The  relationship  of commands, lists and states is
     shown in Figure 62 (IFs,  THENs  and  ELSEs  are  used  below  to
     clarify  the  logical structure within a state; they are not part
     of the protocol).

                    State 0
                            IF <condition list 0>
                               THEN <command list 0>

                            ELSE IF <condition list 1>
                               THEN <command list 1>


                            ELSE IF <condition list n>
                                THEN <command list n>

                            ELSE <exit>
                    State n

                   Breakpoint Conditional Command Lists
                                 Figure 62

     9.1  BREAKPOINT_DATA Command

          BREAKPOINT_DATA is a data transfer command used by the  host
     to  send  commands to be executed in breakpoints and watchpoints.
     The command  specifies  the  descriptor  of  the   breakpoint  or
     watchpoint, and a stream of commands to be appended to the end of
     the  breakpoint's  command  list.   BREAKPOINT_DATA  is   applied
     sequentially  to  successive  breakpoint  states,  and successive
ToP   noToC   RFC0909 - Page 96
     command lists within each state.  Multiple  BREAKPOINT_DATAs  may
     be  sent  for a given breakpoint.  Breaks between BREAKPOINT_DATA
     commands may occur anywhere within the data stream,  even  within
     individual  commands  in the data.  Sufficient space to store the
     data must have been allocated by the maximum size  field  in  the

                  0             0 0   1         1
                  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
               0 |        Command Length         |
                 +---------------+---------------+  +-+
               2 |    Mode       | Mode Argument |   |
                 +---------------+---------------+   |  Breakpoint or
               3 |                               |   |  Watchpoint
                 +--            ID             --+   |  Descriptor
               4 |              Field            |   |
                 +-------------------------------+  +-+
               5 |     Data      |  Data         |   |
                 +-------------------------------+   |
                                 *                   |
                                 *                   |  Data
                                 *                   |
                 +---------------+---------------+   |
               n |     Data      |  Data or 0    |   |
                 +---------------+---------------+  +-+

                      BREAKPOINT_DATA Command Format
                                 Figure 63


     Command Length

          Total length of this  command  in  octets,  including  data,
          excluding the final padding octet, if any.


          A stream of data  to  be  appended  to  the  data  for  this
          breakpoint  or  watchpoint.  This stream has the form of one
          or more states, each  containing  one  or  more  conditional
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          command lists.  The first BREAKPOINT_DATA command sent for a
          breakpoint contains data starting with state zero.  The data
          for  each  state  starts with the state size.  A conditional
          command list is composed of two parts: a condition list, and
          a command list.  Each list begins with a word that gives its
          size in octets.

          <state 0 size>
                   <condition list 0 size> <condition list 0>
                   <command list 0 size>   <command list 0>
                   <condition list n size> <condition list n>
                   <command list n size>   <command list n>
          <state 1 size>
          <state n size>

                       Breakpoint Data Stream Format
                                 Figure 64
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          All sizes are stored in 16-bit words, and include their  own
          length.   The state size gives the total number of octets of
          breakpoint data for the  state.   The  condition  list  size
          gives  the total octets of breakpoint data for the following
          condition list.  A condition list size  of  2  indicates  an
          empty  condition  list:  in  this case the following command
          list is executed unconditionally.   The  command  list  size
          gives  the total octets of breakpoint data for the following
          command list.


          Condition  and  command  lists  come  in  pairs.   When  the
          breakpoint  occurs,  the condition list controls whether the
          following command list should be executed.  A condition list
          consists  of one or more commands from the CONDITION command
          class.  A command list consists one or  more  LDP  commands.
          Valid   commands  are  any  commands  from  the  BREAKPOINT,
          DATA_TRANSFER or CONTROL command classes.
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                                CHAPTER 10

                           Conditional Commands

          Conditional commands are used in breakpoints to control  the
     execution  of  breakpoint  commands.   One  or more conditions in
     sequence form a condition list.  If a condition list is satisfied
     (evaluates  to  TRUE),  the  breakpoint  command list immediately
     following it is  executed.   (See  Breakpoints  and  Watchpoints,
     above,  for a discussion of the logic flow in conditional/command
     lists.) Conditional commands perform tests  on  local  breakpoint
     variables,  and  other  locations.   Each  condition evaluates to
     either  TRUE  or  FALSE.   Figure  65  contains  a   summary   of
     conditional commands:

      Command                       Description

     CHANGED <loc>                  Determine if a location has changed
     COMPARE <loc1> <mask> <loc2>   Compare two locations, using a mask
     COUNT_[EQ | GT | LT] <value>   Compare the counter to a value
     TEST  <loc> <mask> <value>     Compare a location to a value

                        Conditional Command Summary
                                 Figure 65

     The rules for forming and evaluating condition lists are:

     o   consecutive conditions have an implicit logical  AND  between
         them.  A sequence of such conditions is called an 'and_list'.
         and_lists are delimited by an OR command and by  the  end  of
         the condition list.

     o   the breakpoint OR command may be inserted between any pair of

     o   AND takes precedence over OR

     o   nested condition lists are not supported.  A  condition  list
         is simply one or more and_lists, separated by ORs.

(next page on part 4)

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