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RFC 8006

Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Metadata

Pages: 66
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 15 to 43
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4. CDNI Metadata Objects

Section 4.1 provides the definitions of each metadata object type introduced in Section 3. These metadata objects are described as structural metadata objects, as they provide the structure for host and URI path-based inheritance and identify which GenericMetadata objects apply to a given User Agent content request. Section 4.2 provides the definitions for a base set of core metadata objects that can be contained within a GenericMetadata object. These metadata objects govern how User Agent requests for content are handled. GenericMetadata objects can contain other GenericMetadata objects as properties; these can be referred to as sub-objects. As with all CDNI Metadata objects, the value of the GenericMetadata sub-objects can be either a complete serialized representation of the sub-object or a Link object that contains a URI that can be dereferenced to retrieve the complete serialized representation of the property sub-object. Section 6.5 discusses the ability to extend the base set of GenericMetadata objects specified in this document with additional standards-based or vendor-specific GenericMetadata objects that might be defined in the future in separate documents. dCDNs and tCDNs MUST support the parsing of all CDNI Metadata objects specified in this document. A dCDN does not have to implement the underlying functionality represented by non-structural GenericMetadata objects (though that might restrict the content that a given dCDN will be able to serve). uCDNs as generators of CDNI Metadata only need to support generating the CDNI Metadata that they
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   need in order to express the policies required by the content they
   are describing.  See Section 6.4 for more details on the specific
   encoding rules for CDNI Metadata objects.

   Note: In the following sections, the term "mandatory-to-specify" is
   used to convey which properties MUST be included for a given
   structural or GenericMetadata object.  When mandatory-to-specify is
   specified as "Yes" for an individual property, it means that if the
   object containing that property is included in a metadata response,
   then the mandatory-to-specify property MUST also be included
   (directly or by reference) in the response.  For example, a HostMatch
   property object without a host to match against does not make sense;
   therefore, the "host" property is mandatory-to-specify inside a
   HostMatch object.

4.1. Definitions of the CDNI Structural Metadata Objects

The subsections below describe the structural objects introduced in Section 3.1.

4.1.1. HostIndex

The HostIndex object is the entry point into the CDNI Metadata hierarchy. It contains an array of HostMatch objects. An incoming content request is checked against the hostname (or IP address) specified by each of the listed HostMatch objects to find the HostMatch object that applies to the request. Property: hosts Description: Array of HostMatch objects. Hosts (HostMatch objects) MUST be evaluated in the order they appear, and the first HostMatch object that matches the content request being processed MUST be used. Type: Array of HostMatch objects Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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   Example HostIndex object containing two HostMatch objects, where the
   first HostMatch object is embedded and the second HostMatch object is

     "hosts": [
         <Properties of embedded HostMatch object>
         "type": "MI.HostMatch",
         "href": "https://metadata.ucdn.example/hostmatch1234"

4.1.2. HostMatch

The HostMatch object contains a hostname or IP address to match against content requests. The HostMatch object also contains a HostMetadata object to apply if a match is found. Property: host Description: Hostname or IP address and optional port to match against the requested host, i.e., the host and port as described in [RFC3986]. In order for a hostname or IP address in a content request to match the hostname or IP address in the "host" property, the value from the content request when converted to lowercase MUST be identical to the value of the "host" property when converted to lowercase. All implementations MUST support IPv4 addresses encoded as specified by the "IPv4address" rule in Section 3.2.2 of [RFC3986]. IPv6 addresses MUST be encoded in one of the IPv6 address formats specified in [RFC5952], although receivers MUST support all IPv6 address formats specified in [RFC4291]. Hostnames MUST conform to the Domain Name System (DNS) syntax defined in [RFC1034] and [RFC1123]. Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) must first be transformed to the A-label form [RFC5890] as per [RFC5891]. Type: Endpoint Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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      Property: host-metadata

         Description: CDNI Metadata to apply when delivering content
         that matches this host.

         Type: HostMetadata

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

   Example HostMatch object with an embedded HostMetadata object:

     "host": "",
     "host-metadata": {
       <Properties of embedded HostMetadata object>

   Example HostMatch object referencing (via a Link object; see
   Section 4.3.1) a HostMetadata object:

     "host": "",
     "host-metadata": {
       "type": "MI.HostMetadata",
       "href": "https://metadata.ucdn.example/host1234"

4.1.3. HostMetadata

A HostMetadata object contains the CDNI Metadata properties for content served for a particular host (defined in the HostMatch object) and possibly child PathMatch objects. Property: metadata Description: Array of host-related metadata. Type: Array of GenericMetadata objects Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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      Property: paths

         Description: Path-specific rules.  Path patterns (PathMatch
         objects) MUST be evaluated in the order they appear, and the
         first (and only the first) PathMatch object that matches the
         content request being processed MUST be used.

         Type: Array of PathMatch objects

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is that there are no
         more-specific paths to evaluate (i.e., an empty list).

   Example HostMetadata object containing a number of embedded
   GenericMetadata objects that will describe the default metadata for
   the host and an embedded PathMatch object that contains a path for
   which metadata exists that overrides the default metadata for the

     "metadata": [
         <Properties of first embedded GenericMetadata object>
         <Properties of second embedded GenericMetadata object>


         <Properties of Nth embedded GenericMetadata object>
     "paths": [
         <Properties of embedded PathMatch object>

4.1.4. PathMatch

A PathMatch object contains a PatternMatch object with a path to match against a resource's URI path, as well as how to handle URI query parameters. The PathMatch object also contains a PathMetadata object with GenericMetadata to apply if the resource's URI matches the pattern within the PatternMatch object.
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      Property: path-pattern

         Description: Pattern to match against the requested
         resource's URI.

         Type: PatternMatch

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

      Property: path-metadata

         Description: CDNI Metadata to apply when delivering content
         that matches the associated PatternMatch.

         Type: PathMetadata

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

   Example PathMatch object referencing the PathMetadata object to use
   for URIs that match the case-sensitive URI path pattern "/movies/*"
   (contained within an embedded PatternMatch object):

     "path-pattern": {
       "pattern": "/movies/*",
       "case-sensitive": true
     "path-metadata": {
         "type": "MI.PathMetadata",
         "href": "https://metadata.ucdn.example/host1234/pathDCE"

4.1.5. PatternMatch

A PatternMatch object contains the pattern string and flags that describe the pattern expression. Property: pattern Description: A pattern for matching against the URI path, i.e., against the path-absolute [RFC3986]. The pattern can contain the wildcards "*" and "?", where "*" matches any sequence of pchar [RFC3986] or "/" characters (including the empty string) and "?" matches exactly one pchar character. The three literals "$", "*", and "?" MUST be escaped as "$$", "$*", and "$?" (where "$" is the designated escape character). All other characters are treated as literals.
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         Type: String

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

      Property: case-sensitive

         Description: Flag indicating whether or not case-sensitive
         matching should be used.  Note: Case insensitivity applies to
         ALPHA characters in the URI path prior to percent-decoding

         Type: Boolean

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is case-insensitive match
         (i.e., a value of False).

   Example PatternMatch object that matches the case-sensitive URI path
   pattern "/movies/*":

     "pattern": "/movies/*",
     "case-sensitive": true

4.1.6. PathMetadata

A PathMetadata object contains the CDNI Metadata properties for content requests that match against the associated URI path (defined in a PathMatch object). Note that if DNS-based redirection is employed, then a dCDN will be unable to evaluate any metadata at the PathMetadata level or below because only the hostname of the content request is available at Request Routing time. dCDNs SHOULD still process all PathMetadata for the host before responding to the redirection request to detect if any unsupported metadata is specified. If any metadata not supported by the dCDN is marked as mandatory-to-enforce, the dCDN SHOULD NOT accept the content redirection request, in order to avoid receiving content requests that it will not be able to satisfy/serve. Property: metadata Description: Array of path-related metadata. Type: Array of GenericMetadata objects Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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      Property: paths

         Description: Path-specific rules.  Path patterns (PathMatch
         objects) MUST be evaluated in the order they appear, and the
         first (and only the first) PathMatch object that matches the
         content request being processed MUST be used.

         Type: Array of PathMatch objects

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is that there are no
         more-specific paths to evaluate (i.e., an empty list).

   Example PathMetadata object containing a number of embedded
   GenericMetadata objects that describe the metadata to apply for the
   URI path defined in the parent PathMatch object, as well as a
   more-specific PathMatch object.

     "metadata": [
         <Properties of first embedded GenericMetadata object>
         <Properties of second embedded GenericMetadata object>


         <Properties of Nth embedded GenericMetadata object>
     "paths": [
         <Properties of embedded PathMatch object>
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4.1.7. GenericMetadata

A GenericMetadata object is a wrapper for managing individual CDNI Metadata properties in an opaque manner. Property: generic-metadata-type Description: Case-insensitive CDNI Metadata object type. Type: String containing the CDNI Payload Type [RFC7736] of the object contained in the generic-metadata-value property (see Table 4). Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: generic-metadata-value Description: CDNI Metadata object. Type: Format/Type is defined by the value of the generic-metadata-type property above. Note: generic-metadata-values MUST NOT name any properties "href" (see Section 4.3.1). Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: mandatory-to-enforce Description: Flag identifying whether or not the enforcement of the property metadata is required. Type: Boolean Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is to treat metadata as mandatory-to-enforce (i.e., a value of True). Property: safe-to-redistribute Description: Flag identifying whether or not the property metadata can be safely redistributed without modification. Type: Boolean Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is to allow transparent redistribution (i.e., a value of True).
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      Property: incomprehensible

         Description: Flag identifying whether or not any CDN in the
         chain of delegation has failed to understand and/or failed to
         properly transform this metadata object.  Note: This flag only
         applies to metadata objects whose safe-to-redistribute property
         has a value of False.

         Type: Boolean

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is comprehensible (i.e., a
         value of False).

   Example GenericMetadata object containing a metadata object that
   applies to the applicable URI path and/or host (within a parent
   PathMetadata and/or HostMetadata object, respectively):

   "mandatory-to-enforce": true,
   "safe-to-redistribute": true,
   "incomprehensible": false,
   "generic-metadata-type": <CDNI Payload Type of this metadata object>,
       <Properties of this metadata object>

4.2. Definitions of the Initial Set of CDNI GenericMetadata Objects

The objects defined below are intended to be used in the GenericMetadata object's generic-metadata-value field as defined in Section 4.1.7, and their generic-metadata-type property MUST be set to the appropriate CDNI Payload Type as defined in Table 4.

4.2.1. SourceMetadata

Source metadata provides the dCDN with information about content acquisition, i.e., how to contact a uCDN Surrogate or an origin server to obtain the content to be served. The sources are not necessarily the actual origin servers operated by the Content Service Provider (CSP) but might be a set of Surrogates in the uCDN. Property: sources Description: Sources from which the dCDN can acquire content, listed in order of preference.
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         Type: Array of Source objects (see Section

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is to use static
         configuration, out-of-band from the CDNI Metadata interface.

   Example SourceMetadata object (which contains two Source objects)
   that describes which servers the dCDN should use for acquiring
   content for the applicable URI path and/or host:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.SourceMetadata",
         "sources": [
             "endpoints": [
             "protocol": "http/1.1"
             "endpoints": ["origin.service123.example"],
             "protocol": "http/1.1"
   } Source
A Source object describes the source to be used by the dCDN for content acquisition (e.g., a Surrogate within the uCDN or an alternate origin server), the protocol to be used, and any authentication method to be used when contacting that source. Endpoints within a Source object MUST be treated as equivalent/equal. A uCDN can specify an array of sources, ordered by preference, within a SourceMetadata object. Then, for each Source object ranked by preference, a uCDN can specify an array of endpoints that are equivalent (e.g., a pool of servers that are not behind a load balancer). Property: acquisition-auth Description: Authentication method to use when requesting content from this source.
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         Type: Auth (see Section 4.2.7)

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is no authentication

      Property: endpoints

         Description: Origins from which the dCDN can acquire content.
         If multiple endpoints are specified, they are all equal, i.e.,
         the list is not ordered by preference.

         Type: Array of Endpoint objects (see Section 4.3.3)

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

      Property: protocol

         Description: Network retrieval protocol to use when requesting
         content from this source.

         Type: Protocol (see Section 4.3.2)

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

   Example Source object that describes a pair of endpoints (servers)
   the dCDN can use for acquiring content for the applicable host and/or
   URI path:

     "endpoints": [
     "protocol": "http/1.1"

4.2.2. LocationACL Metadata

LocationACL metadata defines which locations a User Agent needs to be in, in order to be able to receive the associated content. A LocationACL that does not include a "locations" property results in an action of "allow all", meaning that delivery can be performed regardless of the User Agent's location; otherwise, a CDN MUST take the action from the first footprint to match against the User Agent's location. If two or more footprints overlap, the first footprint that matches against the User Agent's location determines the action
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   a CDN MUST take.  If the "locations" property is included but is
   empty or if none of the listed footprints match the User Agent's
   location, then the result is an action of "deny".

   Although the LocationACL, TimeWindowACL (see Section 4.2.3), and
   ProtocolACL (see Section 4.2.4) are independent GenericMetadata
   objects, they can provide conflicting information to a dCDN, e.g., a
   content request that is simultaneously allowed based on the
   LocationACL and denied based on the TimeWindowACL.  The dCDN MUST use
   the logical AND of all ACLs (where "allow" is true and "deny" is
   false) to determine whether or not a request should be allowed.

      Property: locations

         Description: ACL that allows or denies (blocks) delivery based
         on the User Agent's location.

         Type: Array of LocationRule objects (see Section

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is to allow all locations.

   Example LocationACL object that allows the dCDN to deliver content to
   any location / IP address:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.LocationACL",
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   Example LocationACL object (which contains a LocationRule object that
   in turn contains a Footprint object) that only allows the dCDN to
   deliver content to User Agents in the USA:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.LocationACL",
         "locations": [
             "action": "allow",
             "footprints": [
                 "footprint-type": "countrycode",
                 "footprint-value": ["us"]
   } LocationRule
A LocationRule contains or references an array of Footprint objects and the corresponding action. Property: footprints Description: Array of footprints to which the rule applies. Type: Array of Footprint objects (see Section Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: action Description: Defines whether the rule specifies locations to allow or deny. Type: Enumeration [allow|deny] encoded as a lowercase string Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is "deny".
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   Example LocationRule object (which contains a Footprint object) that
   allows the dCDN to deliver content to clients in the USA:

     "action": "allow",
     "footprints": [
         "footprint-type": "countrycode",
         "footprint-value": ["us"]
   } Footprint
A Footprint object describes the footprint to which a LocationRule can be applied, e.g., an IPv4 address range or a geographic location. Property: footprint-type Description: Registered footprint type (see Section 7.2). The footprint types specified by this document are "ipv4cidr" (IPv4CIDR; see Section 4.3.5), "ipv6cidr" (IPv6CIDR; see Section 4.3.6), "asn" (Autonomous System Number; see Section 4.3.7), and "countrycode" (Country Code; see Section 4.3.8). Type: Lowercase string Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: footprint-value Description: Array of footprint values conforming to the specification associated with the registered footprint type. Footprint values can be simple strings (e.g., IPv4CIDR, IPv6CIDR, ASN, and Country Code); however, other Footprint objects can be defined in the future, along with a more complex encoding (e.g., GPS coordinate tuples). Type: Array of footprints Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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   Example Footprint object describing a footprint covering the USA:

     "footprint-type": "countrycode",
     "footprint-value": ["us"]

   Example Footprint object describing a footprint covering the IP
   address ranges and

     "footprint-type": "ipv4cidr",
     "footprint-value": ["", ""]

   Example Footprint object describing a footprint covering the IP
   address ranges 2001:db8::/32:

     "footprint-type": "ipv6cidr",
     "footprint-value": ["2001:db8::/32"]

   Example Footprint object describing a footprint covering the
   autonomous system 64496:

     "footprint-type": "asn",
     "footprint-value": ["as64496"]

4.2.3. TimeWindowACL

TimeWindowACL metadata defines time-based restrictions. A TimeWindowACL that does not include a "times" property results in an action of "allow all", meaning that delivery can be performed regardless of the time of the User Agent's request; otherwise, a CDN MUST take the action from the first window to match against the current time. If two or more windows overlap, the first window that matches against the current time determines the action a CDN MUST take. If the "times" property is included but is empty or if none of the listed windows match the current time, then the result is an action of "deny". Although the LocationACL (see Section 4.2.2), TimeWindowACL, and ProtocolACL (see Section 4.2.4) are independent GenericMetadata objects, they can provide conflicting information to a dCDN, e.g.,
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   a content request that is simultaneously allowed based on the
   LocationACL and denied based on the TimeWindowACL.  The dCDN MUST use
   the logical AND of all ACLs (where "allow" is true and "deny" is
   false) to determine whether or not a request should be allowed.

      Property: times

         Description: ACL that allows or denies (blocks) delivery based
         on the time of a User Agent's request.

         Type: Array of TimeWindowRule objects (see Section

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is to allow all time

   Example TimeWindowACL object (which contains a TimeWindowRule object
   that in turn contains a TimeWindow object) that only allows the dCDN
   to deliver content to clients between 09:00 01/01/2000 UTC and 17:00
   01/01/2000 UTC:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.TimeWindowACL",
         "times": [
             "action": "allow",
             "windows": [
                 "start": 946717200,
                 "end": 946746000
   } TimeWindowRule
A TimeWindowRule contains or references an array of TimeWindow objects and the corresponding action. Property: windows Description: Array of time windows to which the rule applies. Type: Array of TimeWindow objects (see Section
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         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

      Property: action

         Description: Defines whether the rule specifies time windows to
         allow or deny.

         Type: Enumeration [allow|deny] encoded as a lowercase string

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is "deny".

   Example TimeWindowRule object (which contains a TimeWindow object)
   that only allows the dCDN to deliver content to clients between 09:00
   01/01/2000 UTC and 17:00 01/01/2000 UTC:

     "action": "allow",
     "windows": [
         "start": 946717200,
         "end": 946746000
   } TimeWindow
A TimeWindow object describes a time range that can be applied by a TimeWindowACL, e.g., start 946717200 (i.e., 09:00 01/01/2000 UTC), end: 946746000 (i.e., 17:00 01/01/2000 UTC). Property: start Description: The start time of the window. Type: Time (see Section 4.3.4) Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: end Description: The end time of the window. Type: Time (see Section 4.3.4) Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.
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   Example TimeWindow object that describes a time window from 09:00
   01/01/2000 UTC to 17:00 01/01/2000 UTC:

     "start": 946717200,
     "end": 946746000

4.2.4. ProtocolACL Metadata

ProtocolACL metadata defines delivery protocol restrictions. A ProtocolACL that does not include a protocol-acl property results in an action of "allow all", meaning that delivery can be performed regardless of the protocol in the User Agent's request; otherwise, a CDN MUST take the action from the first protocol to match against the request protocol. If two or more request protocols overlap, the first protocol that matches the request protocol determines the action a CDN MUST take. If the protocol-acl property is included but is empty or if none of the listed protocols match the request protocol, then the result is an action of "deny". Although the LocationACL (see Section 4.2.2), TimeWindowACL (see Section 4.2.3), and ProtocolACL are independent GenericMetadata objects, they can provide conflicting information to a dCDN, e.g., a content request that is simultaneously allowed based on the ProtocolACL and denied based on the TimeWindowACL. The dCDN MUST use the logical AND of all ACLs (where "allow" is true and "deny" is false) to determine whether or not a request should be allowed. Property: protocol-acl Description: ACL that allows or denies (blocks) delivery based on delivery protocol. Type: Array of ProtocolRule objects (see Section Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is to allow all protocols.
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   Example ProtocolACL object (which contains a ProtocolRule object)
   that only allows the dCDN to deliver content using HTTP/1.1:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.ProtocolACL",
         "protocol-acl": [
             "action": "allow",
             "protocols": ["http/1.1"]
   } ProtocolRule
A ProtocolRule contains or references an array of Protocol objects and the corresponding action. Property: protocols Description: Array of protocols to which the rule applies. Type: Array of Protocol objects (see Section 4.3.2) Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: action Description: Defines whether the rule specifies protocols to allow or deny. Type: Enumeration [allow|deny] encoded as a lowercase string Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is "deny". Example ProtocolRule object (which contains a Protocol object) that allows the dCDN to deliver content using HTTP/1.1: { "action": "allow", "protocols": ["http/1.1"] }
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4.2.5. DeliveryAuthorization Metadata

Delivery authorization defines authorization methods for the delivery of content to User Agents. Property: delivery-auth-methods Description: Options for authorizing content requests. Delivery for a content request is authorized if any one of the authorization methods in the list is satisfied for that request. Type: Array of Auth objects (see Section 4.2.7) Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is no authorization required. Example DeliveryAuthorization object (which contains an Auth object): { "generic-metadata-type": "MI.DeliveryAuthorization", "generic-metadata-value": { "delivery-auth-methods": [ { "auth-type": <CDNI Payload Type of this Auth object>, "auth-value": { <Properties of this Auth object> } } ] } }

4.2.6. Cache

A Cache object describes the cache control parameters to be applied to the content by intermediate caches. Cache keys are generated from the URI of the content request [RFC7234]. In some cases, a CDN or content provider might want certain path segments or query parameters to be excluded from the cache key generation. The Cache object provides guidance on what parts of the path and query string to include.
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      Property: exclude-path-pattern

         Description: A pattern for matching against the URI path, i.e.,
         against the path-absolute [RFC3986].  The pattern can contain
         the wildcards "*" and "?", where "*" matches any sequence of
         pchar [RFC3986] or "/" characters (including the empty string)
         and "?" matches exactly one pchar character.  The three
         literals "$", "*", and "?"  MUST be escaped as "$$", "$*", and
         "$?" (where "$" is the designated escape character).  All other
         characters are treated as literals.  Cache key generation MUST
         only include the portion of the path-absolute that matches the
         wildcard portions of the pattern.  Note: Inconsistency between
         the PatternMatch pattern (Section 4.1.5) and the
         exclude-path-pattern can result in inefficient caching.

         Type: String

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is to use the full URI
         path-absolute to generate the cache key.

      Property: include-query-strings

         Description: Allows a Surrogate to specify the URI query string
         parameters [RFC3986] to include when comparing the requested
         URI against the URIs in its cache for equivalence.  Matching
         query parameters MUST be case insensitive.  If all query
         parameters should be ignored, then the list MUST be specified
         and MUST be empty.  If a query parameter appears multiple times
         in the query string, each instance value MUST be aggregated
         prior to comparison.  For consistent cache key generation,
         query parameters SHOULD be evaluated in the order specified in
         this array.

         Type: Array of strings

         Mandatory-to-Specify: No.  Default is to consider all query
         string parameters when comparing URIs.

   Example Cache object that instructs the dCDN to use the full URI path
   and ignore all query parameters:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Cache",
       "include-query-strings": []
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   Example Cache object that instructs the dCDN to exclude the "CDNX"
   path prefix and only include the (case-insensitive) query parameters
   named "mediaid" and "providerid":

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Cache",
       "exclude-path-pattern": "/CDNX/*",
       "include-query-strings": ["mediaid", "providerid"]

   Example Cache object that instructs the dCDN to exclude the "CDNX"
   path prefix but includes all query parameters:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Cache",
       "exclude-path-pattern": "/CDNX/*"

4.2.7. Auth

An Auth object defines authentication and authorization methods to be used during content acquisition and content delivery, respectively. Note: This document does not define any Auth methods. Individual Auth methods are being defined separately (e.g., URI Signing [CDNI-URI-SIGNING]). The GenericMetadata object that contains Auth objects is defined herein for convenience and so as not to be specific to any particular Auth method. Property: auth-type Description: Auth type (The CDNI Payload Type [RFC7736] of the GenericMetadata object contained in the auth-value property). Type: String Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: auth-value Description: An object conforming to the specification associated with the Auth type.
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         Type: GenericMetadata object

         Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes.

   Example Auth object:

     "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Auth",
       "auth-type": <CDNI Payload Type of this Auth object>,
           <Properties of this Auth object>

4.2.8. Grouping

A Grouping object identifies a group of content to which a given asset belongs. Property: ccid Description: Content Collection IDentifier for an application- specific purpose such as logging aggregation. Type: String Mandatory-to-Specify: No. Default is not to apply any grouping. Example Grouping object that specifies a Content Collection IDentifier for the content associated with the Grouping object's parent HostMetadata and PathMetadata: { "generic-metadata-type": "MI.Grouping", "generic-metadata-value": { "ccid": "ABCD" } }
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4.3. CDNI Metadata Simple Data Type Descriptions

This section describes the simple data types that are used for properties of CDNI Metadata objects.

4.3.1. Link

A Link object can be used in place of any of the objects described above. Link objects can be used to avoid duplication if the same metadata information is repeated within the metadata tree. When a Link object replaces another object, its "href" property is set to the URI of the resource and its "type" property is set to the CDNI Payload Type of the object it is replacing. dCDNs can detect the presence of a Link object by detecting the presence of a property named "href" within the object. This means that GenericMetadata types MUST NOT contain a property named "href" because doing so would conflict with the ability for dCDNs to detect Link objects being used to reference a GenericMetadata object. Property: href Description: The URI of the addressable object being referenced. Type: String Mandatory-to-Specify: Yes. Property: type Description: The CDNI Payload Type of the object being referenced. Type: String Mandatory-to-Specify: No. If the container specifies the type (e.g., the HostIndex object contains an array of HostMatch objects, so a Link object in the list of HostMatch objects must reference a HostMatch), then it is not necessary to explicitly specify a type. Example Link object referencing a HostMatch object: { "type": "MI.HostMatch", "href": "https://metadata.ucdn.example/hostmatch1234" }
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   Example Link object referencing a HostMatch object, without an
   explicit type, inside a HostIndex object:

     "hosts": [
         <Properties of embedded HostMatch object>
         "href": "https://metadata.ucdn.example/hostmatch1234"
   } Link Loop Prevention
When following a link, CDNI Metadata clients SHOULD verify that the CDNI Payload Type of the object retrieved matches the expected CDNI Payload Type, as indicated by the Link object or containing property. For GenericMetadata objects, type checks will prevent self- references; however, incorrect linking can result in circular references for structural metadata objects, specifically PathMatch and PathMetadata objects (Figure 1). To prevent circular references, CDNI Metadata clients SHOULD verify that no duplicate links occur for PathMatch or PathMetadata objects.

4.3.2. Protocol

Protocol objects are used to specify protocols (from the "CDNI Metadata Protocol Types" registry; see Section 7.3) for content acquisition or delivery. Type: String Example: "http/1.1"

4.3.3. Endpoint

A hostname (with optional port) or an IP address (with optional port). All implementations MUST support IPv4 addresses encoded as specified by the "IPv4address" rule in Section 3.2.2 of [RFC3986]. IPv6 addresses MUST be encoded in one of the IPv6 address formats specified in [RFC5952], although receivers MUST support all IPv6 address formats specified in [RFC4291]. Hostnames MUST conform to
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   the Domain Name System (DNS) syntax defined in [RFC1034] and
   [RFC1123].  Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) must first be
   transformed to the A-label form [RFC5890] as per [RFC5891].

   Type: String

   Example hostname:


   Example IPv4 address:


   Example IPv6 address (with port number):


4.3.4. Time

A time value expressed in seconds since the UNIX epoch (i.e., zero hours, zero minutes, zero seconds, on January 1, 1970) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) [POSIX]. Type: Integer Example time representing 09:00:00 01/01/2000 UTC: 946717200

4.3.5. IPv4CIDR

An IPv4address Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block encoded as specified by the "IPv4address" rule in Section 3.2.2 of [RFC3986] followed by a "/" followed by an unsigned integer representing the leading bits of the routing prefix (i.e., IPv4 CIDR notation). Single IP addresses can be expressed as /32. Type: String Example IPv4CIDR: ""
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4.3.6. IPv6CIDR

An IPv6address CIDR block encoded in one of the IPv6 address formats specified in [RFC5952] followed by a "/" followed by an unsigned integer representing the leading bits of the routing prefix (i.e., IPv6 CIDR notation). Single IP addresses can be expressed as /128. Type: String Example IPv6CIDR: "2001:db8::/32"

4.3.7. ASN

An ASN value encoded as a string consisting of the characters "as" (in lowercase) followed by the ASN [RFC6793]. Type: String Example ASN: "as64496"

4.3.8. Country Code

An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code [ISO3166-1] in lowercase. Type: String Example Country Code representing the USA: "us"

5. CDNI Metadata Capabilities

CDNI Metadata is used to convey information pertaining to content delivery from the uCDN to the dCDN. For optional metadata, it can be useful for the uCDN to know, prior to delegating any content requests to a given dCDN, if that dCDN supports the underlying functionality described by the metadata. If some metadata is mandatory-to-enforce and the dCDN does not support it, any delegated requests for content that requires that metadata will fail. The uCDN will likely want to avoid delegating those requests to that dCDN. Likewise, for any metadata that might be assigned optional values, it could be useful for the uCDN to know, prior to delegating any content requests to a given dCDN, which values that dCDN supports. If the optional value assigned to a given piece of content's metadata is not supported by
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   the dCDN, any delegated requests for that content can fail, so again
   the uCDN is likely to want to avoid delegating those requests to
   that dCDN.

   The CDNI Footprint & Capabilities Advertisement interface (FCI)
   provides a means of advertising capabilities from the dCDN to the
   uCDN [RFC8008].  Support for optional metadata types and values can
   be advertised using the FCI.

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