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RFC 7784

Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) MIB

Pages: 50
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 8 to 27
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Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 8   prevText

7. Definitions

TRILL-OAM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Unsigned32, Integer32, mib-2, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, TruthValue, TimeStamp, MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF dot1agCfmMdIndex, dot1agCfmMaIndex, dot1agCfmMepIdentifier, dot1agCfmMepEntry, dot1agCfmMepDbEntry, Dot1agCfmIngressActionFieldValue, Dot1agCfmEgressActionFieldValue, Dot1agCfmRemoteMepState FROM IEEE8021-CFM-MIB LldpChassisId, LldpChassisIdSubtype, LldpPortId,
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 9
           FROM LLDP-MIB;

       LAST-UPDATED    "201601141200Z"
           "This MIB module contains the management objects for the
           management of TRILL Services Operations, Administration
           and Maintenance.
           Initial version.  Published as RFC 7784.

           Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified
           as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

           Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
           or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and
           subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified
           BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's
           Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 10

           Abbreviations Used

           Term         Definition

           CFM          Connectivity Fault Management
           IEEE         Institute of Electrical and Electronics
           IETF         Internet Engineering Task Force
           ITU-T        International Telecommunication Union -
                        Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
           FCOI         The Final, Cross-Connect Error, Out-of-band,
                        and In-band flags from the TRILL OAM Application
                        Identifier TLV.
           LBM          Loopback Message
           MA           Maintenance Association (equivalent to a MEG)
           MAC          Media Access Control
           MD           Maintenance Domain (equivalent to an OAM
                        Domain in Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) 17)
           MEG          Maintenance Entity Group (equivalent to a MA)
           MEG Level    Maintenance Entity Group Level (equivalent to
                        MD Level)
           MEP          Maintenance Association End Point
           MIB          Management Information Base
           MIP          Maintenance Domain Intermediate Point
           MTVM         Multi-destination Tree Verification Message
           MTVR         Multi-destination Tree Verification Reply
           OAM          Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
                        On-Demand OAM actions that are initiated via
                        manual intervention for a limited time to carry
                        out diagnostics.  On-demand OAM can result in
                        singular or periodic OAM actions during the
                        diagnostic time interval.
           PTM          Path Trace Message
           PTR          Path Trace Reply
           RFC          Request for Comments
           SNMP         Simple Network Management Protocol
           TLV          Type-Length-Value, a method of encoding Objects
           TRILL        Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links
           VLAN         Virtual LAN"

       REVISION        "201601141200Z"
           "Initial version.  Published as RFC 7784."
       ::= { mib-2 238 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 11
   -- *****************************************************************
   -- Object Definitions in the TRILL OAM MIB Module
   -- *****************************************************************

   trillOamNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { trillOamMib 0 }

   trillOamMibObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { trillOamMib 1 }

   trillOamMibConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
       ::= { trillOamMib 2 }

   -- *****************************************************************
   -- Groups in the TRILL OAM MIB Module
   -- *****************************************************************

       ::= { trillOamMibObjects 1 }

   -- *****************************************************************
   -- TRILL OAM MEP Configuration
   -- *****************************************************************

   trillOamMepTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF TrillOamMepEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "This table is an extension of the dot1agCfmMepTable and
            rows are automatically added or deleted from this table
            based upon row creation and destruction of the

           This table represents the local MEP TRILL OAM
           configuration table.  The primary purpose of this table
           is provide local parameters for the TRILL OAM function
           found in RFC 7455 and instantiated at a MEP."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamMep 1 }
   trillOamMepEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TrillOamMepEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "The conceptual row of trillOamMepTable."
       AUGMENTS           { dot1agCfmMepEntry  }
       ::= { trillOamMepTable 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 12
   TrillOamMepEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           trillOamMepRName               Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepNextPtmTId          Counter32,
           trillOamMepNextMtvmTId         Counter32,
           trillOamMepPtrIn               Counter32,
           trillOamMepPtrInOutofOrder     Counter32,
           trillOamMepPtrOut              Counter32,
           trillOamMepMtvrIn              Counter32,
           trillOamMepMtvrInOutofOrder    Counter32,
           trillOamMepMtvrOut             Counter32,
           trillOamMepTxLbmDestRName      Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxLbmHC             Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxLbmReplyModeOob   TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTransmitLbmReplyIp  OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxLbmFlowEntropy    OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxPtmDestRName      Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxPtmHC             Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxPtmReplyModeOob   TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTransmitPtmReplyIp  OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxPtmFlowEntropy    OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxPtmStatus         TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTxPtmResultOK       TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTxPtmSeqNumber      Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxPtmMessages       Integer32,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmTree          Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmHC            Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmReplyModeOob  TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTransmitMtvmReplyIp OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmFlowEntropy   OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmStatus        TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmResultOK      TruthValue,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmMessages      Integer32,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmSeqNumber     Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepTxMtvmScopeList     OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepDiscontinuityTime   TimeStamp

   trillOamMepRName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65471)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "This object contains the RBridge Nickname field
           of the TRILL RBridge as defined in RFC 6325,
           Section 3.7."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455 and RFC 6325, Section 3.7"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 13
   trillOamMepNextPtmTId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Next Sequence Number / Transaction Identifier to be sent in
            a Multi-destination message.  This Sequence Number can be
            zero because it wraps around.  Implementation of this
            identifier should be should provide a unique code value in
            order to identify the Transaction Identifier for a MEP with
            multiple flows."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10.1.1"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 2 }

   trillOamMepNextMtvmTId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Next Sequence Number / Transaction Identifier to be sent
           in a Multi-destination message.  This Sequence Number can
           be zero because it wraps around.  An implementation should
           be unique to identify Transaction Identifier for a MEP with
           multiple flows."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11.2.1"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 3 }

   trillOamMepPtrIn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, in-order Path Trace Replies
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 4 }

   trillOamMepPtrInOutofOrder OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, out-of-order Path Trace Replies
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 14
   trillOamMepPtrOut OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, Path Trace Replies
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 6 }

   trillOamMepMtvrIn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, in-order Multi-destination
            Replies received."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 7 }

   trillOamMepMtvrInOutofOrder OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, out-of-order Multi-destination
            Replies received."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 8 }

   trillOamMepMtvrOut OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Total number of valid, Multi-destination Replies
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 9 }

   trillOamMepTxLbmDestRName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65471)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Target Destination RBridge Nickname field, as
           defined in RFC 6325, Section 3.7, to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455 and RFC 6325, Section 3.7"
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 15
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 10 }

   trillOamMepTxLbmHC OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32(1..63)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Hop Count field to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Sections 3 and 9"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 11 }

   trillOamMepTxLbmReplyModeOob OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "True indicates that the Reply to an LBM is out of
           band and the out-of-band IP Address TLV is to be
           transmitted.  False indicates that in-band reply is
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 9.2.1"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 12 }

   trillOamMepTransmitLbmReplyIp OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (4..16))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The IP address for an out-of-band IP Address TLV
            that is to be transmitted.  Maximum length for IPv6
            is 16 octets and IPv4 is 4 octets."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 13 }

   trillOamMepTxLbmFlowEntropy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (96))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "96-byte Flow Entropy, as defined in RFC 7455, to
            be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 14 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmDestRName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65471)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 16
           "The Target Destination RBridge Nickname field,
           as defined in RFC 6325, Section 3.7, to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455 and RFC 6325, Section 3.7"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 15 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmHC OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..63)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Hop Count field to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 16 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmReplyModeOob OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "True indicates that a Reply to a PTM will be
            out of band and the out-of-band IP Address TLV
            is to be transmitted.  False indicates that an
            in-band reply  is transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       DEFVAL          { false }
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 17 }

   trillOamMepTransmitPtmReplyIp OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (4..16))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The IP address for an out-of-band IP Address TLV
            to be transmitted.  The maximum length for an
            IPv6 address is 16 octets.  The maximum length
            for an  IPv4 address is 4 octets."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Sections 3 and 10"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 18 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmFlowEntropy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (96))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "96-byte Flow Entropy, as defined in RFC 7455, to be
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 17
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 19 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "A Boolean flag set to TRUE by the MEP Path Trace Initiator
           State Machine or a MIB manager to indicate that another PTM
           is being transmitted.  This is reset to FALSE by the MEP
           Initiator State Machine.  The PTM managed objects in the MEP
           table are used in a manner similar to that described for LBM
           transmission in the dot1agCfmMepTable.  As per RFC 7455,
           Section 10, operation of the Path Trace Message is identical
           to the Loopback message except that it is first transmitted
           with a TRILL Header Hop Count field value of 1 and then
           retransmitted with an incrementing Hop Count until a
           response is received from the destination RBridge, or the
           Hop Count reaches a configured maximum value.  The
           trillOamMepTxPtmStatus status is reset to FALSE by
           the initiator when the last PTM is transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       DEFVAL          { false }
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 20 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmResultOK OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "Indicates the following results of the operation:
           - true indicates the Path Trace Message(s) will be
             (or has been) sent.
           - false indicates the Path Trace Message(s) will not
             be sent."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       DEFVAL          { true }
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 21 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Path Trace Transaction Identifier of the first
            PTM (to be) sent.  The value returned is
            undefined if trillOamMepTxPtmResultOK is false."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 18
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 22 }

   trillOamMepTxPtmMessages OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (1..1024)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The number of Path Trace messages to be transmitted.
            As per RFC 7455, Section 10, the first Path Trace
            Message is transmitted with a Hop Count of 1; an
            RBridge may continue to retransmit the request at
            periodic intervals with an incrementing Hop Count
            until a response is received from the destination
            RBridge or the Hop Count reaches a configured
            maximum value.  The event of the Destination
            response being received or the Hop Count reaching
            its maximum is treated as a single Counter
            increment of this object."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 23 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmTree OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Multi-destination Tree identifier, as
            defined in RFC 6325, for an MTVM."
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 24 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmHC OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32(1..63)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Hop Count field to be transmitted.
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3, and RFC 6325, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 25 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmReplyModeOob OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "True indicates that the reply to an MTVM is out of
           band and this out-of-band IP Address TLV is where the
           reply is to be transmitted.
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 19
           False indicates that an in-band reply is transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 26 }

   trillOamMepTransmitMtvmReplyIp OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (4..16))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "IP address for an out-of-band IP Address TLV that is
            to be transmitted.  The maximum length for IPv6 is 16
            octets and IPv4 is 4 octets."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 27 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmFlowEntropy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (96))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "96-byte Flow Entropy, as defined in RFC 7455, to be
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 28 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "A Boolean flag set to TRUE by the MEP Multi-destination
           Initiator State Machine or a MIB manager to indicate
           that another MTVM is being transmitted.
           Reset to FALSE by the MEP Initiator State Machine.
           The MTVM-managed objects in the MEP table are used
           in a manner similar to that described for LBM
           transmission in the dot1agCfmMepTable.  As per RFC 7455,
           Section 11, operation of the MTVM is
           identical to the Loopback message except that it is
           first transmitted with a TRILL Header Hop Count
           field value of 1 and it is retransmitted incrementing
           the Hop Count until a response is received from the
           destination RBridge or the Hop Count reaches a
           configured maximum value.  The trillOamMepTxMtvmStatus
           Status is reset to FALSE by the initiator when the last
           MTVM is transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       DEFVAL          { false }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 20
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 29 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmResultOK OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "Indicates the result of the operation in
            the following way:
           - true indicates the Multi-destination Message(s) will be
             (or has been) sent.
           - false indicates the Multi-destination Message(s) will not
             be sent."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       DEFVAL          { true }
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 30 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmMessages OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Integer32 (1..1024)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The number of Multi-destination messages to be transmitted.
            The RBridge transmit the Multi-destination message
            incrementing the session Identification Number at periodic
            interval until this count expires."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 31 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Multi-destination Transaction Identifier of the
           first MTVM (to be)
           sent.  The value returned is undefined if
           trillOamMepTxMtvmResultOK is false."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 32 }

   trillOamMepTxMtvmScopeList OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Multi-destination RBridge Scope list, which
              requires 2 octets per RBridge."
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 21
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 11"
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 33 }

   trillOamMepDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TimeStamp
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Snapshot of the value of the sysUpTime object at the
            beginning of the latest period of continuity of the
            statistical counters associated with this MEP."
       ::= { trillOamMepEntry 34 }

   -- *****************************************************************
   -- TRILL OAM Tx Measurement Configuration Table
   -- *****************************************************************

   trillOamMepFlowCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF TrillOamMepFlowCfgEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "This table includes configuration objects and operations
            for the TRILL OAM facilities in RFC 7455.

            Each row in the table represents a Flow Configuration
            Entry for the defined MEP.  This table uses four indices.
            The first three indices are the indices of the Maintenance
            Domain, MANET, and MEP tables.  The fourth index is the
            specific Flow Configuration Entry on the selected MEP.

           Some writable objects in this table are only applicable in
           certain cases (as described under each object), and
           attempts to write values for them in other cases
           will be ignored."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamMep 2 }

   trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TrillOamMepFlowCfgEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "The conceptual row of trillOamMepFlowCfgTable."
       INDEX           {
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 22
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgTable 1 }

   TrillOamMepFlowCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           trillOamMepFlowCfgIndex       Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepFlowCfgFlowEntropy OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepFlowCfgDestRName   Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepFlowCfgFlowHC      Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepFlowCfgRowStatus   RowStatus

   trillOamMepFlowCfgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "An index to the TRILL OAM MEP Flow Configuration table,
           which indicates the specific flow for the MEP.

           The index is never reused for other flow sessions on the
           same MEP while this session is active.  The index value
           keeps increasing until it wraps to 0.  This value can also be
           used in the flow-identifier TLV RFC 7455."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry 1 }

   trillOamMepFlowCfgFlowEntropy OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE  (96))
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "This is 96 bytes of Flow Entropy as described in
           TRILL OAM, RFC 7455."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3"
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry 2 }

   trillOamMepFlowCfgDestRName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65471)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Target Destination RBridge Nickname field, as
           defined in RFC 6325, Section 3.7, to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3, and RFC 6325, Section 3.7"
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 23
   trillOamMepFlowCfgFlowHC OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..63)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The Hop Count field to be transmitted."
       REFERENCE "RFC 7455, Section 3, and RFC 6325, Section 3.6"
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry 4 }

   trillOamMepFlowCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS      read-create
       STATUS          current
           "The status of the row.

           The writable columns in a row cannot be changed if the row
           is active.  All columns MUST have a valid value before a row
           can be activated."
       ::= { trillOamMepFlowCfgEntry 5 }

   -- ******************************************************************
   -- TRILL OAM Path Trace Reply Table
   -- ******************************************************************

   trillOamPtrTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF TrillOamPtrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "This table includes Path Trace Reply objects and
            operations for the TRILL OAM facilities as described
            in RFC 7455.

           Each row in the table represents a Path Trace Reply Entry for
           the defined MEP and Transaction.  This table uses four
           indices.  The first three indices are the indices of the
           Maintenance Domain,
           MANET, and MEP tables.  The fourth index is the specific
           Transaction Identifier on the selected MEP.

           Some writable objects in this table are only applicable in
           certain cases (as described under each object),
           and attempts to
           write values for them in other cases will be ignored."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamMep 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 24
   trillOamPtrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TrillOamPtrEntry
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "The conceptual row of trillOamPtrTable."
       INDEX           {
       ::= { trillOamPtrTable 1 }

   TrillOamPtrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
           trillOamMepPtrTransactionId           Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepPtrHC                      Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepPtrFlag                    Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepPtrErrorCode               Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepPtrTerminalMep             TruthValue,
           trillOamMepPtrLastEgressId            Unsigned32,
           trillOamMepPtrIngress       Dot1agCfmIngressActionFieldValue,
           trillOamMepPtrIngressMac              MacAddress,
           trillOamMepPtrIngressPortIdSubtype    LldpPortIdSubtype,
           trillOamMepPtrIngressPortId           LldpPortId,
           trillOamMepPtrEgress        Dot1agCfmEgressActionFieldValue,
           trillOamMepPtrEgressMac               MacAddress,
           trillOamMepPtrEgressPortIdSubtype     LldpPortIdSubtype,
           trillOamMepPtrEgressPortId            LldpPortId,
           trillOamMepPtrChassisIdSubtype        LldpChassisIdSubtype,
           trillOamMepPtrChassisId               LldpChassisId,
           trillOamMepPtrOrganizationSpecificTlv OCTET STRING,
           trillOamMepPtrNextHopNicknames        OCTET STRING

   trillOamMepPtrTransactionId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
       MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
       STATUS          current
           "Sequence Number / Transaction Identifier returned by a
            previous transmit path trace message command,
            indicating which PTM's response is going to be returned."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 10"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 25
   trillOamMepPtrHC  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..63)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Hop Count field value for a returned PTR."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 2 }

   trillOamMepPtrFlag OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..15)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "FCOI (TRILL OAM Message TLV) field value for a
            returned PTR."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.3"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 3 }

   trillOamMepPtrErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Return Code and Return Sub-code value for a returned PTR."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.3"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 4 }

   trillOamMepPtrTerminalMep OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "A boolean value stating whether the forwarded PTM reached a
           MEP enclosing its MA, as returned in the Terminal MEP flag of
           the Flags field."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 5 }

   trillOamMepPtrLastEgressId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "An Integer field holding the Last Egress Identifier returned
           in the PTR Upstream RBridge Nickname TLV of the PTR.
           The Last Egress Identifier identifies the Upstream Nickname."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 26
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 6 }

   trillOamMepPtrIngress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Dot1agCfmIngressActionFieldValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "The value returned in the Ingress Action field of the PTR.
           The value ingNoTlv(0) indicates that no Reply Ingress TLV was
           returned in the PTM."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 7 }

   trillOamMepPtrIngressMac OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          MacAddress
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "MAC address returned in the ingress MAC address field."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 8 }

   trillOamMepPtrIngressPortIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          LldpPortIdSubtype
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Ingress Port ID.  The format of this object is determined by
           the value of the trillOamMepPtrIngressPortIdSubtype object."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 9 }

   trillOamMepPtrIngressPortId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          LldpPortId
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Ingress Port ID.  The format of this object is determined by
           the value of the trillOamMepPtrIngressPortId object."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 10 }

   trillOamMepPtrEgress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          Dot1agCfmEgressActionFieldValue
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "The value returned in the Egress Action field of the PTR.
Top   ToC   RFC7784 - Page 27
           The value ingNoTlv(0) indicates that no Reply Egress TLV was
           returned in the PTM."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 11 }

   trillOamMepPtrEgressMac OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          MacAddress
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "MAC address returned in the egress MAC address field."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 12 }

   trillOamMepPtrEgressPortIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          LldpPortIdSubtype
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Egress Port ID.  The format of this object is determined by
           the value of the trillOamMepPtrEgressPortIdSubtype object."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 13 }

   trillOamMepPtrEgressPortId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          LldpPortId
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "Egress Port ID.  The format of this object is determined by
           the value of the trillOamMepPtrEgressPortId object."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 14 }

   trillOamMepPtrChassisIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX          LldpChassisIdSubtype
       MAX-ACCESS      read-only
       STATUS          current
           "This object specifies the format of the Chassis ID returned
           in the Sender ID TLV of the PTR, if any.  This value is
           meaningless if the trillOamMepPtrChassisId
           has a length of 0."
       REFERENCE       "RFC 7455, Section 8.4.1"
       ::= { trillOamPtrEntry 15 }

(next page on part 3)

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