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RFC 7530

Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Protocol

Pages: 323
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  3530
Updated by:  79318587
Part 14 of 14 – Pages 306 to 323
First   Prev   None

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17. NFSv4 Callback Procedures

The procedures used for callbacks are defined in the following sections. In the interest of clarity, the terms "client" and "server" refer to NFS clients and servers, despite the fact that for an individual callback RPC, the sense of these terms would be precisely the opposite.

17.1. Procedure 0: CB_NULL - No Operation

17.1.1. SYNOPSIS


17.1.2. ARGUMENT


17.1.3. RESULT



Standard NULL procedure. Void argument, void response. Even though there is no direct functionality associated with this procedure, the server will use CB_NULL to confirm the existence of a path for RPCs from server to client.
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17.2. Procedure 1: CB_COMPOUND - COMPOUND Operations

17.2.1. SYNOPSIS

compoundargs -> compoundres

17.2.2. ARGUMENT

enum nfs_cb_opnum4 { OP_CB_GETATTR = 3, OP_CB_RECALL = 4, OP_CB_ILLEGAL = 10044 }; union nfs_cb_argop4 switch (unsigned argop) { case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4args opcbgetattr; case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4args opcbrecall; case OP_CB_ILLEGAL: void; }; struct CB_COMPOUND4args { utf8str_cs tag; uint32_t minorversion; uint32_t callback_ident; nfs_cb_argop4 argarray<>; };

17.2.3. RESULT

union nfs_cb_resop4 switch (unsigned resop) { case OP_CB_GETATTR: CB_GETATTR4res opcbgetattr; case OP_CB_RECALL: CB_RECALL4res opcbrecall; case OP_CB_ILLEGAL: CB_ILLEGAL4res opcbillegal; }; struct CB_COMPOUND4res { nfsstat4 status; utf8str_cs tag; nfs_cb_resop4 resarray<>; };
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The CB_COMPOUND procedure is used to combine one or more of the callback procedures into a single RPC request. The main callback RPC program has two main procedures: CB_NULL and CB_COMPOUND. All other operations use the CB_COMPOUND procedure as a wrapper. In the processing of the CB_COMPOUND procedure, the client may find that it does not have the available resources to execute any or all of the operations within the CB_COMPOUND sequence. In this case, the error NFS4ERR_RESOURCE will be returned for the particular operation within the CB_COMPOUND procedure where the resource exhaustion occurred. This assumes that all previous operations within the CB_COMPOUND sequence have been evaluated successfully. Contained within the CB_COMPOUND results is a status field. This status must be equivalent to the status of the last operation that was executed within the CB_COMPOUND procedure. Therefore, if an operation incurred an error, then the status value will be the same error value as is being returned for the operation that failed. For the definition of the tag field, see Section 15.2. The value of callback_ident is supplied by the client during SETCLIENTID. The server must use the client-supplied callback_ident during the CB_COMPOUND to allow the client to properly identify the server. Illegal operation codes are handled in the same way as they are handled for the COMPOUND procedure.


The CB_COMPOUND procedure is used to combine individual operations into a single RPC request. The client interprets each of the operations in turn. If an operation is executed by the client and the status of that operation is NFS4_OK, then the next operation in the CB_COMPOUND procedure is executed. The client continues this process until there are no more operations to be executed or one of the operations has a status value other than NFS4_OK.
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18. NFSv4 Callback Operations

18.1. Operation 3: CB_GETATTR - Get Attributes

18.1.1. SYNOPSIS

fh, attr_request -> attrmask, attr_vals

18.1.2. ARGUMENT

struct CB_GETATTR4args { nfs_fh4 fh; bitmap4 attr_request; };

18.1.3. RESULT

struct CB_GETATTR4resok { fattr4 obj_attributes; }; union CB_GETATTR4res switch (nfsstat4 status) { case NFS4_OK: CB_GETATTR4resok resok4; default: void; };


The CB_GETATTR operation is used by the server to obtain the current modified state of a file that has been OPEN_DELEGATE_WRITE delegated. The size attribute and the change attribute are the only ones guaranteed to be serviced by the client. See Section 10.4.3 for a full description of how the client and server are to interact with the use of CB_GETATTR. If the filehandle specified is not one for which the client holds an OPEN_DELEGATE_WRITE delegation, an NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE error is returned.


The client returns attrmask bits and the associated attribute values only for the change attribute, and attributes that it may change (time_modify and size).
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18.2. Operation 4: CB_RECALL - Recall an Open Delegation

18.2.1. SYNOPSIS

stateid, truncate, fh -> ()

18.2.2. ARGUMENT

struct CB_RECALL4args { stateid4 stateid; bool truncate; nfs_fh4 fh; };

18.2.3. RESULT

struct CB_RECALL4res { nfsstat4 status; };


The CB_RECALL operation is used to begin the process of recalling an open delegation and returning it to the server. The truncate flag is used to optimize a recall for a file that is about to be truncated to zero. When it is set, the client is freed of obligation to propagate modified data for the file to the server, since this data is irrelevant. If the handle specified is not one for which the client holds an open delegation, an NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE error is returned. If the stateid specified is not one corresponding to an open delegation for the file specified by the filehandle, an NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID is returned.


The client should reply to the callback immediately. Replying does not complete the recall, except when an error was returned. The recall is not complete until the delegation is returned using a DELEGRETURN.
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18.3. Operation 10044: CB_ILLEGAL - Illegal Callback Operation

18.3.1. SYNOPSIS

<null> -> ()

18.3.2. ARGUMENT


18.3.3. RESULT

/* * CB_ILLEGAL: Response for illegal operation numbers */ struct CB_ILLEGAL4res { nfsstat4 status; };


This operation is a placeholder for encoding a result to handle the case of the client sending an operation code within COMPOUND that is not supported. See Section 15.2.4 for more details. The status field of CB_ILLEGAL4res MUST be set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL.


A server will probably not send an operation with code OP_CB_ILLEGAL, but if it does, the response will be CB_ILLEGAL4res, just as it would be with any other invalid operation code. Note that if the client gets an illegal operation code that is not OP_ILLEGAL, and if the client checks for legal operation codes during the XDR decode phase, then the CB_ILLEGAL4res would not be returned.
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19. Security Considerations

NFS has historically used a model where, from an authentication perspective, the client was the entire machine, or at least the source IP address of the machine. The NFS server relied on the NFS client to make the proper authentication of the end-user. The NFS server in turn shared its files only to specific clients, as identified by the client's source IP address. Given this model, the AUTH_SYS RPC security flavor simply identified the end-user using the client to the NFS server. When processing NFS responses, the client ensured that the responses came from the same IP address and port number that the request was sent to. While such a model is easy to implement and simple to deploy and use, it is certainly not a safe model. Thus, NFSv4 mandates that implementations support a security model that uses end-to-end authentication, where an end-user on a client mutually authenticates (via cryptographic schemes that do not expose passwords or keys in the clear on the network) to a principal on an NFS server. Consideration should also be given to the integrity and privacy of NFS requests and responses. The issues of end-to-end mutual authentication, integrity, and privacy are discussed as part of Section 3. When an NFSv4 mandated security model is used and a security principal or an NFSv4 name in user@dns_domain form needs to be translated to or from a local representation as described in Section 5.9, the translation SHOULD be done in a secure manner that preserves the integrity of the translation. For communication with a name service such as the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) ([RFC4511]), this means employing a security service that uses authentication and data integrity. Kerberos and Transport Layer Security (TLS) ([RFC5246]) are examples of such a security service. Note that being REQUIRED to implement does not mean REQUIRED to use; AUTH_SYS can be used by NFSv4 clients and servers. However, AUTH_SYS is merely an OPTIONAL security flavor in NFSv4, and so interoperability via AUTH_SYS is not assured. For reasons of reduced administration overhead, better performance, and/or reduction of CPU utilization, users of NFSv4 implementations may choose to not use security mechanisms that enable integrity protection on each remote procedure call and response. The use of mechanisms without integrity leaves the customer vulnerable to an attacker in between the NFS client and server that modifies the RPC request and/or the response. While implementations are free to provide the option to use weaker security mechanisms, there are two operations in particular that warrant the implementation overriding user choices.
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   The first such operation is SECINFO.  It is recommended that the
   client issue the SECINFO call such that it is protected with a
   security flavor that has integrity protection, such as RPCSEC_GSS
   with a security triple that uses either rpc_gss_svc_integrity or
   rpc_gss_svc_privacy (rpc_gss_svc_privacy includes integrity
   protection) service.  Without integrity protection encapsulating
   SECINFO and therefore its results, an attacker in the middle could
   modify results such that the client might select a weaker algorithm
   in the set allowed by the server, making the client and/or server
   vulnerable to further attacks.

   The second operation that SHOULD use integrity protection is any
   GETATTR for the fs_locations attribute.  The attack has two steps.
   First, the attacker modifies the unprotected results of some
   operation to return NFS4ERR_MOVED.  Second, when the client follows
   up with a GETATTR for the fs_locations attribute, the attacker
   modifies the results to cause the client to migrate its traffic to a
   server controlled by the attacker.

   Because the operations SETCLIENTID/SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM are
   responsible for the release of client state, it is imperative that
   the principal used for these operations is checked against and
   matches with the previous use of these operations.  See Section 9.1.1
   for further discussion.

   Unicode in the form of UTF-8 is used for file component names (i.e.,
   both directory and file components), as well as the owner and
   owner_group attributes; other character sets may also be allowed for
   file component names.  String processing (e.g., Unicode
   normalization) raises security concerns for string comparison.  See
   Sections 5.9 and 12 for further discussion, and see [RFC6943] for
   related identifier comparison security considerations.  File
   component names are identifiers with respect to the identifier
   comparison discussion in [RFC6943] because they are used to identify
   the objects to which ACLs are applied; see Section 6.
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20. IANA Considerations

This section uses terms that are defined in [RFC5226].

20.1. Named Attribute Definitions

IANA has created a registry called the "NFSv4 Named Attribute Definitions Registry" for [RFC3530] and [RFC5661]. This section introduces no new changes, but it does recap the intent. The NFSv4 protocol supports the association of a file with zero or more named attributes. The namespace identifiers for these attributes are defined as string names. The protocol does not define the specific assignment of the namespace for these file attributes. The IANA registry promotes interoperability where common interests exist. While application developers are allowed to define and use attributes as needed, they are encouraged to register the attributes with IANA. Such registered named attributes are presumed to apply to all minor versions of NFSv4, including those defined subsequently to the registration. Where the named attribute is intended to be limited with regard to the minor versions for which they are not to be used, the assignment in the registry will clearly state the applicable limits. The registry is to be maintained using the Specification Required policy as defined in Section 4.1 of [RFC5226]. Under the NFSv4 specification, the name of a named attribute can in theory be up to 2^32 - 1 bytes in length, but in practice NFSv4 clients and servers will be unable to handle a string that long. IANA should reject any assignment request with a named attribute that exceeds 128 UTF-8 characters. To give the IESG the flexibility to set up bases of assignment of Experimental Use and Standards Action, the prefixes of "EXPE" and "STDS" are Reserved. The zero-length named attribute name is Reserved. The prefix "PRIV" is allocated for Private Use. A site that wants to make use of unregistered named attributes without risk of conflicting with an assignment in IANA's registry should use the prefix "PRIV" in all of its named attributes.
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   Because some NFSv4 clients and servers have case-insensitive
   semantics, the fifteen additional lowercase and mixed-case
   permutations of each of "EXPE", "PRIV", and "STDS" are Reserved
   (e.g., "expe", "expE", "exPe", etc. are Reserved).  Similarly, IANA
   must not allow two assignments that would conflict if both named
   attributes were converted to a common case.

   The registry of named attributes is a list of assignments, each
   containing three fields for each assignment.

   1.  A US-ASCII string name that is the actual name of the attribute.
       This name must be unique.  This string name can be 1 to 128 UTF-8
       characters long.

   2.  A reference to the specification of the named attribute.  The
       reference can consume up to 256 bytes (or more, if IANA permits).

   3.  The point of contact of the registrant.  The point of contact can
       consume up to 256 bytes (or more, if IANA permits).

20.1.1. Initial Registry

There is no initial registry.

20.1.2. Updating Registrations

The registrant is always permitted to update the point of contact field. To make any other change will require Expert Review or IESG Approval.

20.2. Updates to Existing IANA Registries

In addition, because this document obsoletes RFC 3530, IANA has o replaced all references to RFC 3530 in the Network Identifier (r_netid) registry with references to this document. o replaced the reference to the nfs registration's reference to RFC 3530 in the GSSAPI/Kerberos/SASL Service names registry with a reference to this document.
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21. References

21.1. Normative References

[RFC20] Cerf, V., "ASCII format for network interchange", STD 80, RFC 20, October 1969, <>. [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997, <>. [RFC2203] Eisler, M., Chiu, A., and L. Ling, "RPCSEC_GSS Protocol Specification", RFC 2203, September 1997, <>. [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000, <>. [RFC3490] Faltstrom, P., Hoffman, P., and A. Costello, "Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3490, March 2003, <>. [RFC3492] Costello, A., "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3492, March 2003, <>. [RFC3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003, <>. [RFC5226] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226, May 2008, <>. [RFC5403] Eisler, M., "RPCSEC_GSS Version 2", RFC 5403, February 2009, <>. [RFC5531] Thurlow, R., "RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2", RFC 5531, May 2009, <>.
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   [RFC5665]  Eisler, M., "IANA Considerations for Remote Procedure Call
              (RPC) Network Identifiers and Universal Address Formats",
              RFC 5665, January 2010,

   [RFC5890]  Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names for
              Applications (IDNA): Definitions and Document Framework",
              RFC 5890, August 2010,

   [RFC5891]  Klensin, J., "Internationalized Domain Names in
              Applications (IDNA): Protocol", RFC 5891, August 2010,

   [RFC6649]  Hornquist Astrand, L. and T. Yu, "Deprecate DES,
              RC4-HMAC-EXP, and Other Weak Cryptographic Algorithms in
              Kerberos", BCP 179, RFC 6649, July 2012,

   [RFC7531]  Haynes, T., Ed., and D. Noveck, Ed., "Network File System
              (NFS) Version 4 External Data Representation Standard
              (XDR) Description", RFC 7531, March 2015,

              The Unicode Consortium, "SpecialCasing-7.0.0.txt", Unicode
              Character Database, March 2014, <

   [UNICODE]  The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard,
              Version 7.0.0", (Mountain View, CA: The Unicode
              Consortium, 2014 ISBN 978-1-936213-09-2), June 2014,

              The Open Group, "Section 3.372 of Chapter 3 of Base
              Definitions of The Open Group Base Specifications
              Issue 7", IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version),
              ISBN 1937218287, April 2013, <>.
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21.2. Informative References

[Chet] Juszczak, C., "Improving the Performance and Correctness of an NFS Server", USENIX Conference Proceedings, June 1990. [Floyd] Floyd, S. and V. Jacobson, "The Synchronization of Periodic Routing Messages", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2(2), pp. 122-136, April 1994. [IESG_ERRATA] IESG, "IESG Processing of RFC Errata for the IETF Stream", July 2008. [MS-SMB] Microsoft Corporation, "Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Specification", MS-SMB 43.0, May 2014. [P1003.1e] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., "IEEE Draft P1003.1e", 1997. [RFC1094] Nowicki, B., "NFS: Network File System Protocol specification", RFC 1094, March 1989, <>. [RFC1813] Callaghan, B., Pawlowski, B., and P. Staubach, "NFS Version 3 Protocol Specification", RFC 1813, June 1995, <>. [RFC1833] Srinivasan, R., "Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2", RFC 1833, August 1995, <>. [RFC2054] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Client Specification", RFC 2054, October 1996, <>. [RFC2055] Callaghan, B., "WebNFS Server Specification", RFC 2055, October 1996, <>. [RFC2224] Callaghan, B., "NFS URL Scheme", RFC 2224, October 1997, <>. [RFC2623] Eisler, M., "NFS Version 2 and Version 3 Security Issues and the NFS Protocol's Use of RPCSEC_GSS and Kerberos V5", RFC 2623, June 1999, <>.
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   [RFC2624]  Shepler, S., "NFS Version 4 Design Considerations",
              RFC 2624, June 1999,

   [RFC2755]  Chiu, A., Eisler, M., and B. Callaghan, "Security
              Negotiation for WebNFS", RFC 2755, January 2000,

   [RFC3010]  Shepler, S., Callaghan, B., Robinson, D., Thurlow, R.,
              Beame, C., Eisler, M., and D. Noveck, "NFS version 4
              Protocol", RFC 3010, December 2000,

   [RFC3232]  Reynolds, J., Ed., "Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced
              by an On-line Database", RFC 3232, January 2002,

   [RFC3530]  Shepler, S., Callaghan, B., Robinson, D., Thurlow, R.,
              Beame, C., Eisler, M., and D. Noveck, "Network File System
              (NFS) version 4 Protocol", RFC 3530, April 2003,

   [RFC4121]  Zhu, L., Jaganathan, K., and S. Hartman, "The Kerberos
              Version 5 Generic Security Service Application Program
              Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism: Version 2", RFC 4121,
              July 2005, <>.

   [RFC4178]  Zhu, L., Leach, P., Jaganathan, K., and W. Ingersoll, "The
              Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application
              Program Interface (GSS-API) Negotiation Mechanism",
              RFC 4178, October 2005,

   [RFC4506]  Eisler, M., Ed., "XDR: External Data Representation
              Standard", STD 67, RFC 4506, May 2006,

   [RFC4511]  Sermersheim, J., Ed., "Lightweight Directory Access
              Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol", RFC 4511, June 2006,

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008,
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   [RFC5661]  Shepler, S., Ed., Eisler, M., Ed., and D. Noveck, Ed.,
              "Network File System (NFS) Version 4 Minor Version 1
              Protocol", RFC 5661, January 2010,

   [RFC6365]  Hoffman, P. and J. Klensin, "Terminology Used in
              Internationalization in the IETF", BCP 166, RFC 6365,
              September 2011, <>.

   [RFC6943]  Thaler, D., Ed., "Issues in Identifier Comparison for
              Security Purposes", RFC 6943, May 2013,

   [fcntl]    The Open Group, "Section 'fcntl()' of System Interfaces of
              The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

   [fsync]    The Open Group, "Section 'fsync()' of System Interfaces of
              The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

              The Open Group, "Section 'getpwnam()' of System Interfaces
              of The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

              The Open Group, "Section 'read()' of System Interfaces of
              The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

              The Open Group, "Section 'readdir()' of System Interfaces
              of The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

   [stat]     The Open Group, "Section 'stat()' of System Interfaces of
              The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.
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   [unlink]   The Open Group, "Section 'unlink()' of System Interfaces
              of The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

              The Open Group, "Section 'write()' of System Interfaces of
              The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7", IEEE
              Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition (HTML Version), ISBN 1937218287,
              April 2013, <>.

   [xnfs]     The Open Group, "Protocols for Interworking: XNFS,
              Version 3W, ISBN 1-85912-184-5", February 1998.
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A bis is certainly built on the shoulders of the first attempt. Spencer Shepler, Brent Callaghan, David Robinson, Robert Thurlow, Carl Beame, Mike Eisler, and David Noveck are responsible for a great deal of the effort in this work. Tom Haynes would like to thank NetApp, Inc. for its funding of his time on this project. Rob Thurlow clarified how a client should contact a new server if a migration has occurred. David Black, Nico Williams, Mike Eisler, Trond Myklebust, James Lentini, and Mike Kupfer read many earlier draft versions of Section 12 and contributed numerous useful suggestions, without which the necessary revision of that section for this document would not have been possible. Peter Staubach read almost all of the earlier draft versions of Section 12, leading to the published result, and his numerous comments were always useful and contributed substantially to improving the quality of the final result. Peter Saint-Andre was gracious enough to read the most recent draft version of Section 12 and provided some key insight as to the concerns of the Internationalization community. James Lentini graciously read the rewrite of Section 8, and his comments were vital in improving the quality of that effort. Rob Thurlow, Sorin Faibish, James Lentini, Bruce Fields, and Trond Myklebust were faithful attendants of the biweekly triage meeting and accepted many an action item. Bruce Fields was a good sounding board for both the third edge condition and courtesy locks in general. He was also the leading advocate of stamping out backport issues from [RFC5661]. Marcel Telka was a champion of straightening out the difference between a lock-owner and an open-owner. He has also been diligent in reviewing the final document. Benjamin Kaduk reminded us that DES is dead, and Nico Williams helped us close the lid on the coffin. Elwyn Davies provided a very thorough and engaging Gen-ART review; thanks!
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Authors' Addresses

Thomas Haynes (editor) Primary Data, Inc. 4300 El Camino Real Ste 100 Los Altos, CA 94022 United States Phone: +1 408 215 1519 EMail: David Noveck (editor) Dell 300 Innovative Way Nashua, NH 03062 United States Phone: +1 781 572 8038 EMail: