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RFC 7367

Definition of Managed Objects for the Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) Simplified Multicast Framework Relay Set Process

Pages: 65
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 28 to 51
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Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 28   prevText
   smfCfgInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SmfCfgInterfaceEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The SMF interface entry describes one SMF
          interface as indexed by its ifIndex.

          The objects in this table are persistent and, when
          written, the device SHOULD save the change to
          non-volatile storage.  For further information
          on the storage behavior for these objects, refer
          to the description for the smfCfgIfRowStatus
      INDEX { smfCfgIfIndex }
   ::= { smfCfgInterfaceTable 1 }

   SmfCfgInterfaceEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         smfCfgIfIndex        InterfaceIndexOrZero,
         smfCfgIfAdminStatus  SmfStatus,
         smfCfgIfSmfUpTime    TimeTicks,
         smfCfgIfRowStatus    RowStatus

   smfCfgIfIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The ifIndex for this SMF interface.  This value
          MUST correspond to an ifIndex referring
          to a valid entry in the Interfaces Table.
          If the manager attempts to create a row
          for which the ifIndex does not exist on the
          local device, then the agent SHOULD issue
          a return value of 'inconsistentValue' and
          the operation SHOULD fail."
         "RFC 2863 - 'The Interfaces Group MIB', McCloghrie,
          K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000."
      ::= { smfCfgInterfaceEntry 1 }

   smfCfgIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SmfStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 29
         "The SMF interface's administrative status.
         The value 'enabled' denotes that the interface
         is running the SMF forwarding process.
         The value 'disabled' denotes that the interface is
         currently external to the SMF forwarding process.

         When the value of the smfCfgAdminStatus is
         'disabled', then the corresponding smfCfgIfAdminStatus
         objects MUST be set to 'disabled' in the

         If this object is not equal to 'enabled', all associated
         entries in the 'smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfTable' and the
         'smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfTable' MUST be deleted.

     The default value for this object is 'enabled(1)'.

         This object SHOULD be persistent and when
         written the device SHOULD save the change to
         non-volatile storage."
      DEFVAL { enabled }
      ::= { smfCfgInterfaceEntry 2 }

   smfCfgIfSmfUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
         "The time (in hundredths of a second) since
         this interface SMF process was last
         re-initialized.  The interface SMF process is
         re-initialized when the value of the
         'smfCfgIfAdminStatus' object transitions to 'enabled'
         from either a prior value of 'disabled' or upon
         initialization of this interface or this device."
      ::= { smfCfgInterfaceEntry 3 }

   smfCfgIfRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This object permits management of this table
          by facilitating actions such as row creation,
          construction, and destruction.  The value of
          this object has no effect on whether other
          objects in this conceptual row can be
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 30
          An entry may not exist in the 'active' state unless all
          objects in the entry have a defined appropriate value.  For
          objects with DEFVAL clauses, the management station
          does not need to specify the value of these objects in order
          for the row to transit to the 'active' state; the default
          value for these objects is used.  For objects that do not
          have DEFVAL clauses, the network manager MUST
          specify the value of these objects prior to this row
          transitioning to the 'active' state.

          When this object transitions to 'active', all objects
          in this row SHOULD be written to non-volatile (stable)
          storage.  Read-create objects in this row MAY be modified.
          When an object in a row with smfCfgIfRowStatus of 'active'
          is changed, then the updated value MUST be reflected in SMF
          and this new object value MUST be written to non-volatile
      ::= { smfCfgInterfaceEntry 4 }

   -- smfStateGroup
   --    Contains information describing the current state of the SMF
   --    process such as the current inclusion in the RS or not.

   smfStateGroup  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBObjects 3 }

   smfStateNodeRsStatusIncluded  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The current status of the SMF node in the context of
          the MANETs relay set.  A value of 'true(1)' indicates
          that the node is currently part of the MANET Relay
          Set.  A value of 'false(2)' indicates that the node
          is currently not part of the MANET Relay Set."
         "See Section 7 'Relay Set Selection' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfStateGroup 1 }

   smfStateDpdMemoryOverflow  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "DPD Records"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 31
      STATUS      current
         "The number of DPD records that had to be flushed to
          prevent memory overruns for caching of these records.
          The number of records to be flushed upon a buffer
          overflow is an implementation specific decision.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 6 'SMF Duplicate Packet
          Detection' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfStateGroup 2 }

   -- SMF Neighbor Table

   smfStateNeighborTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SmfStateNeighborEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF StateNeighborTable describes the
          current one-hop neighbor nodes, their address
          and SMF RSSA, and the interface on which
          they can be reached."
         "See Section 8 'SMF Neighborhood Discovery' and
          Section 8.1. 'SMF Relay Algorithm TLV
          Types' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfStateGroup 3 }

   smfStateNeighborEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SmfStateNeighborEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF Neighbor Table contains the
          set of one-hop neighbors, the interface
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 32
          they are reachable on, and the SMF RSSA
          they are currently running."
      INDEX { smfStateNeighborIpAddrType,
              smfStateNeighborPrefixLen }
   ::= { smfStateNeighborTable 1 }

   SmfStateNeighborEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         smfStateNeighborIpAddrType        InetAddressType,
         smfStateNeighborIpAddr            InetAddress,
         smfStateNeighborPrefixLen         InetAddressPrefixLength,
         smfStateNeighborRSSA              IANAsmfRssaIdTC,
         smfStateNeighborNextHopInterface  InterfaceIndexOrZero

   smfStateNeighborIpAddrType  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The one-hop neighbor IP address type.

          Only the values 'ipv4(1)' and
          'ipv6(2)' are supported."
   ::= { smfStateNeighborEntry 1 }

   smfStateNeighborIpAddr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The one-hop neighbor Inet IPv4 or IPv6

         Only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
         are supported."
   ::= { smfStateNeighborEntry 2 }

   smfStateNeighborPrefixLen  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
      UNITS       "bits"
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The prefix length.  This is a decimal value that
          indicates the number of contiguous, higher-order
          bits of the address that make up the network
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 33
          portion of the address."
   ::= { smfStateNeighborEntry 3 }

   smfStateNeighborRSSA  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       IANAsmfRssaIdTC
      MAX-ACCESS   read-only
      STATUS       current
         "The current RSSA running on the neighbor."
   ::= { smfStateNeighborEntry 4 }

   smfStateNeighborNextHopInterface OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       InterfaceIndexOrZero
      MAX-ACCESS   read-only
      STATUS       current
         "The interface ifIndex over which the
          neighbor is reachable in one-hop."
   ::= { smfStateNeighborEntry 6 }

   -- SMF Performance Group
   --    Contains objects that help to characterize the
   --    performance of the SMF RSSA process, such as statistics
   --    counters.  There are two types of SMF RSSA statistics:
   --    global counters and per-interface counters.
   --    It is an expectation that SMF devices will
   --    implement the standard IP-MIB module in RFC 4293.
   --    Exactly how to integrate SMF packet handling and
   --    management into the standard IP-MIB module management
   --    is part of the experiment.
   --    The SMF-MIB module counters within the
   --    smfPerformanceGroup count packets handled by the
   --    system and interface local SMF process (as discussed
   --    above).  Not all IP (unicast and multicast) packets
   --    on a device interface are handled by the SMF process.
   --    So the counters are tracking different packet streams
   --    in the IP-MIB and SMF-MIB modules.

   smfPerformanceGroup  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBObjects 4 }

   smfPerfGobalGroup  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfPerformanceGroup 1 }

Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 34
   -- IPv4 packet counters

   smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsRecvTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of
          multicast IPv4 packets received by the
          device and delivered to the SMF process.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 1 }

   smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsForwardedTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of
          multicast IPv4 packets forwarded by the

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 2 }

   smfPerfIpv4DuplMultiPktsDetectedTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of duplicate
          multicast IPv4 packets detected by the
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 35
          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 6.2 'IPv4 Duplicate Packet
          Detection' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 3 }

   smfPerfIpv4DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of dropped
          multicast IPv4 packets by the
          device due to Time to Live (TTL) exceeded.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 5 'SMF Packet Processing and
          Forwarding' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 4 }

   smfPerfIpv4TTLLargerThanPreviousTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv4 packets
          received that have a TTL larger than that
          of a previously received identical packet.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 36
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 5 'SMF Packet Processing and
          Forwarding' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 5 }

   -- IPv6 packet counters

   smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsRecvTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of
          multicast IPv6 packets received by the
          device and delivered to the SMF process.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 6 }

   smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsForwardedTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of
          multicast IPv6 packets forwarded by the

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 37
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 7 }

   smfPerfIpv6DuplMultiPktsDetectedTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of duplicate
          multicast IPv6 packets detected by the

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 6.1 'IPv6 Duplicate Packet
          Detection' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 8 }

   smfPerfIpv6DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of dropped
          multicast IPv6 packets by the
          device due to TTL exceeded.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 5 'SMF Packet Processing and
          Forwarding' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 9 }
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 38
   smfPerfIpv6TTLLargerThanPreviousTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received that have a TTL larger than that
          of a previously received identical packet.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 5 'SMF Packet Processing and
          Forwarding' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 10 }

   smfPerfIpv6HAVAssistsReqdTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received that required the Hash Assist Value (HAV)
          for DPD.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 6.1.1 'IPv6 SMF_DPD Option Header' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 11 }

   smfPerfIpv6DpdHeaderInsertionsTotal  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 39
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received that the device inserted the
          DPD header option.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled.  In order to check for
          the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
          this counter object, it is recommended that the
          smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
         "See Section 6.1.2 'IPv6 Identification-Based
          DPD' in
          RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
          Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."
   ::= { smfPerfGobalGroup 12 }

   -- Per SMF Interface Performance Table

   smfPerfInterfaceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfPerformanceGroup 2 }

   smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SmfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF Interface Performance Table
          describes the SMF counters per
   ::= { smfPerfInterfaceGroup 1 }

   smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SmfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF Interface Performance entry
          describes the statistics for a particular
          node interface."
      INDEX { smfCfgIfIndex }
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfTable 1 }

   SmfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry ::=
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 40
      SEQUENCE {
         smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsRecvPerIf               Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsForwardedPerIf          Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv4DuplMultiPktsDetectedPerIf       Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv4DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededPerIf Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv4TTLLargerThanPreviousPerIf       Counter32

   smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsRecvPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of multicast IP
          packets received by the SMF process on
          this device on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry 1 }

   smfPerfIpv4MultiPktsForwardedPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of
          multicast IP packets forwarded by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry 2 }

   smfPerfIpv4DuplMultiPktsDetectedPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 41
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of duplicate
          multicast IP packets detected by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry 3 }

   smfPerfIpv4DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of dropped
          multicast IPv4 packets by the SMF process
          on this device on this interface
          due to TTL exceeded.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry 4 }

   smfPerfIpv4TTLLargerThanPreviousPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv4 packets
          received by the SMF process on this device
          on this interface that have a TTL larger than
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 42
          that of a previously received identical packet.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv4InterfacePerfEntry 5 }

   smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF SmfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF Interface Performance Table
          describes the SMF counters per
   ::= { smfPerfInterfaceGroup 2 }

   smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX       SmfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
      STATUS       current
         "The SMF Interface Performance entry
          describes the counters for a particular
          node interface."
      INDEX { smfCfgIfIndex }
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfTable 1 }

   SmfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsRecvPerIf               Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsForwardedPerIf          Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6DuplMultiPktsDetectedPerIf       Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededPerIf Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6TTLLargerThanPreviousPerIf       Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6HAVAssistsReqdPerIf              Counter32,
         smfPerfIpv6DpdHeaderInsertionsPerIf         Counter32

   smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsRecvPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 43
         "A counter of the number of
          multicast IP packets received by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 1 }

   smfPerfIpv6MultiPktsForwardedPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of
          multicast IP packets forwarded by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 2 }

   smfPerfIpv6DuplMultiPktsDetectedPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of duplicate
          multicast IP packets detected by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 44
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 3 }

   smfPerfIpv6DroppedMultiPktsTTLExceededPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the number of dropped
          multicast IP packets by the
          SMF process on this device
          on this interface due to TTL

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 4 }

   smfPerfIpv6TTLLargerThanPreviousPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received that have a TTL larger than that
          of a previously received identical packet
          by the SMF process on this device on this

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 45
   smfPerfIpv6HAVAssistsReqdPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received by the SMF process on this device
          on this interface that required the
          HAV assist for DPD.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 6 }

   smfPerfIpv6DpdHeaderInsertionsPerIf  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Counter32
      UNITS       "Packets"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "A counter of the total number of IPv6 packets
          received by the SMF process on this device
          on this interface that the device inserted the
          DPD header option.

          There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
          in this object if the system SMF process has been
          disabled and later enabled on this interface.
          In order to check for the occurrence of such a
          discontinuity when monitoring this counter object,
          it is recommended that the smfCfgIfSmfUpTime
          object also be monitored."
   ::= { smfPerfIpv6InterfacePerfEntry 7 }

   -- Notifications

smfMIBNotifObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBNotifications 0 }
smfMIBNotifControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBNotifications 1 }

   -- smfMIBNotifObjects
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 46
   smfNotifAdminStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { smfCfgRouterIDAddrType, -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    smfCfgRouterID,         -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    smfCfgAdminStatus       -- The new status of the
                                            --   SMF process.
          STATUS       current
             "smfCfgAdminStatusChange is a notification sent when
              the 'smfCfgAdminStatus' object changes."
          ::= { smfMIBNotifObjects 1 }

   smfNotifConfiguredOpModeChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { smfCfgRouterIDAddrType, -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    smfCfgRouterID,         -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    smfCfgOperationalMode   -- The new Operations
                                            --   Mode of the SMF
                                            --   process.
          STATUS       current
             "smfNotifConfiguredOpModeChange is a notification
              sent when the 'smfCfgOperationalMode' object
          ::= { smfMIBNotifObjects 2 }

   smfNotifIfAdminStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { smfCfgRouterIDAddrType, -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    smfCfgRouterID,         -- The originator of
                                            --   the notification.
                    ifName,                 -- The interface whose
                                            --   status has changed.
                    smfCfgIfAdminStatus     -- The new status of the
                                            --   SMF interface.
          STATUS       current
             "smfCfgIfAdminStatusChange is a notification sent when
              the 'smfCfgIfAdminStatus' object changes."
          ::= { smfMIBNotifObjects 3 }

    smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { smfCfgRouterIDAddrType,   -- The originator of
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 47
                                              --   the notification.
                    smfCfgRouterID,           -- The originator of
                                              --   the notification.
                    smfStateDpdMemoryOverflow -- The counter of
                                              --   the overflows.
          STATUS       current
             "smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowEvents is sent when the
              number of memory overflow events exceeds
              the 'smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowThreshold' within the
              previous number of seconds defined by the
          ::= { smfMIBNotifObjects 4 }

   -- smfMIBNotifControl
   smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..255)
          UNITS        "Events"
          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
          STATUS       current
             "A threshold value for the
              'smfNotifDpdmemoryOverflowEvents' object.
              If the number of occurrences exceeds
              this threshold within the previous
              number of seconds
              then the 'smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowEvent'
              notification is sent.

              The default value for this object is
          DEFVAL { 1 }
           ::= { smfMIBNotifControl 1 }

   smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowWindow OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX       TimeTicks
          MAX-ACCESS   read-write
          STATUS       current
             "A time window value for the
              'smfNotifDpdmemoryOverflowEvents' object.
              If the number of occurrences exceeds
              the 'smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowThreshold'
              within the previous number of seconds
              then the 'smfNotifDpdMemoryOverflowEvent'
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 48
              notification is sent.

              The default value for this object is
          DEFVAL { 1 }
           ::= { smfMIBNotifControl 2 }

   -- Compliance Statements

   smfCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBConformance 1 }
   smfMIBGroups    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smfMIBConformance 2 }

   smfBasicCompliance  MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
      DESCRIPTION "The basic implementation requirements for
                   managed network entities that implement
                   the SMF RSSA process."
      MODULE  -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { smfCapabObjectsGroup,
                         smfConfigObjectsGroup }
   ::= { smfCompliances 1 }

   smfFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      STATUS current
      DESCRIPTION "The full implementation requirements for
                   managed network entities that implement
                   the SMF RSSA process."
      MODULE  -- this module
      MANDATORY-GROUPS { smfCapabObjectsGroup,
   ::= { smfCompliances 2 }

   -- Units of Conformance

   smfCapabObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 49
      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF configuration objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 1 }

   smfConfigObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {


      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF configuration objects implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 2 }

   smfStateObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {

      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF state objects implemented
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 50
          in this module."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 3 }

   smfPerfObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {


      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF performance objects implemented
          in this module by total and per interface."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 4 }

   smfNotifObjectsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
      OBJECTS {
      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF notification control
          objects implemented in this module."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC7367 - Page 51
   smfNotificationsGroup  NOTIFICATION-GROUP
      STATUS  current
         "Set of SMF notifications implemented
          in this module."
   ::= { smfMIBGroups 6 }


(page 51 continued on part 4)

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