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RFC 5324

MIB for Fibre-Channel Security Protocols (FC-SP)

Pages: 216
Proposed Standard
Part 4 of 7 – Pages 84 to 114
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Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 84   prevText
t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is 'wildcard' or
           'restrictedWildcard', this row specifies whether
           connectivity is allowed/not allowed with entities not
           explicitly named by other rows.

           Otherwise, the combination of t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedNameType
           and t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedName specify the name of:

           - a Switch (if t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType = 'switch'), or
           - a Node (if t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType = 'node')

           to which connectivity is:

            - allowed by 'nodeName' and 'portName',
            - not allowed by 'restrictedNodeName' and
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 5 }

t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyName (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedNameType is
           'wildcard' or 'restrictedWildcard', this object has the
           value '0000000000000000'h.

           Otherwise, the combination of t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedNameType
           and t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedName specify the name of:

           - a Switch (if t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType = 'switch'), or
           - a Node (if t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType = 'node')

           to which connectivity is allowed/restricted."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 85
-- IP Management Entries in Active IP Management List Objects

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of IP Management Entries in active IP Management
           List Objects.  An IP Management List Object is a
           Fabric-wide Policy Object that describes which IP hosts
           are allowed to manage a Fabric.

           One IP Management List Object is represented by all
           of the rows of this table that have the same values
           of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 7.1.7"
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 7 }

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one IP Management
           Entry within the active IP Management List Object for the
           Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed
           within the Fibre Channel management instance identified
           by fcmInstanceIndex.

           The Policy Object Name of an IP Management Entry Policy
           Object is either an IPv6 Address Range or an IPv4 Address
           Range, where in each case, the range is specified as two
           addresses: the low and high ends of the range.  In
           particular, since the Policy Object Name in this situation
           can only be an IPv6 Address Range or an IPv4 Address Range,
           it is represented here by three MIB objects defined as a
           (InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddress) tuple, in which
           the first address is the low end of the range, the second
           address is the high end of the range, and both addresses are
           of the type designated by InetAddressType.

           In theory, the use of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameLow and
           t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameHigh (which both have the syntax
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 86
           of InetAddress) in the INDEX could cause the need for
           excessively long OIDs.  In practice, this can't happen
           because FC-SP doesn't allow these objects to be specified
           as DNS names."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameHigh }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameType   InetAddressType,
    t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameLow    InetAddress,
    t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameHigh   InetAddress,
    t11FcSpPoIpMgmtWkpIndex        Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoIpMgmtAttribute       T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       InetAddressType
                 -- INTEGER { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The combination of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameType,
           t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameLow, and t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameHigh
           specify the Internet address range of this IP Management
           Entry in the IP Management List Object.

           The FC-SP specification does not allow the use of a
           DNS domain name to specify the address at the lower end
           or at the higher end of the Internet address range, nor does
           it allow the specification of a zone index.  Therefore, the
           type of address must be one of: 'ipv4', or 'ipv6'."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              sections & 7.1.2, tables 103/126."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameLow OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE(4 | 16))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The lower end of an Internet address range.  The type
           of this address is given by the corresponding instance
           of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameType.
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 87
           The combination of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameType,
           t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameLow, and t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameHigh
           specify the Internet address range of this IP Management
           Entry in the IP Management List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              sections & 7.1.2, tables 103/126."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameHigh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE(4 | 16))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The higher end of an Internet address range.  The type
           of this address is given by the corresponding instance
           of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntryNameType.

           The combination of t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameType,
           t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameLow, and t11FcSpPoIpMgmtNameHigh
           specify the Internet address range of this IP Management
           Entry in the IP Management List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, sections & 7.1.2, tables 103/126."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoIpMgmtWkpIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "This object identifies the restrictions for IP management
           access by IP hosts in this range of IP addresses, specified
           as the set of Well-Known Protocols Access Descriptors
           contained in those rows of the t11FcSpPoWkpDescrTable for
           which the value of t11FcSpPoWkpDescrSpecifierIndex is the
           same as the value of this object.  A value of zero indicates
           that this IP Management Entry does not identify a Well-Known
           Protocols Access Specifier."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and tables 127/129."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 88
t11FcSpPoIpMgmtAttribute OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The name of an active Attribute Policy Object that is
           defined for this IP Management entry or the zero-length
           string.  The zero-length string indicates that no Attribute
           Policy Object is defined for this IP Management entry."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 128."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoIpMgmtEntry 5 }

-- Well-Known Protocol Access Descriptors

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of the Well-Known Protocol Access Descriptors
           being used within active Policy Objects.

           A Well-Known Protocol Access Specifier is a list of
           Well-Known Protocol Access Descriptors each of which
           specifies a protocol number, a port number, and/or various
           flags specifying how IP management access is restricted.

           A Well-Known Protocol Transport Access Specifier is
           represented by all rows of this table that have the
           same values of fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
           and t11FcSpPoWkpDescrSpecifierIndex."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 8 }

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Well-Known
           Protocol Access Descriptor of a Well-Known Protocol
           Access Specifier used within the Fabric identified by
           t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within the Fibre Channel
           management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 89
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoWkpDescrSpecifierIndex, t11FcSpPoWkpDescrIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoWkpDescrSpecifierIndex   Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoWkpDescrIndex            Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoWkpDescrFlags            BITS,
    t11FcSpPoWkpDescrWkpNumber        Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoWkpDescrDestPort         InetPortNumber

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrSpecifierIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "An index value that uniquely identifies a particular
           Well-Known Protocol Access Specifier within a Fabric."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "An index value that uniquely identifies a particular
           Well-Known Protocol Access Descriptor within a Well-Known
           Protocol Access Specifier."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The flag bits that specify how access is to be limited by
           this Well-Known Protocol Access Descriptor:

            - allow -- IP management access using this protocol/port
              is allowed if this bit is set, and to be denied if this
              bit is not set.
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 90
            - wkpWildcard -- if this bit is set, the IP Protocol number
              of the Well-Known Protocol to be allowed/denied is
              specified by the value of t11FcSpPoWkpDescrWkpNumber.

            - destPortWildcard -- if this bit is set, the Destination
              (TCP/UDP) Port number of the Well-Known Protocol to be
              allowed/denied is specified by the value of

            - readOnly -- if this bit is set, then access is to be
              granted only for reading."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 131."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrWkpNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..255)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "When the 'wkpWildcard' bit is set in the corresponding
           instance of t11FcSpPoWkpDescrFlags, this object specifies
           the IP protocol number of the Well-Known Protocol."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 131.
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoWkpDescrDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       InetPortNumber
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "When the 'destPortWildcard' bit is set in the corresponding
           instance of t11FcSpPoWkpDescrFlags, this object specifies
           the Destination (TCP/UDP) Port number of the Well-Known
           Protocol.  When the 'destPortWildcard' bit is reset, this
           object is ignored (and can have the value zero)."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 131.
    ::= { t11FcSpPoWkpDescrEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 91
-- Attribute Entries in Active Attribute Policy Objects

t11FcSpPoAttribTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoAttribEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of the Attribute Policy Objects being used within
           active Policy Objects.  In the FC-SP Policy Database, each
           Attribute Policy Object consists of an Attribute Object Name
           and a set of Attribute Entries.

           An active Attribute Policy Object is represented by all the
           Attribute Entries in this table that have the same value
           of t11FcSpPoAttribName."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 9 }

t11FcSpPoAttribEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoAttribEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each row contains information specific to an Attribute
           Entry contained within an Attribute Policy Object that is
           active within the Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex
           and managed within the Fibre Channel management instance
           identified by fcmInstanceIndex.

           For some types of Attribute Policy Objects, it is valuable
           to break out some semantically significant parts of the
           Policy Object's value into their own individual MIB
           objects; for example, to extract the one or more individual
           Authentication Protocol Identifiers and associated
           Authentication Protocol Parameters out of an Attribute
           Object containing a 'AUTH_Negotiate Message Payload'.
           For such types, another MIB table is defined to hold the
           extracted values in MIB objects specific to the Attribute
           Policy Object's type.  In such cases, the
           t11FcSpPoAttribExtension object in this table points to the
           other MIB table.

           If the value of one Attribute Entry is too large (more than
           256 bytes) to be contained within the value of one instance
           of t11FcSpPoAttribValue, then one row in this table contains
           the first 256 bytes, and one (or more) other row(s) in this
           table contain the rest of the value."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 92
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoAttribName, t11FcSpPoAttribEntryIndex,
             t11FcSpPoAttribPartIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoAttribEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoAttribName         T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoAttribEntryIndex   Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoAttribPartIndex    Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoAttribType         Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoAttribValue        OCTET STRING,
    t11FcSpPoAttribExtension    OBJECT IDENTIFIER

t11FcSpPoAttribName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The name of the Attribute Policy Object containing one
           or more Attribute Entries."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 133."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoAttribEntryIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A unique value to distinguish this Attribute Entry
           from other Attribute Entries contained in the same
           Attribute Policy Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section, tables 133/134."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoAttribPartIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "When the value of an Attribute Entry is shorter than 257
           bytes, the whole value is contained in one instance of
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 93
           t11FcSpPoAttribValue, and the value of this object is 1.

           If the value of an Attribute Entry is longer than 256 bytes,
           then that value is divided up on 256-byte boundaries such
           that all parts are 256 bytes long except the last part, which
           is shorter if necessary, with each such part contained in
           a separate row of this table, and the value of this object
           is set to the part number.  That is, this object has the
           value of 1 for bytes 0-255, the value of 2 for bytes
           256-511, etc."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section, tables 134/135."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoAttribType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The type of attribute.  The first type to be defined is:

           t11FcSpPoAttribType    t11FcSpPoAttribValue
           ===================    ====================
             '00000001'h          The AUTH_Negotiate Message Payload
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              section, tables 134/135 and table 10."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoAttribValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The value of an Attribute Entry is divided up on 256-byte
           boundaries such that all parts are 256 bytes long except the
           last part, which is shorter if necessary, and each such part
           is contained in a separate instance of this object.

           The value of this object is independent of whether some
           parts of its value are broken out into separate MIB objects
           pointed to by the corresponding instance of
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 94
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              section, tables 134/135 and table 10."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 5 }

t11FcSpPoAttribExtension OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "For some types of Attribute Policy Object, the value of
           this MIB object points to type-specific MIB objects that
           contain individual/broken-out parts of the Attribute Policy
           Object's value.  If this object doesn't point to such
           type-specific MIB objects, then it contains the value:

           In particular, when the value of t11FcSpPoAttribType
           indicates 'AUTH_Negotiate Message Payload', one or more
           Authentication Protocol Identifiers and their associated
           Authentication Protocol Parameters are embedded within the
           value of the corresponding instance of t11FcSpPoAttribValue;
           MIB objects to contain these individual values are defined
           in the t11FcSpPoAuthProtTable.  Thus, for an 'AUTH_Negotiate
           Message Payload' Attribute, the value of this object
           contains an OID within the t11FcSpPoAuthProtTable, e.g.,
           of the whole table, of an individual row, or of an individual
           instance within the table."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAttribEntry 6 }

-- Auth. Protocol Parameters in Active Attribute Policy Objects

t11FcSpPoAuthProtTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Authentication Protocol Identifier and
           Authentication Protocol Parameters that are embedded in
           Attribute Policy Objects being used within active Policy

           This table is used for Attribute Entries of Attribute Policy
           Objects for which the value of t11FcSpPoAttribType indicates
           'AUTH_Negotiate Message Payload' and the value of
           t11FcSpPoAttribExtension contains the OID of this table."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 95
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              sections 5.3.2 &, tables 134/135 and tables
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 10 }

t11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about an Authentication
           Protocol that is extracted out of the Attribute Entry
           (identified by t11FcSpPoAttribEntryIndex) of the Policy
           Attribute Object (identified by t11FcSpPoAttribName), which
           is active within the Fabric identified by
           t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within the Fibre Channel
           management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex.

           If the value of one Attribute Protocol Parameters string is
           too large (more than 256 bytes) to be contained within the
           value of one instance of t11FcSpPoAuthProtParams, then one
           row in this table contains the first 256 bytes, and one (or
           more) other row(s) in this table contain the rest of the
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoAttribName, t11FcSpPoAttribEntryIndex,
             t11FcSpPoAuthProtPartIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAuthProtTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoAuthProtIdentifier   Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoAuthProtPartIndex    Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoAuthProtParams       OCTET STRING

t11FcSpPoAuthProtIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The Authentication Protocol Identifier:

                    1      = DH-CHAP
                    2      = FCAP
                    3      = FCPAP
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 96
                    4      = IKEv2
                    5      = IKEv2-AUTH
              240 thru 255 = Vendor Specific Protocols

            all other values are 'Reserved' (by T11)."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 5.3.2, table 11."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoAuthProtPartIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "When the value of an Attribute Protocol Parameters string
           is shorter than 257 bytes, the whole value is contained in
           one instance of t11FcSpPoAuthProtParams, and the value of
           this object is 1. (This includes the case when the Attribute
           Protocol Parameters string is zero bytes in length.)

           If the value of an Authentication Protocol Parameters string
           is longer than 256 bytes, then that value is divided up on
           256-byte boundaries such that all parts are 256 bytes long
           except the last part, which is shorter if necessary, with
           each such part contained in a separate row of this table,
           and the value of this object is set to the part number.
           That is, this object has the value of 1 for bytes 0-255,
           the value of 2 for bytes 256-511, etc."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 5.3.2, table 10."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoAuthProtParams OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256))
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The value of an Authentication Protocol Parameters string
           is divided up on 256-byte boundaries such that all parts
           are 256 bytes long except the last part, which is shorter
           if necessary, and each such part is contained in a
           separate instance of this object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 97
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 5.3.2, table 10."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoAuthProtEntry 3 }

-- Part 2 - Activate/De-Activate Operations

-- Objects to Invoke Activate/De-Activate Operations

t11FcSpPoOperTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoOperEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table that allows Activate and Deactivate operations
           to be invoked for FC-SP Policies on various Fabrics.

           Activating a new policy configuration is a two-step

            1) create a single Policy Summary Object as a set of rows
               in the t11FcSpPoNaSummaryTable specifying a set of
               Policy Objects that describe the new configuration; and
            2) activate that Policy Summary Object using the
               t11FcSpPoOperActivate object defined in this table.

           Deactivating the current policy configuration is a one-step
           process: the current Policy Summary Object is deactivated
           using the t11FcSpPoOperDeActivate object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperations 1 }

t11FcSpPoOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoOperEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry allows an Activate and/or Deactivate operation
           to be invoked on a particular Fabric, which is managed as
           part of the Fibre Channel management instance identified
           by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoOperActivate     T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 98
    t11FcSpPoOperDeActivate   T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoOperResult       INTEGER,
    t11FcSpPoOperFailCause    SnmpAdminString

t11FcSpPoOperActivate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
    STATUS       current
           "Writing the name of a Policy Summary Object into this
           object is a request to activate the policy configuration
           described by the combination of all rows in
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryTable that have that name as their
           value of t11FcSpPoNaSummaryName and are for the same

           Before issuing such a request, the relevant rows in the
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryTable must exist and represent a complete
           and consistent Policy Summary Object.  If they do not, the
           request will fail, with t11FcSpPoOperResult having the
           'badSummaryObject' value.

           When read, the value of this object is always the zero-
           length string.

           Writing to this object does not delete (or in any way
           affect) any rows in the MIB tables for non-active
           Policy Objects."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section"
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoOperDeActivate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
    STATUS       current
           "Writing the current value of t11FcSpPoPolicySummaryObjName
           into this object (for a particular Fabric) is a request
           to deactivate that Fabric's current policy configuration.
           Writing any other value into this object is an error
           (e.g., 'wrongValue').

           When read, the value of this object is always the zero-
           length string."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 99
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section"
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoOperResult OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "This object indicates the status/result of the last
           activation/deactivation that was invoked via the
           corresponding instance of t11FcSpPoOperActivate or

           When the value of this object is 'inProgress', the
           values of the corresponding instances of
           t11FcSpPoOperActivate and t11FcSpPoOperDeActivate
           cannot be modified.

           The value 'badSummaryObject' indicates an activation
           request that did not name a complete and consistent
           Policy Summary Object.

           The value 'none' indicates activation/deactivation
           has not been attempted since the last restart of
           the management system."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoOperFailCause OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "A textual message indicating the reason for the
           most recent activation/deactivation failure, or the
           zero-length string if no information is available
           (e.g., because the corresponding instance of
           t11FcSpPoOperResult has the value 'none').
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 100
           When the corresponding instance of
           t11FcSpPoOperResult is either 'activateFailure'
           or 'deactivateFailure', the value of this object
           indicates the reason for that failure."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoOperEntry 4 }

-- Part 3 - Non-Active Policy Objects

-- Non-Active Policy Summary Objects Available for Activation

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of non-active Policy Summary Objects available
           to be activated.

           The functionality of this table deviates slightly from FC-SP
           in that FC-SP specifies that the only Policy Summary Object
           is the Active one, i.e., FC-SP does not store non-active
           Policy Summary Objects in the Policy Database.  Instead,
           FC-SP requires a new Policy Summary Object to be created
           for, and embedded within, every Activate (APS) request.
           Thus, the newly created Policy Summary Object outlasts the
           APS request only as the new active Policy Summary Object and
           only if the APS succeeds.  In contrast, the Activate
           operation provided by this MIB module consists of two steps:

           1) create a non-active Policy Summary Object as a set of
              entries in this table describing a new configuration;
           2) activate a Policy Summary Object (stored as a set of
              entries in this table) using t11FcSpPoOperActivate.

           These two steps are only loosely connected, i.e., the result
           of the first operation is a non-active Policy Summary Object
           that is retained (in this table) even if it isn't
           immediately activated.  Even after an attempt to activate
           it succeeds or fails, a non-active Policy Summary Object
           is not deleted, but is retained and still available for
           subsequent modification/re-use."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNonActive 1 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 101
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one non-active
           Policy Object within a non-active Policy Summary Object
           defined for potential use on the Fabric identified by
           t11FcSpPoFabricIndex, and managed within the Fibre Channel
           management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex.

           A non-active Policy Summary Object is described by a set
           of entries in this table that have the same value of

           As and when a Policy Summary Object is activated using the
           t11FcSpPoOperActivate object, if the activation is
           successful, existing rows (if any) in MIB tables for active
           Policy Objects are deleted and replaced by the appropriate
           new set of rows.  Existing rows in this table and/or in
           other tables for non-active Policy Objects are not
           affected by the activate operation.

           The StorageType of a row in this table is specified by the
           instance of t11FcSpPoStorageType that is INDEX-ed by the
           same values of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 7.1.3 and table 104."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoNaSummaryName, t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyType,
             t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryName            T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyType      T11FcSpPolicyObjectType,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyIndex     Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyNameType  T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyName      T11FcSpPolicyName,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashStatus      T11FcSpHashCalculationStatus,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashFormat      T11FcSpPolicyHashFormat,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue       T11FcSpPolicyHashValue,
    t11FcSpPoNaSummaryRowStatus       RowStatus

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 102
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The name of the non-active Policy Summary Object that
           contains this Policy Object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyObjectType
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The 'Identifier' (i.e., the type) of this Policy Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 104."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A unique integer value to distinguish this Policy Object
           from any others that have the same type and that are
           contained in the same Policy Summary Object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The combination of t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyNameType and
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyName specify the name of the
           non-active Policy Object identified by this row.

           The type of name must be 'nodeName' if the value of the
           corresponding instance of t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyType is
           'switchConnectivity', or 'alphaNumericName' otherwise."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyName
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 103
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The combination of t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyNameType and
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyName specify the name of the
           non-active Policy Object identified by this row."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 5 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpHashCalculationStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "When read, the value of this object is either:

             correct -- the corresponding instance of
                        t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue contains
                        the correct value; or
             stale   -- the corresponding instance of
                        t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue contains
                        a stale (possibly incorrect) value;

           Writing a value of 'calculate' is a request to re-calculate
           and update the value of the corresponding instance of
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue.  Writing a value of 'correct'
          or 'stale' to this object is an error (e.g., 'wrongValue')."
    DEFVAL      { stale }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 6 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashFormat OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyHashFormat
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The format of this Policy Object's hash value as
           contained in the corresponding instance of the
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue object."
    DEFVAL      { '00000001'h }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 7 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyHashValue
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The hash value of this Policy Object, in the format
           identified by the corresponding instance of the
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashFormat object."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 104
    DEFVAL      { "" }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 8 }

t11FcSpPoNaSummaryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The status of this row.

           Before a row in this table can have 'active' status,
           a non-Active Policy Object must already be represented
           in the table corresponding to the value of
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyType with the name given by the
           combination of t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyNameType and
           t11FcSpPoNaSummaryPolicyName.  If such a Policy Object gets
           deleted from the relevant table, the row in this table must
           also get deleted.

           When a row has 'active' status, the only write-able MIB
           objects in this table are t11FcSpPoNaSummaryHashStatus and
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSummaryEntry 9 }

-- Non-Active Switch Membership List Objects

t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of non-active Switch Membership List Objects."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 108."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNonActive 2 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one non-active
           Switch Membership List Object for the Fabric identified
           by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within the Fibre
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 105
           Channel management instance identified by

           The StorageType of a row in this table is specified by the
           instance of t11FcSpPoStorageType that is INDEX-ed by the
           same values of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoNaSwListName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoNaSwListName         T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwListFabricName   FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwListRowStatus    RowStatus

    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The name of the Switch Membership List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 108."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwListFabricName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The administratively specified Fabric_Name.  This value
           is meaningful only when static Domain_IDs are used in a
           Fabric.  If Static Domain_IDs are not used, the Fabric_Name
           is dynamically determined, in which case the value of this
           object can be '0000000000000000'h or the zero-length
           "- t11FamConfigDomainId, T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB,
              Fibre Channel Fabric Address Manager MIB, RFC 4439;
            - ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, table 108."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 106
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The status of this row.  Values of object instances
           within the row can be modified at any time.

           If a row in this table is deleted, any row in the
           t11FcSpPoNaSwMembTable for the same Switch Membership
           List Object will also get deleted."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwListEntry 3 }

-- Switch Entries in Non-Active Switch Membership List Objects

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Switch Entries in non-active Switch Membership
           List Objects."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNonActive 3 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Switch that
           is listed in a Switch Entry of a non-active Switch Membership
           List Object for the Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex
           and managed within the Fibre Channel management instance
           identified by fcmInstanceIndex.

           A row cannot exist unless there is a row in
           t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable for the given Switch Membership List
           Object, i.e., the row in t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable for a
           Switch Membership List Object must be created before (or
           simultaneously with) a row in this table for a Switch
           Entry in that Switch Membership List Object, and when a
           row in t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable is deleted, all rows in this
           table for Switch Entries in that Switch Membership List
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 107
           Object also get deleted.

           The StorageType of a row in this table is specified by the
           instance of t11FcSpPoStorageType that is INDEX-ed by the
           same values of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchNameType   T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembFlags            BITS,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembDomainID         FcDomainIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembPolicyDataRole   INTEGER,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembAuthBehaviour    BITS,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembAttribute        T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent,
    t11FcSpPoNaSwMembRowStatus        RowStatus

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is 'nodeName' or
           'restrictedNodeName', then the combination of
           this object and t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchName specify the
           Switch Name of this Switch Entry.

           The membership is restricted or unrestricted based on the
           name type.  Restricted membership means that the Switch is
           not allowed to be part of the Fabric unless allowed by a
           specific Switch Connectivity Object.  Unrestricted
           membership means that the Switch is allowed to be part of
           the Fabric unless disallowed by a specific Switch
           Connectivity Object.

           The values of 'wildcard' and 'restrictedWildcard' provide
           the means to specify whether to allow/deny membership for
           Switches not explicitly named in the Switch Membership
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 108
           List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType is
           'wildcard' or 'restrictedWildcard', this object has the
           value '0000000000000000'h.

           Otherwise, the combination of
           t11FcSpPoNaSwMembSwitchNameType and this object specify the
           Switch Name of this Switch Entry."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "Configurable options in respect to the administration
           of Policy Objects at this Switch:

              'staticDomainID'     - the Switch uses the 'Static
           Domain_IDs behavior' (as defined in FC-SW-4) when this bit
           is set.  This bit should have the same setting for all
           Switches in a Fabric's Switch Membership List Object, or
           else the Fabric will partition.  If this bit is set,
           the 'insistentDomainID' bit must not be set.

              'insistentDomainID'  - if this bit is set, the Switch
           uses the 'Insistent Domain_IDs behavior' (as defined in
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 109
           FC-SW-4), and the 'staticDomainID' bit must not be set.

              'serialPortsAccess'  - the Switch allows management
           through serial ports when and only when this bit is set.

              'physicalPortsAccess' - the Switch allows management
           through the physical panel when and only when this bit
           is set.

              'managerRole'        - the Switch is allowed to change
           the Fabric Policy configuration (on receipt of any of the
           EACA, ESFC, EUFC, ACA, SFC, or UFC SW_ILSs) if this bit is
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 112."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX       FcDomainIdOrZero
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The Domain_ID to be used when either the 'staticDomainID'
           bit or the 'insistentDomainID' bit is set in the
           corresponding value of t11FcSpPoNaSwMembFlags."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and tables 111 and 112."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembPolicyDataRole OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The role of the Switch in terms of which Policy data
           it retains/maintains:

             'client' - the Switch operates as a Client Switch.
           A Client Switch maintains its own Switch Connectivity
           Object and all Fabric-wide List Objects.  If FC-SP
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 110
           Zoning is used, a Client Switch maintains only the
           subset of the Active Zone Set that it requires to
           enforce the current Fabric Zoning configuration.

             'autonomous' -  the Switch operates as an Autonomous
           Switch.  An Autonomous Switch maintains its own Switch
           Connectivity Object and all Fabric-wide List Objects.
           This is the same as 'client' except that if FC-SP Zoning
           is used, an Autonomous Switch maintains a complete copy
           of the Fabric Zoning Database.

             'server' - the Switch operates as a Server Switch.
           A Server Switch maintains all Fabric-wide List Objects
           and the Switch Connectivity Objects of each Switch in
           the Fabric.  If FC-SP Zoning is used, a Server Switch
           maintains a complete copy of the Fabric Zoning Database."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 113."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 5 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembAuthBehaviour  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The authentication behaviour of the Switch:

             'mustAuthenticate' - if this bit is set, all connections
           between this Switch and neighbor Switches must be

             'rejectIsFailure' - if this bit is set, the rejection of
           an AUTH_Negotiate message must be considered as an
           authentication failure by this Switch."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 114."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 6 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembAttribute OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 111
    STATUS       current
           "The name of a non-active Attribute Policy Object that
           is defined for this Switch.  The zero-length string
           indicates that no non-active Attribute Policy Object is
           defined for this Switch.

           The effect of having no rows in the t11FcSpPoNaAttribTable
           for which the value of t11FcSpPoNaAttribName is the
           same as the value of this object, is the same as
           this object's value being the zero-length string."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 7 }

t11FcSpPoNaSwMembRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "The status of this row.  Values of object instances
           within the row can be modified at any time.

           A row cannot exist unless there is a row in the
           t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable for the Switch Membership List
           Object containing the Switch Entry for this Switch, i.e.,
           the row in t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable for a Switch Membership
           List Object must be created before (or simultaneously)
           with a row in this table for a Switch Entry in that
           Switch Membership List Object; and when a row in
           t11FcSpPoNaSwListTable is deleted, any row in this
           table for a Switch Entry in that Switch Membership
           List Object also gets deleted."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaSwMembEntry 8 }

-- Node Entries in Non-Active Node Membership List Objects

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Node Entries in non-active Node Membership List
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 112
           One Node Membership List Object is represented by all
           the rows in this table that have the same value of
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNonActive 4 }

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Node Entry of
           a non-active Node Membership List Object for the Fabric
           identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within
           the Fibre Channel management instance identified by

           The StorageType of a row in this table is specified by the
           instance of t11FcSpPoStorageType that is INDEX-ed by the
           same values of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembListName       T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeNameType   T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembFlags          BITS,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembCtAccessIndex  Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembAttribute      T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent,
    t11FcSpPoNaNoMembRowStatus      RowStatus

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembListName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The name of the non-active Node Membership List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeNameType OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 113
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is 'wildcard' or
           'restrictedWildcard', this Node Entry applies to Nodes not
           explicitly named in the Node Membership List Object.

           Otherwise, the combination of this object and
           t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeName specify the name of this Node Entry
           in the active Node Membership List Object.  A Node is
           identified by its Node Name or by one or more of its Port

           Restricted membership means that a Node is not allowed to be
           connected to the Fabric unless allowed by a specific Switch
           Connectivity Object.  Unrestricted membership means that a
           Node is allowed to be connected to the Fabric unless
           disallowed by a specific Switch Connectivity Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeNameType is
           'wildcard' or 'restrictedWildcard', this object has the
           value '0000000000000000'h.

           Otherwise, the combination of t11FcSpPoNaNoMembNodeNameType
           and this object specify the name of this Node Entry is the
           active Node Membership List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 114
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "Configurable options in respect to the administration
           of Policy Objects at this Node:

                'scsiEnclosureAccess'      - the Node is allowed to
           control any Switch through SCSI Enclosure Services if this
           bit is set.  If a Switch does not support SCSI Enclosure
           Services, this bit is ignored.

                'authenticationRequired'   - the Node is required to
           authenticate itself to any Switch to which it is connected
           if and only if this bit is set."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 118."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoNaNoMembCtAccessIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is zero, then access by this
           Node to Generic Services is not limited by a Common
           Transport Access Specifier.

           Otherwise, the limits are specified by the set of Common
           Transport Access Descriptors contained in those rows of
           the t11FcSpPoNaCtDescrTable for which the value of
           t11FcSpPoNaCtDescrSpecifierIndex is the same as the value
           of this object.  No such rows in t11FcSpPoNaCtDescrTable
           have the same effect as this object's value being zero."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              section and tables 118/119/120/121."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNaNoMembEntry 5 }

(next page on part 5)

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