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RFC 4639

Cable Device Management Information Base for Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) Compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems

Pages: 88
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  9141
Obsoletes:  2669
Part 3 of 5 – Pages 31 to 54
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Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 31   prevText
   docsDevServerTimeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerTimeAddress.  If
                no time server exists, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 8 }

   docsDevServerTimeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The Internet address of the RFC 868 Time server,
                as provided by DHCP option 4.

                Note that if multiple values are provided to the
                CM in DHCP option 4, the value of this MIB object
                MUST be the Time server address from which the Time
                of Day reference was acquired as based on the DOCSIS
                RFI specification.  During the period of time where
                the Time of Day have not been acquired, the Time
                server address reported by the CM may report the
                first address value in the DHCP option value or the
                last server address the CM attempted to get the Time
                of day value.

                Returns the zero-length octet string if the time server
                IP address is not provisioned."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 9.2.7. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 11.2.7."
           ::= { docsDevServer 9 }

   docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress.
                If no TFTP server exists, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 10 }

   docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The internet address of the TFTP server responsible for
                downloading provisioning and configuration parameters
                to this device.  Returns the zero-length octet string if
                the config server address is unknown.  There are certain
                security risks that are involved with using TFTP."
               "RFC 3617, Section 5"
           ::= { docsDevServer 11 }

   -- Event Reporting

   docsDevEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 5 }

   docsDevEvControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Setting this object to resetLog(1) empties the event
                log.  All data is deleted.  Setting it to
                useDefaultReporting(2) returns all event priorities to
                their factory-default reporting.  Reading this object
                always returns useDefaultReporting(2)."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 1 }

   docsDevEvSyslog OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the Syslog server.  If, either
                syslog transmission is inhibited, or the Syslog server
                address is not an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevEvent 2 }

   docsDevEvThrottleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 33
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Controls the transmission of traps and syslog messages
                with respect to the trap pacing threshold.

                unconstrained(1) causes traps and syslog messages to be
                transmitted without regard to the threshold settings.

                maintainBelowThreshold(2) causes trap transmission and
                syslog messages to be suppressed if the number of traps
                would otherwise exceed the threshold.

                stopAtThreshold(3) causes trap transmission to cease at
                the threshold and not to resume until directed to do so.

                inhibited(4) causes all trap transmission and syslog
                messages to be suppressed.

                A single event is always treated as a single event for
                threshold counting.  That is, an event causing both a
                trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single

                Writing to this object resets the thresholding state."
           DEFVAL { unconstrained }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 3 }

   docsDevEvThrottleInhibited OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If true(1), trap and syslog transmission is currently
                inhibited due to thresholds and/or the current setting
                of docsDevEvThrottleAdminStatus.  In addition, this is
                true(1) when transmission is inhibited because no
                syslog (docsDevEvSyslog) or trap (docsDevNmAccessEntry)
                destinations have been set.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 34
           ::= { docsDevEvent 4 }

   docsDevEvThrottleThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
           UNITS       "events"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Number of events per docsDevEvThrottleInterval permitted
                before throttling is to occur.

                A single event, whether the notification could result in
                messages transmitted using syslog, SNMP, or both
                protocols, and regardless of the number of destinations,
                (including zero) is always treated as a single event for
                threshold counting.  For example, an event causing both
                a trap and a syslog message is still treated as a single

                All system notifications that occur within the device
                should be taken into consideration when calculating
                and monitoring the threshold."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 5 }

   docsDevEvThrottleInterval OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           UNITS       "seconds"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The interval over which docsDevEvThrottleThreshold
           DEFVAL { 1 }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 6 }

   -- The following table controls the reporting of the various classes
   -- of events.

   docsDevEvControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevEvControlEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "This table allows control of the reporting of event
                classes.  For each event priority, a combination of
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 35
                logging and reporting mechanisms may be chosen.  The
                mapping of event types to priorities is
                vendor dependent.  Vendors may also choose to allow
                the user to control that mapping through proprietary
                means.  Table entries MUST persist across reboots for
                CMTS devices and MUST NOT persist across reboots for CM
           ::= {  docsDevEvent 7 }

   docsDevEvControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevEvControlEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Allows configuration of the reporting mechanisms for a
                particular event priority."
           INDEX { docsDevEvPriority }
           ::= { docsDevEvControlTable 1 }

   DocsDevEvControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevEvPriority        INTEGER,
               docsDevEvReporting       BITS

   docsDevEvPriority OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The priority level that is controlled by this
                entry.  These are ordered from most (emergency) to least
                (debug) critical.  Each event with a CM or CMTS has a
                particular priority level associated with it (as defined
                by the vendor).

                emergency(1) events indicate vendor-specific fatal
                hardware or software errors that prevent normal system
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 36
                alert(2) events indicate a serious failure that causes
                the reporting system to reboot but is not caused by
                hardware or software malfunctioning.

                critical(3) events indicate a serious failure that
                requires attention and prevents the device from
                transmitting data but that could be recovered without
                rebooting the system.

                error(4) and warning(5) events indicate that a failure
                occurred that could interrupt the normal data flow but
                that does not cause the device to re-register.

                notice(6) and information(7) events indicate a
                milestone or checkpoint in normal operation that could
                be of particular importance for troubleshooting.

                debug(8) events are reserved for vendor-specific

                During normal operation, no event more
                critical than notice(6) should be generated.  Events
                between warning and emergency should be generated at
                appropriate levels of problems (e.g., emergency when the
                box is about to crash)."
           ::= { docsDevEvControlEntry 1 }

   docsDevEvReporting OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX BITS {
               -- The following are extensions to the original set of
               -- labels.  The extensions start at an octet boundary.
               -- So for bits 3 - 7, one MUST set them to zero on send
               -- and one MUST ignore them on receipt.
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Defines the action to be taken on occurrence of this
                event class.  Implementations may not necessarily
                support all options for all event classes but at
                minimum must allow traps and syslogging to be
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 37
                If the local(0) bit is set, then log to the internal
                log and update non-volatile store, for backward
                compatibility with the original RFC 2669 definition.
                If the traps(1) bit is set, then generate
                an SNMP trap; if the syslog(2) bit is set, then
                send a syslog message (assuming that the syslog address
                is set).  If the localVolatile(8) bit is set, then
                log to the internal log without updating non-volatile
                store.  If the stdInterface(9) bit is set, then the
                agent ignores all other bits except the local(0),
                syslog(2), and localVolatile(8) bits.  Setting the
                stdInterface(9) bit indicates that RFC3413 and
                RFC3014 are being used to control event reporting
           ::= { docsDevEvControlEntry 2 }

   docsDevEventTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevEventEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Contains a log of network and device events that may be
                of interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
                If the local(0) bit is set in docsDevEvReporting,
                entries in this table MUST persist across reboots."
           ::= {  docsDevEvent 8 }

   docsDevEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevEventEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Describes a network or device event that may be of
                interest in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
                Multiple sequential identical events are represented by
                incrementing docsDevEvCounts and setting
                docsDevEvLastTime to the current time rather than
                creating multiple rows.

                Entries are created with the first occurrence of an
                event.  docsDevEvControl can be used to clear the
                table.  Individual events cannot be deleted."
           INDEX { docsDevEvIndex }
           ::= { docsDevEventTable 1 }

   DocsDevEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevEvIndex           Integer32,
               docsDevEvFirstTime       DateAndTime,
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 38
               docsDevEvLastTime        DateAndTime,
               docsDevEvCounts          Counter32,
               docsDevEvLevel           INTEGER,
               docsDevEvId              Unsigned32,
               docsDevEvText            SnmpAdminString

   docsDevEvIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Provides relative ordering of the objects in the event
                log.  This object will always increase except when
                (a) the log is reset via docsDevEvControl,
                (b) the device reboots and does not implement
                non-volatile storage for this log, or (c) it reaches
                the value 2^31.  The next entry for all the above
                cases is 1."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 1 }

   docsDevEvFirstTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The value of docsDevDateTime at the time this entry was
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 2 }

   docsDevEvLastTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "When an entry reports only one event, this object will
                have the same value as the corresponding instance of
                docsDevEvFirstTime.  When an entry reports multiple
                events, this object will record the value that
                docsDevDateTime had when the most recent event for this
                entry occurred."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 3 }

   -- This object was renamed from docsDevEvCount to meet naming
   -- requirements for Counter32
   docsDevEvCounts OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           UNITS       "events"
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 39
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The number of consecutive event instances reported by
                this entry.  This starts at 1 with the creation of this
                row and increments by 1 for each subsequent duplicate
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 4 }
   docsDevEvLevel OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The priority level of this event, as defined by the
                vendor.  These are ordered from most serious (emergency)
                to least serious (debug).

                emergency(1) events indicate vendor-specific fatal
                hardware or software errors that prevent normal system

                alert(2) events indicate a serious failure that causes
                the reporting system to reboot but that is not caused by
                hardware or software malfunctioning.

                critical(3) events indicate a serious failure that
                requires attention and prevents the device from
                transmitting data but that could be recovered without
                rebooting the system.

                error(4) and warning(5) events indicate that a failure
                occurred that could interrupt the normal data flow but
                that does not cause the device to re-register.

                notice(6) and information(7) events indicate a
                milestone or checkpoint in normal operation that could
                be of particular importance for troubleshooting.

                debug(8) events are reserved for vendor-specific
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 40

                During normal operation, no event more
                critical than notice(6) should be generated.  Events
                between warning and emergency should be generated at
                appropriate levels of problems (e.g., emergency when the
                box is about to crash)."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 5 }

   -- It is strongly recommended that implementors follow the CableLabs
   -- enumerations for docsDevEvId, per the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 spec
   -- and follow-on specifications.

   docsDevEvId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "For this product, uniquely identifies the type of event
                that is reported by this entry."
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Appendix H and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Annex D."
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 6 }

   docsDevEvText OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Provides a human-readable description of the event,
                including all relevant context (interface numbers,
           ::= { docsDevEventEntry 7 }

   docsDevEvSyslogAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevEvSyslogAddress.  If
                no syslog server exists, this value should return
           DEFVAL { unknown }
           ::= { docsDevEvent 9 }
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 41
   docsDevEvSyslogAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The Internet address of the Syslog server, as provided
                by DHCP option 7 or set via SNMP management.  If the
                address of the server is set to the zero-length
                string, the IPv4 address, or the 0: IPv6
                address, Syslog transmission is inhibited.

                Note that if multiple values are provided to the CM in
                DHCP option 7, the value of this MIB object MUST be the
                first Syslog server address received.

                By default at agent boot, this object returns the zero
                length string."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 10 }

   docsDevEvThrottleThresholdExceeded OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS read-only
           STATUS current
               "If true(1), trap and syslog transmission is currently
                inhibited due to exceeding the trap/syslog event
                threshold in the current interval."
           ::= { docsDevEvent 11 }

   -- Link Level Control Filtering

   docsDevFilter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 6 }

   docsDevFilterLLCUnmatchedAction OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "LLC (Link Level Control) filters can be defined on an
                inclusive or exclusive basis: CMs can be configured to
                forward only packets matching a set of layer three
                protocols, or to drop packets matching a set of layer
                three protocols.  Typical use of these filters is to
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 42
                filter out possibly harmful (given the context of a
                large metropolitan LAN) protocols.

                If set to discard(1), any L2 packet that does not match
                at least one filter in the docsDevFilterLLCTable will be
                discarded.  If set to accept(2), any L2 packet that
                does not match at least one filter in the
                docsDevFilterLLCTable will be accepted for further
                processing (e.g., bridging).  In other words, if the
                packet does not match an entry in the table, it takes
                this action; if it does match an entry in the table, it
                takes the opposite of this action."
           DEFVAL { accept }
           ::= { docsDevFilter 1 }

   docsDevFilterLLCTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterLLCEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "A list of filters to apply to (bridged) LLC
                traffic.  The filters in this table are applied to
                incoming traffic on the appropriate interface(s)  prior
                to any further processing (e.g., before the packet
                is handed off for level 3 processing, or for bridging).
                The specific action taken when no filter is matched is
                controlled by docsDevFilterLLCUnmatchedAction.  Table
                entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any device."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 2 }

   docsDevFilterLLCEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterLLCEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Describes a single filter to apply to (bridged) LLC
                traffic received on a specified interface. "
           INDEX { docsDevFilterLLCIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterLLCEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterLLCIndex               Integer32,
               docsDevFilterLLCStatus              RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex             InterfaceIndexOrZero,
               docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType        INTEGER,
               docsDevFilterLLCProtocol            Integer32,
               docsDevFilterLLCMatches             Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 43
   docsDevFilterLLCIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "Index used for the identification of filters (note that
                LLC filter order is irrelevant)."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 1 }
   docsDevFilterLLCStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  There is no restriction on changing any of the
                associated columns for this row while this object is set
                to active.

                Specifying only this object (with the
                appropriate index) on a CM is sufficient to create a
                filter row that matches all inbound packets on the
                ethernet interface and results in the packets being
                discarded.  docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex (at least) must be
                specified on a CMTS to create a row."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 2}

   docsDevFilterLLCIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The entry interface to which this filter applies.  The
                value corresponds to ifIndex for either a CATV MAC or
                another network interface.  If the value is zero, the
                filter applies to all interfaces.  In Cable Modems, the
                default value is the customer side interface(s).  In
                CMTSs, this object has to be specified to
                create a row in this table.

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, ifIndex '1' in the CM means that this
                row applies to all Cable Modem-to-CPE Interfaces
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Section and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Section"
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 44
   docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The format of the value in docsDevFilterLLCProtocol:
                either a two-byte Ethernet Ethertype, or a one-byte
                802.2 Service Access Point (SAP) value.  ethertype(1)
                also applies to Standard Network Access Protocol
                (SNAP) encapsulated frames."
           DEFVAL { ethertype }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 4 }

   docsDevFilterLLCProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      current
               "The layer-three protocol for which this filter applies.
                The protocol value format depends on
                docsDevFilterLLCProtocolType.  Note that for SNAP
                frames, ethertype filtering is performed rather than
                Destination Service Access Point (DSAP) =0xAA."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 5 }

   docsDevFilterLLCMatches OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           UNITS       "matches"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Counts the number of times this filter was matched."
           ::= { docsDevFilterLLCEntry 6 }

   -- IPv4 Filtering

   docsDevFilterIpDefault OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 45
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The default behavior for (bridged) packets that do not
                match IP filters (or Internet filters, if implemented)
                is defined by docsDevFilterIpDefault.

                If set to discard(1), all packets not matching an IP
                filter in docsDevFilterIpTable will be discarded.  If
                set to accept(2), all packets not matching an IP filter
                or an Internet filter will be accepted for further
                processing (e.g., bridging)."
           DEFVAL { accept }
           ::= { docsDevFilter 3 }

   docsDevFilterIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterIpEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An ordered list of filters or classifiers to apply to
                IP traffic.  Filter application is ordered by the filter
                index, rather than by a best match algorithm (note that
                this implies that the filter table may have gaps in the
                index values).  Packets that match no filters will have
                policy 0 in the docsDevFilterPolicyTable applied to
                them, if it exists.  Otherwise, Packets that match no
                filters are discarded or forwarded according to the
                setting of docsDevFilterIpDefault.

                Any IP packet can theoretically match multiple rows of
                this table.  When considering a packet, the table is
                scanned in row index order (e.g., filter 10 is checked
                before filter 20).  If the packet matches that filter
                (which means that it matches ALL criteria for that row),
                actions appropriate to docsDevFilterIpControl and
                docsDevFilterPolicyId are taken.  If the packet was
                discarded processing is complete.  If
                docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, the filter
                comparison continues with the next row in the table,
                looking for additional matches.

                If the packet matches no filter in the table, the packet
                is accepted or dropped for further processing
                according to the setting of docsDevFilterIpDefault.
                If the packet is accepted, the actions specified by
                policy group 0 (e.g., the rows in
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable that have a value of 0 for
                docsDevFilterPolicyId) are taken, if that policy
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 46
                group exists.

                Logically, this table is consulted twice during the
                processing of any IP packet: once upon its acceptance
                from the L2 entity, and once upon its transmission to
                the L2 entity.  In actuality, for cable modems, IP
                filtering is generally the only IP processing done for
                transit traffic.  This means that inbound and outbound
                filtering can generally be done at the same time with
                one pass through the filter table.

                The objects in this table are only accessible from cable
                devices that are not operating in DiffServ MIB mode
                (RFC 3289).  See the conformance section for details.

                Note that some devices are required by other
                specifications (e.g., the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 specification)
                to support the legacy SNMPv1/v2c docsDevFilter mode
                for backward compatibility.

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the DiffServ MIB
                from RFC 3289."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 4 }

   docsDevFilterIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterIpEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Describes a filter to apply to IP traffic received on a
                specified interface.  All identity objects in this table
                (e.g., source and destination address/mask, protocol,
                source/dest port, TOS/mask, interface and direction)
                must match their respective fields in the packet for
                any given filter to match.

                To create an entry in this table, docsDevFilterIpIfIndex
                must be specified."
           INDEX { docsDevFilterIpIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterIpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterIpIndex             Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpStatus            RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterIpControl           INTEGER,
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 47
               docsDevFilterIpIfIndex           InterfaceIndexOrZero,
               docsDevFilterIpDirection         INTEGER,
               docsDevFilterIpBroadcast         TruthValue,
               docsDevFilterIpSaddr             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpSmask             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpDaddr             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpDmask             IpAddress,
               docsDevFilterIpProtocol          Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpSourcePortLow     Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpSourcePortHigh    Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpDestPortLow       Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpDestPortHigh      Integer32,
               docsDevFilterIpMatches           ZeroBasedCounter32,
               docsDevFilterIpTos               OCTET STRING,
               docsDevFilterIpTosMask           OCTET STRING,
               docsDevFilterIpContinue          TruthValue,
               docsDevFilterIpPolicyId          Integer32

   docsDevFilterIpIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Index used to order the application of filters.
                The filter with the lowest index is always applied
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 1 }

   docsDevFilterIpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  Specifying only this object (with the
                appropriate index) on a CM is sufficient to create a
                filter row that matches all inbound packets on the
                ethernet interface and results in the packets being
                discarded.  docsDevFilterIpIfIndex (at least) must be
                specified on a CMTS to create a row.  Creation of the
                rows may be done via either create-and-wait or
                create-and-go, but the filter is not applied until this
                object is set to (or changes to) active.  There is no
                restriction in changing any object in a row while this
                object is set to active."
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 48
   docsDevFilterIpControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If set to discard(1), all packets matching this filter
                will be discarded, and scanning of the remainder of the
                filter list will be aborted.  If set to accept(2), all
                packets matching this filter will be accepted for
                further processing (e.g., bridging).  If
                docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, see if there
                are other matches; otherwise, done.  If set to
                policy (3), execute the policy entries
                matched by docsDevFilterIpPolicyId in

                If docsDevFilterIpContinue is set to true, continue
                scanning the table for other matches; otherwise, done."
           DEFVAL { discard }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 3 }

   docsDevFilterIpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The entry interface to which this filter applies.  The
                value corresponds to ifIndex for either a CATV MAC or
                another interface.  If the value is zero, the
                filter applies to all interfaces.  Default value in CMs
                is the index of the customer-side (e.g., ethernet)
                interface(s).  In CMTSes, this object MUST be
                specified to create a row in this table.

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, ifIndex '1' in the Cable Modem means
                that this row applies to all CMCI (customer-facing)
               "DOCSIS OSSI 1.1 Specification, Section and
                DOCSIS OSSI 2.0 Specification, Section"
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 4 }

   docsDevFilterIpDirection OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 49
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Determines whether the filter is applied to inbound(1)
                traffic, outbound(2) traffic, or traffic in both(3)
           DEFVAL { inbound }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 5 }

   docsDevFilterIpBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If set to true(1), the filter only applies to multicast
                and broadcast traffic.  If set to false(2), the filter
                applies to all traffic."
           DEFVAL { false }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 6 }

   docsDevFilterIpSaddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The source IP address, or portion thereof, that is to be
                matched for this filter.  The source address is first
                masked (ANDed) against docsDevFilterIpSmask before
                being compared to this value.  A value of 0 for this
                object and 0 for the mask matches all IP addresses."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 7 }

   docsDevFilterIpSmask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A bit mask that is to be applied to the source address
                prior to matching.  This mask is not necessarily the
                same as a subnet mask, but 1s bits must be leftmost and
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 50
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 8 }

   docsDevFilterIpDaddr OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The destination IP address, or portion thereof, that is
                to be matched for this filter.  The destination address
                is first masked (ANDed) against docsDevFilterIpDmask
                before being compared to this value.  A value of
                00000000 for this object and 00000000 for the mask
                matches all IP addresses."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 9 }

   docsDevFilterIpDmask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A bit mask that is to be applied to the destination
                address prior to matching.  This mask is not necessarily
                the same as a subnet mask, but 1s bits MUST be leftmost
                and contiguous."
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 10 }

   docsDevFilterIpProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX Integer32 (0..256)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP protocol value that is to be matched.  For
                example, icmp is 1, tcp is 6, and udp is 17.  A value of
                256 matches ANY protocol."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 256 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 11 }

   docsDevFilterIpSourcePortLow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive lower bound of the transport-layer
                source port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 51
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 12 }

   docsDevFilterIpSourcePortHigh OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive upper bound of the transport-layer
                source port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 65535 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 13 }

   docsDevFilterIpDestPortLow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive lower bound of the transport-layer
                destination port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 14 }

   docsDevFilterIpDestPortHigh OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the inclusive upper bound of the transport-layer
                destination port range that is to be matched.  If the IP
                protocol of the packet is neither UDP nor TCP, this
                object is ignored during matching."
           REFERENCE ""
           DEFVAL { 65535 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 15 }

   docsDevFilterIpMatches OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
           UNITS       "matches"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 52
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Counts the number of times this filter was matched.
                This object is initialized to 0 at boot, or at row
                creation, and is reset only upon reboot."
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 16 }

   docsDevFilterIpTos  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This is the value to be matched to the packet's
                TOS (Type of Service) value (after the TOS value
                is ANDed with docsDevFilterIpTosMask).  A value for this
                object of 0 and a mask of 0 matches all TOS values."
           DEFVAL { '00'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 17 }

   docsDevFilterIpTosMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The mask to be applied to the packet's TOS value before
           DEFVAL { '00'h }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 18 }

   docsDevFilterIpContinue OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "If this value is set to true and docsDevFilterIpControl
                is anything but discard (1), continue scanning and
                applying policies.  See Section 3.3.3 for more
           DEFVAL { false }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 19 }

   docsDevFilterIpPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This object points to an entry in
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  If docsDevFilterIpControl
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 53
                is set to policy (3), execute all matching policies
                in docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  If no matching policy
                exists, treat as if docsDevFilterIpControl were set
                to accept (1).  If this object is set to the value of
                0, there is no matching policy, and
                docsDevFilterPolicyTable MUST NOT be consulted."
           DEFVAL { 0 }
           ::= { docsDevFilterIpEntry 20 }

   -- Policy Mapping Table

   docsDevFilterPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "A Table that maps between a policy group ID and a set
                of pointers to policies to be applied.  All rows with
                the same docsDevFilterPolicyId are part of the same
                group of policy pointers and are applied in the order
                in this table.  docsDevFilterPolicyTable exists to
                allow multiple policy actions (referenced by policy
                pointers) to be applied to any given classified packet.
                The policy actions are applied in index order.
                For example:

                Index   ID    Type    Action
                 1      1      TOS     1
                 9      5      TOS     1
                 12     1      IPSEC   3

                This says that a packet that matches a filter with
                policy id 1 first has TOS policy 1 applied (which might
                set the TOS bits to enable a higher priority) and next
                has the IPSEC policy 3 applied (which may result in the
                packets being dumped into a secure VPN to a remote

                Policy ID 0 is reserved for default actions and is
                applied only to packets that match no filters in

                Table entries MUST NOT persist across reboots for any

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the DiffServ MIB
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 54
                from RFC 3289."
           ::= { docsDevFilter 5 }

   docsDevFilterPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An entry in the docsDevFilterPolicyTable.  Entries are
                created by Network Management.  To create an entry,
                docsDevFilterPolicyId MUST be specified."
           INDEX { docsDevFilterPolicyIndex }
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyTable 1 }

   DocsDevFilterPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevFilterPolicyIndex   Integer32,
               docsDevFilterPolicyId      Integer32,
   --          docsDevFilterPolicyType    INTEGER,
   --          docsDevFilterPolicyAction  Integer32,
               docsDevFilterPolicyStatus  RowStatus,
               docsDevFilterPolicyPtr     RowPointer

   docsDevFilterPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
           DESCRIPTION "Index value for the table."
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 1 }

   docsDevFilterPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Policy ID for this entry.  If a policy ID can apply to
                multiple rows of this table, all relevant policies are
                executed.  Policy 0 (if populated) is applied to all
                packets that do not match any of the filters.  N.B. If
                docsDevFilterIpPolicyId is set to 0, it DOES NOT match
                policy 0 of this table."
           ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 2 }

   -- The following two objects were removed and never used; however,
   -- to preserve OID numbering, they are simply commented out to
   -- to ensure that they are not used again.
   -- docsDevFilterPolicyType ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 3 }
   -- docsDevFilterPolicyAction ::= { docsDevFilterPolicyEntry 4 }

(next page on part 4)

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