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RFC 4324

Calendar Access Protocol (CAP)

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3. CAP Design

3.1. System Model

The system model describes the high level components of a calendar system and how they interact with each other. CAP is used by a CUA to send commands to, and receive responses from, a CS. The CUA prepares a [MIME] encapsulated message, sends it to the CS, and receives a [MIME] encapsulated response. The calendaring-related information within these messages are represented by iCalendar objects. In addition, the "GET-CAPABILITY" command can be sent from the CS to the CUA. There are two distinct protocols in operation to accomplish this exchange. [BEEP] is the transport protocol used to move these encapsulations between a CUA and a CS. CAP's [BEEP] profile defines the application protocol that specifies the content and semantics of the messages sent between the CUA and the CS.

3.2. Calendar Store Object Model

[iCAL] describes components such as events, todos, alarms, and timezones. CAP requires additional object infrastructure, in particular, detailed definitions of the containers for events and todos (calendars), access control objects, and a query language. The conceptual model for a calendar store is shown below. The calendar store (VCALSTORE - Section 9.2) contains "VCAR"s, "VQUERY"s, "VTIMEZONE"s, "VAGENDA"s and calendar store properties. Calendars (VAGENDAs) contain "VEVENT"s, "VTODO"s, "VJOURNAL"s, "VCAR"s, "VTIMEZONE"s, "VFREEBUSY", "VQUERY"s, and calendar properties. The component "VCALSTORE" is used to denote the root of the calendar store and contains all of the calendars.
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   Calendar Store

         +-- properties
         +-- VCARs
         +-- VQUERYs
         +-- VTIMEZONEs
         +-- VAGENDA
         |     |
         |     +--properties
         |     +--VEVENTs
         |     |    |
         |     |    +--VALARMs
         |     +--VTODOs
         |     |    |
         |     |    +--VALARMs
         |     +--VJOURNALs
         |     +--VCARs
         |     +--VTIMEZONEs
         |     +--VQUERYs
         |     +--VFREEBUSYs
         |     |
         |     |   ...
         +-- VAGENDA
         .     .
         .     .
         .     .

   Calendars within a Calendar Store are identified by their unique
   Relative CALID.

3.3. Protocol Model

CAP uses [BEEP] as the transport and authentication protocol. The initial charset MUST be UTF-8 for a session in an unknown locale. If the CS supplied the [BEEP] 'localize' attribute in the [BEEP] 'greeting', then the CUA may tell the CS to switch locales for the session by issuing the "SET-LOCALE" CAP command and supplying one of the locales supplied by the [BEEP] 'localize' attribute. If a locale is supplied, the first locale in the [BEEP] 'localize' attribute is the default locale of the CS. The locale is switched only after a successful reply.
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   The "DEFAULT-CHARSET" property of the CS contains the list of
   charsets supported by the CS with the first value being the default
   for new calendars.  If the CUA wishes to switch to one of those
   charsets for the session, the CUA issues the "SET-LOCALE" command.
   The CUA would have to first perform a "GET-CAPABILITY" command on the
   CS to get the list of charsets supported by the CS.  The charset is
   switched only after a successful reply.

   The CUA may switch locales and charsets as needed.  There is no
   requirement that a CS support multiple locales or charsets.

3.3.1. Use of BEEP, MIME, and iCalendar

CAP uses the [BEEP] application protocol over TCP. Refer to [BEEP] and [BEEPTCP] for more information. The default port on which the CS listens for connections is user port 1026. The [BEEP] data exchanged in CAP is a iCalendar MIME content that fully conforms to [iCAL] iCalendar format. This example tells the CS to generate and return 10 UIDs to be used by the CUA. Note that throughout this memo, 'C:' refers to what the CUA sends, 'S:' refers to what the CS sends, 'I:' refers to what the initiator sends, and 'L:' refers to what the listener sends. Here initiator and listener are used as defined in [BEEP]. C: MSG 1 2 . 432 62 C: Content-Type: text/calendar C: C: BEGIN:VCALENDAR C: VERSION:2.0 C: PRODID:-//someone's prodid C: CMD;ID=unique-per-cua-123;OPTIONS=10:GENERATE-UID C: END:VCALENDAR NOTE: The following examples will not include the [BEEP] header and footer information. Only the iCalendar objects that are sent between the CUA and CS will be shown because the [BEEP] payload boundaries are independent of CAP. The commands listed below are used to manipulate or access the data on the calendar store: ABORT - Sent to halt the processing of some of the commands. (Section 10.2) CONTINUE - Sent to continue processing a command that has reached its specified timeout time. (Section 10.3)
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   CREATE -  Create a new object on the CS.  Initiated only by the CUA.
      (Section 10.4)

   SET-LOCALE -  Tell the CS to use any named locale and charset
      supplied.  Initiated by the CUA only.  (Section 10.13)

   DELETE -  Delete objects from the CS.  Initiated only by the CUA.
      Can also be used to mark an object for deletion.  (Section 10.5)

   GENERATE-UID -  Generate one or more unique ids.  Initiated only by
      the CUA.  (Section 10.6)

   GET-CAPABILITY - Query the capabilities of the other end point of the
      session.  (Section 10.7)

   IDENTIFY -  Set a new identity for the session.  Initiated only by
      the CUA.  (Section 10.8)

   MODIFY -  Modify components.  Initiated by the CUA only.  (Section

   MOVE -  Move components to another container.  Initiated only by the
      CUA.  (Section 10.10)

   REPLY -  When replying to a command, the "CMD" value will be set to
      "REPLY" so that it will not be confused with a new command.
      (Section 10.11)

   SEARCH -  Search for components.  Initiated only by the CUA.
      (Section 10.12)

   TIMEOUT -  Sent when a specified amount of time has lapsed and a
      command has not finished.  (Section 10.14)

4. Security Model

BEEP transport performs all session authentication.

4.1. Calendar User and UPNs

A CU is an entity that can be authenticated. It is represented in CAP as a UPN, which is a key part of access rights. The UPN representation is independent of the authentication mechanism used during a particular CUA/CS interaction. This is because UPNs are used within VCARs. If the UPN were dependent on the authentication mechanism, a VCAR could not be consistently evaluated. A CU may use one mechanism while using one CUA, but the same CU may use a
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   different authentication mechanism when using a different CUA, or
   while connecting from a different location.

   The user may also have multiple UPNs for various purposes.

   Note that the immutability of the user's UPN may be achieved by using
   SASL's authorization identity feature.  The transmitted authorization
   identity may be different than the identity in the client's
   authentication credentials [SASL, section 3].  This also permits a CU
   to authenticate using their own credentials, yet request the access
   privileges of the identity for which they are proxying SASL.  Also,
   the form of authentication identity supplied by a service like TLS
   may not correspond to the UPNs used to express a server's access
   rights, requiring a server-specific mapping to be done.  The method
   by which a server determines a UPN, based on the authentication
   credentials supplied by a client, is implementation-specific.  See
   [BEEP] for authentication details; [BEEP] relies on SASL.

4.1.1. UPNs and Certificates

When using X.509 certificates for purposes of CAP authentication, the UPN should appear in the certificate. Unfortunately, there is no single correct guideline for which field should contain the UPN. Quoted from RFC-2459, section (Subject): If subject naming information is present only in the subjectAlt-Name extension (e.g., a key bound only to an email address or URI), then the subject name MUST be an empty sequence and the subjectAltName extension MUST be critical. Implementations of this specification MAY use these comparison rules to process unfamiliar attribute types (i.e., for name chaining). This allows implementations to process certificates with unfamiliar attributes in the subject name. In addition, legacy implementations exist where an RFC 2822 name [RFC2822] is embedded in the subject distinguished name as an EmailAddress attribute. The attribute value for EmailAddress is of type IA5String to permit inclusion of the character '@', which is not part of the PrintableString character set. EmailAddress attribute values are not case sensitive (e.g., "" is the same as "FANFEEDBACK@REDSOX.EXAMPLE.COM"). Conforming implementations generating new certificates with electronic mail addresses MUST use the rfc822Name in the subject alternative name field (see sec. of [X509CRL])
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         to describe such identities.  Simultaneous inclusion of the
         EmailAddress attribute in the subject distinguished name to
         support legacy implementations is deprecated but permitted.

   Since no single method of including the UPN in the certificate will
   work in all cases, CAP implementations MUST support the ability to
   configure what the mapping will be by the CS administrator.
   Implementations MAY support multiple mapping definitions, for
   example, the UPN may be found in either the subject alternative name
   field, or the UPN may be embedded in the subject distinguished name
   as an EmailAddress attribute.

   Note: If a CS or CUA is validating data received via [iMIP], if the
   "ORGANIZER" or "ATTENDEE" properties said, for example,
   "ATTENDEE;CN=Joe Random", then the
   email address should be checked against the UPN.  This is so the
   "ATTENDEE" property cannot be changed to something misleading like
   "ATTENDEE;CN=Joe Rictus" and have it
   pass validation.  Note that it is the email addresses that
   miscompare, the CN miscompare is irrelevant.

4.1.2. Anonymous Users and Authentication

Anonymous access is often desirable. For example, an organization may publish calendar information that does not require any access control for viewing or login. Conversely, a user may wish to view unrestricted calendar information without revealing their identity.

4.1.3. User Groups

A User Group is used to represent a collection of CUs or other UGs that can be referenced in VCARs. A UG is represented in CAP as a UPN. The CUA cannot distinguish between a UPN that represents a CU or a UG. UGs are expanded as necessary by the CS. The CS MAY expand a UG (including nested UGs) to obtain a list of unique CUs. Duplicate UPNs are filtered during expansion. How the UG expansion is maintained across commands is implementation-specific. A UG may reference a static list of members, or it may represent a dynamic list. Operations SHOULD recognize changes to UG membership. CAP does not define commands or methods for managing UGs.
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4.2. Access Rights

Access rights are used to grant or deny access to calendars, components, properties, and parameters in a CS to a CU. CAP defines a new component type called a Calendar Access Right (VCAR). Specifically, a "VCAR" component grants, or denies, UPNs the right to search and write components, properties, and parameters on calendars within a CS. The "VCAR" component model does not put any restriction on the sequence in which the object and access rights are created. That is, an object associated with a particular "VCAR" component might be created before or after the actual "VCAR" component is defined. In addition, the "VCAR" and "VEVENT" components might be created in the same iCalendar object and passed together in a single object. All rights MUST be denied unless specifically granted. If two rights specified in "VCAR" components are in conflict, the right that denies access always takes precedence over the right that grants access. Any attempt to create a "VCAR" component that conflicts with a "VCAR" components with a "DECREED" property set to the "TRUE" value must fail.

4.2.1. Access Control and NOCONFLICT

The "TRANSP" property can take on values -- "TRANSPARENT-NOCONFLICT" and "OPAQUE-NOCONFLICT" -- that prohibit other components from overlapping it. This setting overrides access. The "ALLOW-CONFLICT" CS, Calendar or component setting may also prevent overlap, returning an error code "6.3".

4.2.2. Predefined VCARs

The predefined calendar access CARIDs that MUST be implemented are: CARID:READBUSYTIMEINFO - Specifies the "GRANT" and "DENY" rules that allow UPNs to search "VFREEBUSY" components. An example definition for this VCAR is: BEGIN:VCAR CARID:READBUSYTIMEINFO BEGIN:VRIGHT GRANT:* PERMISSION:SEARCH SCOPE:SELECT * FROM VFREEBUSY WHERE STATE() = 'BOOKED' END:VRIGHT END:VCAR
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      CARID:REQUESTONLY -  Specifies the "GRANT" and "DENY" rules to
         UPNs other than the owner of the calendar and specifies the
         ability to write new objects with the "METHOD" property set to
         the "REQUEST" value.  This CARID allows the owner to specify
         which UPNs are allowed to make scheduling requests.  An example
         definition for this VCAR is:

            GRANT:NON CAL-OWNERS()
                WHERE METHOD = 'REQUEST'
                WHERE METHOD = 'REQUEST'
                WHERE METHOD = 'REQUEST'

      CARID:UPDATEPARTSTATUS -  Grants authenticated users the right to
         modify the instances of the "ATTENDEE" property set to one of
         their calendar addresses in any components for any booked
         component containing an "ATTENDEE" property.  This allows (or
         denies) a CU the ability to update their own participation
         status in a calendar where they might not otherwise have
         "MODIFY" command access.  They are not allowed to change the
         "ATTENDEE" property value.  An example definition for this VCAR
         (only affecting the "VEVENT" components) is:

             WHERE ATTENDEE = SELF()
             AND STATE() = 'BOOKED'
             WHERE ATTENDEE = SELF()

      CARID:DEFAULTOWNER -  Grants to any owner the permission they have
         for the target.  An example definition for this VCAR is:
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4.2.3. Decreed VCARs

A CS MAY choose to implement and allow persistent immutable VCARs that may be configured by the CS administrator. A reply from the CS may dynamically create "VCAR" components that are decreed depending on the implementation. To the CUA, any "VCAR" component with the "DECREED" property set to "TRUE" cannot be changed by the currently authenticated UPN, and, depending on the implementation and other "VCAR" components, might not be able to be changed by any UPN using CAP (never when the CUA gets a "DECREED:TRUE" VCAR). When a user attempts to modify or override a decreed "VCAR" component rules, an error will be returned indicating that the user has insufficient authorization to perform the operation. The reply to the CUA MUST be the same as if a non-decreed VCAR caused the failure. The CAP protocol does not define the semantics used to initially create a decreed VCAR. This administrative task is outside the scope of the CAP protocol. For example, an implementation or a CS administrator may wish to define a VCAR that will always allow the calendar owners to have full access to their own calendars. Decreed "VCAR" components MUST be readable by the calendar owner in standard "VCAR" component format.

4.3. CAP Session Identity

A [BEEP] session has an associated set of authentication credentials, from which is derived a UPN. This UPN is the identity of the CAP session, and is used to determine access rights for the session. The CUA may change the identity of a CAP session by calling the "IDENTIFY" command. The CS only permits the operation if the session's authentication credentials are good for the requested identity. The method of checking this permission is implementation- dependent, but it may be thought of as a mapping from authentication credentials to UPNs. The "IDENTIFY" command allows a single set of
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   authentication credentials to choose from multiple identities, and
   allows multiple sets of authentication credentials to assume the same

   For anonymous access, the identity of the session is "@".  A UPN with
   a null Username and null Realm is anonymous.  A UPN with a null
   Username but non-null Realm (e.g.,"") may be used to mean
   any identity from that Realm.  This is useful to grant access rights
   to all users in a given Realm.  A UPN with a non-null Username and
   null Realm (e.g., "bob@") could be a security risk and MUST NOT be

   Because the UPN includes Realm information, it may be used to govern
   calendar store access rights across Realms.  However, governing
   access rights across Realms is only useful if login access is
   available.  This could be done through a trusted server relationship
   or a temporary account.  Note that trusted server relationships are
   outside the scope of CAP.

   The "IDENTIFY" command also provides for a weak group implementation.
   By allowing multiple sets of authentication credentials belonging to
   different users to identify as the same UPN, that UPN essentially
   identifies a group of people, and may be used for group calendar
   ownership, or the granting of access rights to a group.

5. CAP URL and Calendar Address

The CAP URL scheme is used to designate both calendar stores and calendars accessible using the CAP protocol. The CAP URL scheme conforms to the generic URL syntax defined in RFC 2396 and follows the Guidelines for URL Schemes set forth in RFC 2718. A CAP URL begins with the protocol prefix "cap" and is defined by the following grammar. capurl = "cap://" csidpart [ "/" relcalid ] ; csidpart = hostport ; As defined in Section 3.2.2 of RFC 2396 ; relcalid = *uric ; As defined in Section 2 of RFC 2396 A 'relcalid' is an identifier that uniquely identifies a calendar on a particular calendar store. There is no implied structure in a Relative CALID (relcalid). It may refer to the calendar of a user or of a resource such as a conference room. It MUST be unique within the calendar store.
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   Here are some examples:


   A 'relcalid' is permitted and is resolved according to the rules
   defined in Section 5 of RFC 2396.

   Examples of valid relative CAP URLs:


   Calendar addresses can be described as qualified or relative CAP

   For a user currently authenticated to the CS on,
   these two example calendar addresses refer to the same calendar:


6. New Value Types

The following sections contains new components, properties, parameters, and value definitions. The purpose of these is to extend the iCalendar objects in a compatible way so that existing iCalendar "VERSION" property "2.0" value parsers can still parse the objects without modification.

6.1. Property Value Data Types

6.1.1. CAL-QUERY Value Type

Subject: Registration of text/calendar MIME value type CAL-QUERY Value Name: CAL-QUERY Value Type Purpose: This value type is used to identify values and contains query statements targeted at locating those values. This is based on [SQL92] and [SQLCOM]. 1. For the purpose of a query, all components should be handled as tables, and the properties of those components should be handled as columns.
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      2.  All VAGENDAs and CSs look like tables for the purpose of a
          QUERY, and all of their properties look like columns in those

      3.  You MUST NOT do any cross-component-type joins.  That means
          you can ONLY have one component OR one "VAGENDA" component OR
          one "VCALSTORE" component in the "FROM" clause.

      4.  Everything in the "SELECT" clause and "WHERE" clauses MUST be
          from the same component type or "VAGENDA" component OR
          "VCALSTORE" component in the "FROM" clause.

      5.  When multiple "QUERY" properties are supplied in a single
          "VQUERY" component, the results returned are the same as the
          results returned for multiple "VQUERY" components that each
          have a single "QUERY" property.

      6.  The '.' is used to separate the table name (component) and
          column name (property or component) when selecting a property
          that is contained inside a component that is targeted in the
          TARGET property.

      7.  A contained component without a '.' is not the same as
          "component-name.*".  If given as "component-name" (no dot),
          the encapsulating BEGIN/END statement will be supplied for

   In the following example, '.' is used to separate the "TRIGGER"
   property from its contained component (VALARM), which is contained in
   any "VEVENT" component in the selected "TARGET" property value (a
   relcalid).  All "TRIGGER" properties in any "VEVENT" component in
   relcalid would be returned.


   This returns one BEGIN/END "VALARM" component for each "VALARM"
   component in the matching "VEVENT" component.  As there is no '.'
   (dot) in the VALARM after the SELECT above, it returns:
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  If the SELECT parameter is provided as "component-name.*", then only
  the properties and any contained components will be returned.  The


  will return all of the properties in each "VALARM" component in the
  matching "VEVENT" component:


  In the following SELECT clauses:

     (a) SELECT <a-property-name> FROM VEVENT




             VALARM.TRIGGER < '20020201T000000Z'
             AND VALARM.TRIGGER > '20020101T000000Z'

  Clause (a) elects all instances of <a-property-name> from all "VEVENT"
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  Clauses (b) and (c) select all "VALARM" components from all "VEVENT"
  components. (b) would return them in BEGIN/END VALARM tags. (c) would
  return all of the properties without BEGIN/END VALARM tags.

  Clause (d) selects every property and every component that is in any
  "VEVENT" component, with each "VEVENT" component wrapped in a

  Clause (e) selects all properties and all contained components in all
  "VEVENT" components that have a "VALARM" component with a "TRIGGER"
  property value between the provided dates and times, with each
  "VEVENT" component wrapped in BEGIN/END VEVENT tags.

   Here are two invalid SELECT clauses:


            WHERE VTODO.SUMMERY = "Fix typo in CAP"

   Clause (f) is invalid because it contains two '.' characters.

   Clause (g) Is invalid because it mixes VEVENT
   and VTODO properties in the same VQUERY.

   Formal Definition: The value type is defined by the following

     cal-query  = "SELECT"   SP   cap-val  SP
                  "FROM"     SP   comp-name SP
                  "WHERE"    SP   cap-expr

                / "SELECT" SP cap-cols SP
                  "FROM"   SP comp-name
     cap-val    = cap-cols / param
                / ( cap-val "," cap-val )

                  ; NOTE: there is NO space around the "," on
                  ; the next line
     cap-cols   = cap-col / ( cap-cols "," cap-col)
                  / "*"
                  / "*.*" ; only valid when the target is a "VAGENDA"
                  ; A 'cap-col' is:
                  ; Any property name ('cap-prop') found in the
                  ; component named in the 'comp-name' used in the
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                  ; "FROM" clause.
                  ;   SELECT ORGANIZER FROM VEVENT ...
                  ; OR
                  ; A component name ('comp-name') of an existing
                  ; component contained inside of the 'comp-name'
                  ; used in the "FROM" clause.
                  ;   SELECT VALARM FROM VEVENT ...
                  ; OR
                  ; A component name ('comp-name') of an existing
                  ; component contained inside of the 'comp-name' used
                  ; in the "FROM" clause followed by a property
                  ; name ('cap-prop') to be selected from that
                  ; component.
                  ; (comp-name "." cap-prop)

                  ;   SELECT VALARM.TRIGGER FROM VEVENT ...

     cap-col    = comp-name
                / comp-name "." cap-prop
                / cap-prop

     comp-name  = "VEVENT"  / "VTODO"     / "VJOURNAL" / "VFREEBUSY"
                / "VALARM"  / "DAYLIGHT"  / "STANDARD" / "VAGENDA"
                / "VCAR"    / "VCALSTORE" / "VQUERY"   / "VTIMEZONE"
                / "VRIGHT"  / x-comp    / iana-comp

     cap-prop   = ; A property that may be in the 'cap-comp' named
                  ; in the "SELECT" clause.

     cap-expr   = "(" cap-expr ")"
                / cap-term

     cap-term   = cap-expr SP cap-logical SP cap-expr
                / cap-factor

     cap-logical= "AND" / "OR"

     cap-factor = cap-colval SP cap-oper SP col-value
                / cap-colval SP "LIKE" SP col-value
                / cap-colval SP "NOT LIKE" SP col-value
                / cap-colval SP "IS NULL"
                / cap-colval SP "IS NOT NULL"
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                / col-value SP "IN" cap-colval
                / col-value SP "NOT IN" cap-colval
                / "STATE()" "=" ( "BOOKED"
                                 / "UNPROCESSED"
                                 / "DELETED"
                                 / iana-state
                                 / x-state )
     iana-state = ; Any state registered by IANA directly or
                  ; included in an RFC that may be applied to
                  ; the component and within the rules published.
     x-state    = ; Any experimental state that starts with
                  ; "x-" or "X-".

     cap-colval = cap-col /  param
     param      = "PARAM(" cap-col "," cap-param ")"
     cap-param  = ; Any parameter that may be contained in the cap-col
                  ; in the supplied PARAM() function

     col-value  = col-literal
                / "SELF()"
                / "CAL-OWNERS()"
                / "CAL-OWNERS(" cal-address ")"
                / "CURRENT-TARGET()"
     cal-address = ; A CALID as define by CAP
     col-literal = "'" literal-data "'"
     literal-data = ; Any data that matches the value type of the
                   ; column that is being compared.  That is, you
                   ; cannot compare PRIORITY to "some string" because
                   ; PRIORITY has a value type of integer.  If it is
                   ; not preceded by the LIKE element, any '%' and '_'
                   ; characters in the literal data are not treated as
                   ; wildcard characters and do not have to be
                   ; backslash-escaped.
                   ; OR
                   ; If the literal-data is preceded by the LIKE
                   ; element it may also contain the '%' and '_'
                   ; wildcard characters.  And, if the literal data
                   ; that is comparing contains any '%' or '_'
                   ; characters, they MUST be backslash-escaped as
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                   ; described in the notes below, in order for them
                   ; not to be treated as wildcard characters.
                   ; And, if the literal data contains any characters
                   ; that would have to be backslash-escaped if
                   ; a property or parameter value, then they must
                   ; be backslash-escaped in the literal-data.
                   ; Also, the quote character (') must be backslash
                   ; escaped.  Example:
                   ; ... WHERE SUBJECT = 'It\'s time to ski'
     cap-oper    = "="
                 / "!="
                 / "<"
                 / ">"
                 / "<="
                 / ">="
     SP          = ; A single white space ASCII character
                   ; (value in HEX %x20).
     x-comp      = ; As defined in [iCAL] section 4.6.
     iana-comp   = ; As defined in [iCAL] section 4.6. [NOT] CAL-OWNERS()
This function returns the list of "OWNER" properties for the named calendar when used in the "SELECT" clause. If called as 'CAL-OWNERS()', it is equivalent to the comma-separated list of all of the owners of the calendar that match the provided "TARGET" property value. If the target is a "VCALSTORE", it returns the "CALMASTER" property. If called as 'CAL-OWNERS(cal-address)', then it is the equivalent to the comma-separated list of owners for the named calendar id. If 'cal-address' is a CS, it returns the "CALMASTER" property. If used in the "WHERE" clause, it returns true if the currently authenticated UPN is an owner of the currently selected object matched in the provided "TARGET" property. Used in a CAL-QUERY "WHERE" clause and in the UPN-FILTER.
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 37 CURRENT-TARGET()
This is equivalent to the value of the "TARGET" property in the current command. It is used in a CAL-QUERY "WHERE" clause. PARAM()
This is used in a CAL-QUERY. It returns or tests for the value of the named parameter from the named property. PARAM() in SELECT
When used in a "SELECT" clause, it returns the entire property and all of that property's parameters; the result is not limited to the supplied parameter. If the property does not contain the named parameter, then the property is not returned. However, it could be returned as a result of another "SELECT" clause value. If multiple properties of the supplied name have the named parameter, all properties with that named parameter are returned. If multiple PARAM() clauses in a single "SELECT" CLAUSE match the same property, then the single matching property is returned only once. Also, note that many parameters have default values defined in [iCAL] that must be treated as existing with their default value in the properties, as defined in [iCAL], even when not explicitly present. For example, if a query were performed with PARAM(ATTENDEE,ROLE) then ALL "ATTENDEE" properties would match because, even when they do not explicitly contain the "ROLE" parameter, it has a default value and therefore must match. Therefore, when PARAM() is used in a "SELECT" clause, it is more accurate to say that it means return the property, if it contains the named parameter explicitly in the property or simply because the parameter has a default for that property. PARAM() in WHERE
When PARAM() is used in the "WHERE" clause, a match is true when the parameter value matches the compare clause (according to the supplied WHERE values). If multiple named properties contain the named parameter, then each parameter value is compared in turn to the condition; if any match, the results would be true for that condition the same as if only one had existed. Each matching property or component is returned only once. Because a parameter may be multi-valued, the comparison might need to be done with an "IN" or "NOT IN" comparator.
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   Given the following query:



   Thus, all "VEVENT" components that contain one or more "ATTENDEE"
   properties that have a "PARTSTAT" parameter with a "ACCEPTED" value
   would be returned.  Also, each uniquely matching VEVENT would be
   returned only once, no matter how many "ATTENDEE" properties had
   matching roles, in each unique "VEVENT" component.

   Also note that many parameters have default values defined in [iCAL].
   Therefore, if the following query were performed on the "ATTENDEE"
   property in the above example:


   It would return the "ATTENDEE" property shown above because the
   default value for the "ROLE" parameter is "REQ-PARTICIPANT". SELF()
Used in a CAL-QUERY "WHERE" clause. Returns the UPN of the currently authenticated UPN or their current UPN as a result of an IDENTIFY command. STATE()
Returns one of three values, "BOOKED", "UNPROCESSED", or "DELETED" depending on the state of the object. "DELETED" is a component in the marked-for-delete state. Components that have been removed from the store are never returned. If not specified in a query then both "BOOKED" and "UNPROCESSED" data is returned. Each unique "METHOD" property must be in a separate MIME object, per the [iCAL] section 3.2 restriction. Use of Single Quote
All literal values are surrounded by single quotes ('), not double quotes ("), and not without any quotes. If the value contains quotes or any other ESCAPED-CHAR, they MUST be backslash-escaped as described in section 4.3.11 "Text" of [iCAL]. Any "LIKE" clause wildcard characters that are part of any literal data that is preceded by a "LIKE" clause or "NOT LIKE" clause and is not intended
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 39
   to mean wildcard search MUST be escaped as described in note (7)
   below. Comparing DATE and DATE-TIME Values
When comparing "DATE-TIME" values to "DATE" values and when comparing "DATE" values to "DATE-TIME" values, the result will be true if the "DATE" value is on the same day as the "DATE-TIME" value. They are compared in UTC no matter what time zone the data may have been stored in. Local time event, as described in section 4.2.19 of [iCAL], must be considered to be in the CUA default timezone that was supplied by the CUA in the "CAPABILITY" exchange. VALUE-1 VALUE-2 Compare Results 20020304 20020304T123456 TRUE (in UTC-3) (in UTC-3) 20020304 20020304T003456 FALSE (in UTC) (in UTC-4) 20020304T003456Z 20020205T003456 FALSE (in UTC-0) (in UTC-7) When "DATE" values and "DATE-TIME" values are compared with the "LIKE" clause, the comparison will be done as if the value is a [iCAL] DATE or DATE-TIME string value. LIKE '2002%' will match anything in the year 2002. LIKE '200201%' will match anything in January 2002. LIKE '%T000000' will match anything at midnight. LIKE '____01__T%' will match anything for any year or time that is in January. (Four '_', '01', two '_' 'T%'). Using a "LIKE" clause value of "%00%", would return any value that contained two consecutive zeros. All comparisons will be done in UTC.
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 40 DTEND and DURATION
The "DTEND" property value is not included in the time occupied by the component. That is, a "DTEND" property value of 20030614T12000 includes all of the time up to, but not including, noon on that day. The "DURATION" property value end time is also not inclusive. So an object with a "DTSTART" property value of 20030514T110000 and a "DURATION" property value of "1H" does not include noon on that day. When a "QUERY" property value contains a "DTEND" value, then the CS MUST also evaluate any existing "DURATION" property value and determine if it has an effective end time that matches the "QUERY" property supplied "DTEND" value or any range of values supplied by the "QUERY" property. When a "QUERY" property contains a "DURATION" value, then the CS MUST also evaluate any existing "DTEND" property values and determine if they have an effective duration that matches the value, or any range of values, supplied by the "QUERY" property. [NOT] LIKE
The pattern matching characters are the '%' that matches zero or more characters, and '_' that matches exactly one character (where character does not always mean octet). "LIKE" clause pattern matches always cover the entire string. To match a pattern anywhere within a string, the pattern must start and end with a percent sign. To match a '%' or '_' in the data and not have it interpreted as a wildcard character, they MUST be backslash-escaped. Thus, to search for a '%' or '_' in the string: LIKE '%\%%' Matches any string with a '%' in it. LIKE '%\_%' Matches any string with a '_' in it. Strings compared using the "LIKE" clause MUST be performed using case insensitive comparisoison assumes 'a' = 'A'). If the "LIKE" clause is preceded by 'NOT' then there is a match when the string compare fails. Some property values (such as the 'recur' value type), contain commas and are not multi-valued. The CS must understand the objects being compared and understand how to determine how any multi-valued or multi-instances properties or parameter values are separated, quoted,
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   and backslash-escaped.  THE CS must perform the comparisons as if
   each value existed by itself and was not quoted or backslash-escaped,
   when comparing using the LIKE element.

   See related examples in Section Empty vs. NULL
When used in a CAL-QUERY value, "NULL" means that the property or parameter is not present in the object. Paramaters that are not provided and have a default value in the property are considered to exist with their default value and will not be "NULL". If the property exists but has no value, then "NULL" MUST NOT match. If the parameter exists but has no value, then "NULL" MUST NOT match. If the parameter not present and has a default value, then "NULL" MUST NOT match. If the property (or parameter) exists but has no value, then it matches the empty string '' (quote quote). [NOT] IN
This is similar to the "LIKE" clause, except it does value matching and not string comparison matches. Some iCalendar objects can be multi-instance and multi-valued. The "IN" clause will return a match if the literal value supplied as part of the "IN" clause is contained in the value of any instance of the named property or parameter, or is in any of the multiple values in the named property or parameter. Unlike the "LIKE" clause, the '%' and '_' matching characters are not used with the "IN" clause and have no special meaning. BEGIN:A-COMPONENT (a) property:value1,value2 One property, two values. (b) property:"value1,value2" One property, one value. (c) property:parameter=1,2:x One parameter, two values. (d) property:parameter="1,2",3:y One parameter, one value. (e) property:parameter=",":z One parameter, one value. (f) property:x,y,z One property, three values END:A-COMPONENT
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   In this example:

      'value1' IN property          would match (a) only.
      'value1,value2' IN property   would match (b) only.
      'value%'  IN property         would NOT match any.
      ',' IN property               would NOT match any.
      '%,%' IN property             would NOT match any.
      'x' IN property               would match (f) and (c).
      '2' IN parameter              would match (c) only.
      '1,2' IN parameter            would match (d) only.
      ',' IN parameter              would match (e) only.
      '%,%' IN parameter            would NOT match any.

      property  LIKE 'value1%'      would match (a) and (b).
      property  LIKE 'value%'       would match (a) and (b).
      property  LIKE 'x'            would match (f) and (c).
      parameter LIKE '1%'           would match (c) and (d).
      parameter LIKE '%2%'          would match (c) and (d).
      parameter LIKE ','            would match (e) only.

   Some property values (such as the "RECUR" value type), contain commas
   and are not multi-valued.  The CS must understand the objects being
   compared and understand how to determine how any multi-valued or
   multi-instance properties or parameter values are separated, quoted,
   and backslash-escaped and perform the comparisons as if each value
   existed by itself and not quoted or backslash-escaped when comparing
   using the IN element.

   If the "IN" clause is preceded by 'NOT', then there is a match when
   the value does not exist in the property or parameter value. DATE-TIME and TIME Values in a WHERE Clause
All "DATE-TIME" and "TIME" literal values supplied in a "WHERE" clause MUST be terminated with 'Z'. That means that the CUA MUST supply the values in UTC. Valid: WHERE alarm.TRIGGER < '20020201T000000Z' AND alarm.TRIGGER > '20020101T000000Z' Not valid; it is a syntax error and the CS MUST reject the QUERY: WHERE alarm.TRIGGER < '20020201T000000' AND alarm.TRIGGER > '20020101T000000'
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 43 Multiple Contained Components
If a query references a component and a component or property contained in the component, any clauses referring to the contained component or property must be evaluated on all of the contained components or properties. If any of the contained components or properties match the query, and the conditions on the containing component are also true, the component matches the query. For example, in the query below, if a BOOKED VEVENT contains multiple VALARMs, and the VALARM.TRIGGER clause is true for any of the VALARMs in the VEVENT, then the UID, SUMMARY, and DESCRIPTION of this VEVENT would be included in the QUERY results. BEGIN:VQUERY EXPAND:TRUE QUERY:SELECT UID,SUMMARY,DESCRIPTION FROM VEVENT WHERE VALARM.TRIGGER >= '20000101T030405Z' AND VALARM.TRIGGER <= '20001231T235959Z' AND STATE() = 'BOOKED' END:VQUERY Example, Query by UID
The following example would match the entire content of a "VEVENT" or "VTODO" component with the "UID" property equal to "uid123" , and it would not expand any multiple instances of the component. If the CUA does not know if "uid123" was a "VEVENT", "VTODO", "VJOURNAL", or any other component, then all components that the CUA supports MUST be supplied in a QUERY property. This example assumes the CUA is only interested in "VTODO" and "VEVENT" components. If the results were empty it could also mean that "uid123" was a property in a component other than a VTODO or VEVENT. BEGIN:VQUERY QUERY:SELECT * FROM VTODO WHERE UID = 'uid123' QUERY:SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE UID = 'uid123' END:VQUERY Query by Date-Time Range
This query selects the entire content of every booked "VEVENT" component that has an instance greater than or equal to July 1, 2000 00:00:00 UTC and less than or equal to July 30, 2000 23:59:59 UTC. This includes single instance "VEVENT" components that do not explicitly contain any recurrence properties or "RECURRENCE- ID" properties. This works only for CSs that have the "RECUR-
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 44
      EXPAND" property value set to "TRUE" in the "GET-CAPABILITY"

      WHERE RECURRENCE-ID >= '20000701T000000Z'
      AND RECURRENCE-ID <= '20000730T235959Z'
      AND STATE() = 'BOOKED'
      END:VQUERY Query for All Unprocessed Entries
The following example selects the entire contents of all non-booked "VTODO" and "VEVENT" components in the "UNPROCESSED" state. The default for the "EXPAND" property is "FALSE", so the recurrence rules will not be expanded. BEGIN:VQUERY QUERYID:Fetch VEVENT and VTODO iTIP components QUERY:SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE STATE() = 'UNPROCESSED' QUERY:SELECT * FROM VTODO WHERE STATE() = 'UNPROCESSED' END:VQUERY The following example fetches all "VEVENT" and "VTODO" components in the "BOOKED" state. BEGIN:VQUERY QUERYID:Fetch All Booked VEVENT and VTODO components QUERY:SELECT * FROM VEVENT WHERE STATE() = 'BOOKED' QUERY:SELECT * FROM VTODO WHERE STATE() = 'BOOKED' END:VQUERY The following fetches the "UID" property for all "VEVENT" and "VTODO" components that have been marked for delete. BEGIN:VQUERY QUERYID:Fetch UIDs of marked-for-delete VEVENTs and VTODOs QUERY:SELECT UID FROM VEVENT WHERE STATE() = 'DELETED' QUERY:SELECT UID FROM VTODO WHERE STATE() = 'DELETED' END:VQUERY Query with Subset of Properties by Date/Time
In this example, only the named properties will be selected, and all booked and non-booked components have a "DTSTART" value from February 1st to February 10th 2000 (in UTC) will also be selected.
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      WHERE DTSTART >= '20000201T000000Z'
      AND DTSTART <= '20000210T235959Z'
      END:VQUERY Query with Components and Alarms in A Range
This example fetches all booked "VEVENT" components with an alarm that triggers within the specified time range. In this case only the "UID", "SUMMARY", and "DESCRIPTION" properties will be selected for all booked "VEVENTS" components that have an alarm between the two date-times supplied. BEGIN:VQUERY EXPAND:TRUE QUERY:SELECT UID,SUMMARY,DESCRIPTION FROM VEVENT WHERE VALARM.TRIGGER >= '20000101T030405Z' AND VALARM.TRIGGER <= '20001231T235959Z' AND STATE() = 'BOOKED' END:VQUERY

6.1.2. UPN Value Type

Value Name: UPN Purpose: This value type is used to identify values that contain user principal name of a CU or a group of CUs. Formal Definition: The value type is defined by the following notation: ; upn = "@" / [ dot-atom-text ] "@" dot-atom-text ; ; dot-atom-text is defined in RFC 2822 [RFC2822] ; ; dot-atom-text = ; As defined in [iCAL]. Description: This data type is an identifier that denotes a CU or a group of CU. A UPN is an RFC 2822-compliant email address [RFC2822], with exceptions listed below, and in most cases it is deliverable to the CU. In some cases it is identical to the CU's well known email address. A CU's UPN MUST never be an e-mail address that is deliverable to a different person. And there is no requirement that a person's UPN MUST be their e-mail address.
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      A UPN is formatted as a user name followed by "@", followed by a
      Realm in the form of a valid and unique DNS domain name.  The user
      name MUST be unique within the Realm.  In its simplest form it
      looks like "".

      In certain cases a UPN will not be RFC 2822-compliant.  When
      anonymous authentication is used, or anonymous authorization is
      being defined, the special UPN "@" will be used.  When
      authentication MUST be used, but unique identity MUST be obscured,
      a UPN of the form @DNS-domain-name may be used.  For example,


      The following is a UPN for a CU:

      The following is an example of a UPN that could be for a group of

      The following is a UPN for an anonymous CU that belongs to a
      specific realm.  When used as a UPN-FILTER, it applies to all UPNs
      in a specific realm:

      The following is a UPN for an anonymous CU:


6.1.3. UPN-FILTER Value

Value Name: UPN-FILTER Purpose: This value type is used to identify values that contain a user principal name filter. Formal Definition: The value type is defined by the following notation: ; ; NOTE: "CAL-OWNERS(cal-address)" ; and "NOT CAL-OWNERS(cal-address)" ; are both NOT allowed below. ;
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 47
         upn-filter    = "CAL-OWNERS()" /
                         "NOT CAL-OWNERS()" /
                         "*" /
                   [ "*" / dot-atom-text ] "@" ( "*" / dot-atom-text )
                      ; dot-atom-text is defined in RFC 2822

   Description: The value is used to match user principal names (UPNs).
   For "CAL-OWNERS()" and "NOT CAL-OWNERS()", see Section 8.24.

      *           Matches all UPNs.

      @           Matches the UPN of anonymous CUs
                  belonging to the null realm

      @*          Matches the UPN of anonymous CUs
                  belonging to any non-null realm

      @realm      Matches the UPN of anonymous CUs
                  belonging to the specified realm.

      *@*         Matches the UPN of non-anonymous CUs
                  belonging to any non-null realm

      *@realm     Matches the UPN of non-anonymous CUs
                  belonging to the specified realm

      user@realm  Matches the UPN of the specified CU
                  belonging to the specified realm

      user@*      Not allowed.

      user@       Not allowed.

   Example: The following are examples of this value type:

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7. New Parameters

7.1. ACTION Parameter

Parameter Name: ACTION Purpose: This parameter indicates the action to be taken when a timeout occurs. Value Type: TEXT Conformance: This property can be specified in the "CMD" property. When present in a "CMD" property, the "ACTION" parameter specifies the action to be taken when the command timeout expires. Formal Definition: The parameter is defined by the following notation: action-param = ";" "ACTION" "=" ( "ASK" / "ABORT" ) ; If 'action-param' is supplied then ; 'latency-param' MUST be supplied. Example: CMD;LATENCY=10;ACTION=ASK:CREATE

7.2. ENABLE Parameter

Parameter Name: ENABLE Purpose: This parameter indicates whether or not the property should be ignored. For example, it can indicate that a "TRIGGER" property in a "VALARM" component should be ignored. Value Type: BOOLEAN Conformance: This property can be specified in the "TRIGGER" properties. Description: When a non owner sends an [iTIP] "REQUEST" to a calendar that object might contain a "VALARM" component. The owner may wish to have local control over their own CUA and when or how alarms are triggered. A CUA may add the "ENABLE" parameter to any "TRIGGER" property before booking the component. If the "ENABLE" parameter is set to "FALSE", then the alarm will be ignored by the CUA. If set to
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 49
      "TRUE", or if the "ENABLE" property is not in the "TRIGGER"
      property, the alarm is enabled.  This parameter may not be known
      by pre-CAP implementations, but this should not be an issue as it
      conforms to an 'ianaparam' [iCAL].

   Formal Definition: The property is defined by the following notation:

         enable-param       = "ENABLE" "=" boolean
         boolean            = ; As defined in [iCAL].

   Example: The following is an example of this property for a "VAGENDA"


7.3. ID Parameter

Parameter Name: ID Purpose: When used in a "CMD" component, it provides a unique identifier. Value Type: TEXT Conformance: This parameter can be specified in the "CMD" property. Description: If more than one command is sent, then the "ID" parameter is used to uniquely identify the command. A CUA may add the "ID" parameter to any "CMD" property before sending the command. There must not be more than one outstanding command tagged with the same "ID" parameter value. Formal Definition: The property is defined by the following notation: id-param = ";" "ID" "=" unique-id ; The text value supplied is a unique value ; shared between the CUA and CS to uniquely ; identify the instance of command in the ; the current CUA session. The value has ; no meaning to other CUAs or other sessions. ; unique-id = ; text ; text = ; As defined in [iCAL]. Example: The following is an example of this parameter component:
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7.4. LATENCY Parameter

Parameter Name: LATENCY Purpose: This parameter indicates time in seconds for when a timeout occurs. Value Type: TEXT Conformance: This property can be specified in the "CMD" property. When present in a "CMD" property, the "LATENCY" parameter specifies the time in seconds when the command timeout expires. Formal Definition: The parameter is defined by the following notation: latency-param = ";" "LATENCY" "=" latency-sec ; The value supplied in the time in seconds. ; If 'latency-param' is supplied then ; 'action-param' MUST be supplied. ; latency-sec = posint1 ; Default is zero (0) meaning no timeout. Example: The following is an example of this parameter: CMD;LATENCY=10;ACTION=ASK:CREATE

7.5. LOCAL Parameter

Parameter Name: LOCAL Purpose: Indicates if the named component should be exported to any non-organizer calendar. Value Type: BOOLEAN Conformance: This parameter can be specified in the "SEQUENCE" properties in a "VALARM" component. Description: When a non-owner sends an [iTIP] "REQUEST" to a calendar that object might contain a "VALARM" component. The owner may wish to have local control over their own CUA and when or how alarms are triggered.
Top   ToC   RFC4324 - Page 51
      A CUA may add the "LOCAL" parameter to the "SEQUENCE" property
      before booking the component.  If the "LOCAL" parameter is set to
      "TRUE", then the alarm MUST NOT be forwarded to any other
      calendar.  If set to "FALSE", or if the "LOCAL" parameter is not
      in the "SEQUENCE" property, the alarm is global.

   Formal Definition: The property is defined by the following notation:

         local-param        = "LOCAL" "=" boolean

      Example: The following is an example of this parameter:


7.6. LOCALIZE Parameter

Parameter Name: LOCALIZE Purpose: If provided, specifies the desired language for error and warning messages. Value Type: TEXT Conformance: This parameter can be specified in the "CMD" properties. When the "LOCALIZE" parameter is supplied, its value MUST be one of the values listed in the initial [BEEP] greeting 'localize' attribute. A CUA may add the "LOCALIZE" parameter to the "CMD" property to specify the language of any error or warning messages. Formal Definition: The property is defined by the following notation: localize-param = ";" "LOCALIZE" "=" beep-localize ; beep-localize = text ; As defined in [BEEP] ; The value supplied MUST be one value from ; the initial [BEEP] greeting 'localize' ; attribute, specifying the locale to use ; for error messages during ; this instance of the command. Example: The following is an example of this parameter: CMD;LOCALIZE=fr_CA:CREATE
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7.7. OPTIONS Parameter

Parameter Name: OPTIONS Purpose: If provided the "OPTIONS" parameter specifies some "CMD" property-specific options. Value Type: TEXT Conformance: This parameter can be specified in the "CMD" properties. A CUA adds the "OPTIONS" parameter to the "CMD" property when the command needs extra values. Formal Definition: The property is defined by the following notation: option-param = ";" "OPTIONS" "=" cmd-specific ; cmd-specific = ; The value supplied is dependent on the ; CMD value. See the specific CMDs for the ; correct values to use for each CMD. Example: The following is an example of this parameter: CMD;OPTIONS=10:GENERATE-UID

(page 52 continued on part 3)

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