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RFC 3949

File Format for Internet Fax

Pages: 84
Draft Standard
Obsoletes:  2301
Part 4 of 4 – Pages 74 to 84
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Top   ToC   RFC3949 - Page 74   prevText

9. MIME content-types image/tiff and image/tiff-fx

The MIME content-types image/tiff and image/tiff-fx are used for TIFF-FX encoded image data, as defined in this document. [TIFF-REG] and [TIFF-FX-REG] describe the registration of these MIME content- types.

10. Security Considerations

This document describes a file format for Internet fax, which is a series of profiles of TIFF for facsimile. As such, it does not create any security issues not already identified in [TIFF-REG], in its use of fields as defined in [TIFF]. There are also new TIFF fields defined within this specification, but they are of a purely descriptive nature, so no new security risks are incurred. Further, the encoding specified in this document does not in any way preclude the use of any Internet security protocol to encrypt, authenticate, or non-repudiate TIFF-encoded facsimile messages.

11. References

11.1. Normative References

[REQ] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [T.4] ITU-T Recommendation T.4, Standardization of group 3 facsimile apparatus for document transmission, October 1997. [T.6] ITU-T Recommendation T.6, Facsimile coding schemes and coding control functions for group 4 facsimile apparatus, November 1988 [T.30] ITU-T Recommendation T.30 - Procedures for Document Facsimile Transmission in the General Switched Telephone Network, June 1996 [T.42] ITU-T Recommendation T.42, Continuous-tone colour representation method for facsimile, February 1996 [T.43] ITU-T Recommendation T.43, Colour and gray-scale image representations using lossless coding scheme for facsimile, February 1997 [T.44] ITU-T Recommendation T.44, Mixed Raster Content (MRC), April 1999.
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   [T.81]        ITU-T Recommendation T.81, Information technology -
                 Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still
                 images - Requirements and guidelines, September 1992

   [T.85]        ITU-T Recommendation T.85, Application profile for
                 Recommendation T.82 - Progressive bi-level image
                 compression (JBIG coding scheme) for facsimile
                 apparatus, August 1995

   [T.82]        ITU-T Recommendation T.82, Information technology -
                 Coded representation of picture and audio information -
                 Progressive bi-level image compression, March 1995

   [TIFF]        Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0, Adobe Developers
                 Association, June 3, 1992,

                 The TIFF 6.0 specification dated June 3, 1992
                 specification (c) 1986-1988, 1992 Adobe Systems
                 Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

   [TIFF-F0]     TIFF Class F specification, Apr 28, 1990,

   [TIFF-REG]    Parsons, G. and J. Rafferty, "Tag Image File Format
                 (TIFF) - image/tiff MIME Sub-type Registration", RFC
                 3302, September 2002.

   [TTN1]        Adobe PageMaker 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes, Sept. 14,

   [TTN2]        Draft TIFF Technical Note 2, Replacement TIFF/JPEG
                 specification, March 17, 1995,

   [TIFF-FX-REG] McIntyre, L., Parsons, G., and J. Rafferty, "Tag Image
                 File Format Fax eXtended (TIFF-FX) - image/tiff-fx MIME
                 Sub-type Registration", RFC 3250, September 2002.
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11.2. Informative References

[GUIDE] Cancio, V., Moldovan, M., Tamura, H., and D. Wing, "Implementers Guide for Facsimile Using Internet Mail", RFC 3249, September 2002. [TIFF-F] Parsons, G. and J. Rafferty, "Tag Image File Format (TIFF) - F Profile for Facsimile", RFC 2306, March 1998. [VPIM 2] Vaudreuil G. and G. Parsons, "Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2 (VPIMv2)", RFC 3801, June 2004.
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Annex A: Summary of TIFF Fields for Internet Fax

This annex includes tables which list by profile the TIFF fields used in the proposed fax file format. The fields are organized into 3 categories: 1) TIFF Baseline Fields 2) TIFF Extension Fields 3) New Fields. The tables include the allowed values for each fax profile. Entries other than explicit numbers are described by: n - single number n, m - 2 numbers a, b, c - 3 numbers r - rational number <n> - array of numbers <b> - byte sequence {ASCII} - string IFD - IFD byte offset <IFD> - array of IFD byte offsets A blank entry in the table indicates that the field is not used by that particular fax profile. Table A.1 TIFF Baseline Fields +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Fax Profile | +---------------------------------------------------------| | Minimal | Extended | JBIG | Lossy |Lossless| Mixed | +----------| B&W | B&W | B&W | Color | Color | Raster | | TIFF | | | | | | Content| | Field | S | F | J | C | L | M | +----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+--------+--------+ | BitsPer | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 1, 2-8 | 1, 2-8 | | Sample | | | | | 9-12 | 9-12 | +----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+--------+--------+ | Compres- | 3 | 3, 4 | 9 | 7 | 10 | 3, 4, 7| | sion | | | | | | 9,10 | +----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+--------+--------+ | DateTime | | {ASCII} | {ASCII}| {ASCII} | {ASCII}| {ASCII}| +----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+--------+--------+ | FillOrder| 2 | 1, 2 | 1, 2 | 1, 2 | 1, 2 | 1,2 | +----------+---------+----------+--------+---------+--------+--------+
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| ImageDes-|         | {ASCII}  | {ASCII}| {ASCII} | {ASCII}| {ASCII}|
| cription |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Image-   | n       | n        | n      | n       | n      | n      |
| Length   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Image-   | 1728    | 1728, 2048, 2432  |   864, 1024, 1216, 1728,  |
| Width    |         | 2592, 3072, 3456  |  2048, 2432, 2592, 3072,  |
|          |         | 3648, 4096, 4864  |  3456, 3648, 4096, 4864   |
|          |         | Note, for the Mixed Raster Content M profile  |
|          |         | these widths apply to the Primary IFD.        |
| NewSub-  | 2       | 2        | 2      | 2       | 2      | 16, 18 |
| FileType |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Orien-   | 1       | 1-8      | 1-8    | 1-8     | 1-8    | 1-8    |
| tation   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Photo-   | 0       | 0, 1     | 0, 1   | 10      | 2, 5,  | 0,     |
| metric-  |         |          |        |         | 10     | 2,     |
| Interp-  |         |          |        |         |        | 10     |
| retation |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Resolu-  | 2       | 2, 3     | 2, 3   | 2, 3    | 2, 3   | 2, 3   |
| tionUnit |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| RowsPer- | n       | n        | n      | n       | n      | n      |
| Strip    |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Samples- | 1       | 1        | 1      | 1, 3    | 1, 3, 4| 1, 3, 4|
| PerPixel |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Software |         | {ASCII}  | {ASCII}| {ASCII} | {ASCII}| {ASCII}|
| Strip-   | n       | <n>      | <n>    | <n>     | <n>    | <n>    |
| Byte-    |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Counts   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Strip-   | n       | <n>      | <n>    | <n>     | <n>    | <n>    |
| Offsets  |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| XResolu- | 204     | 200, 204, 300     |    100, 200, 300, 400     |
| tion     | 200     | 400, 408          |                           |
| YResolu- | 98, 196 | 98, 196, 100, 200 |    100, 200, 300, 400     |
| tion     | 100,200 | 300, 391, 400     |                           |
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   Table A.2  TIFF Extension Fields

           |                       Fax Profile                       |
           | Minimal | Extended |  JBIG  |  Lossy  |Lossless| Mixed  |
+----------|   B&W   |    B&W   |  B&W   |  Color  | Color  | Raster |
|   TIFF   |         |          |        |         |        | Content|
|  Field   |    S    |     F    |   J    |    C    |   L    |   M    |
| Chroma-  |         |          |        | 1       |        | 1      |
| Position-|         |          |        |         |        |        |
| ing      |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Chroma-  |         |          |        | <1, 1>  |        | <1, 1> |
| SubSampl-|         |          |        | <2, 2>  |        | <2, 2> |
| ing      |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Document-|         | {ASCII}  | {ASCII}| {ASCII} | {ASCII}| {ASCII}|
| Name     |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Indexed  |         |          |        |         | 0,1    | 0,1    |
| Page-    | n, m    | n, m     | n, m   | n, m    | n, m   | n, m   |
| Number   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| SubIFDs  |         |          |        |         |        | <IFD>  |
| T4Options| 0, 4    | 0, 1,    |        |         |        | 0, 1,  |
|          |         | 4, 5     |        |         |        | 4, 5   |
| T6Options|         | 0        |        |         |        | 0      |
| XPosition|         |          |        |         |        | r      |
| YPosition|         |          |        |         |        | r      |
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   Table A.3   New Fields

           |                       Fax Profile                       |
           | Minimal | Extended |  JBIG  |  Lossy  |Lossless| Mixed  |
+----------|   B&W   |    B&W   |  B&W   |  Color  | Color  | Raster |
|   TIFF   |         |          |        |         |        | Content|
|  Field   |    S    |     F    |   J    |    C    |   L    |   M    |
| BadFax-  |         | n        |        |         |        |        |
| Lines    |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| CleanFax-|         | 0, 1, 2  |        |         |        |        |
| Data     |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Coding-  |         |          | n      | n       | n      | n      |
| Method   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Consecu- |         | n        |        |         |        |        |
| tiveBad- |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| FaxLines |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Decode   |         |          |        | <r>     | <r>    | <r>    |
| Fax-     |         |          | n      | n       | n      | n      |
| Profile  |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Global-  |         | IFD      | IFD    | IFD     | IFD    | IFD    |
| Parame-  |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| tersIFD  |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Image-   |         |          |        |         |        | n, m   |
| Layer    |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| T82-     |         |          | n      |         |        | n      |
| Options  |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Image-   |         |          |        |         |        | <n>    |
| BaseColor|         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Mode-    |         |          |        |         |        | n      |
| Number   |         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Profile- |         |          | n      | n       | n      | n      |
| Type     |         |          |        |         |        |        |
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| Strip-   |         |          |        |         |        | <n>    |
| RowCounts|         |          |        |         |        |        |
| Version- |         |          |        | <b>     |<b>     |        |
| Year     |         |          |        |         |        |        |

Annex B: List of technical edits to RFC2301

This Annex lists technical differences between this document and RFC 2301, the Proposed Standard File Format for Internet Fax. +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | No.| Section | Technical Edit | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 1. | 5.2.1 | Added FillOrder=1 to Profile J | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 2. | 6.2.1 | Constrained ResolutionUnit to 2 (i.e., inch) for| | | 7.2.1 | all color profiles, per ITU-T Recommendations | | | 8.2.1 | | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 3. | 7.2.1 | Deleted ColorMap field; it re-encoded the color | | | 7.4 | palette already in the T.43 data stream | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 4. | 7.2.2 | Changed TAG value of Indexed field from 364 to | | | | 346 to agree with Section 8.2.2 and Ref. [TTN1] | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 5. | 8.2.1 | Added text clarifying the use of ImageWidth | | | | when Background or Foreground layer is Primary | | | | IFD | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 6. | 8.2.3 | Changed field name from DefaultImageColor to | | | | ImageBaseColor; | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 7. | 8.2.1 | Added Compression=1 for ImageBaseColor IFDs | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 8. | 5.2.1 | Redefined compression = 9 to be T.82 (JBIG); | | | 5.2.3 | added T82Options field, with a default value (0)| | | | corresponding to the T.85 application profile | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+ | 9. | 4.3.3 | Added GlobalParametersIFD, ProfileType, | | | 4.7 | FaxProfile and CodingMethod to the New Fields | | | | portion of Profile F, per Sec. 2.2.4 | +----+---------+-------------------------------------------------+
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| 10.|  6.2.1  | Deleted BitsPerSample=12 as an option when      |
|    |6.2.3,6.4| Compression=7 due to lack of interop testing.   |
|    |Table A.1|                                                 |
| 11.|8.2.1,8.4| Deleted PhotometricInterpretation=5 in Profile M|
|    |Table A.1| due to insufficient interop testing.            |
| 12.|7.2.1,7.4| Deleted BitsPerSample=13-16 for Palette-color   |
|    |8.2.1,8.5| due to lack of interop testing.                 |
|    |Table A.1|                                                 |
| 13.| Annex B | Deleted Annex B due to discontinued use of      |
|    |         | application parameter; Annex C renamed Annex B  |

Authors' Addresses

Robert Buckley Xerox Corporation Mailstop 0128-30E 800 Phillips Road Webster, NY 14580, USA Phone: +1-585-422-1282 Fax: +1-585-422-2636 EMail: Dennis Venable Xerox Corporation Mailstop 0128-27E 800 Phillips Road Webster, NY 14580, USA Phone: +1-585-422-3138 Fax: +1-585-422-6117 EMail:
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   Lloyd McIntyre
   10328 S. Stelling Road
   Cupertino, CA 95014 USA

   Phone: +1-408-725-1624
   EMail: or

   Glenn W. Parsons
   Nortel Networks
   P.O. Box 3511, Station C
   Ottawa, ON K1Y 4H7, Canada

   Phone: +1-613-763-7582
   Fax:   +1-613-967-5060

   James Rafferty
   Brooktrout Technology
   410 First Avenue
   Needham, MA 02494 USA

   Phone: +1-781-433-9462
   Fax:   +1-781-433-9268
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
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   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
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