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RFC 2662

Definitions of Managed Objects for the ADSL Lines

Pages: 115
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 4 – Pages 17 to 44
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Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 17   prevText

7. Definitions

ADSL-TC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS transmission, MODULE-IDENTITY, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; adsltcmib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9908190000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF ADSL MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " Gregory Bathrick AG Communication Systems A Subsidiary of Lucent Technologies 2500 W Utopia Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA Tel: +1 602-582-7679 Fax: +1 602-582-7697 E-mail: Faye Ly Copper Mountain Networks Norcal Office 2470 Embarcadero Way Palo Alto, CA 94303 Tel: +1 650-858-8500 Fax: +1 650-858-8085 E-Mail:
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 18
       IETF ADSL MIB Working Group (
           "The MIB module which provides a ADSL
           Line Coding Textual Convention to be used
           by ADSL Lines."

       --  Revision history
       REVISION     "9908190000Z"  -- 19 August 1999, midnight
       DESCRIPTION  "Initial Version, published as RFC 2662"

       ::= { transmission 94 2 } -- adslMIB 2

       AdslLineCodingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
           STATUS       current
               "This data type is used as the syntax for the ADSL
               Line Code."
           SYNTAX  INTEGER {
               other(1),-- none of the following
               dmt (2), -- Discrete MultiTone
               cap (3), -- Carrierless Amplitude & Phase modulation
               qam (4)  -- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

       AdslPerfCurrDayCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
           STATUS  current
               "A counter associated with interface performance
               measurements in a current 1-day (24 hour) measurement

               The value of this counter starts at zero at the
               beginning of an interval and is increased when
               associated events occur, until the end of the
               1-day interval.  At that time the value of the
               counter is stored in the previous 1-day history
               interval, if available, and the current interval
               counter is restarted at zero.

               In the case where the agent has no valid data available
               for this interval the corresponding object
               instance is not available and upon a retrieval
               request a corresponding error message shall be
               returned to indicate that this instance does
               not exist (for example, a noSuchName error for
               SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for SNMPv2 GET
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 19
            SYNTAX  Gauge32

       AdslPerfPrevDayCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
           STATUS  current
               "A counter associated with interface performance
               measurements during the most previous 1-day (24 hour)
               measurement interval.  The value of this counter is
               equal to the value of the current day counter at
               the end of its most recent interval.

               In the case where the agent has no valid data available
               for this interval the corresponding object
               instance is not available and upon a retrieval
               request a corresponding error message shall be
               returned to indicate that this instance does
               not exist (for example, a noSuchName error for
               SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for SNMPv2 GET
           SYNTAX  Gauge32

       AdslPerfTimeElapsed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
           STATUS current
               "The number of seconds that have elapsed since
               the beginning of the current measurement period.
               If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the
               system's time-of-day clock, the current interval
               exceeds the maximum value, the agent will return
               the maximum value."
           SYNTAX  Gauge32



       Counter32, Gauge32,
       transmission, Unsigned32          FROM SNMPv2-SMI
       TruthValue, VariablePointer       FROM SNMPv2-TC
       ifIndex                           FROM IF-MIB
       PerfIntervalCount                 FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 20
       SnmpAdminString                   FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
       AdslLineCodingType                FROM ADSL-TC-MIB


   LAST-UPDATED "9908190000Z"


       Gregory Bathrick
       AG Communication Systems
       A Subsidiary of Lucent Technologies
       2500 W Utopia Rd.
       Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA
       Tel: +1 602-582-7679
       Fax: +1 602-582-7697

       Faye Ly
       Copper Mountain Networks
       Norcal Office
       2470 Embarcadero Way
       Palo Alto, CA 94303
       Tel: +1 650-858-8500
       Fax: +1 650-858-8085

       (ADSL Forum input only)
       John Burgess
       Predictive Systems, Inc.
       25A Vreeland Rd.
       Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA
       Tel: +1 973-301-5610
       Fax: +1 973-301-5699

       IETF ADSL MIB Working Group (

       "The MIB module defining objects for the management of a pair of
       ADSL modems at each end of the ADSL line.  Each such line has
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 21
       an entry in an ifTable which may include multiple modem lines.
       An agent may reside at either end of the ADSL line however the
       MIB is designed to require no management communication between
       them beyond that inherent in the low-level ADSL line protocol.
       The agent may monitor and control this protocol for its needs.

       ADSL lines may support optional Fast or Interleaved channels.
       If these are supported, additional entries corresponding to the
       supported channels must be created in the ifTable. Thus an ADSL
       line that supports both channels will have three entries in the
       ifTable, one for each physical, fast, and interleaved, whose
       ifType values are equal to adsl(94), fast(125), and
       interleaved(124), respectively. The ifStackTable is used to
       represent the relationship between the entries.

       Naming Conventions:
                 Atuc -- (ATUC) modem at near (Central) end of line
                 Atur -- (ATUR) modem at Remote end of line
                 Curr -- Current
                 Prev -- Previous
                 Atn -- Attenuation
                 ES  -- Errored Second.
                 LCS -- Line Code Specific
                 Lof -- Loss of Frame
                 Lol -- Loss of Link
                 Los -- Loss of Signal
                 Lpr -- Loss of Power
                 xxxs-- interval of Seconds in which xxx occurs
                         (e.g., xxx=Lof, Los, Lpr)
                 Max -- Maximum
                 Mgn -- Margin
                 Min -- Minimum
                 Psd -- Power Spectral Density
                 Snr -- Signal to Noise Ratio
                 Tx  -- Transmit
                 Blks-- Blocks, a data unit, see
         --  Revision history
         REVISION     "9908190000Z"  -- 19 August 1999, midnight
         DESCRIPTION  "Initial Version, published as RFC 2662"

   ::= { transmission 94 }

   adslLineMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adslMIB 1 }

   adslMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adslLineMib 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 22
   -- objects
         adslLineTable   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslLineEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table includes common attributes describing
                 both ends of the line.  It is required for all ADSL
                 physical interfaces.  ADSL physical interfaces are
                 those ifEntries where ifType is equal to adsl(94)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 1 }

         adslLineEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslLineEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in adslLineTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslLineTable 1 }

         AdslLineEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslLineCoding           AdslLineCodingType,
             adslLineType             INTEGER,
             adslLineSpecific         VariablePointer,
             adslLineConfProfile      SnmpAdminString,
             adslLineAlarmConfProfile SnmpAdminString

         adslLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslLineCodingType
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Specifies the ADSL coding type used on this
         ::= { adslLineEntry 1 }

        adslLineType OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                 noChannel (1),        -- no channels exist
                 fastOnly (2),         -- fast channel exists only
                 interleavedOnly (3),  -- interleaved channel exists
                                       -- only
                 fastOrInterleaved (4),-- either fast or interleaved
                                       -- channels can exist, but
                                       -- only one at any time
                 fastAndInterleaved (5)-- both fast or interleaved
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 23
                                       -- channels exist
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Defines the type of ADSL physical line
                 entity that exists, by defining whether and how
                 the line is channelized.  If the line is channelized,
                 the value will be other than noChannel(1).  This
                 object defines which channel type(s) are supported.

                 In the case that the line is channelized, the manager
                 can use the ifStackTable to determine the ifIndex for
                 the associated channel(s)."
         ::= { adslLineEntry 2 }

         adslLineSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      VariablePointer
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "OID instance in vendor-specific MIB. The Instance may
                 be used to determine shelf/slot/port of the ATUC
                 interface in a DSLAM."
         ::= { adslLineEntry 3 }

        adslLineConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-write
             STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the row
                 in the ADSL Line Configuration Profile Table,
                 (adslLineConfProfileTable), which applies for this
                 ADSL line, and channels if applicable.

                 For `dynamic' mode, in the case which the
                 configuration profile has not been set, the
                 value will be set to `DEFVAL'.

                 If the implementator of this MIB has chosen not
                 to implement `dynamic assignment' of profiles, this
                 object's MIN-ACCESS is read-only."
         ::= { adslLineEntry 4 }

        adslLineAlarmConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-write
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 24
             STATUS      current
                 "The value of this object identifies the row
                 in the ADSL Line Alarm Configuration Profile Table,
                 (adslLineAlarmConfProfileTable), which applies to this
                 ADSL line, and channels if applicable.

                 For `dynamic' mode, in the case which the
                 alarm profile has not been set, the
                 value will be set to `DEFVAL'.

                 If the implementator of this MIB has chosen not
                 to implement `dynamic assignment' of profiles, this
                 object's MIN-ACCESS is read-only."
         ::= { adslLineEntry 5 }

         adslAtucPhysTable       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAtucPhysEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUC.
                 Each row contains the Physical Layer Parameters
                 table for that ATUC. ADSL physical interfaces are
                 those ifEntries where ifType is equal to adsl(94)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 2 }

         adslAtucPhysEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAtucPhysEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in the adslAtucPhysTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAtucPhysTable 1 }

         AdslAtucPhysEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAtucInvSerialNumber         SnmpAdminString,
             adslAtucInvVendorID             SnmpAdminString,
             adslAtucInvVersionNumber        SnmpAdminString,
             adslAtucCurrSnrMgn              INTEGER,
             adslAtucCurrAtn                 Gauge32,
             adslAtucCurrStatus              BITS,
             adslAtucCurrOutputPwr           INTEGER,
             adslAtucCurrAttainableRate      Gauge32

         -- inventory group
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 25
         -- These items should describe the lowest level identifiable
         -- component, be it a stand-alone modem, a card in a rack,
         -- a child-board, etc.
         adslAtucInvSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor specific string that identifies the
                 vendor equipment."
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 1 }

         adslAtucInvVendorID OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor ID code is a copy of the binary
                 vendor identification field defined by the
                 PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters."

             REFERENCE "ANSI T1.413[10]"
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 2 }

         adslAtucInvVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor specific version number sent by this ATU
                 as part of the initialization messages.  It is a copy
                 of the binary version number field defined by the
                 PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters."
             REFERENCE "ANSI T1.413[10]"
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 3 }

         -- current status group
         adslAtucCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER (-640..640)
             UNITS       "tenth dB"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its
                 received signal in tenth dB."
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 26
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 4 }

         adslAtucCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32(0..630)
             UNITS       "tenth dB"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Measured difference in the total power transmitted by
                 the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU."
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 5 }

        adslAtucCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      BITS {
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates current state of the ATUC line.  This is a
                 bit-map of possible conditions.  The various bit
                 positions are:

          0      noDefect             There no defects on the line

          1      lossOfFraming        ATUC failure due to not
                                      receiving valid frame.

          2      lossOfSignal         ATUC failure due to not
                                      receiving signal.

          3      lossOfPower          ATUC failure due to loss of
                                      Note: the Agent may still

          4      lossOfSignalQuality  Loss of Signal Quality is
                                      declared when the Noise Margin
                                      falls below the Minimum Noise
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 27
                                      Margin, or the bit-error-rate
                                      exceeds 10^-7.

          5      lossOfLink           ATUC failure due to inability
                                      to link with ATUR.

          6      dataInitFailure      ATUC failure during
                                      initialization due to bit
                                      errors corrupting startup
                                      exchange data.

          7      configInitFailure    ATUC failure during
                                      initialization due to peer
                                      ATU not able to support
                                      requested configuration

          8      protocolInitFailure  ATUC failure during
                                      initialization due to
                                      incompatible protocol used by
                                      the peer ATU.

          9      noPeerAtuPresent     ATUC failure during
                                      initialization due to no
                                      activation sequence detected
                                      from peer ATU.

                 This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus."
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 6 }

         adslAtucCurrOutputPwr OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER (-310..310)
             UNITS       "tenth dBm"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU.
                 This is the measurement that was reported during
                 the last activation sequence."
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 7 }

         adslAtucCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates the maximum currently attainable data rate
                 by the ATU.  This value will be equal or greater than
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 28
                 the current line rate."
         ::= { adslAtucPhysEntry 8 }

         adslAturPhysTable        OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAturPhysEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUR
                 Each row contains the Physical Layer Parameters
                 table for that ATUR. ADSL physical interfaces are
                 those ifEntries where ifType is equal to adsl(94)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 3 }

         adslAturPhysEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAturPhysEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in the adslAturPhysTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAturPhysTable 1 }

         AdslAturPhysEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAturInvSerialNumber         SnmpAdminString,
             adslAturInvVendorID             SnmpAdminString,
             adslAturInvVersionNumber        SnmpAdminString,
             adslAturCurrSnrMgn              INTEGER,
             adslAturCurrAtn                 Gauge32,
             adslAturCurrStatus              BITS,
             adslAturCurrOutputPwr           INTEGER,
             adslAturCurrAttainableRate      Gauge32

         -- inventory group
         adslAturInvSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor specific string that identifies the
                 vendor equipment."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 1 }

         adslAturInvVendorID OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 29
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor ID code is a copy of the binary
                 vendor identification field defined by the
                 PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters."
             REFERENCE "ANSI T1.413"
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 2 }

         adslAturInvVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The vendor specific version number sent by this ATU
                 as part of the initialization messages.  It is a copy
                 of the binary version number field defined by the
                 PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters."
             REFERENCE "ANSI T1.413"
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 3 }

         -- current status group
         adslAturCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER (-640..640)
             UNITS       "tenth dB"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its
                 received signal in tenth dB."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 4 }

         adslAturCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32(0..630)
             UNITS       "tenth dB"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Measured difference in the total power transmitted by
                 the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 5 }

        adslAturCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX     BITS {
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 30
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates current state of the ATUR line.  This is a
                 bit-map of possible conditions.  Due to the isolation
                 of the ATUR when line problems occur, many state
                 conditions like loss of power, loss of quality signal,
                 and initialization errors,  can not be determined.
                 While trouble shooting ATUR, also use object,
                 adslAtucCurrStatus.  The various bit positions are:

          0      noDefect             There no defects on the line

          1      lossOfFraming        ATUR failure due to not
                                      receiving valid frame

          2      lossOfSignal         ATUR failure due to not
                                      receiving signal

          3      lossOfPower          ATUR failure due to loss of

          4      lossOfSignalQuality  Loss of Signal Quality is
                                      declared when the Noise Margin
                                      falls below the Minimum Noise
                                      Margin, or the
                                      bit-error-rate exceeds 10^-7.

                 This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 6 }

         adslAturCurrOutputPwr OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER (-310..310)
             UNITS       "tenth dBm"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU.
                 This is the measurement that was reported during
                 the last activation sequence."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 7 }

         adslAturCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 31
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates the maximum currently attainable data rate
                 by the ATU.  This value will be equal or greater than
                 the current line rate."
         ::= { adslAturPhysEntry 8 }

         adslAtucChanTable       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAtucChanEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUC channel.
                 ADSL channel interfaces are those ifEntries
                 where ifType is equal to adslInterleave(124)
                 or adslFast(125)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 4 }

         adslAtucChanEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAtucChanEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in the adslAtucChanTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAtucChanTable 1 }

         AdslAtucChanEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAtucChanInterleaveDelay     Gauge32,
             adslAtucChanCurrTxRate          Gauge32,
             adslAtucChanPrevTxRate          Gauge32,
             adslAtucChanCrcBlockLength      Gauge32

         -- current group
         adslAtucChanInterleaveDelay OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "milli-seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Interleave Delay for this channel.

                 Interleave delay applies only to the
                 interleave channel and defines the mapping
                 (relative spacing) between subsequent input
                 bytes at the interleaver input and their placement
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 32
                 in the bit stream at the interleaver output.
                 Larger numbers provide greater separation between
                 consecutive input bytes in the output bit stream
                 allowing for improved impulse noise immunity at
                 the expense of payload latency.

                 In the case where the ifType is Fast(125), use
         ::= { adslAtucChanEntry 1 }

         adslAtucChanCurrTxRate  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Actual transmit rate on this channel."
         ::= { adslAtucChanEntry 2 }

         adslAtucChanPrevTxRate OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS        "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The rate at the time of the last
                 adslAtucRateChangeTrap event. It is also set at
                 initialization to prevent a trap being sent.

                 Rate changes less than adslAtucThresh(*)RateDown
                 or less than adslAtucThresh(*)RateUp will not
                 cause a trap or cause this object to change.
                 (*) == Fast or Interleave.
                 See AdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry."
         ::= { adslAtucChanEntry 3 }

         adslAtucChanCrcBlockLength OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS        "byte"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates the length of the channel data-block
                 on which the CRC operates.  Refer to Line Code
                 Specific MIBs, [11] and [12] for more
         ::= { adslAtucChanEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 33
        adslAturChanTable       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAturChanEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUR channel.
                 ADSL channel interfaces are those ifEntries
                 where ifType is equal to adslInterleave(124)
                 or adslFast(125)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 5 }

         adslAturChanEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAturChanEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in the adslAturChanTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAturChanTable 1 }

         AdslAturChanEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAturChanInterleaveDelay     Gauge32,
             adslAturChanCurrTxRate          Gauge32,
             adslAturChanPrevTxRate          Gauge32,
             adslAturChanCrcBlockLength      Gauge32

         -- current group
         adslAturChanInterleaveDelay OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "milli-seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Interleave Delay for this channel.

                 Interleave delay applies only to the
                 interleave channel and defines the mapping
                 (relative spacing) between subsequent input
                 bytes at the interleaver input and their placement
                 in the bit stream at the interleaver output.
                 Larger numbers provide greater separation between
                 consecutive input bytes in the output bit stream
                 allowing for improved impulse noise immunity at
                 the expense of payload latency.

                 In the case where the ifType is Fast(125), use
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 34
         ::= { adslAturChanEntry 1 }

         adslAturChanCurrTxRate  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Actual transmit rate on this channel."
         ::= { adslAturChanEntry 2 }

         adslAturChanPrevTxRate OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             UNITS       "bps"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                "The rate at the time of the last
                 adslAturRateChangeTrap event. It is also set at
                 initialization to prevent a trap being sent.
                 Rate changes less than adslAturThresh(*)RateDown
                 or less than adslAturThresh(*)RateUp will not
                 cause a trap or cause this object to change.
                 (*) == Fast or Interleave.
                 See AdslLineAlarmConfProfileEntry."
         ::= { adslAturChanEntry 3 }

         adslAturChanCrcBlockLength OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Gauge32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Indicates the length of the channel data-block
                 on which the CRC operates.  Refer to Line Code
                 Specific MIBs, [11] and [12] for more
         ::= { adslAturChanEntry 4 }

         adslAtucPerfDataTable   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAtucPerfDataEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUC.
                 ADSL physical interfaces are
                 those ifEntries where ifType is equal to adsl(94)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 35
         adslAtucPerfDataEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAtucPerfDataEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in adslAtucPerfDataTable."
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataTable 1 }

         AdslAtucPerfDataEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAtucPerfLofs                 Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfLoss                 Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfLols                 Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfLprs                 Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfESs                  Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfInits                Counter32,
             adslAtucPerfValidIntervals       INTEGER,
             adslAtucPerfInvalidIntervals     INTEGER,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinTimeElapsed AdslPerfTimeElapsed,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLofs        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLoss        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLols        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLprs        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinESs         PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr15MinInits       PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayTimeElapsed  AdslPerfTimeElapsed,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLofs         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLoss         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLols         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLprs         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayESs          AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfCurr1DayInits        AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayMoniSecs     INTEGER,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLofs         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLoss         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLols         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLprs         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayESs          AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAtucPerfPrev1DayInits        AdslPerfPrevDayCount

         -- Event Counters
         -- Also see adslAtucIntervalTable for 15 minute interval
         -- elapsed counters.
         adslAtucPerfLofs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 36
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Framing failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 1 }

         adslAtucPerfLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Signal failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 2 }

         adslAtucPerfLols OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Link failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 3 }

         adslAtucPerfLprs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Power failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 4 }

         adslAtucPerfESs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Errored Seconds since agent
                 reset.  The errored second parameter is a count of
                 one-second intervals containing one or more crc
                 anomalies, or one or more los or sef defects."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 5 }

         adslAtucPerfInits OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 37
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the line initialization attempts since
                 agent reset. Includes both successful and failed
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 6 }

         -- general 15 min interval information

         adslAtucPerfValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..96)
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The number of previous 15-minute intervals in the
                 interval table for which data was collected.  Given
                 that <n> is the maximum # of intervals supported.
                 The value will be <n> unless the measurement was
                 (re-)started within the last (<n>*15) minutes, in which
                 case the value will be the number of complete 15
                 minute intervals for which the agent has at least
                 some data. In certain cases (e.g., in the case
                 where the agent is a proxy) it is possible that some
                 intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this
                 interval is the maximum interval number for
                 which data is available."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 7 }

         adslAtucPerfInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..96)
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The number of intervals in the range from
                 0 to the value of adslAtucPerfValidIntervals
                 for which no data is available. This object
                 will typically be zero except in cases where
                 the data for some intervals are not available
                 (e.g., in proxy situations)."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 8 }

         -- 15 min current performance group
         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfTimeElapsed(0..899)
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 38
             STATUS      current
                 "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 9 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLofs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the current 15 minute interval
                 when there was Loss of Framing."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 10 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the current 15 minute interval
                 when there was Loss of Signal."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 11 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLols  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the current 15 minute interval
                 when there was Loss of Link."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 12 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinLprs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the current 15 minute interval
                 when there was Loss of Power."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 13 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinESs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 39
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of Errored Seconds in the current 15 minute
                 interval.  The errored second parameter is a count of
                 one-second intervals containing one or more crc
                 anomalies, or one or more los or sef defects."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 14 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr15MinInits  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      PerfCurrentCount
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the line initialization attempts in the
                 current 15 minute interval. Includes both successful
                 and failed attempts."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 15 }

         -- 1-day current and previous performance group
         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfTimeElapsed(0..86399)
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Number of seconds that have elapsed since the
                 beginning of the current 1-day interval."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 16 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLofs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of seconds when there was Loss of
                 Framing during the current day as measured by
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 17 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 40
                 "Count of the number of seconds when there was Loss of
                 Signal during the current day as measured by
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 18 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLols  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of seconds when there was Loss of
                 Link during the current day as measured by
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 19 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayLprs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of seconds when there was Loss of
                 Power during the current day as measured by
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 20 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayESs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of Errored Seconds during the current day as
                 measured by adslAtucPerfCurr1DayTimeElapsed.
                 The errored second parameter is a count of
                 one-second intervals containing one or more crc
                 anomalies, or one or more los or sef defects."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 21 }

         adslAtucPerfCurr1DayInits  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfCurrDayCount
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the line initialization attempts in the
                 day as measured by adslAtucPerfCurr1DayTimeElapsed.
                 Includes both successful and failed attempts."
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 41
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 22 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..86400)
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The amount of time in the previous 1-day interval
                 over which the performance monitoring information
                 is actually counted. This value will be the same as
                 the interval duration except in a situation where
                 performance monitoring data could not be collected
                 for any reason."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 23 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLofs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the interval when there was
                 Loss of Framing within the most recent previous
                 1-day period."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 24 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the interval when there was
                 Loss of Signal within the most recent previous
                 1-day period."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 25 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLols  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the interval when there was
                 Loss of Link within the most recent previous
                 1-day period."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 26 }
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 42
         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayLprs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of seconds in the interval when there was
                 Loss of Power within the most recent previous
                 1-day period."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 27 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayESs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of Errored Seconds within the most recent
                 previous 1-day period. The errored second parameter is
                 a count of one-second intervals containing one or more
                 crc anomalies, or one or more los or sef defects."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 28 }

         adslAtucPerfPrev1DayInits  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      AdslPerfPrevDayCount
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the line initialization attempts in the most
                 recent previous 1-day period. Includes both successful
                 and failed attempts."
         ::= { adslAtucPerfDataEntry 29 }

         adslAturPerfDataTable   OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF AdslAturPerfDataEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
                 "This table provides one row for each ATUR.
                 ADSL physical interfaces are
                 those ifEntries where ifType is equal to adsl(94)."
         ::= { adslMibObjects 7 }

         adslAturPerfDataEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX          AdslAturPerfDataEntry
             MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
             STATUS          current
             DESCRIPTION     "An entry in adslAturPerfDataTable."
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 43
             INDEX           { ifIndex }
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataTable 1 }

         AdslAturPerfDataEntry ::=
             SEQUENCE {
             adslAturPerfLofs                 Counter32,
             adslAturPerfLoss                 Counter32,
             adslAturPerfLprs                 Counter32,
             adslAturPerfESs                  Counter32,
             adslAturPerfValidIntervals       INTEGER,
             adslAturPerfInvalidIntervals     INTEGER,
             adslAturPerfCurr15MinTimeElapsed AdslPerfTimeElapsed,
             adslAturPerfCurr15MinLofs        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr15MinLoss        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr15MinLprs        PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr15MinESs         PerfCurrentCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr1DayTimeElapsed  AdslPerfTimeElapsed,
             adslAturPerfCurr1DayLofs         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr1DayLoss         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr1DayLprs         AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAturPerfCurr1DayESs          AdslPerfCurrDayCount,
             adslAturPerfPrev1DayMoniSecs     INTEGER,
             adslAturPerfPrev1DayLofs         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAturPerfPrev1DayLoss         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAturPerfPrev1DayLprs         AdslPerfPrevDayCount,
             adslAturPerfPrev1DayESs          AdslPerfPrevDayCount

         -- Event (Raw) Counters
         -- Also see adslAturIntervalTable for 15 minute interval
         -- elapsed counters.
         adslAturPerfLofs OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Framing failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataEntry 1 }

         adslAturPerfLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC2662 - Page 44
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Signal failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataEntry 2 }

        adslAturPerfLprs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Loss of Power failures since
                 agent reset."
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataEntry 3 }

         adslAturPerfESs  OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      Counter32
             UNITS       "seconds"
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "Count of the number of Errored Seconds since agent
                 reset.  The errored second parameter is a count of
                 one-second intervals containing one or more crc
                 anomalies, or one or more los or sef defects."
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataEntry 4 }

         -- general 15 min interval information
         adslAturPerfValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
             SYNTAX      INTEGER(0..96)
             MAX-ACCESS  read-only
             STATUS      current
                 "The number of previous 15-minute intervals in the
                 interval table for which data was collected.  Given
                 that <n> is the maximum # of intervals supported.
                 The value will be <n> unless the measurement was
                 (re-)started within the last (<n>*15) minutes, in which
                 case the value will be the number of complete 15
                 minute intervals for which the agent has at least
                 some data. In certain cases (e.g., in the case
                 where the agent is a proxy) it is possible that some
                 intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this
                 interval is the maximum interval number for
                 which data is available."
         ::= { adslAturPerfDataEntry 5 }

(next page on part 3)

Next Section