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RFC 5650

Definitions of Managed Objects for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2)

Pages: 218
Proposed Standard
Part 8 of 10 – Pages 153 to 174
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Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 153   prevText
xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileXtucThresh15MinCodingViolations OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
     "A threshold for the xdsl2PMChCurr15MCodingViolations
      counter, when xdsl2PMChCurrUnit is xtuc {1}.
      The value 0 means that no threshold is specified for the
      associated counter."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
     ::= { xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileEntry 2 }

xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileXtucThresh15MinCorrected  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
     "A threshold for the xdsl2PMChCurr15MCorrectedBlocks
      counter, when xdsl2PMChCurrUnit is xtuc {1}.
      The value 0 means that no threshold is specified for the
      associated counter."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
     ::= { xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileEntry 3 }

xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileXturThresh15MinCodingViolations  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
     "A threshold for the xdsl2PMChCurr15MCodingViolations
      counter, when xdsl2PMChCurrUnit is xtur {2}.
      The value 0 means that no threshold is specified for the
      associated counter."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
     ::= { xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileEntry 4 }

xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileXturThresh15MinCorrected  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
     "A threshold for the xdsl2PMChCurr15MCorrectedBlocks
      counter, when xdsl2PMChCurrUnit is xtur {2}.
      The value 0 means that no threshold is specified for the
      associated counter."
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 154
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
     ::= { xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileEntry 5 }

xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
      "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
       delete an existing row in this table.

       A profile is activated by setting this object to 'active'.

       Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service (by
       setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'), it MUST be
       first unreferenced from all associated templates.

       A row in xdsl2ChConfProfTable is said to be unreferenced when
       there is no instance of xdsl2LAlarmConfTempChan1ConfProfile,
       xdsl2LAlarmConfTempChan3ConfProfile, or
       xdsl2LAlarmConfTempChan4ConfProfile that refers to
       the row."
     ::= { xdsl2ChAlarmConfProfileEntry 6 }

--          PM line current counters          --

xdsl2PMLineCurrTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineCurrTable contains current Performance
       Monitoring results for DSL lines."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 1 }

xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "One index of this table is an interface index where the
        interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index of this
        table is the termination unit."
   INDEX  { ifIndex, xdsl2PMLCurrUnit }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 155
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrTable 1 }

Xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLCurrUnit                    Xdsl2Unit,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MValidIntervals       Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MInvalidIntervals     Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MTimeElapsed          HCPerfTimeElapsed,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MFecs                 Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MEs                   Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MSes                  Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MLoss                 Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr15MUas                  Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayValidIntervals      Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayInvalidIntervals    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayTimeElapsed         HCPerfTimeElapsed,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayFecs                Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayEs                  Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DaySes                 Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayLoss                Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLCurr1DayUas                 Counter32

   SYNTAX      Xdsl2Unit
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The termination unit."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLCurr15MValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 15-minute PM intervals for which data
       was collected.  The value will typically be equal to the maximum
       number of 15-minute intervals the implementation is planned to
       store (i.e., beyond the scope of this MIB module) unless the
       measurement was (re-)started recently, in which case the value
       will be the number of complete 15-minute intervals for which
       the agent has at least some data.  In certain cases (e.g., in
       the case where the agent is a proxy), it is possible that some
       intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this interval is the
       maximum interval number for which data is available."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 156
xdsl2PMLCurr15MInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 15-minute PM intervals for which no data is
       available.  The value will typically be zero except in cases
       where the data for some intervals are not available (e.g.,
       in proxy situations)."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 3 }

xdsl2PMLCurr15MTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 4 }

xdsl2PMLCurr15MFecs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was at
       least one FEC correction event for one or more bearer channels in
       this line.  This parameter is inhibited during UAS or SES."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (FECS-L)
                 and paragraph # (FECS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 5 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: CRC-8 >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS >= 1 OR SEF >=1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: FEBE >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS-FE >=1 OR RDI >=1 OR LPR-FE >=1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (ES-L)
                 and paragraph # (ES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 157
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: (CRC-8 anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS >= 1
                 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: (FEBE anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS-FE >= 1
                 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SES-L)
                 and paragraph # (SES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 7 }

xdsl2PMLCurr15MLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was LOS (or
       LOS-FE for xTU-R)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (LOSS-L)
                 and paragraph # (LOSS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 8 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds in Unavailability State during this
       interval.  Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous
       severely errored seconds, and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous
       seconds with no severely errored seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UAS-L)
                 and paragraph # (UAS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 9 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 158
      "The number of 24-hour PM intervals for which data was
       collected.  The value will typically be equal to the maximum
       number of 24-hour intervals the implementation is planned to
       store (i.e., beyond the scope of this MIB module) unless the
       measurement was (re-)started recently, in which case the value
       will be the number of complete 24-hour intervals for which
       the agent has at least some data.  In certain cases (e.g., in
       the case where the agent is a proxy), it is possible that some
       intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this interval is the
       maximum interval number for which data is available."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 10 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 24-hour PM intervals for which no data is
       available.  The value will typically be zero except in cases
       where the data for some intervals are not available (e.g.,
       in proxy situations)."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 11 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      HCPerfTimeElapsed
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 12 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayFecs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was at
       least one FEC correction event for one or more bearer channels in
       this line.  This parameter is inhibited during UAS or SES."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (FECS-L)
                 and paragraph # (FECS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 13 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 159
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: CRC-8 >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS >= 1 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: FEBE >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS-FE >= 1 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (ES-L)
                 and paragraph # (ES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 14 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DaySes  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: (CRC-8 anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS >= 1
                 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: (FEBE anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS-FE >= 1.
                 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SES-L)
                 and paragraph # (SES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 15 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was LOS (or
       LOS-FE for xTU-R)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (LOSS-L)
                 and paragraph # (LOSS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 16 }

xdsl2PMLCurr1DayUas  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 160
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds in Unavailability State during this
       Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous severely
       errored seconds, and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds
       with no severely errored seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UAS-L)
                 and paragraph # (UAS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineCurrEntry 17 }

--          PM line init current counters     --

xdsl2PMLineInitCurrTable   OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineInitCurrTable contains current
       initialization counters for DSL lines."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 2 }

xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The index of this table is an interface index where the
       interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251)."
   INDEX  { ifIndex }
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrTable 1 }

Xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MValidIntervals       Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MInvalidIntervals     Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MTimeElapsed          Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFullInits            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFailedFullInits      Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MShortInits           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFailedShortInits     Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayValidIntervals      Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayInvalidIntervals    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayTimeElapsed         Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFullInits           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFailedFullInits     Unsigned32,
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 161
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayShortInits          Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFailedShortInits    Unsigned32

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 15-minute PM intervals for which data
       was collected.  The value will typically be equal to the maximum
       number of 15-minute intervals the implementation is planned to
       store (i.e., beyond the scope of this MIB module) unless the
       measurement was (re-)started recently, in which case the value
       will be the number of complete 15-minute intervals for which
       the agent has at least some data.  In certain cases (e.g., in
       the case where the agent is a proxy), it is possible that some
       intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this interval is the
       maximum interval number for which data is available."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 15-minute PM intervals for which no data is
       available.  The value will typically be zero except in cases
       where the data for some intervals are not available (e.g.,
       in proxy situations)."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 2 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 3 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of full initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 162
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 4 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFailedFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed full initializations on the line during this
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 5 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of short initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 6 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr15MFailedShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed short initializations on the line during
       this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 7 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayValidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 24-hour PM intervals for which data was
       collected.  The value will typically be equal to the maximum
       number of 24-hour intervals the implementation is planned to
       store (i.e., beyond the scope of this MIB module) unless the
       measurement was (re-)started recently, in which case the value
       will be the number of complete 24-hour intervals for which
       the agent has at least some data.  In certain cases (e.g., in
       the case where the agent is a proxy), it is possible that some
       intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this interval is the
       maximum interval number for which data is available."
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 163
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 8 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayInvalidIntervals  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The number of 24-hour PM intervals for which no data is
       available.  The value will typically be zero except in cases
       where the data for some intervals are not available (e.g.,
       in proxy situations)."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 9 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayTimeElapsed  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 10 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of full initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 11 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFailedFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed full initializations on the line during this
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 12 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of short initializations attempted on the line
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 164
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 13 }

xdsl2PMLInitCurr1DayFailedShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed short initializations on the line during
       this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitCurrEntry 14 }

--       PM line history 15 Minutes      --

xdsl2PMLineHist15MinTable    OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineHist15MinTable contains PM line history
       for 15-minute intervals of DSL line."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 3 }

xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "One index of this table is an interface index where the
      interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index of this
      table is the transmission unit.  The third index is the interval
   INDEX  { ifIndex,
            xdsl2PMLHist15MInterval }
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinTable 1 }

Xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLHist15MUnit                 Xdsl2Unit,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MInterval             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MMonitoredTime        Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MFecs                 Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MEs                   Counter32,
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 165
      xdsl2PMLHist15MSes                  Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MLoss                 Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MUas                  Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist15MValidInterval        TruthValue

xdsl2PMLHist15MUnit  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2Unit
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The termination unit."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLHist15MInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The interval number."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 2 }

xdsl2PMLHist15MMonitoredTime  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total seconds monitored in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 3 }

xdsl2PMLHist15MFecs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was at
       least one FEC correction event for one or more bearer channels in
       this line.  This parameter is inhibited during UAS or SES."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (FECS-L)
                 and paragraph # (FECS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 4 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 166
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: CRC-8 >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS >= 1 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: FEBE >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS-FE >= 1 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (ES-L)
                 and paragraph # (ES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 5 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: (CRC-8 anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS >= 1
                 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: (FEBE anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS-FE >= 1
                 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SES-L)
                 and paragraph # (SES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 6 }

xdsl2PMLHist15MLoss  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was LOS (or
       LOS-FE for xTU-R)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (LOSS-L)
                 and paragraph # (LOSS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 7 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 167
      "Count of seconds in Unavailability State during this
       Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous severely
       errored seconds, and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds
       with no severely errored seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UAS-L)
                 and paragraph # (UAS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 8 }

xdsl2PMLHist15MValidInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This variable indicates if the data for this interval is
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist15MinEntry 9 }

--       PM line history 1 Day       --

xdsl2PMLineHist1DayTable     OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineHist1DayTable contains PM line history
       for 24-hour intervals of DSL line."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 4 }

xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "One index of this table is an interface index where the
      interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index of this
      table is the transmission unit.The third index is the interval
   INDEX  { ifIndex,
            xdsl2PMLHist1DInterval }
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayTable 1 }

Xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLHist1DUnit              Xdsl2Unit,
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 168
      xdsl2PMLHist1DInterval          Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DMonitoredTime     Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DFecs              Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DEs                Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DSes               Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DLoss              Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DUas               Counter32,
      xdsl2PMLHist1DValidInterval     TruthValue

   SYNTAX      Xdsl2Unit
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The termination unit."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLHist1DInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The interval number."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 2 }

xdsl2PMLHist1DMonitoredTime  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total seconds monitored in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 3 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was at
       least one FEC correction event for one or more bearer channels in
       this line.  This parameter is inhibited during UAS or SES."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (FECS-L)
                 and paragraph # (FECS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 169
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: CRC-8 >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS >= 1 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: FEBE >= 1 for one or more bearer channels OR
                 LOS-FE >= 1 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (ES-L)
                 and paragraph # (ES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 5 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was:
          xTU-C: (CRC-8 anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS >= 1
                 OR SEF >= 1 OR LPR >= 1.
          xTU-R: (FEBE anomalies in one or more of the
                 received bearer channels) >= 18 OR LOS-FE >= 1
                 OR RDI >= 1 OR LPR-FE >= 1.
       This parameter is inhibited during UAS."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SES-L)
                 and paragraph # (SES-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 6 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds during this interval that there was LOS (or
       LOS-FE for xTU-R)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (LOSS-L)
                 and paragraph # (LOSS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 7 }

   SYNTAX      Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 170
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of seconds in Unavailability State during this
       Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous severely
       errored seconds, and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds
       with no severely errored seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UAS-L)
                 and paragraph # (UAS-LFE)"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 8 }

xdsl2PMLHist1DValidInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This variable indicates if the data for this interval is
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineHist1DayEntry 9 }

--     PM line init history 15 Minutes   --

xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinTable      OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinTable contains PM line
       initialization history for 15-minute intervals of DSL
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 5 }

xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "One index of this table is an interface index where the
        interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index is the
        interval number."
   INDEX  { ifIndex,
            xdsl2PMLInitHist15MInterval }
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinTable 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 171
Xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MInterval              Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MMonitoredTime         Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFullInits             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFailedFullInits       Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MShortInits            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFailedShortInits      Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist15MValidInterval         TruthValue

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..96)
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The interval number."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MMonitoredTime  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total seconds monitored in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 2 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of full initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 3 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFailedFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed full initializations on the line during this
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 172
xdsl2PMLInitHist15MShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of short initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 5 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MFailedShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed short initializations on the line during
       this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 6 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist15MValidInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This variable indicates if the data for this interval is
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist15MinEntry 7 }

--       PM line init history 1 Day      --

xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayTable       OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayTable contains PM line
       initialization history for 24-hour intervals for DSL
   ::= { xdsl2PMLine 6 }

xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 173
       "One index of this table is an interface index where the
        interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index is the
        interval number."
   INDEX  { ifIndex,
            xdsl2PMLInitHist1DInterval }
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayTable 1 }

Xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry  ::=
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DInterval              Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DMonitoredTime         Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFullInits             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFailedFullInits       Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DShortInits            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFailedShortInits      Unsigned32,
      xdsl2PMLInitHist1DValidInterval         TruthValue

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..30)
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The interval number."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 1 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DMonitoredTime  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Total seconds monitored in this interval."
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 2 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of full initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
    ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 3 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFailedFullInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 174
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed full initializations on the line during this
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 4 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of short initializations attempted on the line
       (successful and failed) during this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 5 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DFailedShortInits  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "Count of failed short initializations on the line during
       this interval."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #"
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 6 }

xdsl2PMLInitHist1DValidInterval  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This variable indicates if the data for this interval is
   ::= { xdsl2PMLineInitHist1DayEntry 7 }

--          PM channel current counters          --

xdsl2PMChCurrTable        OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2PMChCurrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2PMChCurrTable contains current Performance
       Monitoring results for DSL channels."
   ::= { xdsl2PMChannel 1 }

(next page on part 9)

Next Section