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RFC 5326

Licklider Transmission Protocol - Specification

Pages: 54
Part 2 of 2 – Pages 24 to 54
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6. Internal Procedures

This section describes the internal procedures that are triggered by the occurrence of various events during the lifetime of an LTP session. Whenever the content of any of the fields of the header of any received LTP segment does not conform to this specification document, the segment is assumed to be corrupt and MUST be discarded immediately and processed no further. This procedure supersedes all other procedures described below. All internal procedures described below that are triggered by the arrival of a data segment are superseded by the following procedure in the event that the client service identified by the data segment does not exist at the local LTP engine: - If there is no transmission queue-set bound for the block sender (possibly because the local LTP engine is running on a receive- only device), then the received data segment is simply discarded. - Otherwise, if the data segment contains data from the red-part of the block, a CR with reason-code UNREACH MUST be enqueued for transmission to the block sender. A CR with reason-code UNREACH SHOULD be similarly enqueued for transmission to the data sender even if the data segment contained data from the green-part of the block; note however that (for example) in the case where the block receiver knows that the sender of this green-part data is functioning in a "beacon" (transmit-only) fashion, a CR need not be sent. In either case, the received data segment is discarded.
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6.1. Start Transmission

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the start of transmission to a specified remote LTP engine. Response: the de-queuing and delivery of segments to the LTP engine specified in the link state cue begins.

6.2. Start Checkpoint Timer

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the de-queuing (for transmission) of a CP segment. Response: the expected arrival time of the RS segment that will be produced on reception of this CP segment is computed, and a countdown timer is started for this arrival time. However, if it is known that the remote LTP engine has ceased transmission (Section 6.5), then this timer is immediately suspended, because the computed expected arrival time may require an adjustment that cannot yet be computed.

6.3. Start RS Timer

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the de-queuing (for transmission) of an RS segment. Response: the expected arrival time of the RA (report acknowledgment) segment in response to the reception of this RS segment is computed, and a countdown timer is started for this arrival time. However, as in Section 6.2, if it is known that the remote LTP engine has ceased transmission (Section 6.5), then this timer is immediately suspended, because the computed expected arrival time may require an adjustment that cannot yet be computed.

6.4. Stop Transmission

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the cessation of transmission to a specified remote LTP engine. Response: the de-queuing and delivery to the underlying communication system of segments from traffic queues bound for the LTP engine specified in the link state cue ceases.
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6.5. Suspend Timers

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the cessation of transmission from a specified remote LTP engine to the local LTP engine. Normally, this event is inferred from advance knowledge of the remote engine's planned transmission schedule. Response: countdown timers for the acknowledging segments that the remote engine is expected to return are suspended as necessary based on the following procedure. The nominal remote engine acknowledge transmission time is computed as the sum of the transmission time of the original segment (to which the acknowledging segment will respond) and the one-way light time to the remote engine, plus N seconds of "additional anticipated latency" (AAL) encompassing anticipated transmission delays other than signal propagation time. N is determined in an implementation-specific manner. For example, when LTP is deployed in deep-space vehicles, the one-way light time to the remote engine may be very large while N may be relatively small, covering processing and queuing delays. N may be a network management parameter, for which 2 seconds seems like a reasonable default value. As another example, when LTP is deployed in a terrestrial "data mule" environment, one-way light time latency is effectively zero while N may need to be some dynamically computed function of the data mule circulation schedule. If the nominal remote engine acknowledge transmission time is greater than or equal to the current time (i.e., the acknowledging segment may be presented for transmission during the time that transmission at the remote engine is suspended), then the countdown timer for this acknowledging segment is suspended.

6.6. Resume Timers

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a link state cue indicating the start of transmission from a specified remote LTP engine to the local LTP engine. Normally, this event is inferred from advance knowledge of the remote engine's planned transmission schedule. Response: expected arrival time is adjusted for every acknowledging segment that the remote engine is expected to return, for which the countdown timer has been suspended. First, the transmission delay interval is calculated as follows:
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      - The nominal remote engine acknowledge transmission time is
        computed as the sum of the transmission time of the original
        segment (to which the acknowledging segment will respond) and
        the one-way light time to the remote engine, plus N seconds of
        AAL Section 6.5.

      - If the nominal remote engine acknowledge transmission time is
        greater than the current time, i.e., the remote engine resumed
        transmission prior to presentation of the acknowledging segment
        for transmission, then the transmission delay interval is zero.

      - Otherwise, the transmission delay interval is computed as the
        current time less the nominal remote engine acknowledge
        transmission time.

   The expected arrival time is increased by the computed transmission
   delay interval for each of the suspended countdown timers, and the
   timers are resumed.

6.7. Retransmit Checkpoint

This procedure is triggered by the expiration of a countdown timer associated with a CP segment. Response: if the number of times this CP segment has been queued for transmission exceeds the checkpoint retransmission limit established for the local LTP engine by network management, then the session of which the segment is one token is canceled: the "Cancel Session" procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked, a CS with reason-code RLEXC is appended to the (conceptual) application data queue, and a transmission-session cancellation notice (Section 7.5) is sent back to the client service that requested the transmission. Otherwise, a new copy of the CP segment is appended to the (conceptual) application data queue for the destination LTP engine.

6.8. Retransmit RS

This procedure is triggered by either (a) the expiration of a countdown timer associated with an RS segment or (b) the reception of a CP segment for which one or more RS segments were previously issued -- a redundantly retransmitted checkpoint. Response: if the number of times any affected RS segment has been queued for transmission exceeds the report retransmission limit established for the local LTP engine by network management, then the session of which the segment is one token is canceled: the "Cancel Session" procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked, a CR segment with
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   reason-code RLEXC is queued for transmission to the LTP engine that
   originated the session, and a reception-session cancellation notice
   (Section 7.6) is sent to the client service identified in each of the
   data segments received in this session.

   Otherwise, a new copy of each affected RS segment is queued for
   transmission to the LTP engine that originated the session.

6.9. Signify Red-Part Reception

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a CP segment when the EORP for this session has been received (ensuring that the size of the data block's red-part is known; this includes the case where the CP segment itself is the EORP segment) and all data in the red-part of the block being transmitted in this session have been received. Response: a red-part reception notice (Section 7.3) is sent to the specified client service.

6.10. Signify Green-Part Segment Arrival

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of a data segment whose content is a portion of the green-part of a block. Response: a green-part segment arrival notice (Section 7.2) is sent to the specified client service.

6.11. Send Reception Report

This procedure is triggered by either (a) the original reception of a CP segment (the checkpoint serial number identifying this CP is new) (b) an implementation-specific circumstance pertaining to a particular block reception session for which no EORP has yet been received ("asynchronous" reception reporting). Response: if the number of reception problems detected for this session exceeds a limit established for the local LTP engine by network management, then the affected session is canceled: the "Cancel Session" procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked, a CR segment with reason-code RLEXC is issued and is, in concept, appended to the queue of internal operations traffic bound for the LTP engine that originated the session, and a reception-session cancellation notice (Section 7.6) is sent to the client service identified in each of the data segments received in this session. One possible limit on reception problems would be the maximum number of reception reports that can be issued for any single session.
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   If such a limit is not reached, a reception report is issued as

   If production of the reception report was triggered by reception of a

      - The upper bound of the report SHOULD be the upper bound (the sum
        of the offset and length) of the checkpoint data segment, to
        minimize unnecessary retransmission.  Note: If a discretionary
        checkpoint is lost but subsequent segments are received, then by
        the time the retransmission of the lost checkpoint is received
        the receiver would have segments at block offsets beyond the
        upper bound of the checkpoint.  For deployments where bandwidth
        economy is not critical, the upper bound of a synchronous
        reception report MAY be the maximum upper bound value among all
        red-part data segments received so far in the affected session.

      - If the checkpoint was itself issued in response to a report
        segment, then this report is a "secondary" reception report.  In
        that case, the lower bound of the report SHOULD be the lower
        bound of the report segment to which the triggering checkpoint
        was itself a response, to minimize unnecessary retransmission.
        Note: For deployments where bandwidth economy is not critical,
        the lower bound of the report MAY instead be zero.

      - If the checkpoint was not issued in response to a report
        segment, this report is a "primary" reception report.  The lower
        bound of the first primary reception report issued for any
        session MUST be zero.  The lower bound of each subsequent
        primary reception report issued for the same session SHOULD be
        the upper bound of the prior primary reception report issued for
        the session, to minimize unnecessary retransmission.  Note: For
        deployments where bandwidth economy is not critical, the lower
        bound of every primary reception report MAY be zero.

   If production of the reception report is "asynchronous" as noted

      - The upper bound of the report MUST be the maximum upper bound
        among all red-part data segments received so far for this

      - The lower bound of the first asynchronous reception report
        issued for any session for which no other primary reception
        reports have yet been issued MUST be zero.  The lower bound of
        each subsequent asynchronous reception report SHOULD be the
        upper bound of the prior primary reception report issued for the
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        session, to minimize unnecessary retransmission.  Note: For
        deployments where bandwidth economy is not critical, the lower
        bound of every asynchronous reception report MAY be zero.

   In all cases, if the applicable lower bound of the scope of a report
   is determined to be greater than or equal to the applicable upper
   bound (for example, due to out-of-order arrival of discretionary
   checkpoints) then the reception report MUST NOT be issued.

   As many RS segments must be produced as are needed in order to report
   on all data reception within the scope of the report, given whatever
   data size constraints are imposed by the underlying communication
   service.  The RS segments are, in concept, appended to the queue of
   internal operations traffic bound for the LTP engine that originated
   the indicated session.  The lower bound of the first RS segment of
   the report MUST be the reception report's lower bound.  The upper
   bound of the last RS segment of the report MUST be the reception
   report's upper bound.

6.12. Signify Transmission Completion

This procedure is triggered at the earliest time at which (a) all data in the block are known to have been transmitted *and* (b) the entire red-part of the block -- if of non-zero length -- is known to have been successfully received. Condition (a) is signaled by arrival of a link state cue indicating the de-queuing (for transmission) of the EOB segment for the block. Condition (b) is signaled by reception of an RS segment whose reception claims, taken together with the reception claims of all other RS segments previously received in the course of this session, indicate complete reception of the red-part of the block. Response: a transmission-session completion notice (Section 7.4) is sent to the local client service associated with the session, and the session is closed: the "Close Session" procedure (Section 6.20) is invoked.

6.13. Retransmit Data

This procedure is triggered by the reception of an RS segment. Response: first, an RA segment with the same report serial number as the RS segment is issued and is, in concept, appended to the queue of internal operations traffic bound for the receiver. If the RS segment is redundant -- i.e., either the indicated session is unknown (for example, the RS segment is received after the session has been completed or canceled) or the RS segment's report serial number
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   matches that of an RS segment that has already been received and
   processed -- then no further action is taken.  Otherwise, the
   procedure below is followed.

   If the report's checkpoint serial number is not zero, then the
   countdown timer associated with the indicated checkpoint segment is

   Note: All retransmission buffer space occupied by data whose
   reception is claimed in the report segment can (in concept) be

   If the segment's reception claims indicate incomplete data reception
   within the scope of the report segment:

      - If the number of transmission problems for this session exceeds
        a limit established for the local LTP engine by network
        management, then the session of which the segment is one token
        is canceled: the "Cancel Session" procedure (Section 6.19) is
        invoked, a CS with reason-code RLEXC is appended to the
        transmission queue specified in the transmission request that
        started this session, and a transmission-session cancellation
        notice (Section 7.5) is sent back to the client service that
        requested the transmission.  One possible limit on transmission
        problems would be the maximum number of retransmission CP
        segments that may be issued for any single session.

      - If the number of transmission problems for this session has not
        exceeded any limit, new data segments encapsulating all block
        data whose non-reception is implied by the reception claims are
        appended to the transmission queue bound for the receiver.  The
        last -- and only the last -- data segment must be marked as a CP
        segment carrying a new CP serial number (obtained by
        incrementing the last CP serial number used) and the report
        serial number of the received RS segment.

6.14. Stop RS Timer

This procedure is triggered by the reception of an RA. Response: the countdown timer associated with the original RS segment (identified by the report serial number of the RA segment) is deleted. If no other countdown timers associated with RS segments exist for this session, then the session is closed: the "Close Session" procedure (Section 6.20) is invoked.
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6.15. Start Cancel Timer

This procedure is triggered by arrival of a link state cue indicating the de-queuing (for transmission) of a Cx segment. Response: the expected arrival time of the CAx segment that will be produced on reception of this Cx segment is computed and a countdown timer for this arrival time is started. However, if it is known that the remote LTP engine has ceased transmission (Section 6.5), then this timer is immediately suspended, because the computed expected arrival time may require an adjustment that cannot yet be computed.

6.16. Retransmit Cancellation Segment

This procedure is triggered by the expiration of a countdown timer associated with a Cx segment. Response: if the number of times this Cx segment has been queued for transmission exceeds the cancellation retransmission limit established for the local LTP engine by network management, then the session of which the segment is one token is simply closed: the "Close Session" procedure (Section 6.20) is invoked. Otherwise, a copy of the cancellation segment (retaining the same reason-code) is queued for transmission to the appropriate LTP engine.

6.17. Acknowledge Cancellation

This procedure is triggered by the reception of a Cx segment. Response: in the case of a CS segment where there is no transmission queue-set bound for the sender (possibly because the receiver is a receive-only device), then no action is taken. Otherwise: - If the received segment is a CS segment, a CAS (cancel acknowledgment to block sender) segment is issued and is, in concept, appended to the queue of internal operations traffic bound for the sender. - If the received segment is a CR segment, a CAR (cancel acknowledgment to block receiver) segment is issued and is, in concept, appended to the queue of internal operations traffic bound for the receiver.
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   It is possible that the Cx segment has been retransmitted because a
   previous responding acknowledgment CAx (cancel acknowledgment)
   segment was lost, in which case there will no longer be any record of
   the session of which the segment is one token.  If so, no further
   action is taken.

   Otherwise: the "Cancel Session" procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked
   and a reception-session cancellation notice (Section 7.6) is sent to
   the client service identified in each of the data segments received
   in this session.  Finally, the session is closed: the "Close Session"
   procedure (Section 6.20) is invoked.

6.18. Stop Cancel Timer

This procedure is triggered by the reception of a CAx segment. Response: the timer associated with the Cx segment is deleted, and the session of which the segment is one token is closed, i.e., the "Close Session" procedure (Section 6.20) is invoked.

6.19. Cancel Session

This procedure is triggered internally by one of the other procedures described above. Response: all segments of the affected session that are currently queued for transmission can be deleted from the outbound traffic queues. All countdown timers currently associated with the session are deleted. Note: If the local LTP engine is the sender, then all remaining data retransmission buffer space allocated to the session can be released.

6.20. Close Session

This procedure is triggered internally by one of the other procedures described above. Response: any remaining countdown timers associated with the session are deleted. The session state record (SSR|RSR) for the session is deleted; existence of the session is no longer recognized.

6.21. Handle Miscolored Segment

This procedure is triggered by the arrival of either (a) a red-part data segment whose block offset begins at an offset higher than the block offset of any green-part data segment previously received for the same session or (b) a green-part data segment whose block offset is lower than the block offset of any red-part data segment
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   previously received for the same session.  The arrival of a segment
   matching either of the above checks is a violation of the protocol
   requirement of having all red-part data as the block prefix and all
   green-part data as the block suffix.

   Response: the received data segment is simply discarded.

   The Cancel Session procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked and a CR
   segment with reason-code MISCOLORED SHOULD be enqueued for
   transmission to the data sender.

   Note: If there is no transmission queue-set bound for the sender
   (possibly because the local LTP engine is running on a receive-only
   device), or if the receiver knows that the sender is functioning in a
   "beacon" (transmit-only) fashion, a CR segment need not be sent.

   A reception-session cancellation notice (Section 7.6) is sent to the
   client service.

6.22. Handling System Error Conditions

It is possible (especially for long-lived LTP sessions) that an unexpected operating system error condition may occur during the lifetime of an LTP session. An example is the case where the system faces severe memory crunch forcing LTP sessions into a scenario similar to that of TCP SACK [SACK] reneging. But unlike TCP SACK reception reports, which are advisory, LTP reception reports are binding, and reneging is NOT permitted on previously made reception claims. Under any such irrecoverable system error condition, the following response is to be initiated: the Cancel Session procedure (Section 6.19) is invoked. If the error condition is observed on the sender, a CS segment with reason-code SYS_CNCLD SHOULD be enqueued for transmission to the receiver, and a transmission-session cancellation notice (Section 7.5) is sent to the client service; on the other hand, if it is observed on the receiver, a CR segment with the same reason-code SYS_CNCLD SHOULD be enqueued for transmission to the sender, and a reception-session cancellation notice (Section 7.6) is sent to the client service. Note that as in (Section 6.21), if there is no transmission queue-set bound for the sender (possibly because the local LTP engine is running on a receive-only device), or if the receiver knows that the sender of this green-part data is functioning in a "beacon" (transmit-only) fashion, a CR segment need not be sent.
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   There may be other implementation-specific limits that may cause an
   LTP implementation to initiate session-cancellation procedures.  One
   such limit is the maximum number of retransmission-cycles seen.  A
   retransmission cycle at the LTP Sender comprises the two related
   events: the transmission of all outstanding CP segments from the
   sender, and the reception of all RS segments issued from the receiver
   in response to those CP segments.  A similar definition would apply
   at the LTP Receiver but relate to the reception of the CP segments
   and transmission of all RS segments in response.  Note that the
   retransmitted CP and RS segments remain part of their original
   retransmission-cycle.  Also, a single CP segment may cause multiple
   RS segments to be generated if a reception report would not fit in a
   single data link-MTU-sized RS segment; all RS segments that are part
   of a reception report belong to the same retransmission cycle to
   which the CP segment belongs.  In the presence of severe channel
   error conditions, many retransmission cycles may elapse before red-
   part transmission is deemed successful; an implementation may
   therefore impose a retransmission-cycle limit to shield itself from a
   resource-crunch situation.  If an LTP sender notices the
   retransmission-cycle limit being exceeded, it SHOULD initiate the
   Cancel Session procedure (Section 6.19), queuing a CS segment with
   reason-code RXMTCYCEXC and sending a transmission-session
   cancellation notice (Section 7.5) to the client service.

7. Notices to Client Service

In all cases, the representation of notice parameters is a local implementation matter.

7.1. Session Start

The Session Start notice returns the session ID identifying a newly created session. At the sender, the session start notice informs the client service of the initiation of the transmission session. On receiving this notice the client service may, for example, release resources of its own that are allocated to the block being transmitted, or remember the session ID so that the session can be canceled in the future if necessary. At the receiver, this notice indicates the beginning of a new reception session, and is delivered upon arrival of the first data segment carrying a new session ID.
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7.2. Green-Part Segment Arrival

The following parameters are provided by the LTP engine when a green- part segment arrival notice is delivered: Session ID of the transmission session. Array of client service data bytes contained in the data segment. Offset of the data segment's content from the start of the block. Length of the data segment's content. Indication as to whether or not the last byte of this data segment's content is also the end of the block. Source LTP engine ID.

7.3. Red-Part Reception

The following parameters are provided by the LTP engine when a red- part reception notice is delivered: Session ID of the transmission session. Array of client service data bytes that constitute the red-part of the block. Length of the red-part of the block. Indication as to whether or not the last byte of the red-part is also the end of the block. Source LTP engine ID.

7.4. Transmission-Session Completion

The sole parameter provided by the LTP engine when a transmission- session completion notice is delivered is the session ID of the transmission session. A transmission-session completion notice informs the client service that all bytes of the indicated data block have been transmitted and that the receiver has received the red-part of the block.
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7.5. Transmission-Session Cancellation

The parameters provided by the LTP engine when a transmission-session cancellation notice is delivered are: Session ID of the transmission session. The reason-code sent or received in the Cx segment that initiated the cancellation sequence. A transmission-session cancellation notice informs the client service that the indicated session was terminated, either by the receiver or else due to an error or a resource quench condition in the local LTP engine. There is no assurance that the destination client service instance received any portion of the data block.

7.6. Reception-Session Cancellation

The parameters provided by the LTP engine when a reception cancellation notice is delivered are: Session ID of the transmission session. The reason-code explaining the cancellation. A reception-session cancellation notice informs the client service that the indicated session was terminated, either by the sender or else due to an error or a resource quench condition in the local LTP engine. No subsequent delivery notices will be issued for this session.

7.7. Initial-Transmission Completion

The session ID of the transmission session is included with the initial-transmission completion notice. This notice informs the client service that all segments of a block (both red-part and green-part) have been transmitted. This notice only indicates that original transmission is complete; retransmission of any lost red-part data segments may still be necessary.
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8. State Transition Diagrams

The following mnemonics have been used in the sender and LTP receiver state transition diagrams that follow: TE Timer Expiry RDS Regular Red Data Segment (NOT {CP|EORP|EOB}) GDS Regular Green Data Segment (NOT EOB) RL EXC Retransmission Limit Exceeded RP Red-Part GP Green-Part FG Fully-Green Note that blocks represented in rectangles, as in +---------+ | FG_XMIT | +---------+ specify actual states in the state-transition diagrams, while blocks represented with jagged edges, as in /\/\/\/\ | Cncld | \/\/\/\/ are either pointers to a state or place-holders for sequences of state transitions.
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8.1. Sender LTP Sender State Transition Diagram

/\/\/\/\ | Cncld | \/\/\/\/ +--------+ | +------+ Rcv CR; | V V V | Rcv RS; Snd CAR | +-------------+ | Snd RA +-------+ CLOSED +----+ +---------------------------->+------+------+ | | Blk. Trans. Req | Zero RP + | Xmit ________________________/ \ Non-Zero RP | GDS; / \ | +---+ | +------------------+ | +------+ | | V V | /\/\ Rcv RS V V V | | | +---------+ +<-| RX |<---+ +---------+ | | +<-+ FG_XMIT | | \/\/ +---+ +--->+ Xmit RDS; | +----+----+ | | RP_XMIT | | | | | /\/\ +---+ +--->+ Xmit {RDS, CP}; +<--------+ +<-| CP |<---+ +-----+---+ Start CP Tmr | Xmit \/\/ CP TE | \ | {GDS, EOB}; | | | Xmit {RDS, CP, EORP}; | +-------+ | Start CP Tmr | | | | | | +------------------+ | +---+ | Xmit {RDS, | | /\/\ Rcv RS V V V | | CP, EORP, | +<-| RX |<---+ +---------+ | | EOB}; | | \/\/ +---+ | | | Start | | | GP_XMIT +->+ | CP Tmr | | /\/\ +---+ | Xmit | | +<-| CP |<---+ +-----+---+ GDS; | | \/\/ CP TE | | | | | | Xmit {GDS, EOB}; | +---------+ | | | | +------------------+ | | | | /\/\ Rcv RS V V V | +<-| RX |<---+ +-------------+ | | \/\/ +---+ | | | | WAIT_RP_ACK | | | /\/\ +---+ | | +<-| CP |<---+ +-----+-------+ | \/\/ CP TE | RP acknowledged fully; | V +----------------------------------------+
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          LTP Sender State Transition Diagram (contd.)

         /\/\                               /\/\
         |CP|                               |CX |
         \/\/                               \/\/
          | |                                 | Snd CS,
          | | RL EXC;                         | Start CS Tmr;
          | |                                 |
          | |        /\/\                     |  +---+
          | +------>| CX |                    V  V   |
          |          \/\/                +---------+ | CS TE,
          |                              | CS_SENT | | RL NOT EXC;
          V  RL NOT EXC;                 +-+--+--+-+ | Rxmt CS,
             Rxmt CP,                      |  |  |   | Restart
             Start CP Tmr;         CS TE,  |  |  +---+ CS Tmr
                                   RL EXC; |  |
                                           |  | Rcv CAS;
                                           V  V
                                          | Cncld  |

            | RX |
               |  Cncl CP Tmr (if any)
               V  Snd RA
         +---------+                                +----+
         | CHK_RPT |                                |    |
         +-+--+----+       RP in scope              V    |
           |  |     \     NOT rcvd. fully   +---------+  | Rxmt
 Redundant |  | RP   +--------------------->| RP_RXMT |  | missing
 RS rcvd;  |  | in scope                    +----+--+-+  | RDS;
           |  | rcvd. fully                      |  |    |
           V  V                    Rxmt last     |  +----+
                                   missing RDS   |
                                   (marked CP)   |
                                   Start CP Tmr; |

   Asynchronous cancel request may be received from the local client
   service while the LTP sender is in any of the states shown.  If it
   was not already in the sequence of state transitions beginning at the
   CX marker, the internal procedure Cancel Session (Section 6.19) is
   followed, and the LTP sender moves from its current state into the
   sequence beginning at the CX marker initiating session cancellation
   with reason-code USR_CNCLD.  From the CX marker, the CS segment with
   appropriate reason-code (USR_CNCLD or RLEXC depending on how the CX
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   sequence was entered) is queued for transmission to the LTP receiver
   and the sender enters the Cancel-from-Sender Sent (CS_SENT) state.
   The internal procedure Start Cancel Timer (Section 6.15) is started
   upon receiving a link state cue indicating the beginning of
   transmission of the CS segment.  Upon receiving the acknowledging CAS
   segment from the receiver, the LTP sender moves to the CLOSED state
   (via the 'Cncld' pointer).  If the CS timer expires, the internal
   procedure Retransmit Cancellation Segment (Section 6.16) is followed:

      - If the network management set retransmission limit is exceeded,
        the session is simply closed and the LTP sender follows the
        Cncld marker to the CLOSED state.  If the retransmission limit
        is not exceeded however, the CS segment is queued for a
        retransmission and the LTP sender stays in the CS_SENT state.
        The CS timer is started upon receiving a link state cue
        indicating the beginning of actual transmission according to the
        internal procedure Start Cancel Timer (Section 6.15).

   Asynchronous cancel request may also be received from the receiver
   LTP in the form of a CR segment when the LTP sender is in any of the
   states.  Upon receiving such a CR segment, the internal procedure
   Acknowledge Cancellation (Section 6.17) is invoked: The LTP sender
   sends a CAR segment in response and returns to the CLOSED state.

   The LTP sender stays in the CLOSED state until receiving a Block
   Transmission Request (Blk. Trans. Req) from the client service
   instance.  Upon receiving the request, it moves to either the Fully
   Green Transmission State (FG_XMIT) if no portion of the block was
   requested to be transmitted as red or to the Red-Part Transmission
   State (RP_XMIT) state if a non-zero block-prefix was requested to be
   transmitted red.

   In the FG_XMIT state, the block is segmented as multiple green LTP
   data segments respecting the link MTU size and the segments are
   queued for transmission to the remote engine.  The last such segment
   is marked as EOB, and the LTP sender returns to the CLOSED state
   after queuing it for transmission.

   Similarly, from the RP_XMIT state, multiple red data segments are
   queued for transmission, respecting the link MTU size.  The sender
   LTP may optionally mark some of the red data segments as asynchronous
   checkpoints; the internal procedure Start Checkpoint Timer (Section
   6.2) is followed upon receiving a link state cue indicating the
   transmission of the asynchronous checkpoints.  If the block
   transmission request comprises a non-zero green part, the LTP sender
   marks the last red data segment as CP and EORP, and after queuing it
   for transmission, moves to the Green Part Transmission (GP_XMIT)
   state.  If the block transmission request was fully red however, the
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   last red data segment is marked as CP, EORP, and EOB and the sender
   LTP moves directly to the Wait-for-Red-Part-Acknowledgment
   (WAIT_RP_ACK) state.  In both of the above state-transitions, the
   internal procedure Start Checkpoint Timer (Section 6.2) is followed
   upon receiving a link state cue indicating the beginning of
   transmission of the queued CP segments.  In the GP_XMIT state, the
   green-part of the block is segmented as green data segments and
   queued for transmission to the LTP receiver; the last green segment
   of the block is additionally marked as EOB, and after queueing it for
   transmission the LTP sender moves to the WAIT_RP_ACK state.

   While the LTP sender is at any of the RP_XMIT, GP_XMIT, or
   WAIT_RP_ACK states, it might be interrupted by the occurrence of the
   following events:

      1. An RS might be received from the LTP receiver (either in
         response to a previously transmitted CP segment or sent
         asynchronously for accelerated retransmission).  The LTP sender
         then moves to perform the sequence of state transitions
         beginning at the RX marker (second part of the diagram), and
         retransmits data if necessary, illustrating the internal
         procedure Retransmit Data (Section 6.13):

         First, if the RS segment had a non-zero CP serial number, the
         corresponding CP timer is canceled.  Then an RA segment
         acknowledging the received RS segment is queued for
         transmission to the LTP receiver and the LTP sender moves to
         the Check Report state (CHK_RPT).  If the RS segment was
         redundantly transmitted by the LTP receiver (possibly because
         either the last transmitted RA segment got lost or the RS
         segment timer expired prematurely at the receiver), the LTP
         sender does nothing more and returns back to the interrupted
         state.  Similarly, if all red data within the scope of the RS
         segment is reported as received, there is no work to be done
         and the LTP sender returns to the interrupted state.  However,
         if the RS segment indicated incomplete reception of data within
         its scope, the LTP sender moves to the Red-Part Retransmit
         state (RP_RXMT) where missing red data segments within scope
         are queued for transmission.  The last such segment is marked
         as a CP, and the LTP sender returns to the interrupted state.
         The internal procedure (Section 6.2) is followed upon receiving
         a link state cue indicating the beginning of transmission of
         the CP segment.

      2. A previously set CP timer might expire.  Now the LTP sender
         follows the states beginning at the CP marker (second part of
         the diagram), and follows the internal procedure Retransmit
         Checkpoint (Section 6.7):
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         If the CP Retransmission Limit set by network management for
         the session has been exceeded, the LTP sender proceeds towards
         canceling the session (with reason-code RLEXC) as indicated by
         the sequence of state transitions following the CX marker.
         Otherwise (if the Retransmission Limit is not exceeded yet),
         the CP segment is queued for retransmission and the LTP sender
         returns to the interrupted state.  The internal procedure Start
         Checkpoint Timer (Section 6.2) is started again upon receiving
         a link state cue indicating the beginning of transmission of
         the segment.

   The LTP sender stays at the WAIT_RP_ACK state after reaching it until
   the red-part data is fully acknowledged as received by the receiver
   LTP, and then returns to the CLOSED state following the internal
   procedure Close Session (Section 6.20).

   Note that while at the CLOSED state, the LTP sender might receive an
   RS segment (if the last transmitted RA segment before session close
   got lost or if the LTP receiver retransmitted the RS segment
   prematurely), in which case it retransmits an acknowledging RA
   segment and stays in the CLOSED state.  If the session was canceled
   by the receiver by issuing a CR segment, the receiver may retransmit
   the CR segment (either prematurely or because the acknowledging CAR
   segment got lost).  In this case, the LTP sender retransmits the
   acknowledging CAR segment and stays in the CLOSED state.
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8.2. Receiver LTP Receiver State Transition Diagram

/\/\/\/\ +----+ +----+ Cncld | Rcv CS; | V V \/\/\/\/ Snd CAS | +-------------+ +--+ CLOSED +<--------------------------+ +------+------+ | +----+ | Rcv first DS | Rcv RA; | V V | Cncl RS Tmr | +--------+ | +---+ DS_REC | | +----------------------------->+-+--+-+-+<----------------------+---+ | | Svc. does not exist | | | RS TE | | | | /\/\ or Rcv miscolored seg. | | | /\/\ | | | | | CX |<-----------------------+ | +------------->| RX |---->+ | | | \/\/ | \/\/ | | | Rcv RDS; | Rcv GDS; | | | +-----------+------------+ | | | V V | | | /\/\ RS TE +--------------+ +--------+ | | +<-| RX |<------+ RCV_RP | | RCV_GP | | | | \/\/ +-+----+--+--+-+ +--+-+-+-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Rcvd RDS; | | | | Rcvd {RDS, CP, | | | RS TE /\/\ | | | | | | | EORP, EOB}; | | +------>| RX |->+ | +<----------------+ | | | Snd RS, | | \/\/ | | | | | | Start RS Tmr | | Rcvd GDS; | | | Rcvd {RDS, CP}; | | | | +---------------->+ | | Snd RS, Start RS Tmr | | +-------+ +-----+ | +<---------------------+ | | | Rcvd {GDS, EOB}; | | | | | | | | +-----+ | | +------+ | | Rcvd {RDS, CP, EORP}; | | V V V V | | | Snd RS, Start RS Tmr | | +----------------+ | Rcv RDS; | | | | | +-->+ | | | | | WAIT_RP_REC | | Rcv {RDS, CP}; | | | | | +-->+ Snd RS, Start | +<------------------------+ | +---+--+-+-+-----+ | RS Tmr | | RS TE | | | | Rcv RA; | | | V | | | Cncl | | | /\/\ | | | RS Tmr | | +---| RX | | | +-------->+ | \/\/ | | | /\/\ | | | | CX |<------------------------+ | RP rcvd. fully | \/\/ Rcv miscolored seg. +--------------------------->+
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 Receiver State Transition Diagram (contd.)

              | RX |
               |  |
               |  | RL EXC;    /\/\
  RL NOT EXC;  |  +---------->| CX |
  Rxmt RS,     |               \/\/
  Start RS Tmr |

              | CX |
                 | Snd CR,
                 | Start CR Tmr;
                 |  +----+
                 V  V    |
             +---------+ | CR TE,
             | CR_SENT | | RL NOT EXC;
             +-+--+--+-+ | Rxmt CR,
               |  |  |   | Restart
       CR TE,  |  |  +---+ CR Tmr
       RL EXC; |  |
               |  | Rcv CAR;
               V  V
              | Cncld  |

   Asynchronous cancel requests are handled in a manner similar to the
   way they are handled in the LTP sender.  If the cancel request was
   made from the local client service instance and the LTP receiver was
   not already in the CR_SENT state, a CR segment with reason-code
   USR_CNCLD SHOULD be sent to the LTP sender following the sequence of
   state transitions beginning at the CX marker as described above.  If
   the asynchronous cancel request is received from the LTP sender, a
   CAS segment is sent and the LTP receiver moves to the CLOSED state
   (independent of the state the LTP receiver may be in).

   The LTP receiver begins at the CLOSED state and enters the Data
   Segment Reception (DS_REC) state upon receiving the first data
   segment.  If the client service ID referenced in the data segment was
   non-existent, a Cx segment with reason-code UNREACH SHOULD be sent to
   the LTP sender via the Cancellation sequence beginning with the CX
   marker (second part of the diagram).  If the received segment was
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   found to be miscolored, the internal procedure Handle Miscolored
   Segment (Section 6.21) is followed, and a CX segment with reason-code
   MISCOLORED SHOULD be sent to the LTP sender with the Cancellation
   sequence beginning with the CX marker.

   Otherwise, the LTP receiver enters the Receive Red-Part state
   (RCV_RP) or the Receive Green-Part state (RCV_GP) depending on
   whether the segment received was red or green, respectively.

   In the RCV_RP state, a check is made of the nature of the received
   red DS.  If the segment was a regular red data segment, the receiver
   LTP just returns to the DS_REC state.  For red data segments marked
   also as CP and as CP & EORP, a responding RS segment is queued for
   transmission to the sender following either the internal procedure
   Retransmit RS (Section 6.8) or Send Reception Report (Section 6.11)
   depending on whether the CP segment was a retransmission (an RS
   segment corresponding to the checkpoint serial number in the CP
   segment was previously issued) or not, respectively.  The LTP
   receiver then returns to the DS_REC state.  If the block transmission
   was fully red and the segment was marked as CP, EORP, and EOB, the
   LTP receiver enters the Wait-for-Red-Part-Reception state
   (WAIT_RP_REC).  In all cases, the internal procedure Start RS Timer
   (Section 6.3) is followed upon receiving link state cues indicating
   the beginning of transmission of the RS segments.

   In the RCV_GP state, if the received green data segment was not
   marked EOB, the LTP receiver returns to the DS_REC state.  Otherwise,
   it enters the WAIT_RP_REC state to receive the red-part of the block

   A previously set RS timer may expire and interrupt the LTP receiver
   while in the DS_REC, RCV_RP, RCV_GP, or WAIT_RP_REC state.  If so,
   the internal procedure Retransmit RS (Section 6.8) is followed as
   illustrated in the states beginning at the RX marker (shown in the
   second part of the diagram) before returning to the interrupted

      - A check is made here to see if the retransmission limit set by
        the network management has been exceeded in the number of RSs
        sent in the session.  If so, a CR segment with reason-code RLEXC
        SHOULD be sent to the LTP sender and the sequence indicated by
        the CX marker is followed.  Otherwise, the RS segment is queued
        for retransmission and the associated RS timer is started
        following the internal procedure Start RS Timer (Section 6.3)
        upon receiving a link state cue indicating the beginning of its
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   The LTP receiver may also receive RA segments from the sender in
   response to the RS segments sent while in the DS_REC state.  If so,
   then the RS timer corresponding to the report serial number mentioned
   in the RA segment is canceled following the internal procedure Stop
   RS Timer (Section 6.14).

   The LTP receiver stays in the WAIT_RP_REC state until the entire red-
   part of the block is received, and moves to the CLOSED state upon
   full red-part reception.  In this state, a check is made upon
   reception of every red-part data segment to see if it is at a block
   offset higher than any green-part data segment received.  If so, the
   internal procedure Handle Miscolored Segment (Section 6.21) is
   invoked and the sequence of state transitions beginning with the CX
   marker is followed; a CX segment with reason-code MISCOLORED SHOULD
   be sent to the LTP sender with the Cancellation sequence beginning
   with the CX marker.

   Note that if there were no red data segments received in the session
   yet, including the case where the session was indeed fully green or
   the pathological case where the entire red-part of the block gets
   lost but at least the green data segment marked EOB is received (the
   LTP receiver has no indication of whether the session had a red-part
   transmission), the LTP receiver assumes the "RP rcvd. fully"
   condition to be true and moves to the CLOSED state from the
   WAIT_RP_REC state.

   In the WAIT_RP_REC state, the LTP receiver may receive the
   retransmitted red data segments.  Upon receiving red data segments
   marked CP, it queues the responding RS segment for transmission based
   on either internal procedure Retransmit RS (Section 6.8) or Send
   Reception Report (Section 6.11) depending on whether the CP was found
   to be a retransmission or not, respectively.  The internal procedure
   Start RS Timer is invoked upon receiving a link state cue indicating
   the beginning of transmission of the RS segment.  If an RA segment is
   received, the RS timer corresponding to the report segment mentioned
   is canceled and the LTP receiver stays in the state until the entire
   red-part is received.

   In the sequence of state transitions beginning at the CX marker, the
   CR segment with the given reason-code (depending on how the sequence
   is entered) is queued for transmission, and the CR timer is started
   upon reception of the link state cue indicating actual transmission
   following the internal procedure Start Cancel Timer (Section 6.15).
   If the CAR segment is received from the LTP sender, the LTP receiver
   returns to the CLOSED state (via the Cncld marker) following the
   internal procedure Stop Cancel Timer (Section 6.18).  If the CR timer
   expires asynchronously, the internal procedure Retransmit
   Cancellation Segment (Section 6.16) is followed:
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      - A check is made to see if the retransmission limit set by the
        network management for the number of CR segments per session has
        been exceeded.  If so, the LTP receiver returns to the CLOSED
        state following the Cncld marker.  Otherwise, a CR segment is
        scheduled for retransmission with the CR timer being started
        following the internal procedure Start Cancel Timer (Section
        6.15) upon reception of a link state cue indicating actual

   The LTP receiver might also receive a retransmitted CS segment at the
   CLOSED state (either if the CAS segment previously transmitted was
   lost or if the CS timer expired prematurely at the LTP sender).  In
   such a case, the CAS is scheduled for retransmission.

9. Security Considerations

9.1. Denial of Service Considerations

Implementers SHOULD consider the likelihood of the following Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: - A fake Cx could be inserted, thus bringing down a session. - Various acknowledgment segments (RA, RS, etc.) could be deleted, causing timers to expire, and having the potential to disable communication altogether if done with a knowledge of the communications schedule. This could be achieved either by mounting a DoS attack on a lower-layer service in order to prevent it from sending an acknowledgment segment, or by simply jamming the transmission (all of which are more likely for terrestrial applications of LTP). - An attacker might also corrupt some bits, which is tantamount to deleting that segment. - An attacker may flood an LTP engine with segments for the internal operations queue and prevent transmission of legitimate data segments.
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      - An attacker could attempt to fill up the storage in an engine by
        sending many large messages to it.  In terrestrial LTP
        applications, this may be much more serious since spotting the
        additional traffic may not be possible from any network
        management point.

   If any of the above DoS attacks is likely, then one or more of the
   following anti-DoS mechanisms ought to be employed:

      - Session numbers SHOULD be partly random making it harder to
        insert valid segments.

      - An engine that suspects that either it or its peer is under DoS
        attack could frequently checkpoint its data segments (if it were
        the sender) or send asynchronous RSs (if it were the receiver),
        thus eliciting an earlier response from its peer or timing out
        earlier due to the failure of an attacker to respond.

      - Serial numbers (checkpoint serial numbers, report serial
        numbers) MUST begin each session anew using random numbers
        rather than from 0.

      - The authentication header [LTPEXT].

9.2. Replay Handling

The following algorithm is given as an example of how an LTP implementation MAY handle replays. 1. On receipt of an LTP segment, check against a cache for replay. If this is a replay segment and if a pre-cooked response is available (stored from the last time this segment was processed), then send the pre-cooked response. If there is no pre-cooked response, then silently drop the inbound segment. This can all be done without attempting to decode the buffer. 2. If the inbound segment does not decode correctly, then silently drop the segment. If the segment decodes properly, then add its hash to the replay cache and return a handle to the entry. 3. For those cases where a pre-cooked response should be stored, store the response using the handle received from the previous step. These cases include: (a) when the inbound packet is a CP segment, the RS segment sent in response gets stored as pre-cooked,
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      (b) when the Incoming packet is an RS segment, the RA segment is
          stored as pre-cooked, and

      (c) when the incoming packet is a Cx segment, the CAx segment sent
          in response gets stored pre-cooked.

   4. Occasionally clean out the replay cache -- how frequently this
      happens is an implementation issue.

   The downside of this algorithm is that receiving a totally bogus
   segment still results in a replay cache search and attempted LTP
   decode operation.  It is not clear that it is possible to do much
   better though, since all an attacker would have to do to get past the
   replay cache would be to tweak a single bit in the inbound segment
   each time, which is certainly cheaper than the hash+lookup+decode
   combination, though also certainly more expensive than simply sending
   the same octets many times.

   The benefit of doing this is that implementers no longer need to
   analyze many bugs/attacks based on replaying packets, which in
   combination with the use of LTP authentication should defeat many
   attempted DoS attacks.

9.3. Implementation Considerations

SDNV Implementations SHOULD make sanity checks on SDNV length fields and SHOULD check that no SDNV field is too long when compared with the overall segment length. Implementations SHOULD check that SDNV values are within suitable ranges where possible. Byte ranges Various report and other segments contain offset and length fields. Implementations MUST ensure that these are consistent and sane. Randomness Various fields in LTP (e.g., serial numbers) MUST be initialized using random values. Good sources of randomness that are not easily guessable SHOULD be used [ESC05]. The collision of random values is subject to the birthday paradox, which means that a collision is likely after roughly the square root of the space has been seen (e.g., 2^16 in the case of a 32-bit random value).
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      Implementers MUST ensure that they use sufficiently long random
      values so that the birthday paradox doesn't cause a problem in
      their environment.

10. IANA Considerations

10.1. UDP Port Number for LTP

The UDP port number 1113 with the name "ltp-deepspace" has been reserved for LTP deployments. An LTP implementation may be implemented to operate over UDP datagrams using this port number for study and testing over the Internet.

10.2. LTP Extension Tag Registry

The IANA has created and now maintains a registry for known LTP Extension Tags (as indicated in Section 3.1). The registry has been populated using the initial values given in Section 3.1 above. IANA may assign LTP Extension Tag values from the range 0x02-0xAF (inclusive) using the Specification Required rule [GUIDE]. The specification concerned can be an RFC (whether Standards Track, Experimental, or Informational), or a specification from any other standards development organization recognized by IANA or with a liaison with the IESG, specifically including CCSDS ( Any use of Reserved values (0xB0-0xBF inclusive) requires an update this specification.

11. Acknowledgments

Many thanks to Tim Ray, Vint Cerf, Bob Durst, Kevin Fall, Adrian Hooke, Keith Scott, Leigh Torgerson, Eric Travis, and Howie Weiss for their thoughts on this protocol and its role in Delay-Tolerant Networking architecture. Part of the research described in this document was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This work was performed under DOD Contract DAA-B07- 00-CC201, DARPA AO H912; JPL Task Plan No. 80-5045, DARPA AO H870; and NASA Contract NAS7-1407. Thanks are also due to Shawn Ostermann, Hans Kruse, Dovel Myers, and Jayram Deshpande at Ohio University for their suggestions and advice in making various design decisions. This work was done when Manikantan Ramadas was a graduate student at the EECS Dept., Ohio University, in the Internetworking Research Group Laboratory.
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   Part of this work was carried out at Trinity College Dublin as part
   of the SeNDT contract funded by Enterprise Ireland's research
   innovation fund.

12. References

12.1. Normative References

[B97] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [GUIDE] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 5226, May 2008. [LTPMTV] Burleigh, S., Ramadas, M., and S. Farrell,"Licklider Transmission Protocol - Motivation", RFC 5325, September 2008. [LTPEXT] Farrell, S., Ramadas, M., and S. Burleigh, "Licklider Transmission Protocol - Security Extensions", RFC 5327, September 2008.

12.2. Informative References

[ASN1] Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1). ASN.1 Encoding Rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER). ITU-T Rec. X.690 (2002) | ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002. [BP] Scott, K. and S. Burleigh, "Bundle Protocol Specification", RFC 5050, November 2007. [DTN] K. Fall, "A Delay-Tolerant Network Architecture for Challenged Internets", In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug 2003. [ESC05] D. Eastlake, J. Schiller and S. Crockerr, "Randomness Recommendations for Security", RFC 4086, June 2005. [SACK] M. Mathis, J. Mahdavi, S. Floyd, and A. Romanow, "TCP Selective Acknowledgement Options", RFC 2018, October 1996.
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Authors' Addresses

Manikantan Ramadas ISRO Telemetry Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Plot # 12 & 13, 3rd Main, 2nd Phase Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore 560097 India Telephone: +91 80 2364 2602 EMail: Scott C. Burleigh Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive M/S: 301-490 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Telephone: +1 (818) 393-3353 Fax: +1 (818) 354-1075 EMail: Stephen Farrell Computer Science Department Trinity College Dublin Ireland Telephone: +353-1-896-1761 EMail:
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