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RFC 4706

Definitions of Managed Objects for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2 (ADSL2)

Pages: 167
Proposed Standard
Part 4 of 7 – Pages 77 to 99
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Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 77   prevText
   --        adsl2LineConfProfTable        --
   adsl2LineConfProfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Adsl2LineConfProfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2LineConfProfTable contains ADSL2 line profile

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner."
      ::= { adsl2ProfileLine 2 }

   adsl2LineConfProfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2LineConfProfEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2LineConfProfTable contains ADSL2 line profile

          A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL' will
          always exist, and its parameters will be set to vendor-
          specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document."
      INDEX  { adsl2LConfProfProfileName }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfTable 1 }

   Adsl2LineConfProfEntry  ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         adsl2LConfProfProfileName          SnmpAdminString,
         adsl2LConfProfScMaskDs             Adsl2ScMaskDs,
         adsl2LConfProfScMaskUs             Adsl2ScMaskUs,
         adsl2LConfProfRfiBandsDs           Adsl2RfiDs,
         adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs             Adsl2RaMode,
         adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs             Adsl2RaMode,
         adsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmDs            Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmUs            Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsDs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsUs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs            Unsigned32,
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 78
         adsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs            Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs            Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs            Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMsgMinUs             Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMsgMinDs             Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfAtuTransSysEna       Adsl2TransmissionModeType,
         adsl2LConfProfPmMode               Adsl2LConfProfPmMode,
         adsl2LConfProfL0Time               Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfL2Time               Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfL2Atpr               Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfL2Atprt              Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfRowStatus            RowStatus

   adsl2LConfProfProfileName  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This object identifies a row in this table."
        ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 1 }

   adsl2LConfProfScMaskDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2ScMaskDs
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Sub-carriers mask.  A bitmap of 512 bits that allows masking
          up to 512 downstream sub-carriers, depending on NSCds.  If bit
          i (0 <= i < NSCds) is set to '1', the respective
          downstream sub-carrier i is masked, and if set to '0', the
          respective sub-carrier is unmasked.  Note that there should
          always be unmasked sub-carriers (i.e., the object cannot be
          all 1's).  Also note that if NSCds < 512, all bits
          i (NSCds < i <= 512) should be set to '1'."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 2 }

   adsl2LConfProfScMaskUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2ScMaskUs
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Sub-carriers mask.  A bitmap of 64 bits that allows masking
          up to 64 downstream sub-carriers, depending on NSCds.  If
          bit i (0 <= i < NSCus) is set to '1', the respective
          upstream sub-carrier i is masked, and if set to '0', the
          respective sub-carrier is unmasked.  Note that there
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 79
          should always be unmasked sub-carriers (i.e., the object
          cannot be all 1's).  Also note that if NSCus <
          64, all bits i (NSCus < i <= 64) should be set to '1'."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 3 }

   adsl2LConfProfRfiBandsDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2RfiDs
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
          "The subset of downstream PSD mask breakpoints that shall be
          used to notch an RFI band.
          The specific interpolation around these points is defined in
          G.992.5.  It is a bitmap of 512 bits that allows referring to
          up to 512 downstream sub-carriers, depending on NSCds.  If bit
          i (0 <= i < NSCds) is set to '1', the respective downstream
          sub-carrier i is part of a notch filter, and if set to '0',
          the respective sub-carrier is not part of a notch filter.
          This information complements the specification provided by
          Note that if NSCds < 512, all bits i (NSCds<i<512)
          should be set to '0'."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 4 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2RaMode
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The mode of operation of a rate-adaptive ATU-C in the transmit
          direction.  The parameter can take three values:
             raInit(2), or
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { manual }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 5 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2RaMode
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The mode of operation of a rate-adaptive ATU-R in the transmit
          direction.  The parameter can take three values:
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 80
             raInit(2), or
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { manual }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 6 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Downstream Up-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to dynamicRa.  If the downstream
          noise margin is above this value and stays above it for
          more than the time specified by the adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs,
          the ATU-R shall attempt to increase the downstream net data
          rate.  The Downstream Up-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to
          310 units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 7 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Upstream Up-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to dynamicRa.  If the upstream
          noise margin is above this value and stays above it for more
          than the time specified by the adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs, the
          ATU-C shall attempt to increase the upstream net data rate.
          The Upstream Up-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to 310 units
          of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 8 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Downstream Up-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to dynamicRa.  The interval of
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 81
          time that the downstream noise margin should stay above the
          Downstream Up-Shift Noise Margin before the ATU-R shall
          attempt to increase the downstream net data rate.  The time
          interval ranges from 0 to 16383 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 3600 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 9 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Upstream Up-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to dynamicRa.  The interval of
          time the upstream noise margin should stay above the
          Upstream Up-Shift Noise Margin before the ATU-C shall
          attempt to increase the upstream net data rate.  The time
          interval ranges from 0 to 16383 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 3600 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 10 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Downstream Down-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to dynamicRa.  If the downstream
          noise margin is below this value and stays below that for more
          than the time specified by the adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs, the
          ATU-R shall attempt to decrease the downstream net data rate.
          The Downstream Down-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to 310
          units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 11 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Upstream Down-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 82
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to dynamicRa.  If the upstream
          noise margin is below this value and stays below that for more
          than the time specified by the adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs, the
          ATU-C shall attempt to decrease the upstream net data rate.
          The Upstream Down-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to 310
          units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 12 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Downstream Down-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to dynamicRa.  The interval of
          time the downstream noise margin should stay below the
          Downstream Down-Shift Noise Margin before the ATU-R shall
          attempt to decrease the downstream net data rate.  The time
          interval ranges from 0 to 16383 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 3600 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 13 }

   adsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The Upstream Down-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to dynamicRa.  The interval of
          time the upstream noise margin should stay below the Upstream
          Down-Shift Noise Margin before the ATU-C shall attempt to
          decrease the upstream net data rate.  The time interval ranges
          from 0 to 16383 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 3600 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 14 }

   adsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 83
         "The minimum Noise Margin the ATU-R receiver shall achieve,
          relative to the BER requirement for each of the downstream
          bearer channels, to successfully complete initialization.
          The target noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB
          (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 60 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 15 }

   adsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The minimum Noise Margin the ATU-C receiver shall achieve,
          relative to the BER requirement for each of the upstream
          bearer channels, to successfully complete initialization.
          The target noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB
          (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 60 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 16 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..310 | 2147483647)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum Noise Margin the ATU-R receiver shall try to
          sustain.  If the Noise Margin is above this level, the ATU-R
          shall request that the ATU-C reduce the ATU-C transmit power
          to get a noise margin below this limit (if this functionality
          is supported).  The maximum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310
          units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of
          0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no maximum."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 310 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 17 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..310 | 2147483647)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum Noise Margin the ATU-C receiver shall try to
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 84
          sustain.  If the Noise Margin is above this level, the ATU-C
          shall request that the ATU-R reduce the ATU-R transmit power
          to get a noise margin below this limit (if this functionality
          is supported).  The maximum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310
          units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of
          0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no maximum."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 310 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 18 }

   adsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The minimum Noise Margin the ATU-R receiver shall tolerate.
          If the noise margin falls below this level, the ATU-R shall
          request that the ATU-C increase the ATU-C transmit power.
          If an increase to ATU-C transmit power is not possible, a
          loss-of-margin (LOM) defect occurs, the ATU-R shall fail and
          attempt to reinitialize, and the NMS shall be notified.  The
          minimum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of
          0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of 0 means
          that there is no minimum."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 19 }

   adsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
      UNITS       "0.1 dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The minimum Noise Margin the ATU-C receiver shall tolerate.
          If the noise margin falls below this level, the ATU-C shall
          request that the ATU-R increase the ATU-R transmit power.
          If an increase of ATU-R transmit power is not possible, a
          loss-of-margin (LOM) defect occurs, the ATU-C shall fail and
          attempt to reinitialize, and the NMS shall be notified.  The
          minimum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of
          0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of 0 means
          that there is no minimum."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 20 }
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 85
   adsl2LConfProfMsgMinUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(4000..63000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Overhead Rate Upstream.  Defines the minimum rate of
          the message-based overhead that shall be maintained by the ATU
          in upstream direction.  Expressed in bits per second and
          ranges from 4000 to 63000 bps."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 4000 }
     ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 21 }

   adsl2LConfProfMsgMinDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(4000..63000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Overhead Rate Downstream.  Defines the minimum rate of
          the message-based overhead that shall be maintained by the ATU
          in downstream direction.  Expressed in bits per second and
          ranges from 4000 to 63000 bps."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 4000 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 22 }

   adsl2LConfProfAtuTransSysEna  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2TransmissionModeType
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "ATU Transmission System Enabling (ATSE).  A list of the
          different coding types enabled in this profile.  It is coded
          in a bit-map representation with 1 or more bits set.  A bit
          set to  '1' means that the ATUs may apply the respective
          coding for the ADSL line.  A bit set to '0' means that
          the ATUs cannot apply the respective coding for the ADSL
          line.  All 'reserved' bits should be set to '0'."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 23 }

   adsl2LConfProfPmMode  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2LConfProfPmMode
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 86
         "Power management state Enabling.  Defines the power states the
          ATU-C or ATU-R may autonomously transition to on this line.
          The various bit positions are: allowTransitionsToIdle(0) and
          allowTransitionsToLowPower(1).  A bit with a '1' value means
          that the ATU is allowed to transit into the respective state,
          and a '0' value means that the ATU is not allowed
          to transit into the respective state."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL  { { allowTransitionsToIdle, allowTransitionsToLowPower } }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 24 }

   adsl2LConfProfL0Time  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This minimum time (in seconds) between an Exit from the L2
          state and the next Entry into the L2 state.  It ranges from 0
          to 255 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 255 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 25 }

   adsl2LConfProfL2Time  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "seconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This minimum time (in seconds) between an Entry into the
         L2 state and the first Power Trim in the L2 state and between
         two consecutive Power Trims in the L2 State.
         It ranges from 0 to 255 seconds."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 255 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 26 }

   adsl2LConfProfL2Atpr  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..31)
      UNITS       "dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum aggregate transmit power reduction (in dB) that
          can be performed at transition of L0 to L2 state or through a
          single Power Trim in the L2 state.
          It ranges from 0 dB to 31 dB."
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 87
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1 (amendment 1),"
      DEFVAL       { 10 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 27 }

   adsl2LConfProfL2Atprt  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..31)
      UNITS       "dB"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The total maximum aggregate transmit power reduction
         (in dB) that can be performed in an L2 state.  This is the
         sum of all reductions of L2 Request (i.e., at transition of
         L0 to L2 state) and Power Trims."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1 (amendment 1),"
      DEFVAL       { 31 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 28 }

   adsl2LConfProfRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
         delete an existing row in this table.

         A profile is activated by setting this object to 'active'.
         When 'active' is set, the system will validate the profile.

         Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service
         (by setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'),
         it must first be unreferenced from all associated
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfEntry 29 }

   --    adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable    --
   adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable extends the
          ADSL2 line configuration profile by ADSL Mode Specific
          A row in this table that has an index of
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 88
          adsl2LConfProfAdslMode == defMode(1) is called a
          'mandatory' row.
          A row in this table that has an index such that
          adsl2LConfProfAdslMode is not equal to defMode(1)
          is called an 'optional' row.
          When a row in the adsl2LineConfProfTable table
          (the parent row) is created, the SNMP agent will
          automatically create a 'mandatory' row in this table.
          When the parent row is deleted, the SNMP agent will
          automatically delete all associated rows in this table.
          Any attempt to delete the 'mandatory' row using the
          adsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus attribute will be
          rejected by the SNMP agent.
          The manager MAY create an 'optional' row in this table
          using the adsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus attribute if
          the parent row exists.
          The manager MAY delete an 'optional' row in this table
          using the adsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus attribute at
          any time.
          If the actual transmission mode of a DSL line does not
          match one of the 'optional' rows in this table, then
          the line will use the PSD configuration from the
          'mandatory' row.

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner."
      ::= { adsl2ProfileLine 3 }

   adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable extends the
          ADSL2 line configuration profile by ADSL Mode Specific
      INDEX  { adsl2LConfProfProfileName, adsl2LConfProfAdslMode }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable 1 }

   Adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry  ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         adsl2LConfProfAdslMode             Adsl2OperationModes,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdDs          Integer32,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdUs          Integer32,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpDs          Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpUs          Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfMaxAggRxPwrUs        Integer32,
         adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs            Adsl2PsdMaskDs,
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 89
         adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskUs            Adsl2PsdMaskUs,
         adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskSelectUs      Unsigned32,
         adsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus    RowStatus

   adsl2LConfProfAdslMode    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2OperationModes
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The ADSL Mode is a way of categorizing the various ADSL
          transmission modes into groups; each group (ADSL Mode) shares
          the same PSD configuration.
          There should be multiple entries in this table for a given
          line profile in case multiple bits are set in
          adsl2LConfProfAtuTransSysEna for that profile."
      REFERENCE    "DSL Forum TR-90, paragraph 5.1.8"
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 1 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32(-600..-300)
      UNITS       "0.1 dBm/Hz"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum nominal transmit PSD in the downstream
          direction during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from
          -600 to -300 units of 0.1 dBm/Hz (physical values are -60 to
          -30 dBm/Hz)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { -300 }
     ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 2 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32(-600..-300)
      UNITS       "0.1 dBm/Hz"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum nominal transmit PSD in the upstream direction
          during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from -600 to
          -300 units of 0.1 dBm/Hz (physical values are -60 to
          -30 dBm/Hz)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { -300 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 3 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpDs  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 90
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum nominal aggregate transmit power in the
          downstream direction during initialization and Showtime.  It
          ranges from 0 to 255 units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are 0
          to 25.5 dBm)."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 255 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 4 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
      UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum nominal aggregate transmit power in the upstream
          direction during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from
          0 to 255 units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are 0 to 25.5
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 255 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 5 }

   adsl2LConfProfMaxAggRxPwrUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Integer32(-255..255 | 2147483647)
      UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "The maximum upstream aggregate receive power over the relevant
          set of sub-carriers.  The ATU-C should verify that the
          upstream power cutback is such that this maximum aggregate
          receive power value is honored.  It ranges from -255 to 255
          units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are -25.5 to 25.5 dBm).
          A value of 0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { 255 }
      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 6 }

   adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2PsdMaskDs
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 91
        "The downstream PSD mask applicable at the U-C2 reference
        This parameter is used only for G.992.5, and it may impose PSD
        restrictions (breakpoints) in addition to the Limit PSD mask
        defined in G.992.5.
        This is a string of 32 pairs of values in the following
        Octets 0+1 - Index of 1st sub-carrier used in the context
                     of a first breakpoint.
        Octet 2    - The PSD reduction for the sub-carrier indicated in
                     octets 0 and 1.
        Octets 3-5 - Same, for a 2nd breakpoint.
        Octets 6-8 - Same, for a 3rd breakpoint.
        This architecture continues until octets 94-95, which are
        associated with a 32nd breakpoint.
        Each subcarrier index is an unsigned number in the range 1 to
        NSCds.  Each PSD reduction value is in the range 0 (0dBm/Hz) to
        255 (-127.5dBm/Hz) with steps of 0.5dBm/Hz.  Valid values are
        in the range 0 to 190 (0 to -95dBm/Hz).
        When the number of breakpoints is less than 32, all remaining
        octets are set to the value 0.  Note that the content of this
        object should be correlated with the sub-carriers mask and with
        the RFI setup."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
        ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 7 }

   adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskUs   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2PsdMaskUs
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
        "The upstream PSD mask applicable at the U-R2 reference
        This parameter is used only for G.992.5, and it may impose PSD
        restrictions (breakpoints) in addition to the Limit PSD mask
        defined in G.992.5.
        This is a string of 4 pairs of values in the following
        Octets 0+1 - Index of 1st sub-carrier used in the context
                     of a first breakpoint.
        Octet 2    - The PSD reduction for the sub-carrier indicated in
                     octets 0 and 1.
        Octets 3-5 - Same, for a 2nd breakpoint.
        Octets 6-8 - Same, for a 3rd breakpoint.
        This architecture continues until octets 9-11, which are
        associated with a 4th breakpoint.
        Each subcarrier index is an unsigned number in the range 1 to
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 92
        NSCus.  Each PSD reduction value is in the range 0 (0dBm/Hz) to
        255 (-127.5dBm/Hz) with steps of 0.5dBm/Hz.  Valid values are
        in the range 0 to 190 (0 to -95dBm/Hz).
        When the number of breakpoints is less than 4, all remaining
        octets are set to the value 0.  Note that the content of this
        object should be correlated with the sub-carriers mask and with
        the RFI setup."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
        ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 8 }

   adsl2LConfProfPsdMaskSelectUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..9)
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
        "The selected upstream PSD mask.  This parameter is used only
         for annexes J and M of G.992.3 and G.992.5, and the same
         selection is used for all relevant enabled bits in
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1 (amendment 1),"
      DEFVAL       { 1 }
       ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 9 }

   adsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current

         "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
         delete an existing row in this table.

         A profile is activated by setting this object to 'active'.
         When 'active' is set, the system will validate the profile.

         Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service
         (by setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'),
         it must first be unreferenced from all associated

      ::= { adsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 10 }

   --          adsl2ChConfProfileTable           --
   adsl2ChConfProfileTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Adsl2ChConfProfileEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 93
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2ChConfProfileTable contains ADSL2 channel
          profile configuration.

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner."
      ::= { adsl2ProfileChannel 1 }

   adsl2ChConfProfileEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2ChConfProfileEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2ChConfProfileTable contains ADSL2 channel
          profile configuration.
          A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL' will
          always exist, and its parameters will be set to vendor-
          specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document."
      INDEX  { adsl2ChConfProfProfileName }
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileTable 1 }

   Adsl2ChConfProfileEntry  ::=
      SEQUENCE {
         adsl2ChConfProfProfileName          SnmpAdminString,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateDs        Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateUs        Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinResDataRateDs     Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinResDataRateUs     Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxDataRateDs        Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxDataRateUs        Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateLowPwrDs  Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayDs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayUs           Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinProtectionDs      Adsl2SymbolProtection,
         adsl2ChConfProfMinProtectionUs      Adsl2SymbolProtection,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxBerDs             Adsl2MaxBer,
         adsl2ChConfProfMaxBerUs             Adsl2MaxBer,
         adsl2ChConfProfUsDataRateDs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfDsDataRateDs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfUsDataRateUs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfDsDataRateUs         Unsigned32,
         adsl2ChConfProfImaEnabled           TruthValue,
         adsl2ChConfProfRowStatus            RowStatus

   adsl2ChConfProfProfileName  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 94
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "This object identifies a row in this table."
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 1 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Data Rate on Downstream direction.  The minimum net
          data rate for the bearer channel, coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 2 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Data Rate on Upstream direction.  The minimum net data
          rate for the bearer channel, coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 3 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinResDataRateDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Reserved Data Rate on Downstream direction.  The
          minimum reserved net data rate for the bearer channel, coded
          in bits/second.  This parameter is used only if the Rate
          Adaptation Mode in the direction of the bearer channel (i.e.,
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeDs) is set to dynamicRa."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 4 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinResDataRateUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 95
         "Minimum Reserved Data Rate on Upstream direction.  The minimum
          reserved net data rate for the bearer channel, coded in
          bits/second.  This parameter is used only if the Rate
          Adaptation Mode in the direction of the bearer channel (i.e.,
          adsl2LConfProfRaModeUs) is set to dynamicRa."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 5 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxDataRateDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Maximum Data Rate on Downstream direction.  The maximum net
          data rate for the bearer channel, coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 6 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxDataRateUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Maximum Data Rate on Upstream direction.  The maximum net data
          rate for the bearer channel, coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 7 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinDataRateLowPwrDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Data Rate in Low Power state on Downstream direction.
          The minimum net data rate for the bearer channel, coded in
          bits/second, during the low power state (L1 in G.992.2, L2 in
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 8 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..63)
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 96
         "Maximum Interleave Delay on Downstream direction.  The maximum
          one-way interleaving delay introduced by the PMS-TC on
          Downstream direction.  The ATUs shall choose the S (factor)
          and D (depth) values such that the actual one-way interleaving
          delay (adsl2ChStatusActDelay) is as close as possible to,
          but less than or equal to, adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayDs.  The
          delay is coded in ms, with the value 0 indicating no delay
          bound is being imposed."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 9 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..63)
      UNITS       "milliseconds"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Maximum Interleave Delay on Upstream direction.  The maximum
          one-way interleaving delay introduced by the PMS-TC on
          Upstream direction.  The ATUs shall choose the S (factor) and
          D (depth) values such that the actual one-way interleaving
          delay (adsl2ChStatusActDelay) is as close as possible to,
          but less than or equal to, adsl2ChConfProfMaxDelayUs.  The
          delay is coded in ms, with the value 0 indicating no delay
          bound is being imposed."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 10 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinProtectionDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2SymbolProtection
      UNITS       "symbols"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Impulse Noise Protection on Downstream direction.  The
          minimum impulse noise protection for the bearer channel,
          expressed in symbols.  The parameter can take the following
          values: noProtection (i.e., INP not required), halfSymbol
          (i.e., INP length is 1/2 symbol), and 1-16 symbols in steps
          of 1 symbol."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { noProtection }
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 11 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMinProtectionUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2SymbolProtection
      UNITS       "symbols"
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 97
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Minimum Impulse Noise Protection on Upstream direction.  The
          minimum impulse noise protection for the bearer channel,
          expressed in symbols.  The parameter can take the following
          values: noProtection (i.e., INP not required), halfSymbol
          (i.e., INP length is 1/2 symbol), and 1-16 symbols in steps
          of 1 symbol."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { noProtection }
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 12 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxBerDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2MaxBer
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Maximum Bit Error Ratio on Downstream direction.  The maximum
          bit error ratio for the bearer channel.  The parameter can
          take the following values (for 1E-3, 1E-5 or 1E-7):
             eminus5(2), or
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { eminus5 }
     ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 13 }

   adsl2ChConfProfMaxBerUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Adsl2MaxBer
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Maximum Bit Error Ratio on Upstream direction.  The maximum
          bit error ratio for the bearer channel.  The parameter can
          take the following values (for 1E-3, 1E-5 or 1E-7):
             eminus5(2), or
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { eminus5 }
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 14 }

   adsl2ChConfProfUsDataRateDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 98
         "Data Rate Threshold Up shift for downstream direction.  An
          'Up-shift rate change' event is triggered when the actual
          downstream data rate exceeds, by more than the threshold, the
          data rate at the last entry into Showtime.  The parameter is
          coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 15 }

   adsl2ChConfProfDsDataRateDs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Data Rate Threshold Down-shift for downstream direction.  A
          'Down-shift rate change' event is triggered when the actual
          downstream data rate is below the data rate at the last entry
          into Showtime, by more than the threshold.  The parameter is
          coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 16 }

   adsl2ChConfProfUsDataRateUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Data Rate Threshold Up shift for upstream direction.  An
          'Up-shift rate change' event is triggered when the actual
          upstream data rate exceeds, by more than the threshold, the
          data rate at the last entry into Showtime.  The parameter is
          coded in bits/second."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 17 }

   adsl2ChConfProfDsDataRateUs  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..200000000)
      UNITS       "bits/second"
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "Data Rate Threshold Down-shift for upstream direction.  A
          'Down-shift rate change' event is triggered when the actual
          upstream data rate is below the data rate at the last entry
          into Showtime, by more than the threshold.  The parameter is
          coded in bits/second."
Top   ToC   RFC4706 - Page 99
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 18 }

   adsl2ChConfProfImaEnabled  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TruthValue
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "IMA Mode Enable.  The parameter enables the IMA operation mode
          in the ATM Data Path.  Relevant only if the channel is an ATM
          Data Path.  When in 'enable' state, the ATM data path should
          comply with the requirements for IMA transmission."
      REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph"
      DEFVAL       { false }
    ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 19 }

   adsl2ChConfProfRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      RowStatus
      MAX-ACCESS  read-create
      STATUS      current
         "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
         delete an existing row in this table.

         A profile is activated by setting this object to 'active'.
         When 'active' is set, the system will validate the profile.

         Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service
         (by setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'),
         it must first be unreferenced from all associated
      ::= { adsl2ChConfProfileEntry 20 }

   --        adsl2LineAlarmConfTemplateTable          --
   adsl2LineAlarmConfTemplateTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Adsl2LineAlarmConfTemplateEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS      current
         "The table adsl2LineAlarmConfTemplateTable contains
          ADSL2 line configuration templates.

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner."
      ::= { adsl2ProfileAlarmConf 1 }

(next page on part 5)

Next Section