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RFC 3805

Printer MIB v2

Pages: 171
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  1759
Part 3 of 6 – Pages 56 to 85
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Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 56   prevText

6. The Printer MIB

Printer-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Integer32, TimeTicks, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-IDENTITY, mib-2 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] hrDeviceIndex, hrStorageIndex FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -- [RFC2790] InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863] PrtCoverStatusTC, PrtGeneralResetTC, PrtChannelTypeTC, PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC, PrtInputTypeTC, PrtOutputTypeTC, PrtMarkerMarkTechTC, PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC, PrtConsoleColorTC, PrtConsoleDisableTC, PrtMediaPathTypeTC, PrtAlertGroupTC, PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC, PrtAlertCodeTC FROM IANA-PRINTER-MIB IANACharset FROM IANA-CHARSET-MIB; printmib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200406020000Z" ORGANIZATION "PWG IEEE/ISTO Printer Working Group"
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 57
        "Harry Lewis
        Phone (303) 924-5337

        Send comments to the printmib WG using the Printer MIB
        Project (PMP) Mailing List:

        For further information, access the PWG web page under 'Printer

        Implementers of this specification are encouraged to join the
        pmp mailing list in order to participate in discussions on any
        clarifications needed and registration proposals being reviewed
        in order to achieve consensus."
        "The MIB module for management of printers.
         Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). This
         version of this MIB module was published
         in RFC 3805. For full legal notices see the RFC itself."
    REVISION     "200406020000Z"
        "Printer MIB v2.
        Moved all enum groups to be maintained by IANA into new TCs
           within the ianaPrinterMIB, which is contained in this
        New TCs created from enums defined within RFC 1759 Objects:
           PrtPrintOrientationTC, PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
           PrtConsoleDescriptionStringTC, PrtChannelStateTC,
           PrtOutputStackingOrderTC, PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC,
           PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC, PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC,
           PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC, PrtMarkerAddressabilityUnitTC,
           PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC, PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC,
           PrtInterpreterTwoWayTC, and PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC.
        The following four TCs have been deprecated:
           MediaUnit (replaced by PrtMediaUnitTC),
           CapacityUnit (replaced by PrtCapacityUnitTC),
           SubUnitStatus (replaced by PrtSubUnitStatusTC),
           CodedCharSet (replaced by IANACharset in IANA Charset MIB)
        Five new OBJECT-GROUPs: prtAuxilliarySheetGroup,
           prtInputSwitchingGroup, prtGeneralV2Group,
           prtAlertTableV2Group, prtChannelV2Group.
        Nine new objects added to those groups:
           prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage, prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage,
           prtGeneralPrinterName, prtGeneralSerialNumber,
           prtAlertCriticalEvents, prtAlertAllEvents,
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 58
           prtInputMediaLoadTimeout, prtInputNextIndex,
        SYNTAX range changed from (0..65535) to (1..65535) for the
           index objects prtStorageRefSeqNumber, prtDeviceRefSeqNumber,
           and prtConsoleLightIndex.
        SYNTAX range changed from (0..65535) to (0..2147483647) for the
           objects prtStorageRefIndex and prtDeviceRefIndex to agree
           with the Host Resources MIB.
        Defined a range for the objects with a SYNTAX of Integer32:
           prtOutputDefaultIndex, prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared,
           prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared, prtInputMaxCapacity,
           prtInputCurrentLevel, prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen,
           prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen, prtInputMediaWeight,
           prtInputMediaFormParts, prtOutputIndex,
           prtOutputMaxCapacity, prtOutputRemainingCapacity,
           prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir, prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir,
           prtOutputMinDimFeedDir, prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir,
           prtMarkerAddressibilityXFeedDir, prtMarkerNorthMargin,
           prtMarkerSouthMargin, prtMarkerWestMargin,
           prtMarkerEastMargin, prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity,
           prtMarkerSuppliesLevel, prtMarkerColorantTonality,
           prtMediaPathMaxSpeed, prtMediaPathMaxMediaFeedDir,
           prtMediaPathMaxMediaXFeedDir, prtMediaPathMinMediaFeedDir,
           prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir, prtChannelIndex,
           prtChannelCurrentJobCntlLangIndex, prtInterpreterIndex,
           prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex, prtConsoleOnTime,
           prtInterpreterFeedAddressibility, prtConsoleOffTime,
           prtInterpreterXFeedAddressibility, prtAlertIndex,
           prtAlertGroupIndex, prtAlertLocation.
        Changed SYNTAX from Integer32 to InterfaceIndexOrZero for
        Changed MAX-ACCESS of prtAlertIndex from not-accessible to
           Read-only and added a compliance statement to allow a
           MIN-ACCESS of accessible-for-notify.
        One new NOTIFICATION-GROUP: prtAlertTrapGroup which contains
        In MODULE-COMPLIANCE prtMIBCompliance, new OBJECT-GROUPs and
           clauses.  The nine new objects are optional, i.e., this
           document is backward compatible with RFC 1759."
    REVISION     "199411250000Z"
        "The original version of this MIB, published as RFC1759."
    ::= { mib-2 43 }
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-- TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs for this MIB module
-- Generic unspecific TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs

    -- Replaces MediaUnit in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Units of measure for media dimensions."
                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

    -- Replaced by PrtMediaUnitTC.
    STATUS    deprecated
        "Units of measure for media dimensions."
                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

    -- Replaces CapacityUnit in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Units of measure for media capacity."
                  other(1),                   -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  unknown(2),                 -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001
                -- Values for Finisher MIB
                  items(18),                  -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  percent(19)                 -- New, not in RFC 1759

    -- Replaced by PrtCapacityUnitTC.
    STATUS    deprecated
        "Units of measure for media capacity."
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                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

PrtPrintOrientationTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation in
    -- RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "A generic representation for printing orientation on a

    -- Replaces SubUnitStatus in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Status of a printer sub-unit.

        The SubUnitStatus is an integer that is the sum of 5 distinct
        values, Availability, Non-Critical, Critical, On-line, and
        Transitioning. These values are:

        Availability                           Value

            Available and Idle                  0       0000'b
            Available and Standby               2       0010'b
            Available and Active                4       0100'b
            Available and Busy                  6       0110'b
            Unavailable and OnRequest           1       0001'b
            Unavailable because Broken          3       0011'b
            Unknown                             5       0101'b

            No Non-Critical Alerts              0       0000'b
            Non-Critical Alerts                 8       1000'b


            No Critical Alerts                  0       0000'b
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            Critical Alerts                    16     1 0000'b


            State is On-Line                    0       0000'b
            State is Off-Line                  32    10 0000'b


            At intended state                   0       0000'b
            Transitioning to intended state    64   100 0000'b"

    SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..126)

   -- Replaced by PrtSubUnitStatusTC.
    STATUS    deprecated
        "Status of a printer sub-unit.

        The SubUnitStatus is an integer that is the sum of 5 distinct
        values, Availability, Non-Critical, Critical, On-line, and
        Transitioning. These values are:

        Availability                           Value
            Available and Idle                  0       0000'b
            Available and Standby               2       0010'b
            Available and Active                4       0100'b
            Available and Busy                  6       0110'b
            Unavailable and OnRequest           1       0001'b
            Unavailable because Broken          3       0011'b
            Unknown                             5       0101'b

            No Non-Critical Alerts              0       0000'b
            Non-Critical Alerts                 8       1000'b


            No Critical Alerts                  0       0000'b
            Critical Alerts                    16     1 0000'b


            State is On-Line                    0       0000'b
            State is Off-Line                  32    10 0000'b

Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 62
            At intended state                   0       0000'b
            Transitioning to intended state    64   100 0000'b"

    SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..126)

    STATUS    current
        "Presence and configuration of a device or feature."

PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC did not appear in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "An object MUST use this TEXTUAL-CONVENTION when its
        'charset' is controlled by the value of

PrtConsoleDescriptionStringTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC did not appear in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "An object MUST use this TEXTUAL-CONVENTION when its
        'charset' is controlled by the value of


   -- Replaced by IANACharset TEXTUAL-CONVENTION in IANA Charset MIB.
    STATUS     deprecated
       "The original description clause from RFC 1759 [RFC1759] was
       technically inaccurate and therefore has been deleted."
     other(1)               -- used if the designated coded
                            -- character set is not currently in
                            -- the enumeration

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    -- This TC was extracted from prtChannelState in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The state of this print job delivery channel. The value
        determines whether print data is allowed through this channel."

-- Input/Output Group TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs

PrtOutputStackingOrderTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtOutputStackingOrder in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The current state of the stacking order for the associated
        output sub-unit. 'firstToLast' means that as pages are output,
        the front of the next page is placed against the back of the
        previous page. 'lastToFirst' means that as pages are output,
        the back of the next page is placed against the front of the
        previous page."

PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation
    -- in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The reading surface that will be 'up' when pages are delivered
        to the associated output sub-unit. Values are Face-Up and Face
        Down (Note: interpretation of these values is, in general,
        context-dependent based on locale; presentation of these values
        to an end-user should be normalized to the expectations of the
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    -- This TC was extracted from prtMarkerCounterUnit in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The unit that will be used by the printer when reporting
        counter values for this marking sub-unit.  The
        time units of measure are provided for a device like a
        strip recorder that does not or cannot track the physical
        dimensions of the media and does not use characters,
        lines or sheets."

                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001

PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit
    -- in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Unit of this marker supply container/receptacle."
                  other(1),                   -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  unknown(2),                 -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3),  -- .0001
                  impressions(7),             -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  sheets(8),                  -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  hours(11),                  -- New, not in RFC 1759
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                  feet(16),                   -- New, not in RFC 1759
                  meters(17),                 -- New, not in RFC 1759
                -- Values for Finisher MIB
                  items(18),  -- e.g., #staples. New, not in RFC 1759
                  percent(19)                 -- New, not in RFC 1759

PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtMarkerSuppliesClass in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Indicates whether this supply entity represents a supply
        that is consumed or a receptacle that is filled."

PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtMarkerColorantRole in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The role played by this colorant."
    SYNTAX    INTEGER { --  Colorant Role

PrtMarkerAddressabilityUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit
    -- in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The unit of measure of distances, as applied to the marker's
                  tenThousandthsOfInches(3), -- .0001


PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
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    -- This TC was extracted from prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit
    -- in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The unit of measure used in specifying the speed of all
        media paths in the printer."
                  tenThousandthsOfInchesPerHour(3),-- .0001/hour

-- Interpreter Group TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs

    -- This TC was extracted from prtInterpreterTwoWay in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "Indicates whether or not this interpreter returns information
        back to the host."


PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    -- This TC was extracted from prtAlertSeverityLevel in RFC 1759.
    STATUS    current
        "The level of severity of this alert table entry.  The printer
        determines the severity level assigned to each entry in the
        table. A critical alert is binary by nature and definition. A
        warning is defined to be a non-critical alert. The original and
        most common warning is unary. The binary warning was added later
        and given a more distinguished name."
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                  warningBinaryChangeEvent(5)   -- New, not in RFC 1759

-- The General Printer Group
-- The general printer sub-unit is responsible for the overall
-- control and status of the printer.  There is exactly one
-- general printer sub-unit in a printer.

prtGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 5 }

prtGeneralTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtGeneralEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of general information per printer.
        Objects in this table are defined in various
        places in the MIB, nearby the groups to
        which they apply.  They are all defined
        here to minimize the number of tables that would
        otherwise need to exist."
    ::= { prtGeneral 1 }

prtGeneralEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtGeneralEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "An entry exists in this table for each device entry in the
        host resources MIB device table with a device type of

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX    { hrDeviceIndex }
    ::= { prtGeneralTable 1 }

PrtGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    -- Note that not all of the objects in this sequence are in
    -- the general printer group. The group to which an
    -- object belongs is tagged with a label "General", "Input"
    -- "Output", etc. after each entry in the following sequence.
    prtGeneralConfigChanges         Counter32, -- General
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    prtGeneralCurrentLocalization   Integer32, -- General
    prtGeneralReset                 PrtGeneralResetTC,
                                               -- General
    prtGeneralCurrentOperator       OCTET STRING,
                                               -- Responsible Party
    prtGeneralServicePerson         OCTET STRING,
                                               -- Responsible Party
    prtInputDefaultIndex            Integer32, -- Input
    prtOutputDefaultIndex           Integer32, -- Output
    prtMarkerDefaultIndex           Integer32, -- Marker
    prtMediaPathDefaultIndex        Integer32, -- Media Path
    prtConsoleLocalization          Integer32, -- Console
    prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines  Integer32, -- Console
    prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars  Integer32, -- Console
    prtConsoleDisable               PrtConsoleDisableTC,
                                               -- Console,
    prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage    PresentOnOff,
                                               -- AuxiliarySheet
    prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage     PresentOnOff,
                                               -- AuxiliarySheet
    prtGeneralPrinterName           OCTET STRING,
                                               -- General V2
    prtGeneralSerialNumber          OCTET STRING,
                                               -- General V2
    prtAlertCriticalEvents          Counter32, -- Alert V2
    prtAlertAllEvents               Counter32  -- Alert V2

prtGeneralConfigChanges OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "Counts configuration changes within the printer. A
        configuration change is defined to be an action that results in
        a change to any MIB object other than those that reflect status
        or level, or those that act as counters or gauges. In addition,
        any action that results in a row being added or deleted from
        any table in the Printer MIB is considered a configuration
        change. Such changes will often affect the capability of the
        printer to service certain types of print jobs. Management
        applications may cache infrequently changed configuration
        information about sub units within the printer. This object
        should be incremented whenever the agent wishes to notify
        management applications that any cached configuration
        information for this device is to be considered 'stale'. At
        this point, the management application should flush any
        configuration information cached about this device and fetch
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 69
        new configuration information.

        The following are examples of actions that would cause the
        prtGeneralConfigChanges object to be incremented:

        - Adding an output bin
        - Changing the media in a sensing input tray
        - Changing the value of prtInputMediaType

        Note that the prtGeneralConfigChanges counter would not be
        incremented when an input tray is temporarily removed to load
        additional paper or when the level of an input device changes.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."

    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 1 }

prtGeneralCurrentLocalization OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of the prtLocalizationIndex corresponding to the
        current language, country, and character set to be used for
        localized string values that are identified as being dependent
        on the value of this object.  Note that this object does not
        apply to localized strings in the prtConsole group or to any
        object that is not explicitly identified as being localized
        according to prtGeneralCurrentLocalization.  When an object's
        'charset' is controlled by the value of
        prtGeneralCurrentLocalization, it MUST specify
        PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC as its syntax.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
   ::= { prtGeneralEntry 2 }

prtGeneralReset OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly defined
    -- by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtGeneralResetTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Setting this value to 'powerCycleReset', 'resetToNVRAM', or
        'resetToFactoryDefaults' will result in the resetting of the
        printer.  When read, this object will always have the value
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 70
        'notResetting(3)', and a SET of the value 'notResetting' shall
        have no effect on the printer.  Some of the defined values are
        optional.  However, every implementation must support at least
        the values 'notResetting' and 'resetToNVRAM'."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 3 }

-- The Responsible Party group

prtGeneralCurrentOperator OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..127))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name of the person who is responsible for operating
        this printer.  It is suggested that this string include
        information that would enable other humans to reach the
        operator, such as a phone number.  As a convention to
        facilitate automatic notification of the operator by the
        agent or network management station, the phone number,
        fax number or email address should be indicated by the
        URL schemes 'tel:', 'fax:' and 'mailto:', respectively.
        If either the phone, fax, or email information is not
        available, then a line should not be included for this

        NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to
        use email addresses formatted according to [RFC2822]

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 4 }

prtGeneralServicePerson OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..127))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name of the person responsible for servicing this
        printer.  It is suggested that this string include
        information that would enable other humans to reach the
        service person, such as a phone number.  As a convention
        to facilitate automatic notification of the operator by
        the agent or network management station, the phone
        number, fax number or email address should be indicated
        by the URL schemes 'tel:', 'fax:' and 'mailto:',
        respectively.  If either the phone, fax, or email
        information is not available, then a line should not
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 71
        be included for this information.

        NOTE: For interoperability purposes, it is advisable to use
        email addresses formatted per [RFC2822] requirements.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."

    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 5 }

-- Default indexes section
-- The following four objects are used to specify the indexes of
-- certain subunits used as defaults during the printing process.

prtInputDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the default input
        sub-unit: that is, this object selects the default source of
        input media."
::= { prtGeneralEntry 6 }

prtOutputDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    --  A range has been added to the SYNTAX clause that was not in
    --  RFC 1759.  Although this violates SNMP compatibility rules,
    --  it provides a more reasonable guide for SNMP managers.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtOutputIndex corresponding to the default
        output sub-unit; that is, this object selects the default
        output destination."
::= { prtGeneralEntry 7 }

prtMarkerDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the
        default marker sub-unit; that is, this object selects the
        default marker."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 8 }
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prtMediaPathDefaultIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtMediaPathIndex corresponding to
        the default media path; that is, the selection of the
        default media path."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 9 }

-- Console general section
-- The following four objects describe overall parameters of the
-- printer console subsystem.

prtConsoleLocalization OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The value of the prtLocalizationIndex corresponding to
        the language, country, and character set to be used for the
        console.  This localization applies both to the actual display
        on the console as well as the encoding of these console objects
        in management operations.  When an object's 'charset' is
        controlled by the value of prtConsoleLocalization, it MUST
        specify PrtConsoleDescriptionStringTC as its syntax.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 10 }

prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of lines on the printer's physical
        display.  This value is 0 if there are no lines on the
        physical display or if there is no physical display"
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 11 }

prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of characters per line displayed on the physical
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 73
        display.  This value is 0 if there are no lines on the physical
        display or if there is no physical display"
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 12 }

prtConsoleDisable OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly defined
    -- by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtConsoleDisableTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This value indicates how input is (or is not) accepted from
        the operator console.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 13 }

-- The Auxiliary Sheet Group
-- The auxiliary sheet group allows the administrator to control
-- the production of auxiliary sheets by the printer.  This group
-- contains only the "prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage" and
-- "prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage" objects.

prtAuxiliarySheetStartupPage OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Used to enable or disable printing a startup page.  If enabled,
        a startup page will be printed shortly after power-up, when the
        device is ready.  Typical startup pages include test patterns
        and/or printer configuration information."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 14 }

prtAuxiliarySheetBannerPage OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Used to enable or disable printing banner pages at the
        beginning of jobs.  This is a master switch which applies to all
        jobs, regardless of interpreter."
     ::= { prtGeneralEntry 15 }
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-- Administrative section  (The General V2 Group)
-- The following two objects are used to specify administrative
-- information assigned to the printer.

prtGeneralPrinterName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "An administrator-specified name for this printer.  Depending
        upon implementation of this printer, the value of this object
        may or may not be same as the value for the MIB-II 'SysName'
     ::= { prtGeneralEntry 16 }

prtGeneralSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "A recorded serial number for this device that indexes some
        type device catalog or inventory.  This value is usually set by
        the device manufacturer but the MIB supports the option of
        writing for this object for site-specific administration of
        device inventory or tracking."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 17 }

-- General alert table section  (Alert Table V2 Group)
-- The following two objects are used to specify counters
-- associated with the Alert Table.

prtAlertCriticalEvents OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "A running counter of the number of critical alert events that
        have been recorded in the alert table.  The value of this object
        is RESET in the event of a power cycle operation (i.e., the
        value is not persistent."
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 18 }

prtAlertAllEvents OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 75
        "A running counter of the total number of alert event entries
        (critical and non-critical) that have been recorded in the
        alert table"
    ::= { prtGeneralEntry 19 }

-- The Cover Table
-- The cover portion of the General print sub-unit describes the
-- covers and interlocks of the printer.  The Cover Table has an
-- entry for each cover and interlock.

prtCover OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 6 }

prtCoverTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtCoverEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of the covers and interlocks of the printer."
    ::= { prtCover 1 }

prtCoverEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtCoverEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Information about a cover or interlock.
        Entries may exist in the table for each device
        index with a device type of 'printer'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtCoverIndex }
    ::= { prtCoverTable 1 }

PrtCoverEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtCoverIndex            Integer32,
    prtCoverDescription      PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
    prtCoverStatus           PrtCoverStatusTC

prtCoverIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this Cover sub
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 76
        unit.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new cover
        sub-units to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable across
        successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtCoverEntry 1 }

prtCoverDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the SYNTAX was OCTET STRING.  This has been changed
    -- to a TC to better support localization of the object.
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The manufacturer provided cover sub-mechanism name in the
        localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { prtCoverEntry 2 }

prtCoverStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly defined
    -- by this object and are now defined in the IANA-PRINTER-MIB.  The
    -- new TC has defined "coverOpen" and "coverClosed" to replace
    -- "doorOpen" and "doorClosed" in RFC 1759.  A name change is not
    -- formally allowed per SMI rules, but was agreed to by the WG group
    -- since a door has a more restrictive meaning than a cover and
    -- Cover group is intended to support doors as a subset of covers.

   SYNTAX     PrtCoverStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The status of this cover sub-unit."
    ::= { prtCoverEntry 3 }

-- The Localization Table
-- The localization portion of the General printer sub-unit is
-- responsible for identifying the natural language, country, and
-- character set in which character strings are expressed.  There
-- may be one or more localizations supported per printer.  The
-- available localizations are represented by the Localization
-- table.

prtLocalization  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 7 }

prtLocalizationTable OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 77
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtLocalizationEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "The available localizations in this printer."
    ::= { prtLocalization 1 }

prtLocalizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizationEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A description of a localization.
        Entries may exist in the table for each device
        index with a device type of 'printer'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtLocalizationIndex }
    ::= { prtLocalizationTable 1 }

PrtLocalizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtLocalizationIndex          Integer32,
    prtLocalizationLanguage       OCTET STRING,
    prtLocalizationCountry        OCTET STRING,
    prtLocalizationCharacterSet   IANACharset

prtLocalizationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this
        localization entry.  Although these values may change due to a
        major reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new
        localization data to the printer), values SHOULD remain
        stable across successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 1 }

prtLocalizationLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
    -- Note: The size is fixed, was incorrectly 0..2 in RFC 1759.
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 78
        "A two character language code from ISO 639.  Examples en,
        es, fr, de.  NOTE: These examples were shown as upper case in
        RFC 1759 and are now shown as lower case to agree with ISO 639."
    ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 2 }

prtLocalizationCountry OBJECT-TYPE
    -- Note: The size is fixed, was incorrectly 0..2 in RFC 1759.
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "A two character country code from ISO 3166, a blank string
        (two space characters) shall indicate that the country is not
        defined.  Examples: US, GB, FR, DE, ..."
    ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 3 }

prtLocalizationCharacterSet OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IANACharset
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
      "The coded character set used for this localization."
    ::= { prtLocalizationEntry 4 }

-- The System Resources Tables
-- The Printer MIB makes use of the Host Resources MIB to
-- define system resources by referencing the storage
-- and device groups of the print group.

prtStorageRefTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtStorageRefEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "This table defines which printer, amongst multiple printers
        serviced by one agent, owns which storage units.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtGeneral 2 }

prtStorageRefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtStorageRefEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 79
        "This table will have an entry for each entry in the Host
        Resources MIB storage table that represents storage associated
        with a printer managed by this agent.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX      { hrStorageIndex, prtStorageRefSeqNumber }
    ::= { prtStorageRefTable 1 }

PrtStorageRefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtStorageRefSeqNumber  Integer32,
    prtStorageRefIndex      Integer32

prtStorageRefSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: The range has been changed from RFC 1759, which allowed a
    -- minumum value of zero.  This was incorrect, since zero is not a
    -- valid index.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "This value will be unique amongst all entries with a common
        value of hrStorageIndex. This object allows a storage entry to
        point to the multiple printer devices with which it is
    ::= { prtStorageRefEntry 1 }

prtStorageRefIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: The range has been changed from RFC 1759 to be compatible
    -- with the defined range of hrDeviceIndex.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of the hrDeviceIndex of the printer device that this
        storageEntry is associated with."
    ::= { prtStorageRefEntry 2 }

prtDeviceRefTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtDeviceRefEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "This table defines which printer, amongst multiple printers
        serviced by one agent, is associated with which devices.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 80
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtGeneral 3 }

prtDeviceRefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtDeviceRefEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "This table will have an entry for each entry in the Host
        Resources MIB device table that represents a device associated
        with a printer managed by this agent.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX      { hrDeviceIndex, prtDeviceRefSeqNumber }
    ::= { prtDeviceRefTable 1 }

PrtDeviceRefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtDeviceRefSeqNumber   Integer32,
    prtDeviceRefIndex       Integer32

prtDeviceRefSeqNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: The range has been changed from RFC 1759, which allowed a
    -- minumum value of zero.  This was incorrect, since zero is not a
    -- valid index.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "This value will be unique amongst all entries with a common
        value of hrDeviceIndex. This object allows a device entry to
        point to the multiple printer devices with which it is
    ::= { prtDeviceRefEntry 1 }

prtDeviceRefIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: The range has been changed from RFC 1759 to be compatible
    -- with the defined range of hrDeviceIndex.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of the hrDeviceIndex of the printer device that this
        deviceEntry is associated with."
    ::= { prtDeviceRefEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 81
-- The Input Group
-- Input sub-units are managed as a tabular, indexed collection
-- of possible devices capable of providing media for input to
-- the printing process.  Input sub-units typically have a
-- location, a type, an identifier, a set of constraints on
-- possible media sizes and potentially other media
-- characteristics, and may be capable of indicating current
-- status or capacity.

prtInput   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 8 }

prtInputTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtInputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of the devices capable of providing media for input to
        the printing process."
    ::= { prtInput 2 }

prtInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtInputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Attributes of a device capable of providing media for input to
        the printing process.  Entries may exist in the table for each
        device index with a device type of 'printer'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtInputIndex }
    ::= { prtInputTable 1 }

PrtInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtInputIndex                     Integer32,
    prtInputType                      PrtInputTypeTC,
    prtInputDimUnit                   PrtMediaUnitTC,
    prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared   Integer32,
    prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared  Integer32,
    prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen     Integer32,
    prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen    Integer32,
    prtInputCapacityUnit              PrtCapacityUnitTC,
    prtInputMaxCapacity               Integer32,
    prtInputCurrentLevel              Integer32,
    prtInputStatus                    PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
    prtInputMediaName                 OCTET STRING,
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 82
    prtInputName                      OCTET STRING,
    prtInputVendorName                OCTET STRING,
    prtInputModel                     OCTET STRING,
    prtInputVersion                   OCTET STRING,
    prtInputSerialNumber              OCTET STRING,
    prtInputDescription               PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
    prtInputSecurity                  PresentOnOff,
    prtInputMediaWeight               Integer32,
    prtInputMediaType                 OCTET STRING,
    prtInputMediaColor                OCTET STRING,
    prtInputMediaFormParts            Integer32,
    prtInputMediaLoadTimeout          Integer32,
    prtInputNextIndex                 Integer32

prtInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this input
        sub-unit.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new input
        sub-units to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable across
        successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 1 }

prtInputType OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    -- defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtInputTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of technology (discriminated primarily according to
        feeder mechanism type) employed by the input sub-unit.  Note,
        the Input Class provides for a descriptor field to further
        qualify the other choice."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 2 }

prtInputDimUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 83
        "The unit of measurement for use calculating and relaying
         dimensional values for this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 3 }

prtInputMediaDimFeedDirDeclared OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This object provides the value of the declared dimension, in
        the feed direction, of the media that is (or, if empty, was or
        will be) in this input sub-unit.  The feed direction is the
        direction in which the media is fed on this sub-unit.  This
        dimension is measured in input sub-unit dimensional units
        (controlled by prtInputDimUnit, which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If
        this input sub-unit can reliably sense this value, the value is
        sensed by the printer and may not be changed by management
        requests.  Otherwise, the value may be changed.  The value (-1)
        means other and specifically means that this sub-unit places no
        restriction on this parameter.  The value (-2) indicates
    ::= { prtInputEntry 4 }

prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirDeclared OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This object provides the value of the declared dimension, in
        the cross feed direction, of the media that is (or, if empty,
        was or will be) in this input sub-unit.  The cross  feed
        direction is ninety degrees relative to the feed direction
        associated with this sub-unit.  This dimension is measured in
        input sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by
        prtInputDimUnit,which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If this input sub-
        unit can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the
        printer and may not be changed by management requests.
        Otherwise, the value may be changed.  The value (-1) means other
        and specifically means that this sub-unit places no restriction
        on this parameter.  The value (-2) indicates unknown."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 5 }

prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 84
    STATUS     current
        "The printer will act as if media of the chosen dimension (in
        the feed direction) is present in this input source.  Note that
        this value will be used even if the input tray is empty.  Feed
        dimension measurements are taken relative to the feed direction
        associated with that sub-unit and are in input sub-unit
        dimensional units (controlled by prtInputDimUnit, which uses
        PrtMediaUnitTC).  If the printer supports the declared
        dimension,the granted dimension is the same as the declared
        dimension.  If not, the granted dimension is set to the closest
        dimension that the printer supports when the declared dimension
        is set.  The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates
        that this sub-unit places no restriction on this parameter.  The
        value (-2)indicates unknown."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 6 }

prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The printer will act as if media of the chosen dimension (in
        the cross feed direction) is present in this input source.  Note
        that this value will be used even if the input tray is empty.
        The cross feed direction is ninety degrees relative to the feed
        direction associated with this sub-unit.  This dimension is
        measured in input sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by
        prtInputDimUnit, which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If the printer
        supports the declare dimension, the granted dimension is the
        same as the declared dimension.  If not, the granted dimension
        is set to the closest dimension that the printer supports when
        the declared dimension is set.  The value (-1) means other and
        specifically indicates that this sub-unit places no restriction
        on this parameter.  The value (-2) indicates unknown."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 7 }

prtInputCapacityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    -- defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtCapacityUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and relaying
        capacity values for this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 8 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 85
prtInputMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum capacity of the input sub-unit in input sub-unit
        capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC).  There is no convention
        associated with the media itself so this value reflects claimed
        capacity.  If this input sub-unit can reliably sense this value,
        the value is sensed by the printer and may not be changed by
        management requests; otherwise, the value may be written (by a
        Remote Control Panel or a Management Application). The value
        (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the sub-unit
        places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value (-2) means
    ::= { prtInputEntry 9 }

prtInputCurrentLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-3..2147483647)    -- in capacity units
                                             -- (PrtCapacityUnitTC).
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The current capacity of the input sub-unit in input sub-unit
        capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC).  If this input sub-unit can
        reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer
        and may not be changed by management requests; otherwise, the
        value may be written (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management
        Application).  The value (-1) means other and specifically
        indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
        parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown.  The value (-3) means
        that the printer knows that at least one unit remains."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 10 }

prtInputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The current status of this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 11 }

prtInputMediaName OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current