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RFC 2626

The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)

Pages: 275
Part 5 of 9 – Pages 120 to 164
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ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 120   prevText
2483(continued):                 DDN-
2484:              related host security problems; call (800) 235-3155
2484(continued):                (6:00

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1251.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 316:
314:             where growing above 100 network numbers seemed excess
314(continued):         ive.
315:             Todays number of networks in the global infrastructur
315(continued):         e
316:             exceeds 2000 connected networks, and many more if iso
316(continued):         lated
317:             network islands get included.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1254.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 592:
590:     number of packet arrivals, over which packets are dropped wit
590(continued):         h
591:     uniform probability.  For instance, in a sample implementatio
591(continued):         n, if
592:     this interval spanned 2000 packet arrivals, and a suitable
593:     probability of drop was 0.001, then two random variables woul
593(continued):         d be
594:     drawn in a uniform distribution in the range of 1 to 2,000.
594(continued):         The

2000 found at line 859:
857:     indicates that to get good, consistent performance, we may ne
857(continued):         ed to
858:     have up to 5 to 10 times the number of active source-destinat
858(continued):         ion
859:     pairs. In a typical gateway, this may require around 1000 to
859(continued):         2000
860:     queues.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1255.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1361:
1359:     Rapport Communication, Inc.
1360:     3055 Q Street NW
1361:     Washington, DC  20007
1363:     Tel: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1259.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 345:
343:     should never go back to any monopoly arrangement like the pre
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 121
343(continued):         -
344:     divestiture AT&T which held back market-driven innovation in
345:     telecommunications for half a century.  Given the interconnec
345(continued):         tion
346:     technology now available, we should never again have to accep
346(continued):         t the
347:     argument that we have to sacrifice interoperability for effic
347(continued):         iency,

century found at line 594:
593:        In light of the possibilities for new service offerings by
593(continued):          the
594:        21st century, as well as the growing importance of
595:        telecommunications and information services to US economic
595(continued):          and
596:        social development, limiting our concept of universal serv
596(continued):         ice to

century found at line 744:
742:     If we have the vision and commitment to try this, the transfo
742(continued):         rmation
743:     of the network frontier from wilderness to civilization need
743(continued):         not
744:     display the brutality of 19th century imperialism.  As commer
744(continued):         cial
745:     opportunities to offer applications and services develop,
746:     entrepreneurs will discover that ease of use sells. The norma
746(continued):         l,

2000 found at line 1115:
1113:     California v. FCC (9th Cir. 1990).
1115:     18.  NTIA Telecomm 2000 at 79.
1117:     19.  Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1270.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 594:
592:     Hopkinton, Mass. 01748
594:     Phone: (508) 435-2000
596:     Email:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1274.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1051:
1049:       lastModifiedTime ATTRIBUTE
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 122
1051:               uTCTimeSyntax
1052:       ::= {pilotAttributeType 23}

UTCTime found at line 2990:
2988:       lastModifiedTime ATTRIBUTE
2990:               uTCTimeSyntax
2991:       ::= {pilotAttributeType 23}

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1276.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 558:
556:          }
558:  EDBVersion ::= UTCTime
558(continued):             40
560:  ___________________Figure_2:__Replication_Protocol______________
560(continued):         _______

UTCTime found at line 938:
936:          }
938:  EDBVersion ::= UTCTime
939:  END

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1283.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 317:
315:     on the protocol-ID
317:                                   03019000
319:     This is an X.25 protocol-ID assigned for local purposes.

2000 found at line 206:
204:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,
206:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00
208:     Similarly, SNMP traps are, by convention, sent to a manager l
208(continued):         istening

2000 found at line 278:
276:     (1)  <nsap> is a hex string defining the nsap, e.g.,
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 123
278:                       "snmp"/NS+4900590800200038bafe00

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1284.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1146:
1144:     Hopkinton Mass 01748
1146:     Phone: 508-435-2000
1147:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1285.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 219:
217:            -- The unique identifier for the FDDI station.  This i
217(continued):         s a
218:            -- string of 8 octets, represented as
219:            --                                X' yy yy xx xx xx xx
219(continued):          xx xx'
220:            -- with the low order 6 octet (xx) from a unique IEEE
221:            -- assigned address.  The high order two bits of the I
221(continued):         EEE

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 232:
231:            -- (Universal/Local) bit should both be zero.  The fir
231(continued):         st two
232:            -- octets, the yy octets, are implementor-defined.
233:            --
234:            -- The representation of the address portion of the st
234(continued):         ation id

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1290.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 549:
547:        Anonymous FTP to
548:        cd stats
549:        get nsfyy-mm.ptraffic  where yy is year, 91 and mm is mont
549(continued):         h, 06
550:        get nsf91-06.ptraffic  ptraffic is the packet traffic

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 552:
550:        get nsf91-06.ptraffic  ptraffic is the packet traffic
552:        get nsfyy-mm.btraffic  where yy is year, 91 and mm is mont
552(continued):         h, 06
553:        get nsf91-06.btraffic  btraffic is the byte traffic
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 124
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1292.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 3648:
3648:         When comparing attributes of UTCtime syntax, if the secon
3648(continued):                ds field
3649:         is omitted, QUIPU does not perform the match correctly (i
3649(continued):                .e., the
3650:         seconds field in  the attribute values should be ignored,
3650(continued):                but  are

2000 found at line 4158:
4157:     UCOM.X 500 runs on: Sun 3, Sun 4, IBM RS 6000, Philips P 9000
4157(continued):                , DEC
4158:     machines, Bull DPX 2000, HP 9000/300, Siemens IN 6000 and 386
4158(continued):                -based
4159:     PCs.   It can easily be ported to any UNIX machine.

2000 found at line 4803:
4803:     3Com's OSI/TCP CS/2000 and CS/2100.

2000 found at line 4807:
4807:     The "SW/2000-OT Vers  1.0" software runs on 3Com's OSI/TCP CS/
4807(continued):                2000 and
4808:     CS/2100, both stand-alone systems.

2000 found at line 4812:
4812:     The dual-stack OSI/TCP terminal server and its "SW/2000-OT Ve
4812(continued):                rs 1.0"
4813:     software is available from:
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 125
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1295.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 98:
96:     Rapport Communication
97:     3055 Q Street NW
98:     Washington, DC  20007
100:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1303.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 189:
187:             TYPE NOTATION ::=
188:                               "LAST-UPDATED"
189:                                   value(update      UTCTime)
190:                               "PRODUCT-RELEASE"
191:                                   value(release     DisplayString
191(continued):         )

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1305.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 428:
426:  mechanisms to synchronize time in principle to precisions in the
426(continued):          order
427:  of nanoseconds while preserving a non-ambiguous date well into t
427(continued):         he next
428:  century. The protocol includes provisions to specify the charact
428(continued):         eristics
429:  and estimate the error of the local clock and the time server to
429(continued):          which
430:  it may be synchronized. It also includes provisions for operatio
430(continued):         n with a

century found at line 4529:
4527:  political and ritual needs characteristic of the societies in wh
4527(continued):                ich they
4528:  flourished. Astronomical observations to establish the winter an
4528(continued):                d summer
4529:  solstices were in use three to four millennia ago. By the 14th c
4529(continued):                entury
4530:  BC the Shang Chinese had established the solar year as 365.25 da
4530(continued):                ys and
4531:  the lunar month as 29.5 days. The lunisolar calendar, in which t
4531(continued):                he

century found at line 4548:
4546:  with the Shang Chinese, the ancient Egyptians had thus establish
4546(continued):                ed the
4547:  solar year at 365.25 days, or within about 11 minutes of the pre
4547(continued):                sent
4548:  measured value. In 432 BC, about a century after the Chinese had
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 126
4548(continued):                 done
4549:  so, the Greek astronomer Meton calculated there were 110 lunar m
4549(continued):                onths of
4550:  29 days and 125 lunar months of 30 days for a total of 235 lunar
4550(continued):                 months

century found at line 4565:
4563:  not complete until 8 AD.
4565:  The seven-day Sumerian week was introduced only in the fourth ce
4565(continued):                ntury AD
4566:  by Emperor Constantine I. During the Roman era a 15-year census
4566(continued):                cycle,
4567:  called the Indiction cycle, was instituted for taxation purposes
4567(continued):                . The

century found at line 4588:
4586:  but 14 of these were removed in the Gregorian calendar. While th
4586(continued):                e
4587:  Gregorian calendar is in use throughout most of the world today,
4587(continued):                 some
4588:  countries did not adopt it until early in the twentieth century.
4589:  While it remains a fascinating field for time historians, the ab
4589(continued):                ove
4590:  narrative provides conclusive evidence that conjugating calendar
4590(continued):                 dates

century found at line 4620:
4618:  sometimes used to represent dates near our own era in convention
4618(continued):                al time
4619:  and with fewer digits, is defined as MJD = JD <196> 2,400,000.5.
4620:  Following the convention that our century began at 0h on 1 Janua
4620(continued):                ry 1900,
4621:  at which time the tropical year was already 12h old, that eclect
4621(continued):                ic
4622:  instant corresponds to MJD 15,020.0. Thus, the Julian timescale
4622(continued):                ticks in

century found at line 4640:
4638:  through observations of the Sun, Moon and planets. In 1958 the s
4638(continued):                tandard
4639:  second was defined as 1/31,556,925.9747 of the tropical year tha
4639(continued):                t began
4640:  this century. On this scale the tropical year is 365.2421987 day
4640(continued):                s and
4641:  the lunar month - one complete revolution of the Moon around the
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 127
4641(continued):                 Earth -
4642:  is 29.53059 days; however, the actual tropical year can be deter
4642(continued):                mined

1900 found at line 851:
849:  product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has been
850:  established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned
850(continued):          fixed-
851:  point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The i
851(continued):         nteger
852:  part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 3
852(continued):         2 bits.
853:  This format allows convenient multiple-precision arithmetic and

1900 found at line 873:
871:  integer part) has been set and that the 64-bit field will overfl
871(continued):         ow some
872:  time in 2036. Should NTP be in use in 2036, some external means
872(continued):         will be
873:  necessary to qualify time relative to 1900 and time relative to
873(continued):         2036
874:  (and other multiples of 136 years). Timestamped data requiring s
874(continued):         uch
875:  qualification will be so precious that appropriate means should
875(continued):         be

1900 found at line 4620:
4618:  sometimes used to represent dates near our own era in convention
4618(continued):                al time
4619:  and with fewer digits, is defined as MJD = JD <196> 2,400,000.5.
4620:  Following the convention that our century began at 0h on 1 Janua
4620(continued):                ry 1900,
4621:  at which time the tropical year was already 12h old, that eclect
4621(continued):                ic
4622:  instant corresponds to MJD 15,020.0. Thus, the Julian timescale
4622(continued):                ticks in

1900 found at line 4724:
4722:  always coincident with it. At 0h on 1 January 1972 (MJD 41,317.0
4722(continued):                ), the
4723:  first tick of the UTC Era, the NTP clock was set to 2,272,060,80
4723(continued):                0,
4724:  representing the number of standard seconds since 0h on 1 Januar
4724(continued):                y 1900
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 128
4725:  (MJD 15,020.0). The insertion of leap seconds in UTC and subsequ
4725(continued):                ently
4726:  into NTP does not affect the UTC or NTP oscillator, only the con
4726(continued):                version

2000 found at line 4489:
4487:  the Mid-Continent Chain, the deployment of LORAN-C transmitters
4487(continued):                now
4488:  provides complete coverage of the U.S. LORAN-C timing receivers,
4488(continued):                 such as
4489:  the Austron 2000, are specialized and extremely expensive (up to
4490:  $20,000). They are used primarily to monitor local cesium clocks
4490(continued):                 and are
4491:  not suited for unattended, automatic operation. While the LORAN-
4491(continued):                C system

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1309.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 48:
47:     As the pace of industry, science, and technological developme
47(continued):          nt
48:     quickened over the past century, it became increasingly proba
48(continued):          ble that
49:     someone in a geographically distant location would be trying
49(continued):          to solve
50:     the same problems you were trying to solve, or that someone i
50(continued):          n a

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1314.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1109:
1107:     00DE        YPosition              011F   0005   00000001  00
1107(continued):                00016C
1108:     00EA        Group4Options          0125   0004   00000001  00
1108(continued):                000002
1109:     00F6        ResolutionUnit         0128   0003   00000001  00
1109(continued):                020000
1110:     0102        Software               0131   0002   00000008  00
1110(continued):                000174
1111:     010E        DateTime               0132   0002   00000014  00
1111(continued):                00017C

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1323.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 320:
318:        1.1MBps, no matter how high the theoretical transfer rate
318(continued):         of the
319:        path.  This corresponds to cycling the sequence number spa
319(continued):         ce in
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 129
320:        Twrap= 2000 secs, which is safe in today's Internet.
322:        It is important to understand that the culprit is not the
322(continued):         larger

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1325.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 611:
609:        In addition, back issues of the Report are available for a
609(continued):         nonymous
610:        FTP from the host NIS.NSF.NET in the 'imr' directory with
610(continued):         the file
611:        names in the form IMRYY-MM.TXT, where YY is the last two d
611(continued):         igits of
612:        the year and MM two digits for the month.  For example, th
612(continued):         e June
613:        1991 Report is in the file IMR91-06.TXT.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1327.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2618:
2616:          attributes remaining in the O/R address shall be encoded
2616(continued):                 on
2617:          the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapping. For
2618:          example, if the is an addres /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/ and
2618(continued):                 a
2619:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is
2620:          encoded on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2619:
2617:          the LHS.  This is to ensure a reversible mapping. For
2618:          example, if the is an addres /S=XX/O=YY/ADMD=A/C=NN/ and
2618(continued):                 a
2619:          mapping for /ADMD=A/C=NN/ is used, then /S=XX/O=YY/ is
2620:          encoded on the LHS.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2665:
2664:             C          = "XX"
2665:             ADMD       = "YY"
2666:             O          = "ZZ"
2667:             "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2667:
2665:             ADMD       = "YY"
2666:             O          = "ZZ"
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 130
2667:             "RFC-822"  = "Smith(a)ZZ.YY.XX"
2669:     This is mapped first to an RFC 822 address, and then back to
2669(continued):                the

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2673:
2672:             C          = "XX"
2673:             ADMD       = "YY"
2674:             O          = "ZZ"
2675:             Surname    = "Smith"

UTCTime found at line 1483:
1481:     the full BNF easier to parse.
1483:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1485:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 syntax contain:  Y
1485(continued):                ear

UTCTime found at line 1485:
1483:  3.3.5.  UTCTime
1485:     Both UTCTime and the RFC 822 syntax contain:  Y
1485(continued):                ear
1486:     (lowest two digits), Month, Day of Month, hour, minute, secon
1486(continued):                d
1487:     (optional), and Timezone. also contains an opt
1487(continued):                ional

UTCTime found at line 1494:
1492:          In practice, a gateway will need to parse various illega
1492(continued):                l
1493:          variants on  In cases where
1494:          cannot be parsed, it is recommended that the derived UTC
1494(continued):                Time
1495:          is set to the value at the time of translation.

UTCTime found at line 1497:
1495:          is set to the value at the time of translation.
1497:     When mapping to X.400, the UTCTime format which specifies the
1498:     timezone offset shall be used.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 131
UTCTime found at line 5143:
5142:        The extended syntax of zone defined in the JNT Mail Protoc
5142(continued):                ol shall
5143:        be used in the mapping of UTCTime defined in Chapter 3.
5145:     7.  Lack of 822-MTS originator specification

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1330.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1770:
1768:     While ESnet will provide X.400 routing service for systems, i
1768(continued):                t cannot
1769:     provide routing via commercial X.400 carriers at this time.
1769(continued):                The
1770:     FTS-2000 charge for routing X.400 messages is $.45 (US) plus
1770(continued):                X.25
1771:     packet charges.  This could result in a charge of several dol
1771(continued):                lars for
1772:     large messages, a real possibility with the multi-media capac
1772(continued):                ity of

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1336.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 378:
376:             where growing above 100 network numbers seemed excess
376(continued):         ive.
377:             Todays number of networks in the global infrastructur
377(continued):         e
378:             exceeds 2000 connected networks, and many more if iso
378(continued):         lated
379:             network islands get included.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1338.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 401:
399:     3.2.  Historic growth rates
401:        MM/YY     ROUTES                        MM/YY     ROUTES
402:                  ADVERTISED                              ADVERTIS
402(continued):         ED
403:        ------------------------                ------------------
403(continued):         -----

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1060:
1058:        1071 Beal Ave.
1059:        Ann Arbor, MI 48109
1060:        email:
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 132
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1340.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3390:
3388:     AB-00-03-00-00-00        6004    DEC Local Area Transport
3388(continued):                 (LAT) - old
3389:     AB-00-04-00-xx-xx        ????    Reserved DEC customer private
3389(continued):                use
3390:     AB-00-04-01-xx-yy        6007    DEC Local Area VAX Cluster
3390(continued):                groups
3391:                              Sys. Communication Architecture (SCA)
3392:     CF-00-00-00-00-00        9000    Ethernet Configuration Test
3392(continued):                protocol

1900 found at line 4066:
4064:    2422-650-23500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4064(continued):                 [OXG]
4065:    2422-330-02500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4065(continued):                 [OXG]
4066:    2422-350-01900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4066(continued):                 [OXG]
4067:    2422-410-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4067(continued):                 [OXG]
4068:    2422-539-06200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS
4068(continued):                 [OXG]

2000 found at line 1300:
1298:     nkd              1650/tcp
1299:     nkd              1650/udp
1300:     callbook         2000/tcp
1301:     callbook         2000/udp
1302:     dc               2001/tcp

2000 found at line 1301:
1299:     nkd              1650/udp
1300:     callbook         2000/tcp
1301:     callbook         2000/udp
1302:     dc               2001/tcp
1303:     wizard           2001/udp    curry

2000 found at line 4013:
4011:    2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25
4011(continued):                [GB7]
4012:    2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25
4012(continued):                [JFW]
4013:    5052-737-20000 50   UQNET
4013(continued):                [AXH]
4014:    3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1
4014(continued):                [VXT]
4015:    2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 133
4015(continued):                [GB7]

2000 found at line 4838:
4836:     AIX/370                    LOCUS                     SWIFT
4837:     AIX-PS/2                   MACOS                     TAC
4838:     BS-2000                    MINOS                     TANDEM
4839:     CEDAR              MOS                       TENEX
4840:     CGW                        MPE5                      TOPS10

2000 found at line 5188:
5186:     HAZELTINE-1520                         IBM-3278-3
5187:     HAZELTINE-1552                         IBM-3278-4
5188:     HAZELTINE-2000                         IBM-3278-5
5189:     HAZELTINE-ESPRIT                       IBM-3279-2
5190:     HITACHI-5601                           IBM-3279-3

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1348.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 143:
141:     Or in net
143:     67894444333322220000  NSAP-PTR
145:     The RR data is the ASCII representation of the digits.  It is
145(continued):          encoded

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1357.txt +=+=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 260:
259:  ID (M) -- This is the second field of any record.  It is also a
260:          mandatory field.  Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where X
260(continued):         XX is
261:          the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher
261(continued):         )
262:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publicati
262(continued):         on as

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 262:
260:          mandatory field.  Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where X
260(continued):         XX is
261:          the publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher
261(continued):         )
262:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the publicati
262(continued):         on as
263:          assigned by the publisher.  This ID is typically printed
263(continued):          on
264:          the cover, and may contain slashes.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 134
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 682:
681:     In order to avoid conflicts among the symbols of the publishi
681(continued):         ng
682:     organizations (the XXX part of the "ID:: XXX//YYY") it is sug
682(continued):         gested
683:     that the various organizations that publish reports (such as
684:     universities, departments, and laboratories) register their

2-digit found at line 291:
290:          The format for ENTRY date is "Month Day, Year".  The mon
290(continued):         th must
291:          be alphabetic (spelled out).    The "Day" is a 1- or 2-d
291(continued):         igit
292:          number.  The "Year" is a 4-digit number.

2-digit found at line 457:
455:  DATE (O) -- The publication date.  The formats are "Month Year"
455(continued):         and
456:          "Month Day, Year".  The month must be alphabetic (spelle
456(continued):         d out).
457:          The "Day" is a 1- or 2-digit number.  The "Year" is a 4-
457(continued):         digit
458:          number.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1361.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 132:
130:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
130(continued):         been
131:     established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsig
131(continued):         ned
132:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 19
132(continued):         00. The
133:     integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in
133(continued):          the
134:     last 32 bits. This format allows convenient multiple-precisio
134(continued):         n

1900 found at line 145:
143:     overflow some time in 2036. Should NTP or SNTP be in use in 2
143(continued):         036,
144:     some external means will be necessary to qualify time relativ
144(continued):         e to
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 135
145:     1900 and time relative to 2036 (and other multiples of 136 ye
145(continued):         ars).
146:     Timestamped data requiring such qualification will be so prec
146(continued):         ious
147:     that appropriate means should be readily available. There wil
147(continued):         l exist

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1379.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 847:
847:     objective an MSL of at least 2000 seconds.  If there were no
847(continued):         TIME-
848:     WAIT delay, the ultimate limit on transaction rate would be s
848(continued):         et by
849:     speed-of-light delays in the network and by the latency of ho
849(continued):         st

2000 found at line 988:
986:        the official delay of 240 seconds, formula [1] implies a u
986(continued):         pper
987:        bound (as RTT -> 0) of TRmax = 268 Tps; with our target MS
987(continued):         L of
988:        2000 sec, TRmax = 32 Tps.  These values are unacceptably l
988(continued):         ow.
990:        To improve this transaction rate, we could use TCP timesta
990(continued):         mps to

2000 found at line 1079:
1077:        segment lifetime MSL.  For reasonable limiting values of R
1077(continued):                , Ts,
1078:        and MSL, formula [6] leads to a very low value of TRmax.
1078(continued):                For
1079:        example, with MSL= 2000 secs, R=10**9 Bps, and Ts = 0.5 se
1079(continued):                c, TRmax
1080:        < 2*10**-3 Tps.

2000 found at line 1136:
1134:             TRmax * MSL < 2**31
1136:        For example, if MSL =  2000 seconds then TRmax < 10**6 Tp.
1136(continued):                  These
1137:        are acceptable limits for transaction processing.  However
1137(continued):                , if
1138:        they are not, we could augment CC with TCP timestamps to o
1138(continued):                btain
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 136
2000 found at line 1276:
1275:       (a) no timestamps       2**31/MSL        MSL        3rd seq
1275(continued):                uence
1276:                          e.g., MSL=2000 sec
1276(continued):                space
1277:                               TRmax = 10**6

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1405.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 378:
376:     maps into
378:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
379:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 384:
383:          xx  = country code of the gateway performing the convers
383(continued):         ion
384:          yyy = Admd of the gateway performing the conversion
385:          zzz = Prmd of the gateway performing the conversion
386:          ooo = Organisation of the gateway performing the convers
386(continued):         ion

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 474:
472:       it is connected to. In this case the mapping is trivial:
474:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=zzz; O=ooo; OU=uuu; DD.Dnet=net;
475:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 477:
475:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;
477:     (see sect. 5.2 for explication of 'xx','yyy','zzz','ooo','uuu
477(continued):         ','net')
479:     maps into

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 487:
485:       described into section 5.4 apply:
487:          C=xx; ADMD=yyy; PRMD=www; DD.Dnet=net;
488:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 137
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 492:
490:     maps into
492:          gwnode::gw%"C=xx;ADMD=yyy;PRMD=www;DD.Dnet=net;
493:          DD.Mail-11=route::node::localpart;"

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 595:
593:     maps into
595:         C=xx; ADMD=yyy; DD.Dnet=net;
596:         DD.Mail-11=route::gwnode::gw(p)(q)x400-text-address(q);

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1409.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 311:
309:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
309(continued):         PLY
310:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
310(continued):         L
311:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
311(continued):         yy yy yy
312:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1411.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 163:
161:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
161(continued):         PLY
162:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
162(continued):         L
163:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
163(continued):         yy yy yy
164:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1415.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2814:
2812:        2         1016 Grouping threshold violation       |    503
2813:        2         1017 Inconsistent PDU request           |    503
2814:        2         2000 Association with user not allowed  |    532
2815:        2         2002 Unsupported service class          |    504
2816:        0         2003 Unsupported functional unit        |    211
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 138
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1416.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 318:
316:                                          IAC SB AUTHENTICATION RE
316(continued):         PLY
317:                                          KERBEROS_V4 CLIENT|MUTUA
317(continued):         L
318:                                          RESPONSE yy yy yy yy yy
318(continued):         yy yy yy
319:                                          IAC SE

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1417.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 156:
154:                         c/o Rapport Communication
155:                         3055 Q Street NW
156:                         Washington, DC 20007
157:                         US

2000 found at line 198:
196:     Rapport Communication
197:     3055 Q Street NW
198:     Washington, DC  20007
200:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1421.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1148:
1146(continued):                DTAL
1147(continued):                MQsw
1148(continued):                DzAN
1149(continued):                YgAw
1150:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1150(continued):                O5XW

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1150:
1148(continued):                DzAN
1149(continued):                YgAw
1150:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1150(continued):                O5XW
1151:      cqAz/7R7XhjYCm0PcqbdzoACZtIlETrKrcJiDYoP+DkZ8k1gCk7hQHpbIwID
1151(continued):                AQAB
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 139
1152:      MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAA38AAICPv4f9Gx/tY4+p+4DB7MV+tKZnvBoy8zgo
1152(continued):                MGOx

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1256:
1254(continued):                DTAL
1255(continued):                MQsw
1256(continued):                DzAN
1257(continued):                YgAw
1258:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1258(continued):                O5XW

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1258:
1256(continued):                DzAN
1257(continued):                YgAw
1258:      XwJYCsnp6lQCxYykNlODwutF/jMJ3kL+3PjYyHOwk+/9rLg6X65B/LD4bJHt
1258(continued):                O5XW
1259:      cqAz/7R7XhjYCm0PcqbdzoACZtIlETrKrcJiDYoP+DkZ8k1gCk7hQHpbIwID
1259(continued):                AQAB
1260:      MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAgUAA38AAICPv4f9Gx/tY4+p+4DB7MV+tKZnvBoy8zgo
1260(continued):                MGOx

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1422.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 1596:
1595:     Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1596:             notBefore       UTCTime,
1597:             notAfter        UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 1597:
1595:     Validity ::=    SEQUENCE{
1596:             notBefore       UTCTime,
1597:             notAfter        UTCTime}
1599:     SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::=        SEQUENCE{

UTCTime found at line 1640:
1638:             signature       AlgorithmIdentifier,
1639:             issuer          Name,
1640:             lastUpdate      UTCTime,
1641:             nextUpdate      UTCTime,
1642:             revokedCertificates
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 140
UTCTime found at line 1641:
1639:             issuer          Name,
1640:             lastUpdate      UTCTime,
1641:             nextUpdate      UTCTime,
1642:             revokedCertificates
1643:                             SEQUENCE OF CRLEntry OPTIONAL}

UTCTime found at line 1647:
1645:     CRLEntry ::= SEQUENCE{
1646:             userCertificate SerialNumber,
1647:             revocationDate UTCTime}
1649:  References

century found at line 463:
461:     confusion relating to daylight savings time.  Note that UTCT
462:     expresses the value of a year modulo 100 (with no indication
462(continued):         of
463:     century), hence comparisons involving dates in different cent
463(continued):         uries
464:     must be performed with care.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1432.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 711:
709:            Digital Press
710:   McGraw-Hill
711:            617-276-1498                    212-512-2000
712:            fax: 617-276-4314               1221 Ave. of the Ameri
712(continued):         cas
713:            Digital Equipment Corporation   New York, NY 10020

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1437.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 185:
183:     generation of the X.400 specification, X.400-1996.  This will
183(continued):          give
184:     the community ample time to define a more complete specificat
184(continued):         ion for
185:     matter transport as part of X.400-2000, and possibly even a r
185(continued):         eadily-
186:     implementable specification as part of X.400-2004, although s
186(continued):         ome will
187:     no doubt argue that this would be too strong a break with tra
187(continued):         dition.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1440.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 332:
330:     The time stamp on the file as it appears at the sending site
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 141
330(continued):         may be
331:     sent and applied to the copy at the receiving site.  The form
331(continued):          is US
332:     mm/dd/yy and hh:mm:ss.  A time zone is optional.  If the time
332(continued):          zone is
333:     omitted, local time is assumed.  If the DATE command is omitt
333(continued):         ed, time
334:     and date of arrival are assumed.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1442.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 362:
360:            BEGIN
361:                TYPE NOTATION ::=
362:                              "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update UTCTime)
363:                              "ORGANIZATION" Text
364:                              "CONTACT-INFO" Text

UTCTime found at line 378:
376:                            | Revisions Revision
377:                Revision ::=
378:                              "REVISION" value(Update UTCTime)
379:                              "DESCRIPTION" Text

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1453.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 516:
515:     [XTP92]     Xpress Transfer Protocol, version 3.6, XTP Forum,
516:                 1900 State Street, Suite D, Santa Barbara, Califo
516(continued):         rnia
517:                 93101 USA, January 11, 1992.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1458.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1026:
1024:     Reading, MA 01867
1026:     Phone:  (617) 942-2000
1027:     EMail:

2000 found at line 1035:
1033:     Reading, MA 01867
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 142
1035:     Phone:  (617) 942-2000
1036:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1465.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 499:
497:                  Switzerland
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 500:
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
502:                  The <Update-info> contains also the format ident
502(continued):         ifier.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 501:
499:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
500:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
501:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
502:                  The <Update-info> contains also the format ident
502(continued):         ifier.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 512:
511:                  The date of the last update of a document is giv
511(continued):         en in
512:                  the form 'yymmdd'.
513:                  A start date must be set.  A document can be pub
513(continued):         lished
514:                  this way before the information in it is valid.
514(continued):          (This

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1673:
1671:                              | <DirectoryName> )
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1674:
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 143
1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1675:
1673:        <Update-info> ::= "Update: FORMAT=V3; DATE=" 'yymmdd' \
1674:                              "; START=" 'yymmdd' \
1675:                              ["; END=" 'yymmdd'] <CR>
1677:        <window-size> ::= "RTS-window-size: " \
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 144
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1467.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 408:
407:     [6] Solensky, F., Internet Growth Charts, "big-internet" mail
407(continued):         ing
408:         list,<yymm>.ps
410:  9. Other relevant documents

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1470.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 247:
247:             <YYMMDD>
249:  Keywords

2000 found at line 4696:
4694:                 libraries), but this has not been done.  Curses i
4694(continued):                s very
4695:                 slow and cpu intensive on VMS, but the tool has b
4695(continued):                een
4696:                 run in a window on a VAXstation 2000.  Just don't
4696(continued):                 try
4697:                 to run it on a terminal connected to a 11/750.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1479.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 752:
750:     We note that none of the IDPR protocols contain explicit prov
750(continued):         isions
751:     for dealing with an exhausted timestamp space.  As timestamp
751(continued):         space
752:     exhaustion will not occur until well into the next century, w
752(continued):         e expect
753:     timestamp space viability to outlast the IDPR protocols.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1486.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 745:
743:          Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1993 20:34:12 -0800
744:          Subject: Comments on "An Experiment in Remote Printing"
745:          Message-ID: <>
746:          MIME-Version: 1.0
747:          Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 145
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1488.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 302:
300:  2.21.  UTC Time
302:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
302(continued):         table
303:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.

UTCTime found at line 303:
302:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
302(continued):         table
303:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.
305:  2.22.  Guide (search guide)

UTCTime found at line 377:
375:   <algorithm-id> ::= <oid> '#' <algorithm-parameters>
377:   <utc-time> ::= an encoded UTCTime value
379:   <hex-string> ::= <hex-digit> | <hex-digit> <hex-string>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1500.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1507.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 5111:
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 146
5110:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
5111:             NotBefore       UTCTime,
5112:             NotAfter        UTCTime
5113:             }

UTCTime found at line 5112:
5110:     Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
5111:             NotBefore       UTCTime,
5112:             NotAfter        UTCTime
5113:             }

UTCTime found at line 6297:
6295:     Version ::=      INTEGER { 1988(0)} SerialNumber ::= INTEGER
6295(continued):                Validity
6296:     ::=     SEQUENCE{
6297:             notBefore               UTCTime,
6298:             notAfter                UTCTime}

UTCTime found at line 6298:
6296:     ::=     SEQUENCE{
6297:             notBefore               UTCTime,
6298:             notAfter                UTCTime}
6300:     SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1512.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 243:
241:            FddiSMTStationIdType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
242:            -- The unique identifier for the FDDI station.  This i
242(continued):         s a
243:            -- string of 8 octets, represented as X' yy yy xx xx x
243(continued):         x xx
244:            -- xx xx' with the low order 6 octet (xx) from a uniqu
244(continued):         e IEEE
245:            -- assigned address.  The high order two bits of the I
245(continued):         EEE

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 248:
246:            -- address, the group address bit and the administrati
246(continued):         on bit
247:            -- (Universal/Local) bit should both be zero.  The fir
247(continued):         st two
248:            -- octets, the yy octets, are implementor-defined.
249:            --
250:            -- The representation of the address portion of the st
250(continued):         ation id
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 147
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1519.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 401:
399:     3.2  Historic growth rates
401:        MM/YY     ROUTES                        MM/YY     ROUTES
402:                  ADVERTISED                              ADVERTIS
402(continued):         ED
403:        ------------------------                ------------------
403(continued):         -----

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1318:
1316:     Ann Arbor, MI 48109
1318:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1527.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 793:
791:     ubiquitous as the current telephone network and provides all
792:     Americans with access to information in much the same way as
792(continued):         public
793:     libraries were created for a similar purpose a century ago.
795:     Congress must understand that the NREN is not just a new tech
795(continued):         nology

century found at line 875:
873:     regulated companies from becoming viable players.  We must re
873(continued):         alize
874:     that we are about to enter a power struggle for the control o
874(continued):         f the
875:     information resources of the 21st century that promises to be
875(continued):          every
876:     bit as harsh and bruising as the power struggle for natural r
876(continued):         esources
877:     was at the end of the last century.

century found at line 877:
875:     information resources of the 21st century that promises to be
875(continued):          every
876:     bit as harsh and bruising as the power struggle for natural r
876(continued):         esources
877:     was at the end of the last century.
879:     While the intentions of most appear to be good, as this study
879(continued):          has
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 148
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1537.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 165:
163:     Example: zone file for foo.xx:
165:     pqr          MX 100  relay.yy.
166:     xyz          MX 100  relay.yy           (no trailing dot!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 166:
165:     pqr          MX 100  relay.yy.
166:     xyz          MX 100  relay.yy           (no trailing dot!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 177:
175:     When fully written out this stands for:
177:  MX 100  relay.yy.
178:  MX 100   (name extension!)

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 178:
177:  MX 100  relay.yy.
178:  MX 100   (name extension!)
180:  6. Missing secondary servers

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 256:
255:           foo.xx.      MX 100  gateway.xx.
256:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
257:           *.foo.xx.    MX 100  gateway.xx.
258:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 258:
256:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
257:           *.foo.xx.    MX 100  gateway.xx.
258:                        MX 200  fallback.yy.
259:  8. Hostnames

2000 found at line 89:
87:            86400 ; Refresh     24 hours
88:             7200 ; Retry        2 hours
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 149
89:          2592000 ; Expire      30 days
90:           345600 ; Minimum TTL  4 days

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1540.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1836:                                         The text version is sent.
1838:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1838(continued):                umber.
1839:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1839(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1839:
1838:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1838(continued):                umber.
1839:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1839(continued):                '.
1841:           help                          to get information on how
1841(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1555.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 155:
153:     In addition, Listserv usually maintains automatic archives of
153(continued):          all
154:     postings to a list.  These archives, contained in the file "l
154(continued):         istname
155:     LOGyymm", do not contain the MIME headers, so all encoding
156:     information will be lost.  This is a limitation of the Listse
156(continued):         rv
157:     software.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1564.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 811:
810:     The following searches should be tried.  Unless otherwise sta
810(continued):         ted, the
811:     "XXX" or "YYY" part of the search filter should be chosen in
811(continued):         such a
812:     way as to return a single result.  Unless stated otherwise th
812(continued):         e
813:     results should return all attributes for the entry.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 150
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 848:
847:             objectClass=person AND
848:             (commonName=XXX* OR telephoneNumber=*YYY)
850:     75. Search returning all entries (i.e., 100 entries in the si
850(continued):         ngle

2000 found at line 527:
526:     42. If the DSA runs as a static server, state the start-up ti
526(continued):         me for a
527:         DSA with a database of 20000 entries.  If this varies wid
527(continued):         ely
528:         according to configuration options, give figures for the
528(continued):         various
529:         options.  ...............................................
529(continued):         ........

2000 found at line 709:
708:     i.  The tests should be made against an organisational databa
708(continued):         se of
709:         20000 entries.  Some tests are against subsets of this da
709(continued):         ta, and
710:         so the database should be set up according to the followi
710(continued):         ng
711:         instructions.

2000 found at line 713:
711:         instructions.
713:         Create an organisational DSA with 20000 entries below the
714:         organisation node.  Sub-divide this data into a number of
715:         organisational units, one of which should contain 1000 en
715(continued):         tries,

2000 found at line 808:
806:         unit.
808:     ii. An organisation subtree search, on the subtree of 20000 e
808(continued):         ntries.
810:     The following searches should be tried.  Unless otherwise sta
810(continued):         ted, the
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 151
2000 found at line 851:
850:     75. Search returning all entries (i.e., 100 entries in the si
850(continued):         ngle
851:         level search, and all 20000 entries in the subtree search
851(continued):         :
853:             objectClass=*

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1578.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1946:
1944:     700 13th Street, NW
1945:     Suite 950
1946:     Washington, DC  20005
1947:     USA

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1589.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1979:
1977:        presumably with negligible frequency error.
1979:        #define MAXPHASE 512000      /* max phase error (us) */
1980:        #ifdef PPS_SYNC
1981:        #define MAXFREQ 100          /* max frequency error (ppm)
1981(continued):                */

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1593.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1088:
1086:                             response(6)
1088:    --              enumeration values between 2000 and 3999 are r
1088(continued):                eserved
1089:    --              for IP socket traces,

2000 found at line 1149:
1147:                             testReq(26),
1149:    --              enumeration values between 2000 and 3999 are r
1149(continued):                eserved
1150:    --              for IP socket traces.
1151:                             ipTestFrame(2001),

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1594.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 379:
377:                                         The text version is sent.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 152
379:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
379(continued):         umber.
380:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
380(continued):         '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 380:
379:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
379(continued):         umber.
380:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
380(continued):         '.
382:           help                          to get information on how
382(continued):          to use

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 574:
572:        In addition, back issues of the Report are available for a
572(continued):         nonymous
573:        FTP from the host in the in-notes/imr director
573(continued):         y, with
574:        the file names in the form imryymm.txt, where yy is the la
574(continued):         st two
575:        digits of the year and mm two digits for the month.  For e
575(continued):         xample,
576:        the July 1992 Report is in the file imr9207.txt.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1595.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 300:
299:             ifSpeed           Speed of line rate for SONET/SDH,
300:                               (e.g., 155520000 bps).
302:             ifPhysAddress     The value of the Circuit Identifier
302(continued):         .

2000 found at line 357:
355:             ifSpeed           set to speed of SONET/SDH path
356:                               (e.g., an STS-1 path has a
357:                               rate of 50112000 bps.)
359:             ifPhysAddress     Circuit Identifier or OCTET STRING
359(continued):         of

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1600.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 153
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1607.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 12:
12:                        A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY
14:  Status of this Memo

century found at line 60:
58:  Cerf
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
60(continued):          ril 1994

century found at line 116:
114:  Cerf
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
116(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 172:
170:  Cerf
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 154
172(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 228:
226:  Cerf
226(continued):         [Page 4]
228:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
228(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 284:
282:  Cerf
282(continued):         [Page 5]
284:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
284(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 340:
338:  Cerf
338(continued):         [Page 6]
340:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
340(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 396:
394:  Cerf
394(continued):         [Page 7]
396:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
396(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 452:
450:  Cerf
450(continued):         [Page 8]
452:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
452(continued):         ril 1994
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 155
century found at line 508:
506:  Cerf
506(continued):         [Page 9]
508:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
508(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 564:
562:  Cerf                                                           [
562(continued):         Page 10]
564:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
564(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 620:
618:  Cerf                                                           [
618(continued):         Page 11]
620:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
620(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 676:
674:  Cerf                                                           [
674(continued):         Page 12]
676:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
676(continued):         ril 1994

century found at line 732:
730:  Cerf                                                           [
730(continued):         Page 13]
732:  RFC 1607              A View from the 21st Century          1 Ap
732(continued):         ril 1994

2000 found at line 663:
661:     transmission, switching and computing in a cost-effective
662:     way.  For a long time, this technology involved rather
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 156
663:     bulky equipment - some of the early 3DV clips from 2000-
664:     2005 showed rooms full of gear required to steer beams
665:     around. A very interesting combination of fiber optics and

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1608.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 240:
238:       provider   :: DistinguishedNameSyntax,
239:        /* points to network provider */
240:       onlineDate :: uTCTimeSyntax
241:        /* date when network got connected to the Internet */

UTCTime found at line 370:
368:       asGuardian :: DistinguishedNameSyntax, */
369:        /* DN of guardian of this AS */
370:       lastModifiedDate :: UTCtimeSyntax */
371:        /* important as routes change frequently */

UTCTime found at line 423:
421:           that the number was assigned to. This does not
422:           imply that assTo "owns" this number now. */
423:       assDate :: uTCTimeSyntax,
424:        /* date of assignment for this number */
425:       nicHandle :: CaseIgnoreStringSyntax,

UTCTime found at line 1048:
1046:     speed:                       id-nw-at.10    :numericString
1047:     traffic:                     id-nw-at.11    :numericString
1048:     configurationDate:           id-nw-at.12    :utcTime
1049:     configurationHistory:        id-nw-at.13    :caseIgnoreString
1050:     nodeName,nd:                 id-nw-at.14    :caseIgnoreString

UTCTime found at line 1071:
1071:     onlineDate:                  id-nw-at.27    :utcTime
1072:     ipNodeName,IPnd:             id-nw-at.28    :caseIgnoreString
1073:     protocol:                    id-nw-at.29    :caseIgnoreString

UTCTime found at line 1083:
1081:     assBy:                       id-nw-at.37    :DN
1082:     assTo:                       id-nw-at.38    :DN
1083:     assDate:                     id-nw-at.39    :utcTime
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 157
1084:     nicHandle:                   id-nw-at.40    :caseIgnoreString
1085:     relNwElement:                id-nw-at.41    :DN

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1609.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 588:
586:        /* (average) use in percent of nominal bandwidth
587:              [ this needs more specification later ] */
588:       configurationDate ::  uTCTimeSyntax,
589:        /* date when network was configured in current
590:              shape */

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1610.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

century found at line 926:
924:               An Experimental protocol.
926:        1607 - A View from the 21st Century
928:               This is an information document and does not specif
928(continued):         y any

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1614.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1565:
1563:     The general format of a Gopher+ view descriptor is:
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 158
1565:        xxx/yyy zzz: <nnnK>

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1575:
1575:     where xxx is a general type-of-information advisory, yyy is w
1575(continued):                hat
1576:     information format you need understand to interpret this info
1576(continued):                rmation,
1577:     zzz is a language advisory (coded using POSIX definitions), a
1577(continued):                nd nnn

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1584:
1582:     the need to be consistent in the use of type/encoding attribu
1582(continued):                tes with
1583:     the MIME specification.  The Gopher+ Type Registry may thus
1584:     eventually disappear, together with the set of xxx/yyy values
1584(continued):                 it
1585:     currently contains.)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1625.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 255:
253:               ( use = "wb", relation = "ro", term = 0 )
254:               AND
255:               ( use = "wb", relation = "ro", term = 2000 )
256:              )

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1632.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 3795:
3793:       association is rejected. However, if a chain operation is r
3793(continued):                equired
3794:       to  check the DN, the bind IS allowed.
3795:     - When comparing attributes of UTCtime syntax, if the seconds
3795(continued):                 field
3796:       is  omitted, QUIPU does not perform the match correctly (i.e
3796(continued):                ., the
3797:       seconds field in the attribute values should be ignored, bu
3797(continued):                t are
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 159
2000 found at line 1214:
1212:      1-800-257-OPEN (U.S. and Canada)
1213:      1-612-482-6736 (worldwide)
1214:      FAX: 1-612-482-2000 (worldwide)
1215:      EMAIL:
1216:               or

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1635.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 605:
603:     Most archive machines perform other functions as well.  Pleas
603(continued):         e
604:     respect the needs of their primary users and restrict your FT
604(continued):         P access
605:     to non-prime hours (generally between 1900 and 0600 hours loc
605(continued):         al time
606:     for that site) whenever possible.  It is especially important
606(continued):          to
607:     remember this for sites located on another continent or acros
607(continued):         s a

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1645.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 590:
588:      554 Error, failed (technical reason)
590:  4.4.6 HOLDuntil <YYMMDDHHMMSS> [+/-GMTdifference]
592:     The HOLDuntil command allows for the delayed delivery of a me
592(continued):         ssage,

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1646.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 428:
427:                  Command Rejected                     0X10030000
428:                  Intervention Required                0X08020000
429:                  Data Check                           0X10010000
430:                  Operation Check                      0X10050000

2000 found at line 431:
429:                  Data Check                           0X10010000
430:                  Operation Check                      0X10050000
431:                  Component Disconnected (LU)          0X08020000
433:     Note 2*:   Device End -  A positive response to the Server's
433(continued):         data

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1647.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1355:
1353:                   0x00           Command Reject        0x10030000
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 160
1355:                   0x01        Intervention Required    0x08020000
1357:                   0x02           Operation Check       0x10050000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1671.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 410:
408:     Phone:  +41 22 767-4967
409:     Fax:    +41 22 767-7155
410:     Telex:  419000 cer ch
411:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1679.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 95:
93:     examined below. The time frame for design, development, and
94:     deployment of HPN based systems and subsystems is 1996 into t
94(continued):          he
95:     twenty first century.
97:     Three general problem domains have been identified by the HPN
97(continued):           working

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1689.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 6899:
6897:     vision of how information management must change in the 1990s
6897(continued):                 to meet
6898:     the social and economic opportunities and challenges of the 2
6898(continued):                1st
6899:     century.  Members of the Coalition Task Force include, among
6899(continued):                others,
6900:     higher education institutions, publishers, network service pr
6900(continued):                oviders,
6901:     computer hardware, software, and systems companies, library n
6901(continued):                etworks

2000 found at line 421:
419:        archie did for the world of ftp.  A central server periodi
419(continued):         cally
420:        scans the complete menu hierarchies of Gopher servers appe
420(continued):         aring on
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 161
421:        an ever-expanding list (over 2000 sites as of November 199
421(continued):         3).  The
422:        resulting index is provided by a veronica server and can b
422(continued):         e
423:        accessed by any gopher client.

2000 found at line 471:
470:        There are currently (as of November 1993) some 500 registe
470(continued):         red WAIS
471:        databases with an estimated 2000 additional databases that
471(continued):          are not
472:        yet registered.  There are approximately another 100 comme
472(continued):         rcial
473:        WAIS databases.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1693.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 574:
572:         4  Baker          Boston                $849    Sportswea
572(continued):         r
573:         5  Baker          Washington          $3,100    Weights
574:         6  Baker          Washington           $2000    Camping G
574(continued):         ear
575:         7  Baker          Atlanta               $290    Baseball
575(continued):         Gloves
576:         8  Baker          Boston              $1,500    Sportswea
576(continued):         r

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1696.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 109:
109:      LAST-UPDATED "9406120000Z"
110:      ORGANIZATION "IETF Modem Management Working Group"

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1698.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 513:
511:     31  80  {1         - RDN, [SET OF]
512:     30  80  {2         - AttributeValueAssertion, [SEQUENCE]
513:     06  03  5504yy     -- OID identifying an attribute named in
514:                        -- the Directory standard
515:                        -- which one is determined by yy

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 515:
513:     06  03  5504yy     -- OID identifying an attribute named in
514:                        -- the Directory standard
515:                        -- which one is determined by yy
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 162
516:     13  La  xxxxxx     -- [Printable string]
517:                        -- could be T61 string, with tag 14

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 522:
521:     The most likely attributes for an RDN have the following hex
521(continued):         values
522:     for yy.
524:          CommonName               03

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 903:
903:        yy is exactly one octet (i.e., one hex digit per y) holdin
903(continued):         g part
904:        of the length

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 918:
916:        innermost nest of construction)
918:        yy - as part of a value - a variable value, each y represe
918(continued):         nts one
919:        hex digit

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1699.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 1050:
1050:  1607    Cerf         Apr 94   A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY
1052:  This document is a composition of letters discussing a possible
1052(continued):                future.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1700.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 9905:
9903:  AB-00-03-00-00-00       6004    DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) -
9903(continued):                 old
9904:  AB-00-04-00-xx-xx       ????    Reserved DEC customer private us
9904(continued):                e
9905:  AB-00-04-01-xx-yy       6007    DEC Local Area VAX Cluster group
9905(continued):                s
9906:                                  Sys. Communication Architecture
9906(continued):                (SCA)
9907:  CF-00-00-00-00-00       9000    Ethernet Configuration Test prot
9907(continued):                ocol
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 163
1900 found at line 10173:
10171:   2422-650-23500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10171(continued):               G]
10172:   2422-330-02500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10172(continued):               G]
10173:   2422-350-01900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10173(continued):               G]
10174:   2422-410-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10174(continued):               G]
10175:   2422-539-06200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10175(continued):               G]

1900 found at line 10255:
10255:  2422-190-41900 00    T-G Airfreight AS     [OX
10255(continued):               G]
10256:  2422-616-16100 00    Tollpost-Globe AS     [OX
10256(continued):               G]
10257:  2422-150-50700-00    Tollpost-Globe Int.   [OX
10257(continued):               G]

1900 found at line 11112:
11110:  1569    621     ??              Something from Emulex
11111:  1571    623     UNKNOWN???      Running on a Novell Server
11112:  1900    076C    Xerox
11113:  2857    0b29    Site Lock
11114:  3113    0c29    Site Lock Applications

2000 found at line 2822:
2820:  tcp-id-port     1999/tcp   cisco identification port
2821:  tcp-id-port     1999/udp   cisco identification port
2822:  callbook        2000/tcp
2823:  callbook        2000/udp
2824:  dc              2001/tcp

2000 found at line 2823:
2821:  tcp-id-port     1999/udp   cisco identification port
2822:  callbook        2000/tcp
2823:  callbook        2000/udp
2824:  dc              2001/tcp
2825:  wizard          2001/udp    curry

2000 found at line 10120:
10118:   2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25      [GB
10118(continued):               7]
10119:   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25             [JF
10119(continued):               W]
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 164
10120:   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET                 [AX
10120(continued):               H]
10121:   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1              [VX
10121(continued):               T]
10122:   2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25   [GB
10122(continued):               7]

2000 found at line 11572:
11570:  AMIGA-1200/LC040
11571:  AMIGA-1200/040
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020

2000 found at line 11573:
11571:  AMIGA-1200/040
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030

2000 found at line 11574:
11572:  AMIGA-2000
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030

2000 found at line 11575:
11573:  AMIGA-2000/010
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040

2000 found at line 11576:
11574:  AMIGA-2000/020
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040

2000 found at line 11577:
11575:  AMIGA-2000/EC030
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040

(next page on part 6)

Next Section