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RFC 1479

Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification: Version 1

Pages: 108
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 47 to 73
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4.  Routing Information Distribution

   Each domain participating in IDPR generates and distributes its
   routing information messages to route servers throughout an
   internetwork.  IDPR routing information messages contain information
   about the transit policies in effect across the given domain and the
   virtual gateway connectivity to adjacent domains.  Route servers in
   turn use IDPR routing information to generate policy routes between
   source and destination domains.

   There are three different procedures for distributing IDPR routing

   - The flooding protocol.  In this case, a representative policy
     gateway in each domain floods its routing information messages to
     route servers in all other domains.

   - Remote route server communication.  In this case, a route server
     distributes its domain's routing information messages to route
     servers in specific destination domains, by encapsulating these
     messages within IDPR data messages.  Thus, a domain administrator
     may control the distribution of the domain's routing information by
     restricting routing information exchange with remote route servers.
     Currently, routing information distribution restrictions are not
     included in IDPR configuration information.

   - The route server query protocol.  In this case, a policy gateway or
     route server requests routing information from another route
     server, which in turn responds with routing information from its
     database.  The route server query protocol may be used for quickly
     updating the routing information maintained by a policy gateway
     or route server that has just been connected or reconnected to an
     internetwork.  It may also be used to retrieve routing information
     from domains that restrict distribution of their routing

   In this section, we describe the flooding protocol only.  In section
   5, we describe the route server query protocol, and in section 5.2,
   we describe communication between route servers in separate domains.

   Policy gateways and route servers use CMTP for reliable transport of
   IDPR routing information messages flooded between peer, neighbor, and
   adjacent policy gateways and between those policy gateways and route
   servers.  The issuing policy gateway must communicate to CMTP the
   maximum number of transmissions per routing information message,
   flood_ret, and the interval between routing information message
   retransmissions, flood_int microseconds.  The recipient policy
   gateway or route server must determine routing information message
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   acceptability, as we describe in section 4.2.3 below.

4.1.  AD Representatives

   We designate a single policy gateway, the "AD representative", for
   generating and distributing IDPR routing information about its
   domain, to ensure that the routing information distributed is
   consistent and unambiguous and to minimize the communication required
   for routing information distribution.  There is usually only a single
   AD representative per domain, namely the lowest-numbered operational
   policy gateway in the domain.  Within a domain, policy gateways need
   no explicit election procedure to determine the AD representative.
   Instead, all members of a set of policy gateways mutually reachable
   via intra-domain routes can agree on set membership and therefore on
   which member has the lowest number.

   A partitioned domain has as many AD representatives as it does domain
   components.  In fact, the numeric identifier for an AD representative
   is identical to the numeric identifier for a domain component.  One
   cannot normally predict when and where a domain partition will occur,
   and thus any policy gateway within a domain may become an AD
   representative at any time.  To prepare for the role of AD
   representative in the event of a domain partition, every policy
   gateway must continually monitor its domain's IDPR routing
   information, through VGP and through the intra-domain routing

4.2.  Flooding Protocol

   An AD representative policy gateway uses unrestricted flooding among
   all domains to distribute its domain's IDPR routing information
   messages to route servers in an internetwork.  There are two kinds of
   IDPR routing information messages issued by each AD representative:
   contains the transit policy information configured by the domain
   administrator, including for each transit policy, its identifier, its
   specification, and the sets of virtual gateways configured as
   mutually reachable via intra-domain routes supporting the given
   transit policy.  Each DYNAMIC message contains information about
   current virtual gateway connectivity to adjacent domains and about
   the sets of virtual gateways currently mutually reachable via intra-
   domain routes supporting the configured transit policies.

   The IDPR Flooding Protocol is similar to the flooding procedures
   described in [9]-[11].  Through flooding, the AD representative
   distributes its routing information messages to route servers in its
   own domain and in adjacent domains.  After generating a routing
   information message, the AD representative distributes a copy to each
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   of its peers and to a selected VG representative (see section 3.1.4)
   in all other virtual gateways connected to the domain.  Each VG
   representative in turn distributes a copy of the routing information
   message to each of its peers.  We note that distribution of routing
   information messages among virtual gateways and among peers within a
   virtual gateway is identical to distribution of inter-VG messages in
   VGP, as described in section 3.1.3.

   Within a virtual gateway, each policy gateway distributes a copy of
   the routing information message:

   - To each route server in its configured set of route servers.  A
     domain administrator should ensure that each route server not
     contained within a policy gateway appears in the set of configured
     route servers for at least two distinct policy gateways.  Hence,
     such a route server will continue to receive routing information
     messages, even when one of the policy gateways becomes unreachable.
     However, the route server will normally receive duplicate copies of
     a routing information message.

   - To certain directly-connected adjacent policy gateways.  A policy
     gateway distributes a routing information message to a
     directly-connected adjacent policy gateway in an adjacent domain
     component, only when it is the lowest-numbered operational peer
     with a direct connection to the given domain component.  We note
     that each policy gateway knows, through information provided by
     VGP, which peers have direct connections to which components of
     the adjacent domain.  If the policy gateway has direct connections
     to more than one adjacent policy gateway in that domain component,
     it selects the routing information message recipient according to
     the order in which the adjacent policy gateways appear in its
     database, choosing the first one encountered.  This selection
     procedure ensures that a copy of the routing information message
     reaches each component of the adjacent domain, while limiting the
     number of copies distributed.

   Once a routing information message reaches an adjacent policy
   gateway, that policy gateway distributes copies of the message
   throughout its domain.  The adjacent policy gateway, acting as the
   first recipient of the routing information message in its domain,
   follows the same message distribution procedure as the AD
   representative in the source domain, as described above.  The
   flooding procedure terminates when all reachable route servers in an
   internetwork receive a copy of the routing information message.

   Neighbor policy gateways may receive copies of the same routing
   information message from different adjoining domains.  If two
   neighbor policy gateways receive the message copies simultaneously,
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   they will distribute them to VG representatives in other virtual
   gateways within their domain, resulting in duplicate message
   distribution.  However, each policy gateway stops the spread of
   duplicate routing information messages as soon as it detects them, as
   described in section 4.2.3 below.  In the Internet, we expect
   simultaneous message receptions to be the exception rather than the
   rule, given the hierarchical structure of the current topology.

4.2.1.  Message Generation

   An AD representative generates and distributes a CONFIGURATION
   message whenever there is a configuration change in a transit policy
   or virtual gateway associated with its domain.  This ensures that
   route servers maintain an up-to-date view of a domain's configured
   transit policies and adjacencies.  An AD representative may also
   distribute a CONFIGURATION message at a configurable period of
   conf_per (500) hours.  A CONFIGURATION message contains, for each
   configured transit policy, the identifier assigned by the domain
   administrator, the specification, and the set of associated "virtual
   gateway groups".  Each virtual gateway group comprises virtual
   gateways configured to be mutually reachable via intra-domain routes
   of the given transit policy.  Accompanying each virtual gateway
   listed is an indication of whether the virtual gateway is configured
   to be a domain entry point, a domain exit point, or both according to
   the given transit policy.  The CONFIGURATION message also contains
   the set of local route servers that the domain administrator has
   configured to be available to IDPR clients in other domains.

   An AD representative generates and distributes a DYNAMIC message
   whenever there is a change in currently supported transit policies or
   in current virtual gateway connectivity associated with its domain.
   This ensures that route servers maintain an up-to-date view of a
   domain's supported transit policies and existing adjacencies and how
   they differ from those configured for the domain.  Specifically, an
   AD representative generates a DYNAMIC message whenever there is a
   change in the connectivity, through the given domain and with respect
   to a configured transit policy, between two components of adjoining
   domains.  An AD representative may also distribute a DYNAMIC message
   at a configurable period of dyn_per (24) hours.  A DYNAMIC message
   contains, for each configured transit policy, its identifier,
   associated virtual gateway groups, and domain components reachable
   through virtual gateways in each group.  Each DYNAMIC message also
   contains the set of currently "unavailable", either down or
   unreachable, virtual gateways in the domain.

   We note that each virtual gateway group expressed in a DYNAMIC
   message may be a proper subset of one of the corresponding virtual
   gateway groups expressed in a CONFIGURATION message.  For example,
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   suppose that, for a given domain, the virtual gateway group (VG
   A,...,VG E) were configured for a transit policy such that each
   virtual gateway was both a domain entry and exit point.  Thus, all
   virtual gateways in this group are configured to be mutually
   reachable via intra-domain routes of the given transit policy.  Now
   suppose that VG E becomes unreachable because of a power failure and
   furthermore that the remaining virtual gateways form two distinct
   groups, (VG A,VG B) and (VG C,VG D), such that although virtual
   gateways in both groups are still mutually reachable via some intra-
   domain routes they are no longer mutually reachable via any intra-
   domain routes of the given transit policy.  In this case, the virtual
   gateway groups for the given transit policy now become (VG A,VG B)
   and (VG C,VG D); VG E is listed as an unavailable virtual gateway.

   A route server uses information about the set of unavailable virtual
   gateways to determine which of its routes are no longer viable, and
   it subsequently removes such routes from its route database.
   Although route servers could determine the set of unavailable virtual
   gateways using information about configured virtual gateways and
   currently reachable virtual gateways, the associated processing cost
   is high.  In particular, a route server would have to examine all
   virtual gateway groups listed in a DYNAMIC message to determine
   whether there are any unavailable virtual gateways in the given
   domain.  To reduce the message processing at each route server, we
   have chosen to include the set of unavailable virtual gateways in
   each DYNAMIC message.

   In order to construct a DYNAMIC message, an AD representative
   assembles information gathered from intra-domain routing and from
   VGP.  Specifically, the AD representative uses the following

   - VG CONNECT and UP/DOWN messages to determine the state, up or down,
     of each of its domain's virtual gateways and the adjacent domain
     components reachable through a given virtual gateway.

   - Intra-domain routing information to determine, for each of its
     domain's transit policies, whether a given virtual gateway in the
     domain is reachable with respect to that transit policy.

   - VG POLICY messages to determine the connectivity of adjoining
     domain components, across the given domain and with respect to a
     configured transit policy, such that these components are adjacent
     to virtual gateways not currently reachable from the AD
     representative's virtual gateway according to the given transit
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4.2.2.  Sequence Numbers

   Each IDPR routing information message carries a sequence number
   which, when used in conjunction with the timestamp carried in the
   CMTP message header, determines the recency of the message.  An AD
   representative assigns a sequence number to each routing information
   message it generates, depending upon its internal clock time:

   - The AD representative sets the sequence number to 0, if its
     internal clock time is greater than the timestamp in its previously
     generated routing information message.

   - The AD representative sets the sequence number to 1 greater than
     the sequence number in its previously generated routing information
     message, if its internal clock time equals the timestamp for its
     previously generated routing information message and if the
     previous sequence number is less than the maximum value
     (currently 2**16 - 1).  If the previous sequence number equals the
     maximum value, the AD representative waits until its internal clock
     time exceeds the timestamp in its previously generated routing
     information message and then sets the sequence number to 0.

   In general, we do not expect generation of multiple distinct IDPR
   routing information messages carrying identical timestamps, and so
   the sequence number may seem superfluous.  However, the sequence
   number may become necessary during synchronization of an AD
   representative's internal clock.  In particular, the AD
   representative may need to freeze the clock value during
   synchronization, and thus distinct sequence numbers serve to
   distinguish routing information messages generated during the clock
   synchronization interval.

4.2.3.  Message Acceptance

   Prior to a policy gateway forwarding a routing information message or
   a route server incorporating routing information into its routing
   information database, the policy gateway or route server assesses
   routing information message acceptability.  An IDPR routing
   information message is "acceptable" if:

   - It passes the CMTP validation checks.

   - Its timestamp is less than conf_old (530) hours behind the
     recipient's internal clock time for CONFIGURATION messages and less
     than dyn_old (25) hours behind the recipient's internal clock time
     for DYNAMIC messages.

   - Its timestamp and sequence number indicate that it is more recent
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     than the currently-stored routing information from the given
     domain.  If there is no routing information currently stored from
     the given domain, then the routing information message contains, by
     default, the more recent information.

   Policy gateways acknowledge and forward acceptable IDPR routing
   information messages, according to the flooding protocol described in
   section 4.2 above.  Moreover, each policy gateway retains the
   timestamp and sequence number for the most recently accepted routing
   information message from each domain and uses these values to
   determine acceptability of routing information messages received in
   the future.  Route servers acknowledge the receipt of acceptable
   routing information messages and incorporate the contents of these
   messages into their routing information databases, contingent upon
   criteria discussed in section 4.2.4 below; however, they do not
   participate in the flooding protocol.  We note that when a policy
   gateway or route server first returns to service, it immediately
   updates its routing information database with routing information
   obtained from another route server, using the route server query
   protocol described in section 5.

   An AD representative takes special action upon receiving an
   acceptable routing information message, supposedly generated by
   itself but originally obtained from a policy gateway or route server
   other than itself.  There are at least three possible reasons for the
   occurrence of this event:

   - The routing information message has been corrupted in a way that is
     not detectable by the integrity/authentication value.

   - The AD representative has experienced a memory error.

   - Some other entity is generating routing information messages on
     behalf of the AD representative.

   In any case, the AD representative logs the event for network
   management.  Moreover, the AD representative must reestablish its own
   routing information messages as the most recent for its domain.  To
   do so, the AD representative waits until its internal clock time
   exceeds the value of the timestamp in the received routing
   information message and then generates a new routing information
   message using the currently-stored domain routing information
   supplied by VGP and by the intra-domain routing procedure.  Note that
   the length of time the AD representative must wait to generate the
   new message is at most cmtp_new (300) seconds, the maximum CMTP-
   tolerated difference between the received message's timestamp and the
   AD representative's internal clock time.
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   IDPR routing information messages that pass the CMTP validity checks
   but appear less recent than stored routing information are
   unacceptable.  Policy gateways do not forward unacceptable routing
   information messages, and route servers do not incorporate the
   contents of unacceptable routing information messages into their
   routing information databases.  Instead, the recipient of an
   unacceptable routing information message acknowledges the message in
   one of two ways:

   - If the routing information message timestamp and sequence number
     equal to the timestamp and sequence number associated with the
     stored routing information for the given domain, the recipient
     assumes that the routing information message is a duplicate and
     acknowledges the message.

   - If the routing information message timestamp and sequence number
     indicate that the message is less recent than the stored routing
     information for the domain, the recipient acknowledges the message
     with an indication that the routing information it contains is
     out-of-date.  Such a negative acknowledgement is a signal to the
     sender of the routing information message to request more up-to-
     date routing information from a route server, using the route
     server query protocol.  Furthermore, if the recipient of the out-
     of-date routing information message is a route server, it
     regenerates a routing information message from its own routing
     information database and forwards the message to the sender.  The
     sender may in turn propagate this more recent routing information
     message to other policy gateways and route servers.

4.2.4.  Message Incorporation

   A route server usually stores the entire contents of an acceptable
   IDPR routing information message in its routing information database,
   so that it has access to all advertised transit policies when
   generating a route and so that it can regenerate routing information
   messages at a later point in time if requested to do so by another
   route server or policy gateway.  However, a route server may elect
   not to store all routing information message contents.  In
   particular, the route server need not store any transit policy that
   excludes the route server's domain as a source or any routing
   information from a domain that the route server's domain's source
   policies exclude for transit.  Selective storing of routing
   information message contents simplifies the route generation
   procedure since it reduces the search space of possible routes, and
   it limits the amount of route server memory devoted to routing
   information.  However, selective storing of routing information also
   means that the route server cannot always regenerate the original
   routing information message, if requested to do so by another route
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   server or policy gateway.

   An acceptable IDPR routing information message may contain transit
   policy information that is not well-defined according to the route
   server's perception.  A CONFIGURATION message may contain an
   unrecognized domain, virtual gateway, or transit policy attribute,
   such as user class access restrictions or offered service.  In this
   case, "unrecognized" means that the value in the routing information
   message is not listed in the route server's configuration database,
   as described previously in section 1.8.2.  A DYNAMIC message may
   contain an unrecognized transit policy or virtual gateway.  In this
   case, "unrecognized" means that the transit policy or virtual gateway
   was not listed in the most recent CONFIGURATION message for the given

   Each route server can always parse an acceptable routing information
   messsage, even if some of the information is not well-defined, and
   thus can always use the information that it does recognize.
   Therefore, a route server can store the contents of acceptable
   routing information messages from domains in which it is interested,
   regardless of whether all contents appear to be well-defined at
   present.  If a routing message contains unrecognized information, the
   route server may attempt to obtain the additional information it
   needs to decipher the unrecognized information.  For a CONFIGURATION
   message, the route server logs the event for network management; for
   a DYNAMIC message, the route server requests, from another route
   server, the most recent CONFIGURATION message for the domain in

   When a domain is partitioned, each domain component has its own AD
   representative, which generates routing information messages on
   behalf of that component.  Discovery of a domain partition prompts
   the AD representative for each domain component to generate and
   distribute a DYNAMIC message.  In this case, a route server receives
   and stores more than one routing information message at a time for
   the given domain, namely one for each domain component.

   When the partition heals, the AD representative for the entire domain
   generates and distributes a DYNAMIC message.  In each route server's
   routing information database, the new DYNAMIC message does not
   automatically replace all of the currently-stored DYNAMIC messages
   for the given domain.  Instead, the new message only replaces that
   message whose AD representative matches the AD representative for the
   new message.  The other DYNAMIC messages, generated during the period
   over which the partition occurred, remain in the routing information
   database until they attain their maximum lifetime, as described in
   section 4.2.5 below.  Such stale information may lead to the
   generation of routes that result in path setup failures and hence the
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   selection of alternative routes.  To reduce the chances of path setup
   failures, we will investigate, for a future version of IDPR,
   mechanisms for removing partition-related DYNAMIC messages
   immediately after a partition disappears.

4.2.5.  Routing Information Database

   We expect that most of the IDPR routing information stored in a
   routing information database will remain viable for long periods of
   time, perhaps until a domain reconfiguration occurs.  By "viable", we
   mean that the information reflects the current state of the domain
   and hence may be used successfully for generating policy routes.  To
   reduce the probability of retaining stale routing information, a
   route server imposes a maximum lifetime on each database entry,
   initialized when it incorporates an accepted entry into its routing
   information database.  The maximum lifetime should be longer than the
   corresponding message generation period, so that the database entry
   is likely to be refreshed before it attains its maximum lifetime.

   Each CONFIGURATION message stored in the routing information database
   has a maximum lifetime of conf_old (530) hours; each DYNAMIC message
   stored in the routing information database has a maximum lifetime of
   dyn_old (25) hours.  Periodic generation of routing information
   messages makes it unlikely that any routing information message will
   remain in a routing information database for its full lifetime.
   However, a routing information message may attain its maximum
   lifetime in a route server that is separated from a internetwork for
   a long period of time.

   When an IDPR routing information message attains its maximum lifetime
   in a routing information database, the route server removes the
   message contents from its database, so that it will not generate new
   routes with the outdated routing information nor distribute old
   routing information in response to requests from other route servers
   or policy gateways.  Nevertheless, the route server continues to
   dispense routes previously generated with the old routing
   information, as long as path setup (see section 7) for these routes

   The route server treats routing information message lifetime
   expiration differently, depending on the type of routing information
   message.  When a CONFIGURATION message expires, the route server
   requests, from another route server, the most recent CONFIGURATION
   message issued for the given domain.  When a DYNAMIC message expires,
   the route server does not initially attempt to obtain more recent
   routing information.  Instead, if route generation is necessary, the
   route server uses the routing information contained in the
   corresponding CONFIGURATION message for the given domain.  Only if
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   there is a path setup failure (see section 7.4) involving the given
   domain does the route server request, from another route server, the
   most recent DYNAMIC message issued for the given domain.

4.3.  Routing Information Message Formats

   The flooding protocol number is equal to 1.  We describe the contents
   of each type of routing information message below.


   The CONFIGURATION message type is equal to 0.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            AD CMP             |              SEQ              |
   |            NUM TP             |            NUM RS             |
   |              RS               |
   For each transit policy configured for the domain:
   |              TP               |            NUM ATR            |
   For each attribute of the transit policy:
   |            ATR TYP            |            ATR LEN            |
   For the source/destination access restrictions attribute:
   |          NUM AD GRP           |
   For each domain group in the source/destination access restrictions:
   |            NUM AD             |              AD               |
   |    AD FLGS    |    NUM HST    |            HST SET            |
   For the temporal access restrictions attribute:
   |            NUM TIM            |
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   For each set of times in the temporal access restrictions:
   |   TIM FLGS    |                   DURATION                    |
   |                             START                             |
   |            PERIOD             |            ACTIVE             |
   For the user class access restrictions attribute:
   |            NUM UCI            |
   For each UCI in the user class access restrictions:
   |      UCI      |
   For each offered service attribute:
   |                            OFR SRV                            |
   For the virtual gateway access restrictions attribute:
   |           NUM VG GRP          |
   For each virtual gateway group in the virtual gateway access
   |            NUM VG             |            ADJ AD             |
   |      VG       |    VG FLGS    |

        (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the domain component containing
        the AD representative policy gateway.

   SEQ (16 bits) Routing information message sequence number.

   NUM TP (16 bits) Number of transit policy specifications contained in
        the routing information message.

   NUM RS (16 bits) Number of route servers advertised to serve clients
        outside of the domain.

   RS (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a route server.

   TP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a transit policy specification.
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   NUM ATR (16 bits) Number of attributes associated with the transit

   ATR TYP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a type of attribute.  Valid
        attributes include the following types:

   - Set of  virtual  gateway access restrictions   (see  section 1.4.2)
     associated with the transit policy (variable).  This attribute must
     be included.

   - Set of source/destination access restrictions (see section 1.4.2)
     associated with the transit policy (variable).  This attribute may
     be omitted.  Absence of this attribute implies that traffic from
     any source to any destination is acceptable.

   - Set of temporal access restrictions (see section 1.4.2) associated
     with the transit policy (variable).  This attribute may be omitted.
     Absence of this attribute implies that the transit policy applies
     at all times.

   - Set of user class access restrictions (see section 1.4.2)
     associated with the transit policy (variable).  This attribute may
     be omitted.  Absence of this attribute implies that traffic from
     any user class is acceptable.

   - Average delay in milliseconds (16 bits).  This attribute may be

   - Delay variation in milliseconds (16 bits).  This attribute may be

   - Average available bandwidth in bits per second (48 bits).  This
     attribute may be omitted.

   - Available bandwidth variation in bits per second (48 bits).  This
     attribute may be omitted.

   - MTU in bytes (16 bits).  This attribute may be omitted.

   - Charge per byte in thousandths of a cent (16 bits). This attribute
     may be omitted.

   - Charge per message in thousandths of a cent (16 bits).  This
     attribute may be omitted.

   - Charge for session time in thousandths of a cent per second (16
     bits).  This attribute may be omitted.  Absence of any charge
     attribute implies that the domain provides free transit service.
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   ATR LEN (16 bits) Length of an attribute in bytes, beginning with the
   subsequent field.

   NUM AD GRP (16 bits) Number of source/destination domain groups (see
   section 1.4.2) associated with the source/destination access

   NUM AD (16 bits) Number of domains or sets of domains in a domain

   AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a domain or domain set.

   AD FLGS (8 bits) Set of five flags indicating how to interpret the AD
   field, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding left to right,
   the first flag indicates whether the transit policy applies to all
   domains or to specific domains (1 all, 0 specific), and when set to
   1, causes the second and third flags to be ignored.  The second flag
   indicates whether the domain identifier signifies a single domain or
   a domain set (1 single, 0 set).  The third flag indicates whether the
   transit policy applies to the given domain or domain set (1 applies,
   0 does not apply) and is used for representing complements of sets of
   domains.  The fourth flag indicates whether the domain is a source (1
   source, 0 not source).  The fifth flag indicates whether the domain
   is a destination (1 destination, 0 not destination).  At least one of
   the fourth and fifth flags must be set to 1.

   NUM HST (8 bits) Number of "host sets" (see section 1.4.2) associated
   with a particular domain or domain set.  The value 0 indicates that
   all hosts in the given domain or domain set are acceptable sources or
   destinations, as specified by the fourth and fifth AD flags.

   HST SET (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a host set.

   NUM TIM (16 bits) Number of time specifications associated with the
   temporal access restrictions.  Each time specification is split into
   a set of continguous identical periods, as we describe below.

   TIM FLGS (8 bits) Set of two flags indicating how to combine the time
   specifications, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding left to
   right, the first flag indicates whether the transit policy applies
   during the periods specified in the time specification (1 applies, 0
   does not apply) and is used for representing complements of policy
   applicability intervals.  The second flag indicates whether the time
   specification takes precedence over the previous time specifications
   listed (1 precedence, 0 no precedence).  Precedence is equivalent to
   the boolean OR and AND operators, in the following sense.  At any
   given instant, a transit policy either applies or does not apply,
   according to a given time specification, and we can assign a boolean
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   value to the state of policy applicability according to a given time
   specification.  If the second flag assumes the value 1 for a given
   time specification, that indicates the boolean operator OR should be
   applied to the values of policy applicability, according to the given
   time specification and to all previously listed time specifications.
   If the second flag assumes the value 0 for a given time
   specification, that indicates the boolean operator AND should be
   applied to the values of policy applicability, according to the given
   time specification and to all previously listed time specifications.

   DURATION (24 bits) Length of the time specification duration, in
   minutes.  A value of 0 indicates an infinite duration.

   START (32 bits) Time at which the time specification first takes
   effect, in seconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 0:00 GMT.

   PERIOD (16 bits) Length of each time period within the time
   specification, in minutes.

   ACTIVE (16 bits) Length of the policy applicable interval during each
   time period, in minutes from the beginning of the time period.

   NUM UCI (16 bits) Number of user classes associated with the user
   class access restrictions.

   UCI (8 bits) Numeric identifier for a user class.

   NUM VG GRP (16 bits) Number of virtual gateway groups (see section
   1.4.2) associated with the virtual gateway access restrictions.

   NUM VG (16 bits) Number of virtual gateways in a virtual gateway

   ADJ AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the adjacent domain to which
   a virtual gateway connects.

   VG (8 bits) Numeric identifier for a virtual gateway.

   VG FLGS (8 bits) Set of two flags indicating how to interpret the VG
   field, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding left to right,
   the first flag indicates whether the virtual gateway is a domain
   entry point (1 entry, 0 not entry).  The second flag indicates
   whether the virtual gateway is a domain exit point (1 exit, 0 not
   exit).  At least one of the first and second flags must be set to 1.
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4.3.2.  DYNAMIC

   The DYNAMIC message type is equal to 1.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            AD CMP             |              SEQ              |
   |           UNAVL VG            |            NUM PS             |
   For each unavailable virtual gateway in the domain:
   |            ADJ AD             |      VG       |    UNUSED     |
   For each set of transit policies for the domain:
   |            NUM TP             |          NUM VG GRP           |
   |              TP               |
   For each virtual gateway group associated with the transit policy
   |            NUM VG             |            ADJ AD             |
   |      VG       |    VG FLGS    |            NUM CMP            |
   |            ADJ CMP            |

        (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the domain component containing
        the AD representative policy gateway.

   SEQ (16 bits) Routing information message sequence number.

   UNAVL VG (16 bits) Number of virtual gateways in the domain component
        that are currently unavailable via any intra-domain routes.

   NUM PS (16 bits) Number of sets of transit policies listed.  Transit
        policy sets provide a mechanism for reducing the size of DYNAMIC
        messages.  A single set of virtual gateway groups applies to all
        transit policies in a given set.

   ADJ AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the adjacent domain to which
        a virtual gateway connects.
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   VG (8 bits) Numeric identifier for a virtual gateway.

   UNUSED (8 bits) Not currently used; must be set equal to 0.

   NUM TP (16 bits) Number of transit policies in a set.

   NUM VGGRP (16 bits) Number of virtual gateway groups currently
        associated with the transit policy set.

   TP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a transit policy.

   NUM VG (16 bits) Number of virtual gateways in a virtual gateway

   VG FLGS (8 bits) Set of two flags indicating how to interpret the VG
        field, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding left to
        right, the first flag indicates whether the virtual gateway is a
        domain entry point (1 entry, 0 not entry).  The second flag
        indicates whether the virtual gateway is a domain exit point (1
        exit, 0 not exit).  At least one of the first and second flags
        must be set to 1.

   NUM CMP (16 bits) Number of adjacent domain components reachable via
        direct connections through the virtual gateway.

   ADJ CMP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a reachable adjacent domain

4.3.3.  Negative Acknowledgements

   When a policy gateway or route server receives an unacceptable IDPR
   routing information message that passes the CMTP validation checks,
   it includes, in its CMTP ACK, an appropriate negative
   acknowledgement.  This information is placed in the INFORM field of
   the CMTP ACK (described previously in section 2.4); the numeric
   identifier for each type of routing information message negative
   acknowledgement is contained in the left-most 8 bits of the INFORM
   field.  Negative acknowledgements associated with routing information
   messages include the following types:

   1.  Unrecognized IDPR routing information message type.  Numeric
       identifier for the unrecognized message type (8 bits).

   2.  Out-of-date IDPR routing information message.  This is a signal
       to the sender that it may not have the most recent routing
       information for the given domain.
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5.  Route Server Query Protocol

   Each route server is responsible for maintaining both the routing
   information database and the route database and for responding to
   database information requests from policy gateways and other route
   servers.  These requests and their responses are the messages
   exchanged via the Route Server Query Protocol (RSQP).

   Policy gateways and route servers normally invoke RSQP to replace
   absent, outdated, or corrupted information in their own routing
   information or route databases.  In section 4, we discussed some of
   the situations in which RSQP may be invoked; in this section and in
   section 7, we discuss other such situations.

5.1.  Message Exchange

   Policy gateways and route servers use CMTP for reliable transport of
   route server requests and responses.  RSQP must communicate to CMTP
   the maximum number of transmissions per request/response message,
   rsqp_ret, and the interval between request/response message
   retransmissions, rsqp_int microseconds.  A route server
   request/response message is "acceptable" if:

   - It passes the CMTP validation checks.

   - Its timestamp is less than rsqp_old (300) seconds behind the
     recipient's internal clock time.

   With RSQP, a requesting entity expects to receive an acknowledgement
   from the queried route server indicating whether the route server can
   accommodate the request.  The route server may fail to fill a given
   request for either of the following reasons:

   - Its corresponding database contains no entry or only a partial
     entry for the requested information.

   - It is governed by special message distribution rules, imposed by
     the domain administrator, that preclude it from releasing the
     requested information.  Currently, such distribution rules are not
     included in IDPR configuration information.

   For all requests that it cannot fill, the route server responds with
   a negative acknowledgement message carried in a CMTP acknowledgement,
   indicating the set of unfulfilled requests (see section 5.5.4).

   If the requesting entity either receives a negative acknowledgement
   or does not receive any acknowledgement after rsqp_ret attempts
   directed at the same route server, it queries a different route
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   server, as long as the number of attempted requests to different
   route servers does not exceed rsqp_try (3).  Specifically, the
   requesting entity proceeds in round-robin order through its list of
   addressable route servers.  However, if the requesting entity is
   unsuccessful after rsqp_try attempts, it abandons the request
   altogether and logs the event for network management.

   A policy gateway or a route server can request information from any
   route server that it can address.  Addresses for local route servers
   within a domain are part of the configuration for each IDPR entity
   within a domain; addresses for remote route servers in other domains
   are obtained through flooded CONFIGURATION messages, as described
   previously in section 4.2.1.  However, requesting entities always
   query local route servers before remote route servers, in order to
   contain the costs associated with the query and response.  If the
   requesting entity and the queried route server are in the same
   domain, they can communicate over intra-domain routes, whereas if the
   requesting entity and the queried route server are in different
   domains, they must obtain a policy route and establish a path before
   they can communicate, as we describe below.

5.2.  Remote Route Server Communication

   RSQP communication involving a remote route server requires a policy
   route and accompanying path setup (see section 7) between the
   requesting and queried entities, as these entities reside in
   different domains.  After generating a request message, the
   requesting entity hands to CMTP its request message along with the
   remote route server's entity and domain identifiers.  CMTP encloses
   the request in a DATAGRAM and hands the DATAGRAM and remote route
   server information to the path agent.  Using the remote route server
   information, the path agent obtains, and if necessary sets up, a path
   to the remote route server.  Once the path to the remote route server
   has been successfully established, the path agent encapsulates the
   DATAGRAM within an IDPR data message and forwards the data message
   along the designated path.

   When the path agent in the remote route server receives the IDPR data
   message, it extracts the DATAGRAM and hands it to CMTP.  In addition,
   the path agent, using the requesting entity and domain identifiers
   contained in the path identifier, obtains, and if necessary sets up,
   a path back to the requesting entity.

   If the DATAGRAM fails any of the CMTP validation checks, CMTP returns
   a NAK to the requesting entity.  If the DATAGRAM passes all of the
   CMTP validation checks, the remote route server assesses the
   acceptability of the request message.  Provided the request message
   is acceptable, the remote route server determines whether it can
Top   ToC   RFC1479 - Page 66
   fulfill the request and directs CMTP to return an ACK to the
   requesting entity.  The ACK may contain a negative acknowledgement if
   the entire request cannot be fulfilled.

   The remote route server generates responses for all requests that it
   can fulfill and returns the responses to the requesting entity.
   Specifically, the remote route server hands to CMTP its response and
   the requesting entity information.  CMTP in turn encloses the
   response in a DATAGRAM.

   When returning an ACK, a NAK, or a response to the requesting entity,
   the remote route server hands the corresponding CMTP message and
   requesting entity information to the path agent.  Using the
   requesting entity information, the path agent retrieves the path to
   the requesting entity, encapsulates the CMTP message within an IDPR
   data message, and forwards the data message along the designated

   When the path agent in the requesting entity receives the IDPR data
   message, it extracts the ACK, NAK, or response to its request and
   performs the CMTP validation checks for that message.  In the case of
   a response messsage, the requesting entity also assesses message
   acceptability before incorporating the contents into the appropriate

5.3  Routing Information

   Policy gateways and route servers request routing information from
   route servers, in order to update their routing information
   databases.  To obtain routing information from a route server, the
   requesting entity issues a ROUTING INFORMATION REQUEST message
   containing the type of routing information requested - CONFIGURATION
   messages, DYNAMIC messages, or both - and the set of domains from
   which the routing information is requested.

   Upon receiving a ROUTING INFORMATION REQUEST message, a route server
   first assesses message acceptability before proceeding to act on the
   contents.  If the ROUTING INFORMATION REQUEST message is deemed
   acceptable, the route server determines how much of the request it
   can fulfill and then instructs CMTP to generate an acknowledgement,
   indicating its ability to fulfill the request.  The route server
   proceeds to fulfill as much of the request as possible by
   reconstructing individual routing information messages, one per
   requested message type and domain, from its routing information
   database.  We note that only a regenerated routing information
   message whose entire contents match that of the original routing
   information message may pass the CMTP integrity/authentication
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5.4.  Routes

   Path agents request routes from route servers when they require
   policy routes for path setup.  To obtain routes from a route server,
   the requesting path agent issues a ROUTE REQUEST message containing
   the destination domain and applicable service requirements, the
   maximum number of routes requested, a directive indicating whether to
   generate the routes or retrieve them from the route database, and a
   directive indicating whether to refresh the routing information
   database with the most recent CONFIGURATION or DYNAMIC message from a
   given domain, before generating the routes.  To refresh its routing
   information database, a route server must obtain routing information
   from another route server.  The path agent usually issues routing
   information database refresh directives in response to a failed path
   setup.  We discuss the application of these directives in more detail
   in section 7.4.

   Upon receiving a ROUTE REQUEST message, a route server first assesses
   message acceptability before proceeding to act on the contents.  If
   the ROUTE REQUEST message is deemed acceptable, the route server
   determines whether it can fulfill the request and then instructs CMTP
   to generate an acknowledgement, indicating its ability to fulfill the
   request.  The route server proceeds to fulfill the request with
   policy routes, either retrieved from its route database or generated
   from its routing information database if necessary, and returns these
   routes in a ROUTE RESPONSE message.

5.5.  Route Server Message Formats

   The route server query protocol number is equal to 2.  We describe
   the contents of each type of RSQP message below.


   The ROUTING INFORMATION REQUEST message type is equal to 0.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            QRY AD             |            QRY RS             |
   |            NUM AD             |              AD               |
   |   RIM FLGS    |    UNUSED     |

        (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the domain containing the
Top   ToC   RFC1479 - Page 68
        queried route server.

   QRY RS (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the queried route server.

   NUM AD (16 bits) Number of domains about which routing information is
        requested.  The value 0 indicates a request for routing
        information from all domains.

   AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a domain.  This field is absent
        when NUM AD equals 0.

   RIM FLGS (8 bits) Set of two flags indicating the type of routing
        information messages requested, contained in the right-most
        bits.  Proceeding left to right, the first flag indicates
        whether the request is for a CONFIGURATION message (1
        CONFIGURATION, 0 no CONFIGURATION).  The second flag indicates
        whether the request is for a DYNAMIC message (1 DYNAMIC, 0 no
        DYNAMIC).  At least one of the first and second flags must be
        set to 1.

   UNUSED (8 bits) Not currently used; must be set equal to 0.


        The ROUTE REQUEST message type is equal to 1.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            QRY AD             |            QRY RS             |
   |            SRC AD             |            HST SET            |
   |      UCI      |    UNUSED     |            NUM RQS            |
   |            DST AD             |            PRX AD             |
   |    NUM RTS    |   GEN FLGS    |            RFS AD             |
   |            NUM AD             |
   For each domain to be favored, avoided, or excluded:
   |              AD               |    AD FLGS    |    UNUSED     |
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   For each requested service:
   |            RQS TYP            |            RQS LEN            |
   |                            RQS SRV                            |

        (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the domain containing the
        queried route server.

   QRY RS (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the queried route server.

   SRC AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the route's source domain.

   HST SET (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the source's host set.

   UCI (8 bits) Numeric identifier for the source user class. The value
        0 indicates that there is no particular source user class.

   UNUSED (8 bits) Not currently used; must be set equal to 0.

   NUM RQS (16 bits) Number of requested services.  The value 0
        indicates that the source requests no special services.

   DST AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the route's destination

   PRX AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the destination domain's
        proxy (see section 1.3.1).  If the destination domain provides
        the path agent function for its hosts, then the destination and
        proxy domains are identical.  A route server constructs routes
        between the source domain's proxy and the destination domain's
        proxy.  We note that the source domain's proxy is identical to
        the domain issuing the CMTP message containing the ROUTE REQUEST
        message, and hence available in the CMTP header.

   NUM RTS (8 bits) Number of policy routes requested.

   GEN FLGS (8 bits) Set of three flags indicating how to obtain the
        requested routes, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding
        left to right, the first flag indicates whether the route server
        should retrieve existing routes from its route database or
        generate new routes (1 retrieve, 0 generate).  The second flag
        indicates whether the route server should refresh its routing
        information database before generating the requested routes (1
        refresh, 0 no refresh) and when set to 1, causes the third flag
        and the RFS AD field to become significant.  The third flag
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        indicates whether the routing information database refresh
        should include CONFIGURATION messages or DYNAMIC messages (1
        configuration, 0 dynamic).

   RFS AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the domain for which routing
        information should be refreshed.  This field is meaningful only
        if the second flag in the GEN FLGS field is set to 1.

   NUM AD (16 bits) Number of transit domains that are to be favored,
        avoided, or excluded during route selection (see section 1.4.1).

   AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a transit domain to be favored,
        avoided, or excluded.

   AD FLGS (8 bits) Three flags indicating how to interpret the AD
        field, contained in the right-most bits.  Proceeding left to
        right, the first flag indicates whether the domain should be
        favored (1 favored, 0 not favored).  The second flag indicates
        whether the domain should be avoided (1 avoided, 0 not avoided).
        The third flag indicates whether the domain should be excluded
        (1 excluded, 0 not excluded).  No more than one of the first,
        second, and third flags must set to 1.

   RQS TYP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a type of requested service.
        Valid requested services include the following types:

   1.  Upper bound on delay, in milliseconds (16 bits).  This attribute
       may be omitted.

   2.  Minimum delay route.  This attribute may be omitted.

   3.  Upper bound on delay variation, in milliseconds (16 bits).  This
       attribute may be omitted.

   4.  Minimum delay variation route.  This attribute may be omitted.

   5.  Lower bound on bandwidth, in bits per second (48 bits).  This
       attribute may be omitted.

   6.  Maximum bandwidth route.  This attribute may be omitted.

   7.  Upper bound on monetary cost, in cents (32 bits).  This attribute
       may be omitted.

   8.  Minimum monetary cost route.  This attribute may be omitted.

   9.  Path lifetime in minutes (16 bits). This attribute may be omitted
       but must be present if types 7 or 8 are present. Route servers
Top   ToC   RFC1479 - Page 71
       use path lifetime information together with domain charging
       method to compute expected session monetary cost over a given

   10. Path lifetime in messages (16 bits).  This attribute may be
       omitted but must be present if types 7 or 8 are present.

   11. Path lifetime in bytes (48 bits).  This attribute may be omitted
       but must be present if types 7 or 8 are present.

        (16 bits) Length of the requested service, in bytes, beginning
        with the next field.

        (variable) Description of the requested service.


   The ROUTE RESPONSE message type is equal to 2.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |    NUM RTS    |
   For each route provided:
   |    NUM AD     |   RTE FLGS    |
   For each domain in the route:
   |    AD LEN     |      VG       |            ADJ AD             |
   |            ADJ CMP            |            NUM TP             |
   |              TP               |

        (16 bits) Number of policy routes provided.

   RTE FLGS (8 bits) Set of two flags indicating the directions in which
        a route can be used, contained in the right-most bits.  Refer to
        sections 6.2, 7, and 7.2 for detailed discussions of path
        directionality.  Proceeding left to right, the first flag
        indicates whether the route can be used from source to
        destination (1 from source, 0 not from source).  The second flag
Top   ToC   RFC1479 - Page 72
        indicates whether the route can be used from destination to
        source (1 from destination, 0 not from destination).  At least
        one of the first and second flags must be set to 1, if NUM RTS
        is greater than 0.

   NUM AD (8 bits) Number of domains in the policy route, not including
        the first domain on the route.

   AD LEN (8 bits) Length of the information associated with a
        particular domain, in bytes, beginning with the next field.

   VG (8 bits) Numeric identifier for an exit virtual gateway.

   ADJ AD (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the adjacent domain connected
        to the virtual gateway.

   ADJ CMP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for the adjacent domain
        component.  Used by policy gateways to select a route across a
        virtual gateway connecting to a partitioned domain.

   NUM TP (16 bits) Number of transit policies that apply to the section
        of the route traversing the domain component.

   TP (16 bits) Numeric identifier for a transit policy.

5.5.4.  Negative Acknowledgements

   When a policy gateway receives an unacceptable RSQP message that
   passes the CMTP validation checks, it includes, in its CMTP ACK, an
   appropriate negative acknowledgement.  This information is placed in
   the INFORM field of the CMTP ACK (described previously in section
   2.4); the numeric identifier for each type of RSQP negative
   acknowledgement is contained in the left-most 8 bits of the INFORM
   field.  Negative acknowledgements associated with RSQP include the
   following types:

   1.  Unrecognized RSQP message type.  Numeric identifier for the
       unrecognized message type (8 bits).

   2.  Out-of-date RSQP message.

   3.  Unable to fill requests for routing information from the
       following domains.  Number of domains for which requests cannot
       be filled (16 bits); a value of 0 indicates that the route
       server cannot fill any of the requests.  Numeric identifier for
       each domain for which a request cannot be filled (16 bits).
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   4.  Unable to fill requests for routes to the following destination
       domain.  Numeric identifier for the destination domain (16 bits).

(page 73 continued on part 4)

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