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RFC 1340

Assigned Numbers

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ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 70   prevText

   The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) specified in RFC-903
   [48] has the following operation codes:


   Operation Code (op)

            3  request Reverse
            4  reply Reverse

                            DYNAMIC REVERSE ARP


   Operation Code (op)

            5  DRARP-Request
            6  DRARP-Reply
            7  DRARP-Error

   For further information, contact: David Brownell


   The Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (IARP) specified in RFC-1293
   [173] has the following operation codes:


   Operation Code (op)

            8  InARP-Request
            9  InARP-Reply
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 71
                             X.25 TYPE NUMBERS

   CCITT defines the high order two bits of the first octet of call user
   data as follows:

      00 - Used for other CCITT recomendations (such as X.29)
      01 - Reserved for use by "national" administrative
      10 - Reserved for use by international administrative authoorities
      11 - Reserved for arbitrary use between consenting DTEs

      Call User Data (hex)     Protocol                      Reference
      -------------------      --------                      ---------

      01                       PAD                               [GS2]
      C5                       Blacker front-end descr dev       [AGM]
      CC                       IP                             [69,AGM]*
      CD                       ISO-IP                            [AGM]
      DD                       Network Monitoring                [AGM]

      *NOTE: ISO SC6/WG2 approved assignment in ISO 9577 (January 1990).
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 72
                         PUBLIC DATA NETWORK NUMBERS

One of the Internet Class A Networks is the international system of
Public Data Networks.  This section lists the mapping between the
Internet Addresses and the Public Data Network Addresses (X.121).


        Internet           Public Data Net    Description     References
        --------------   -----------------   -----------      ----------                       Reserved              [JBP]   3110-317-00035 00   PURDUE-TN              [TN]   3110-608-00027 00   UWISC-TN               [TN]   3110-302-00024 00   UDEL-TN                [TN]   2342-192-00149 23   UCL-VTEST              [PK]   2342-192-00300 23   UCL-TG                 [PK]   2342-192-00300 25   UK-SATNET              [PK]   3110-608-00024 00   UWISC-IBM            [MS56]   3110-213-00045 00   RAND-TN               [MO2]   2342-192-00300 23   UCL-CS                 [PK]   3110-617-00025 00   BBN-VAN-GW           [JD21]   2405-015-50300 00   CHALMERS              [UXB]   3110-713-00165 00   RICE                 [PAM6]   3110-415-00261 00   DECWRL               [PAM6]   3110-408-00051 00   IBM-SJ               [SXA3]   2041-117-01000 00   SHAPE                 [JFW]   2628-153-90075 00   DFVLR4-X25            [GB7]   3110-213-00032 00   ISI-VAN-GW           [JD21]   2624-522-80900 52   FGAN-SIEMENS-X25      [GB7]   2041-170-10000 00   SHAPE-X25             [JFW]   5052-737-20000 50   UQNET                 [AXH]   3020-801-00057 50   DMC-CRC1              [VXT]   2624-522-80329 02   FGAN-FGANFFMVAX-X25   [GB7]   2624-589-00908 01   ECRC-X25              [PXD]   2342-905-24242 83   UK-MOD-RSRE          [JXE2]   2342-905-24242 82   UK-VAN-RSRE           [AXM]   2624-522-80329 05   DFVLRSUN-X25          [GB7]   2624-457-11015 90   SELETFMSUN-X25        [BXD]   3110-408-00146 00   CDC-SVL             [RAM57]   2222-551-04400 00   SUN-CNUCE            [ABB2]   2222-551-04500 00   ICNUCEVM-CNUCE       [ABB2]   2222-551-04600 00   SPARE-CNUCE          [ABB2]   2222-551-04700 00   ICNUCEVX-CNUCE       [ABB2]   2222-551-04524 00   CISCO-CNUCE          [ABB2]   2342-313-00260 90   SPIDER-GW            [AD67]   2342-313-00260 91   SPIDER-EXP           [AD67]   2342-225-00101 22   PRAXIS-X25A           [TXR]   2342-225-00101 23   PRAXIS-X25B           [TXR]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 73   2403-712-30250 00   DIAB-TABY-GW          [FXB]   2403-715-30100 00   DIAB-LKP-GW           [FXB]   2401-881-24038 00   DIAB-TABY1-GW         [FXB]   2041-170-10060 00   STC                  [TC27]   2222-551-00652 60   CNUCE                [TC27]   2422-510-05900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-670-08900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-516-01000 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-450-00800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-610-00200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-310-00300 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-470-08800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-210-04600 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-130-28900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-310-27200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-250-05800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-634-05900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-670-08800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-430-07400 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-674-07800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-230-16900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-518-02900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-370-03100 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-516-03400 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-616-04400 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-650-23500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-330-02500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-350-01900 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-410-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-539-06200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-630-07200 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-470-12300 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-470-13000 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-170-04600 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-516-04300 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-530-00700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-650-18800 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-450-24500 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2062-243-15631 00   DPT-BXL-DDC          [LZ15]   2062-243-15651 00   DPT-BXL-DDC2         [LZ15]   3110-312-00431 00   DPT-CHI              [LZ15]   3110-512-00135 00   DPT-SAT-ENG          [LZ15]   2080-941-90550 00   DPT-PAR              [LZ15]   4545-511-30600 00   DPT-PBSC             [LZ15]   4545-513-30900 00   DPT-HONGKONG         [LZ15]   4872-203-55000 00   UECI-TAIPEI          [LZ15]   2624-551-10400 20   DPT-HANOVR           [LZ15]   2624-569-00401 99   DPT-FNKFRT           [LZ15]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 74   3110-512-00134 00   DPT-SAT-SUPT         [LZ15]   4602-3010-0103 20   DU-X25A              [JK64]   4602-3010-0103 21   FDU-X25B             [JK64]   2422-150-33700 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-271-07100 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-516-00100 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]   2422-650-18800 00   Norsk Informas.       [OXG]   2422-250-30400 00   Tollpost-Globe AS     [OXG]       Unassigned            [JBP]                       Reserved              [JBP]

      The standard for transmission of IP datagrams over the Public Data
      Network is specified in RFC-877 [69].
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                                TELNET OPTIONS

The Telnet Protocol has a number of options that may be negotiated.
These options are listed here.  "IAB Official Protocol Standards" [62]
provides more detailed information.

   Options  Name                                              References
   -------  -----------------------                           ----------
      0     Binary Transmission                                [110,JBP]
      1     Echo                                               [111,JBP]
      2     Reconnection                                        [42,JBP]
      3     Suppress Go Ahead                                  [114,JBP]
      4     Approx Message Size Negotiation                    [133,JBP]
      5     Status                                             [113,JBP]
      6     Timing Mark                                        [115,JBP]
      7     Remote Controlled Trans and Echo                   [107,JBP]
      8     Output Line Width                                   [40,JBP]
      9     Output Page Size                                    [41,JBP]
     10     Output Carriage-Return Disposition                  [28,JBP]
     11     Output Horizontal Tab Stops                         [32,JBP]
     12     Output Horizontal Tab Disposition                   [31,JBP]
     13     Output Formfeed Disposition                         [29,JBP]
     14     Output Vertical Tabstops                            [34,JBP]
     15     Output Vertical Tab Disposition                     [33,JBP]
     16     Output Linefeed Disposition                         [30,JBP]
     17     Extended ASCII                                     [136,JBP]
     18     Logout                                              [25,MRC]
     19     Byte Macro                                          [35,JBP]
     20     Data Entry Terminal                             [145,38,JBP]
     22     SUPDUP                                           [26,27,MRC]
     22     SUPDUP Output                                       [51,MRC]
     23     Send Location                                      [68,EAK1]
     24     Terminal Type                                     [128,MS56]
     25     End of Record                                      [103,JBP]
     26     TACACS User Identification                           [1,BA4]
     27     Output Marking                                     [125,SXS]
     28     Terminal Location Number                            [84,RN6]
     29     Telnet 3270 Regime                                 [116,JXR]
     30     X.3 PAD                                            [70,SL70]
     31     Negotiate About Window Size                      [139,DW183]
     32     Terminal Speed                                     [57,CLH3]
     33     Remote Flow Control                                [58,CLH3]
     34     Linemode                                            [9,DB14]
     35     X Display Location                                 [75,GM23]
     36     Environment Option                                    [DB14]
     37     Authentication Option                                 [DB14]
     38     Encryption Option                                     [DB14]
    255     Extended-Options-List                              [109,JBP]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 76
                           MAIL ENCRYPTION TYPES

   RFC-822 specifies that Encryption Types for mail may be assigned.
   There are currently no RFC-822 encryption types assigned.  Please use
   instead the Mail Privacy procedures defined in [71,72,66].
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 77
                                MIME TYPES

RFC-1341 [169] specifies that Content Types, Content Subtypes, Character
Sets, Access Types, and Conversion values for MIME mail will be assigned
and listed by the IANA.

   Content Types and Subtypes

   Type            Subtype         Description                 Reference
   ----            -------         -----------                 ---------
   text            plain                                       [169,NSB]

   multipart       mixed                                       [169,NSB]

   message         rfc822                                      [169,NSB]

   application     octet-stream                                [169,NSB]

   image           jpeg                                        [169,NSB]

   audio           basic                                       [169,NSB]

   video           mpeg                                        [169,NSB]

   Character Sets

   Type           Description                                  Reference
   ----           -----------                                  ---------
   US-ASCII       the default character set                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-1     see ISO_8859-1:1987 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-2     see ISO_8859-2:1987 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-3     see ISO_8859-3:1988 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-4     see ISO_8859-4:1988 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-5     see ISO_8859-5:1988 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-6     see ISO_8859-6:1987 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-7     see ISO_8859-7:1987 below                    [169,NSB]
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   ISO-8859-8     see ISO_8859-8:1988 below                    [169,NSB]
   ISO-8859-9     see ISO_8859-9:1989 below                    [169,NSB]

   Access Types

   Type           Description                                  Reference
   ----           -----------                                  ---------
   FTP                                                         [169,NSB]
   ANON-FTP                                                    [169,NSB]
   TFTP                                                        [169,NSB]
   AFS                                                         [169,NSB]
   LOCAL-FILE                                                  [169,NSB]
   MAIL-SERVER                                                 [169,NSB]

   Conversion Values

   Conversion values or Content Transfer Encodings.

   Type           Description                                  Reference
   ----           -----------                                  ---------
   7BIT                                                        [169,NSB]
   8BIT                                                        [169,NSB]
   BASE64                                                      [169,NSB]
   BINARY                                                      [169,NSB]
   QUOTED-PRINTABLE                                            [169,NSB]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 79
                              CHARACTER SETS

   Character Set                                               Reference
   -------------                                               ---------
   ISO_646.basic:1983                                         [170,KXS2]
   INVARIANT                                                  [170,KXS2]
   ISO_646.irv:1983                                           [170,KXS2]
   BS_4730                                                    [170,KXS2]
   ANSI_X3.4-1968                                             [170,KXS2]
   NATS-SEFI                                                  [170,KXS2]
   NATS-SEFI-ADD                                              [170,KXS2]
   NATS-DANO                                                  [170,KXS2]
   NATS-DANO-ADD                                              [170,KXS2]
   SEN_850200_B                                               [170,KXS2]
   SEN_850200_C                                               [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6220-1969-jp                                          [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6220-1969-ro                                          [170,KXS2]
   IT                                                         [170,KXS2]
   PT                                                         [170,KXS2]
   ES                                                         [170,KXS2]
   greek7-old                                                 [170,KXS2]
   latin-greek                                                [170,KXS2]
   DIN_66003                                                  [170,KXS2]
   NF_Z_62-010_(1973)                                         [170,KXS2]
   Latin-greek-1                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5427                                                   [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6226-1978                                             [170,KXS2]
   BS_viewdata                                                [170,KXS2]
   INIS                                                       [170,KXS2]
   INIS-8                                                     [170,KXS2]
   INIS-cyrillic                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5427:1981                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_5428:1980                                              [170,KXS2]
   GB_1988-80                                                 [170,KXS2]
   GB_2312-80                                                 [170,KXS2]
   NS_4551-1                                                  [170,KXS2]
   NS_4551-2                                                  [170,KXS2]
   NF_Z_62-010                                                [170,KXS2]
   videotex-suppl                                             [170,KXS2]
   PT2                                                        [170,KXS2]
   ES2                                                        [170,KXS2]
   MSZ_7795.3                                                 [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6226-1983                                             [170,KXS2]
   greek7                                                     [170,KXS2]
   ASMO_449                                                   [170,KXS2]
   iso-ir-90                                                  [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-a                                           [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-b                                           [170,KXS2]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 80
   JIS_C6229-1984-b-add                                       [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand                                        [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add                                    [170,KXS2]
   JIS_C6229-1984-kana                                        [170,KXS2]
   ISO_2033-1983                                              [170,KXS2]
   ANSI_X3.110-1983                                           [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-1:1987                                            [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-2:1987                                            [170,KXS2]
   T.61-7bit                                                  [170,KXS2]
   T.61-8bit                                                  [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-3:1988                                            [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-4:1988                                            [170,KXS2]
   ECMA-cyrillic                                              [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-1                                          [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-2                                          [170,KXS2]
   CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr                                         [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-7:1987                                            [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-6:1987                                            [170,KXS2]
   T.101-G2                                                   [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-8:1988                                            [170,KXS2]
   CSN_369103                                                 [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.002                                               [170,KXS2]
   ISO_6937-2-add                                             [170,KXS2]
   IEC_P27-1                                                  [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-5:1988                                            [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.003-serb                                          [170,KXS2]
   JUS_I.B1.003-mac                                           [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-9:1989                                            [170,KXS2]
   KS_C_5601-1987                                             [170,KXS2]
   greek-ccitt                                                [170,KXS2]
   NC_NC00-10:81                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_6937-2-25                                              [170,KXS2]
   GOST_19768-74                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_8859-supp                                              [170,KXS2]
   ISO_10367-box                                              [170,KXS2]
   latin6                                                     [170,KXS2]
   latin-lap                                                  [170,KXS2]
   JIS_X0212-1990                                             [170,KXS2]
   DS_2089                                                    [170,KXS2]
   us-dk                                                      [170,KXS2]
   dk-us                                                      [170,KXS2]
   JIS_X0201                                                  [170,KXS2]
   KSC5636                                                    [170,KXS2]
   DEC-MCS                                                    [170,KXS2]
   hp-roman8                                                  [170,KXS2]
   macintosh                                                  [170,KXS2]
   IBM037                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM038                                                     [170,KXS2]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 81
   IBM273                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM274                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM275                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM277                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM278                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM280                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM281                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM284                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM285                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM290                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM297                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM420                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM423                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM424                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM437                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM500                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM850                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM851                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM852                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM855                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM857                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM860                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM861                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM862                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM863                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM864                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM865                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM868                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM869                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM870                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM871                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM880                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM891                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM903                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM904                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM905                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM918                                                     [170,KXS2]
   IBM1026                                                    [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-AT-DE                                               [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-AT-DE-A                                             [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-CA-FR                                               [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-DK-NO                                               [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-DK-NO-A                                             [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FI-SE                                               [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FI-SE-A                                             [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-FR                                                  [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-IT                                                  [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-PT                                                  [170,KXS2]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 82
   EBCDIC-ES                                                  [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-ES-A                                                [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-ES-S                                                [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-UK                                                  [170,KXS2]
   EBCDIC-US                                                  [170,KXS2]
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 83
                               MACHINE NAMES

   These are the Official Machine Names as they appear in the Domain Name
   System HINFO records and the NIC Host Table.  Their use is described in
   RFC-952 [53].

   A machine name or CPU type may be up to 40 characters taken from the
   set of uppercase letters, digits, and the two punctuation characters
   hyphen and slash.  It must start with a letter, and end with a letter
   or digit.

      ALTO                                  DEC-1080
      ALTOS-6800                            DEC-1090
      AMDAHL-V7                             DEC-1090B
      APOLLO                                DEC-1090T
      ATARI-104ST                           DEC-2020T
      ATT-3B1                               DEC-2040
      ATT-3B2                               DEC-2040T
      ATT-3B20                              DEC-2050T
      ATT-7300                              DEC-2060
      BBN-C/60                              DEC-2060T
      BURROUGHS-B/29                        DEC-2065
      BURROUGHS-B/4800                      DEC-FALCON
      BUTTERFLY                             DEC-KS10
      C/30                                  DEC-VAX-11730
      C/70                                  DORADO
      CADLINC                               DPS8/70M
      CADR                                  ELXSI-6400
      CDC-170                               EVEREX-386
      CDC-170/750                           FOONLY-F2
      CDC-173                               FOONLY-F3
      CELERITY-1200                         FOONLY-F4
      CLUB-386                              GOULD
      COMPAQ-386/20                         GOULD-6050
      COMTEN-3690                           GOULD-6080
      CP8040                                GOULD-9050
      CRAY-1                                GOULD-9080
      CRAY-X/MP                             H-316
      CRAY-2                                H-60/68
      CTIWS-117                             H-68
      DANDELION                             H-68/80
      DEC-10                                H-89
      DEC-1050                              HONEYWELL-DPS-6
      DEC-1077                              HONEYWELL-DPS-8/70
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 84
      HP3000                                ONYX-Z8000
      HP3000/64                             PDP-11
      IBM-158                               PDP-11/3
      IBM-360/67                            PDP-11/23
      IBM-370/3033                          PDP-11/24
      IBM-3081                              PDP-11/34
      IBM-3084QX                            PDP-11/40
      IBM-3101                              PDP-11/44
      IBM-4331                              PDP-11/45
      IBM-4341                              PDP-11/50
      IBM-4361                              PDP-11/70
      IBM-4381                              PDP-11/73
      IBM-4956                              PE-7/32
      IBM-6152                              PE-3205
      IBM-PC                                PERQ
      IBM-PC/AT                             PLEXUS-P/60
      IBM-PC/RT                             PLI
      IBM-PC/XT                             PLURIBUS
      IBM-SERIES/1                          PRIME-2350
      IMAGEN                                PRIME-2450
      IMAGEN-8/300                          PRIME-2755
      IMSAI                                 PRIME-9655
      INTEGRATED-SOLUTIONS                  PRIME-9755
      INTEGRATED-SOLUTIONS-68K              PRIME-9955II
      INTEL-386                             PRIME-9955
      INTEL-IPSC                            PRIME-9950
      IS-1                                  PRIME-9650
      IS-68010                              PRIME-9750
      LMI                                   PRIME-2250
      LSI-11                                PRIME-750
      LSI-11/2                              PRIME-850
      LSI-11/23                             PRIME-550II
      LSI-11/73                             PYRAMID-90
      M68000                                PYRAMID-90MX
      MAC-II                                PYRAMID-90X
      MASSCOMP                              RIDGE
      MC500                                 RIDGE-32
      MC68000                               RIDGE-32C
      MICROPORT                             ROLM-1666
      MICROVAX                              S1-MKIIA
      MICROVAX-I                            SMI
      MV/8000                               SEQUENT-BALANCE-8000
      NAS3-5                                SIEMENS
      NCR-COMTEN-3690                       SILICON-GRAPHICS
      NEXT/N1000-316                        SILICON-GRAPHICS-IRIS
      NOW                                   SGI-IRIS-2400
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 85
      SGI-IRIS-2500                         SUN-3/50
      SGI-IRIS-3010                         SUN-3/60
      SGI-IRIS-3020                         SUN-3/75
      SGI-IRIS-3030                         SUN-3/80
      SGI-IRIS-3110                         SUN-3/110
      SGI-IRIS-3115                         SUN-3/140
      SGI-IRIS-3120                         SUN-3/150
      SGI-IRIS-3130                         SUN-3/160
      SGI-IRIS-4D/20                        SUN-3/180
      SGI-IRIS-4D/20G                       SUN-3/200
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25                        SUN-3/260
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25G                       SUN-3/280
      SGI-IRIS-4D/25S                       SUN-3/470
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50                        SUN-3/480
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50G                       SUN-4/60
      SGI-IRIS-4D/50GT                      SUN-4/110
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60                        SUN-4/150
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60G                       SUN-4/200
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60T                       SUN-4/260
      SGI-IRIS-4D/60GT                      SUN-4/280
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70                        SUN-4/330
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70G                       SUN-4/370
      SGI-IRIS-4D/70GT                      SUN-4/390
      SGI-IRIS-4D/80GT                      SUN-50
      SGI-IRIS-4D/80S                       SUN-100
      SGI-IRIS-4D/120GTX                    SUN-120
      SGI-IRIS-4D/120S                      SUN-130
      SGI-IRIS-4D/210GTX                    SUN-150
      SGI-IRIS-4D/210S                      SUN-170
      SGI-IRIS-4D/220GTX                    SUN-386i/250
      SGI-IRIS-4D/220S                      SUN-68000
      SGI-IRIS-4D/240GTX                    SYMBOLICS-3600
      SGI-IRIS-4D/240S                      SYMBOLICS-3670
      SGI-IRIS-4D/280GTX                    SYMMETRIC-375
      SGI-IRIS-4D/280S                      SYMULT
      SGI-IRIS-CS/12                        TANDEM-TXP
      SGI-IRIS-4SERVER-8                    TANDY-6000
      SPERRY-DCP/10                         TEK-6130
      SUN                                   TI-EXPLORER
      SUN-2                                 TP-4000
      SUN-2/50                              TRS-80
      SUN-2/100                             UNIVAC-1100
      SUN-2/120                             UNIVAC-1100/60
      SUN-2/130                             UNIVAC-1100/62
      SUN-2/140                             UNIVAC-1100/63
      SUN-2/150                             UNIVAC-1100/64
      SUN-2/160                             UNIVAC-1100/70
      SUN-2/170                             UNIVAC-1160
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                               SYSTEM NAMES

   These are the Official System Names as they appear in the Domain Name
   System HINFO records and the NIC Host Table.  Their use is described
   in RFC-952 [53].

   A system name may be up to 40 characters taken from the set of upper-
   case letters, digits, and the three punctuation characters hyphen,
   period, and slash.  It must start with a letter, and end with a
   letter or digit.

   AEGIS                     LISP                      SUN OS 3.5
   APOLLO                    LISPM                     SUN OS 4.0
   AIX/370                   LOCUS                     SWIFT
   AIX-PS/2                  MACOS                     TAC
   BS-2000                   MINOS                     TANDEM
   CEDAR                     MOS                       TENEX
   CGW                       MPE5                      TOPS10
   CHORUS                    MSDOS                     TOPS20
   CHRYSALIS                 MULTICS                   TOS
   CMOS                      MUSIC                     TP3010
   CMS                       MUSIC/SP                  TRSDOS
   COS                       MVS                       ULTRIX
   CPIX                      MVS/SP                    UNIX
   CTOS                      NEXUS                     UNIX-BSD
   CTSS                      NMS                       UNIX-V1AT
   DCN                       NONSTOP                   UNIX-V
   DDNOS                     NOS-2                     UNIX-V.1
   DOMAIN                    NTOS                      UNIX-V.2
   DOS                       OS/DDP                    UNIX-V.3
   EDX                       OS/2                      UNIX-PC
   ELF                       OS4                       UNKNOWN
   EMBOS                     OS86                      UT2D
   EMMOS                     OSX                       V
   EPOS                      PCDOS                     VM
   FOONEX                    PERQ/OS                   VM/370
   FUZZ                      PLI                       VM/CMS
   GCOS                      PSDOS/MIT                 VM/SP
   GPOS                      PRIMOS                    VMS
   HDOS                      RMX/RDOS                  VMS/EUNICE
   IMAGEN                    ROS                       VRTX
   INTERCOM                  RSX11M                    WAITS
   IMPRESS                   RTE-A                     WANG
   INTERLISP                 SATOPS                    WIN32
   IOS                       SCO-XENIX/386             X11R3
   IRIX                      SCS                       XDE
   ISI-68020                 SIMP                      XENIX
   ITS                       SUN
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 88
                        PROTOCOL AND SERVICE NAMES

   These are the Official Protocol Names as they appear in the Domain
   Name System WKS records and the NIC Host Table.  Their use is
   described in RFC-952 [53].

   A protocol or service may be up to 40 characters taken from the set
   of uppercase letters, digits, and the punctuation character hyphen.
   It must start with a letter, and end with a letter or digit.

   ARGUS               - ARGUS Protocol
   ARP                 - Address Resolution Protocol
   AUTH                - Authentication Service
   BBN-RCC-MON         - BBN RCC Monitoring
   BL-IDM              - Britton Lee Intelligent Database Machine
   BOOTP               - Bootstrap Protocol
   BOOTPC              - Bootstrap Protocol Client
   BOOTPS              - Bootstrap Protocol Server
   BR-SAT-MON          - Backroom SATNET Monitoring
   CFTP                - CFTP
   CHAOS               - CHAOS Protocol
   CHARGEN             - Character Generator Protocol
   CLOCK               - DCNET Time Server Protocol
   CMOT                - Common Mgmnt Info Ser and Prot over TCP/IP
   COOKIE-JAR          - Authentication Scheme
   CSNET-NS            - CSNET Mailbox Nameserver Protocol
   DAYTIME             - Daytime Protocol
   DCN-MEAS            - DCN Measurement Subsystems Protocol
   DCP                 - Device Control Protocol
   DGP                 - Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
   DISCARD             - Discard Protocol
   DMF-MAIL            - Digest Message Format for Mail
   DOMAIN              - Domain Name System
   ECHO                - Echo Protocol
   EGP                 - Exterior Gateway Protocol
   EHF-MAIL            - Encoding Header Field for Mail
   EMCON               - Emission Control Protocol
   EMFIS-CNTL          - EMFIS Control Service
   EMFIS-DATA          - EMFIS Data Service
   FINGER              - Finger Protocol
   FTP                 - File Transfer Protocol
   FTP-DATA            - File Transfer Protocol Data
   GGP                 - Gateway Gateway Protocol
   GRAPHICS            - Graphics Protocol
   HMP                 - Host Monitoring Protocol
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 89
   HOST2-NS            - Host2 Name Server
   HOSTNAME            - Hostname Protocol
   ICMP                - Internet Control Message Protocol
   IGMP                - Internet Group Management Protocol
   IGP                 - Interior Gateway Protocol
   IMAP2               - Interim Mail Access Protocol version 2
   INGRES-NET          - INGRES-NET Service
   IP                  - Internet Protocol
   IPCU                - Internet Packet Core Utility
   IPPC                - Internet Pluribus Packet Core
   IP-ARC              - Internet Protocol on ARCNET
   IP-ARPA             - Internet Protocol on ARPANET
   IP-CMPRS            - Compressing TCP/IP Headers
   IP-DC               - Internet Protocol on DC Networks
   IP-DVMRP            - Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
   IP-E                - Internet Protocol on Ethernet Networks
   IP-EE               - Internet Protocol on Exp. Ethernet Nets
   IP-FDDI             - Transmission of IP over FDDI
   IP-HC               - Internet Protocol on Hyperchannnel
   IP-IEEE             - Internet Protocol on IEEE 802
   IP-IPX              - Transmission of 802.2 over IPX Networks
   IP-MTU              - IP MTU Discovery Options
   IP-NETBIOS          - Internet Protocol over NetBIOS Networks
   IP-SLIP             - Transmission of IP over Serial Lines
   IP-WB               - Internet Protocol on Wideband Network
   IP-X25              - Internet Protocol on X.25 Networks
   IRTP                - Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol
   ISI-GL              - ISI Graphics Language Protocol
   ISO-TP4             - ISO Transport Protocol Class 4
   ISO-TSAP            - ISO TSAP
   LA-MAINT            - IMP Logical Address Maintenance
   LARP                - Locus Address Resoultion Protocol
   LDP                 - Loader Debugger Protocol
   LEAF-1              - Leaf-1 Protocol
   LEAF-2              - Leaf-2 Protocol
   LINK                - Link Protocol
   LOC-SRV             - Location Service
   LOGIN               - Login Host Protocol
   MAIL                - Format of Electronic Mail Messages
   MERIT-INP           - MERIT Internodal Protocol
   METAGRAM            - Metagram Relay
   MIB                 - Management Information Base
   MIT-ML-DEV          - MIT ML Device
   MFE-NSP             - MFE Network Services Protocol
   MIT-SUBNET          - MIT Subnet Support
   MIT-DOV             - MIT Dover Spooler
   MPM                 - Internet Message Protocol (Multimedia Mail)
   MPM-FLAGS           - MPM Flags Protocol
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   MPM-SND             - MPM Send Protocol
   MSG-AUTH            - MSG Authentication Protocol
   MSG-ICP             - MSG ICP Protocol
   MUX                 - Multiplexing Protocol
   NAMESERVER          - Host Name Server
   NETBIOS-DGM         - NETBIOS Datagram Service
   NETBIOS-NS          - NETBIOS Name Service
   NETBIOS-SSN         - NETBIOS Session Service
   NETBLT              - Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
   NETED               - Network Standard Text Editor
   NETRJS              - Remote Job Service
   NI-FTP              - NI File Transfer Protocol
   NI-MAIL             - NI Mail Protocol
   NICNAME             - Who Is Protocol
   NFILE               - A File Access Protocol
   NNTP                - Network News Transfer Protocol
   NSW-FE              - NSW User System Front End
   NTP                 - Network Time Protocol
   NVP-II              - Network Voice Protocol
   OSPF                - Open Shortest Path First Interior GW Protocol
   PCMAIL              - Pcmail Transport Protocol
   POP2                - Post Office Protocol - Version 2
   POP3                - Post Office Protocol - Version 3
   PPP                 - Point-to-Point Protocol
   PRM                 - Packet Radio Measurement
   PUP                 - PUP Protocol
   PWDGEN              - Password Generator Protocol
   QUOTE               - Quote of the Day Protocol
   RARP                - A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
   RATP                - Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol
   RE-MAIL-CK          - Remote Mail Checking Protocol
   RDP                 - Reliable Data Protocol
   RIP                 - Routing Information Protocol
   RJE                 - Remote Job Entry
   RLP                 - Resource Location Protocol
   RTELNET             - Remote Telnet Service
   RVD                 - Remote Virtual Disk Protocol
   SAT-EXPAK           - Satnet and Backroom EXPAK
   SAT-MON             - SATNET Monitoring
   SEP                 - Sequential Exchange Protocol
   SFTP                - Simple File Transfer Protocol
   SGMP                - Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
   SNMP                - Simple Network Management Protocol
   SMI                 - Structure of Management Information
   SMTP                - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
   SQLSRV              - SQL Service
   ST                  - Stream Protocol
   STATSRV             - Statistics Service
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   SU-MIT-TG           - SU/MIT Telnet Gateway Protocol
   SUN-RPC             - SUN Remote Procedure Call
   SUPDUP              - SUPDUP Protocol
   SUR-MEAS            - Survey Measurement
   SWIFT-RVF           - Remote Virtual File Protocol
   TACACS-DS           - TACACS-Database Service
   TACNEWS             - TAC News
   TCP                 - Transmission Control Protocol
   TCP-ACO             - TCP Alternate Checksum Option
   TELNET              - Telnet Protocol
   TFTP                - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
   THINWIRE            - Thinwire Protocol
   TIME                - Time Server Protocol
   TP-TCP              - ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP
   TRUNK-1             - Trunk-1 Protocol
   TRUNK-2             - Trunk-2 Protocol
   UCL                 - University College London Protocol
   UDP                 - User Datagram Protocol
   NNTP                - Network News Transfer Protocol
   USERS               - Active Users Protocol
   UUCP-PATH           - UUCP Path Service
   VIA-FTP             - VIA Systems-File Transfer Protocol
   VISA                - VISA Protocol
   VMTP                - Versatile Message Transaction Protocol
   WB-EXPAK            - Wideband EXPAK
   WB-MON              - Wideband Monitoring
   XNET                - Cross Net Debugger
   XNS-IDP             - Xerox NS IDP
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 92
                            TERMINAL TYPE NAMES

These are the Official Terminal Type Names.  Their use is described in
RFC-930 [128].  The maximum length of a name is 40 characters.

A terminal names may be up to 40 characters taken from the set of upper-
case letters, digits, and the two punctuation characters hyphen and
slash.  It must start with a letter, and end with a letter or digit.

   ADDS-CONSUL-980                       DATAMEDIA-1521
   ADDS-REGENT-100                       DATAMEDIA-2500
   ADDS-REGENT-20                        DATAMEDIA-3025
   ADDS-REGENT-200                       DATAMEDIA-3025A
   ADDS-REGENT-25                        DATAMEDIA-3045
   ADDS-REGENT-40                        DATAMEDIA-3045A
   ADDS-REGENT-60                        DATAMEDIA-DT80/1
   ADDS-VIEWPOINT                        DATAPOINT-2200
   ADDS-VIEWPOINT-60                     DATAPOINT-3000
   AED-512                               DATAPOINT-3300
   AMPEX-DIALOGUE-210                    DATAPOINT-3360
   AMPEX-DIALOGUE-80                     DEC-DECWRITER-I
   AMPEX-210                             DEC-DECWRITER-II
   AMPEX-230                             DEC-GIGI
   ANDERSON-JACOBSON-510                 DEC-GT40
   ANDERSON-JACOBSON-630                 DEC-GT40A
   ANDERSON-JACOBSON-832                 DEC-GT42
   ANDERSON-JACOBSON-841                 DEC-LA120
   ANN-ARBOR-AMBASSADOR                  DEC-LA30
   ANSI                                  DEC-LA36
   ARDS                                  DEC-LA38
   BITGRAPH                              DEC-VT05
   BUSSIPLEXER                           DEC-VT100
   CALCOMP-565                           DEC-VT101
   CDC-456                               DEC-VT102
   CDI-1030                              DEC-VT125
   CDI-1203                              DEC-VT131
   C-ITOH-101                            DEC-VT132
   C-ITOH-50                             DEC-VT200
   C-ITOH-80                             DEC-VT220
   CLNZ                                  DEC-VT240
   COMPUCOLOR-II                         DEC-VT241
   CONCEPT-100                           DEC-VT300
   CONCEPT-104                           DEC-VT320
   CONCEPT-108                           DEC-VT340
   DATA-100                              DEC-VT50
   DATA-GENERAL-6053                     DEC-VT50H
   DATAGRAPHIX-132A                      DEC-VT52
   DATAMEDIA-1520                        DEC-VT55
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 93
   DEC-VT61                              HP-2626
   DEC-VT62                              HP-2626A
   DELTA-DATA-5000                       HP-2626P
   DELTA-DATA-NIH-7000                   HP-2627
   DELTA-TELTERM-2                       HP-2640
   DIABLO-1620                           HP-2640A
   DIABLO-1640                           HP-2640B
   DIGILOG-333                           HP-2645
   DTC-300S                              HP-2645A
   DTC-382                               HP-2648
   EDT-1200                              HP-2648A
   EXECUPORT-4000                        HP-2649
   EXECUPORT-4080                        HP-2649A
   FACIT-TWIST-4440                      IBM-1050
   FREEDOM-100                           IBM-2741
   FREEDOM-110                           IBM-3101
   FREEDOM-200                           IBM-3101-10
   GENERAL-TERMINAL-100A                 IBM-3151
   GENERAL-TERMINAL-101                  IBM-3179-2
   GIPSI-TX-M                            IBM-3180-2
   GIPSI-TX-ME                           IBM-3196-A1
   GIPSI-TX-C4                           IBM-3275-2
   GIPSI-TX-C8                           IBM-3276-2
   GSI                                   IBM-3276-3
   HAZELTINE-1420                        IBM-3276-4
   HAZELTINE-1500                        IBM-3277-2
   HAZELTINE-1510                        IBM-3278-2
   HAZELTINE-1520                        IBM-3278-3
   HAZELTINE-1552                        IBM-3278-4
   HAZELTINE-2000                        IBM-3278-5
   HAZELTINE-ESPRIT                      IBM-3279-2
   HITACHI-5601                          IBM-3279-3
   HITACHI-5603                          IBM-3477-FC
   HITACHI-5603E                         IBM-3477-FG
   HITACHI-5603EA                        IBM-5081
   HITACHI-560X                          IBM-5151
   HITACHI-560XE                         IBM-5154
   HITACHI-560XEA                        IBM-5251-11
   HITACHI-560PR                         IBM-5291-1
   HITACHI-HOAP1                         IBM-5292-2
   HITACHI-HOAP2                         IBM-5555-B01
   HITACHI-HOAP3                         IBM-5555-C01
   HITACHI-HOAP4                         IBM-6153
   HP-2392                               IBM-6154
   HP-2621                               IBM-6155
   HP-2621A                              IBM-AED
   HP-2621P                              IBM-3278-2-E
   HP-2623                               IBM-3278-3-E
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 94
   IBM-3278-4-E                          TEC
   IBM-3278-5-E                          TEKTRONIX-4006
   IBM-3279-2-E                          TEKTRONIX-4010
   IBM-3279-3-E                          TEKTRONIX-4012
   IMLAC                                 TEKTRONIX-4013
   INFOTON-100                           TEKTRONIX-4014
   INFOTON-400                           TEKTRONIX-4023
   INFOTONKAS                            TEKTRONIX-4024
   ISC-8001                              TEKTRONIX-4025
   LSI-ADM-1                             TEKTRONIX-4027
   LSI-ADM-11                            TEKTRONIX-4105
   LSI-ADM-12                            TEKTRONIX-4107
   LSI-ADM-2                             TEKTRONIX-4110
   LSI-ADM-20                            TEKTRONIX-4112
   LSI-ADM-22                            TEKTRONIX-4113
   LSI-ADM-220                           TEKTRONIX-4114
   LSI-ADM-3                             TEKTRONIX-4115
   LSI-ADM-31                            TEKTRONIX-4125
   LSI-ADM-3A                            TEKTRONIX-4404
   LSI-ADM-42                            TELERAY-1061
   LSI-ADM-5                             TELERAY-3700
   MEMOREX-1240                          TELERAY-3800
   MICROBEE                              TELETEC-DATASCREEN
   MICROTERM-ACT-IV                      TELETERM-1030
   MICROTERM-ACT-V                       TELETYPE-33
   MICROTERM-ERGO-301                    TELETYPE-35
   MICROTERM-MIME-1                      TELETYPE-37
   MICROTERM-MIME-2                      TELETYPE-38
   MICROTERM-ACT-5A                      TELETYPE-40
   MICROTERM-TWIST                       TELETYPE-43
   NEC-5520                              TELEVIDEO-910
   NETRONICS                             TELEVIDEO-912
   OMRON-8025AG                          TELEVIDEO-920B
   PERKIN-ELMER-550                      TELEVIDEO-920C
   PERKIN-ELMER-1100                     TELEVIDEO-925
   PERKIN-ELMER-1200                     TELEVIDEO-955
   PERQ                                  TELEVIDEO-950
   PLASMA-PANEL                          TELEVIDEO-970
   QUME-SPRINT-5                         TELEVIDEO-975
   QUME-101                              TERMINET-1200
   QUME-102                              TERMINET-300
   SOROC                                 TI-700
   SOROC-120                             TI-733
   SUN                                   TI-743
   SUPERBEE                              TI-745
   SUPERBEE-III-M                        TI-800
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   [1]    Anderson, B., "TACACS User Identification Telnet Option",
          RFC-927, BBN, December 1984.

   [2]    BBN, "Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an
          IMP", Report 1822, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge,
          Massachusetts, revised, December 1981.

   [3]    BBN, "User Manual for TAC User Database Tool", Bolt Beranek
          and Newman, September 1984.

   [4]    Ben-Artzi, Amatzia, "Network Management for TCP/IP Network: An
          Overview", 3Com, May 1988.

   [5]    Bennett, C., "A Simple NIFTP-Based Mail System", IEN 169,
          University College, London, January 1981.

   [6]    Bhushan, A., "A Report on the Survey Project", RFC-530,
          NIC 17375, June 1973.

   [7]    Bisbey, R., D. Hollingworth, and B. Britt, "Graphics Language
          (version 2.1)", ISI/TM-80-18, Information Sciences Institute,
          July 1980.

   [8]    Boggs, D., J. Shoch, E. Taft, and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An
          Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center,
          CSL-79-10, July 1979; also in IEEE Transactions on
          Communication, Volume COM-28, Number 4, April 1980.

   [9]    Borman, D., Editor, "Telnet Linemode Option",
          RFC 1116, Cray Research, Inc., August 1989.

   [10]   Braden, R., "NETRJS Protocol", RFC-740, NIC 42423,
          Information Sciences Institute, November 1977.

   [11]   Braden, R., and J. Postel, "Requirements for Internet
          Gateways", RFC-1009, Obsoletes RFC-985, Information Sciences
          Institute, June 1987.

   [12]   Bressler, B., "Remote Job Entry Protocol",  RFC-407,
          NIC 12112, October 1972.

   [13]   Bressler, R., "Inter-Entity Communication -- An Experiment",
          RFC-441, NIC 13773, January 1973.

   [14]   Butler, M., J. Postel, D. Chase, J. Goldberger, and
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 97
          J. K. Reynolds, "Post Office Protocol - Version 2", RFC-937,
          Information Sciences Institute, February 1985.

   [15]   Case, J., M. Fedor, M. Schoffstall, and J. Davin,
          "A Simple Network Management Protocol", RFC-1157,
          (Obsoletes RFC-1067, RFC-1098), SNMP Research,
          Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
          International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science,
          May 1990.

   [16]   Cass, D., and M. Rose, "ISO Transport Services on Top of
          the TCP", RFC-983, NTRC, April 1986.

   [17]   Cheriton, D., "VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction
          Protocol Specification", RFC-1045, pgs 103 & 104,
          Stanford University, February 1988.

   [18]   Cisco Systems, "Gateway Server Reference Manual", Manual
          Revision B, January 10, 1988.

   [19]   Clark, D., "PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal
          Computers", RFC-984, MIT, May 1986.

   [20]   Clark, D., M. Lambert, and L. Zhang, "NETBLT: A Bulk Data
          Transfer Protocol", RFC-969, MIT Laboratory for Computer
          Science, December 1985.

   [21]   Cohen, D., "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace", IEEE Computer
          Magazine, October 1981.

   [22]   Cohen, D., "Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol",
          RFC-741, ISI/RR 7539, Information Sciences Institute,
          March 1976.

   [23]   Cohen, D. and J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.

   [24]   COMPASS, "Semi-Annual Technical Report", CADD-7603-0411,
          Massachusetts Computer Associates, 4 March 1976. Also as,
          "National Software Works, Status Report No. 1,"
          RADC-TR-76-276, Volume 1, September 1976. And COMPASS. "Second
          Semi-Annual Report," CADD-7608-1611, Massachusetts Computer
          Associates, August 1976.

   [25]   Crispin, M., "Telnet Logout Option", Stanford University-AI,
          RFC-727, April 1977.

   [26]   Crispin, M., "Telnet SUPDUP Option", Stanford University-AI,
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 98
          RFC-736, October 1977.

   [27]   Crispin, M., "SUPDUP Protocol", RFC-734, NIC 41953,
          October 1977.

   [28]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Carriage-Return Disposition
          Option", RFC-652, October 1974.

   [29]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Formfeed Disposition Option",
          RFC-655, October 1974.

   [30]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Linefeed Disposition", RFC-658,
          October 1974.

   [31]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Disposition
          Option", RFC-654, October 1974.

   [32]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tabstops Option",
          RFC-653, October 1974.

   [33]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition Option",
          RFC-657, October 1974.

   [34]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tabstops Option",
          RFC-656, October 1974.

   [35]   Crocker, D. and R. Gumpertz, "Revised Telnet Byte Marco
          Option", RFC-735, November 1977.

   [36]   Croft, B., and J. Gilmore, "BOOTSTRAP Protocol (BOOTP)",
          RFC-951, Stanford and SUN Microsytems, September 1985.

   [37]   Davin, J., J. Case, M. Fedor, and M. Schoffstall, "A Simple
          Gateway Monitoring Protocol", RFC-1028, November 1987.

   [38]   Day, J., "Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option", RFC-732,
          September 1977.

   [39]   DCA, "3270 Display System Protocol", #1981-08.

   [40]   DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Output Line Width Option",
          NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [41]   DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Output Page Size Option",
          NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [42]   DDN Protocol Handbook, "Telnet Reconnection Option",
          NIC 50005, December 1985.
ToP   noToC   RFC1340 - Page 99
   [43]   Deering, S., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting",
          RFC-1112, Obsoletes RFC-988, RFC-1054, Stanford University,
          August 1989.

   [44]   Elvy, M., and R. Nedved, "Network Mail Path Service", RFC-915,
          Harvard and CMU, July 1986.

   [45]   Feinler, E., editor, "DDN Protocol Handbook", Network
          Information Center, SRI International, December 1985.

   [46]   Feinler, E., editor, "Internet Protocol Transition Workbook",
          Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.

   [47]   Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Handbook",
          NIC 7104, for the Defense Communications Agency by SRI
          International, Menlo Park, California, Revised January 1978.

   [48]   Finlayson, R., T. Mann, J. Mogul, and M. Theimer, "A Reverse
          Address Resolution Protocol", RFC-903, Stanford University,
          June 1984.

   [49]   Forgie, J., "ST - A Proposed Internet Stream Protocol",
          IEN 119, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 1979.

   [50]   Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Beranek and
          Newman, January 1982.

   [51]   Greenberg, B., "Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option", RFC-749,
          MIT-Multics, September 1978.

   [52]   Harrenstien, K., "Name/Finger", RFC-742, NIC 42758,
          SRI International,  December 1977.

   [53]   Harrenstien, K., M. Stahl, and E. Feinler, "DOD Internet Host
          Table Specification", RFC-952, Obsoletes RFC-810,
          October 1985.

   [54]   Harrenstien, K., V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames Server",
          RFC-811, SRI International, March 1982.

   [55]   Harrenstien, K., and V. White, "Nicname/Whois", RFC-812,
          SRI International, March 1982.

   [56]   Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4",
          IEN 158, October 1980.

   [57]   Hedrick, C., "Telnet Terminal Speed Option", RFC-1079,
          Rutgers University, December 1988.

(next page on part 4)

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