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RFC 0841

Specification for message format for Computer Based Message Systems

Pages: 117
Obsoletes:  0806
Part 4 of 4 – Pages 100 to 117
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ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 100   prevText
             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

                    +--------+--- ---+
                    |  0   7 |Johnson|
                    +--------+--- ---+

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   7 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   4 |

                       ASCII   Length
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+
                    |00000010|  1   2 |19800814-1030-0400|
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  1   0 |  2   5 |00000010|  0   D |

                    +----     ----+
                    +----     ----+

            Message       Length         Type
           |01001101|  8   1 |  B   6 |  0   1 |

              Field   Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   5 |00000010|

                    +--------+--- ---+
                    |  0   7 |Johnson|
                    +--------+--- ---+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 101
                    +--------+--- ---+
                    |  0   7 |Stevens|
                    +--------+--- ---+

             Field    Length    FID     ASCII    Length
           |01001100|  1   3 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   0 |

                    +----        ----+
                    |Project Deadline|
                    +----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   7 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   4 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+
                    |00000010|  1   2 |19800814-1000-0400|
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  6   D |  0   4 |00000010|  6   A |

                    |Don't forget the project report is

                     due tomorrow.  Please have<CrLf>

                     your section to me by three this


      H.6  Unknown Lengths

           This  section contains two examples of data elements with an
      unknown length.  The two examples have been presented in sections
      H.2 and H.5, but with a known rather than an unknown length.
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 102
           Set  data  element  with  an  unknown  length containing two
      Integer data elements.  The first integer  has  a  value  of  519
      (decimal)  while the value of the second is 71 (decimal).  (These
      two values have no ordering because they belong to a set.)

              Set     Length   Integer  Length
           |00001011|  8   0 |00100000|  0   2 |  0   2    0   7 |

                      Integer  Length
                    |00100000|  0   2 |  0   0    4   7 |

                    End-of-Con Length

           The following sample message  with  an  unknown  length  had
      Stevens  as  its  originator  and  Johnson as its recipient.  The
      message was sent on August 14, 1980 at 10 a.m. EDT.  The  subject
      of  the  message  is  "Project  Deadline"  and  the  message is a
      reminder that the deadline is the next day and that  the  section
      of  the  report  for  the project being done by Johnson should be
      turned in to Stevens by 3 p.m. that day.

            Message   Length    Type
           |01001101|  8   0 |  0   1 |

              Field   Length    FID     ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   5 |00000010|

                    +--------+--- ---+
                    |  0   7 |Johnson|
                    +--------+--- ---+
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 103
             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

                    +--------+--- ---+
                    |  0   7 |Stevens|
                    +--------+--- ---+

             Field    Length    FID     ASCII    Length
           |01001100|  1   3 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   0 |

                    +----        ----+
                    |Project Deadline|
                    +----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   7 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   4 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+
                    |00000010|  1   2 |19800814-1000-0400|
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  6   D |  0   4 |00000010|  6   A |

                    |Don't forget the project report is

                     due tomorrow.  Please have<CrLf>

                     your section to me by three this


                    End-of-Con Length
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 104
      H.7  Message Encoding Using Vendor-Defined Fields

           This  example is provided to illustrate the encoding of non-
      FIPS format messages in the FIPS format.  It is the intent of the
      standard to deal with computer based message  systems  which  are
      primarily  intended for person-to-person use.  This example deals
      with the definition and use of vendor-defined  fields  to  extend
      the  use  of  the  standard to station-to-station messaging.  The
      context is a military message using the military standard  JANAP-
      128 format.

      H.7.1  Example of a JANAP-128 Message

          RTTUZYUW RUABCDE0010 0330930-UUUU--RUXABYE.
          ZNR UUUUU
          R 020830Z FEB 82
          FM Commander,Atlantic Fleet
          TO USS SHIPA

           MESSAGE        BODY


      H.7.2  Encoding of Example using the FIPS Message Format

            Message   Length             Type
           |01001101|  8   1 |  D   0 |  0   1 |

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   4 |  1   8 |
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 105
                               ASCII    Length
                             |00000010|  0   1 |    R   |

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   7 |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   1 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             |00000010|  0   2 |    T   |    T   |

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   6 |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   2 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             |00000010|  0   1 |    U   |

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   9 |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   3 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   4 |   ZYUW   |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   A |  2   2 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+
                             |00000010|  0   7 |  RUABCDE  |
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   7 |  1   7 |
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 106
                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   4 |   0010   |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+

                      Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
                    |01001100|  1   8 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   5 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----           ----+
                             |00000010|  1   3 |19820202093000-0000|
                             +--------+--------+----           ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   9 |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   2 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   4 |   UUUU   |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   C |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   4 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   7 |  RUXABYE |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   A |  8   2 |  0   0 |  0   2 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+
                             |00000010|  0   5 |   UUUUU   |
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   4 |  1   8 |
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 107
                               ASCII    Length
                             |00000010|  0   1 |    R   |

                      Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
                    |01001100|  1   4 |  1   1 |00101000|  1   1 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----       ----+
                             |00000010|  0   F |8202020830-0000|
                             +--------+--------+----       ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  1   B |  0   1 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             |00000010|  1   8 |

                                      +----                ----+
                                      |Commander,Atlantic Fleet|
                                      +----                ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   C |  0   5 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+
                             |00000010|  0   9 | USS SHIPA |
                             +--------+--------+----   ----+

                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   7 |  0   4 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   4 |   BODY   |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 108
                      Field    Length    FID
                    |01001100|  0   7 |  1   7 |

                               ASCII    Length
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+
                             |00000010|  0   4 |   0010   |
                             +--------+--------+----  ----+

      H.7.3  Field Mappings of JANAP-128 to FIPS Format

          JANAP-128 Field              FIPS Format Field

          Precedence                   Precedence (Appendix A)
          Language Media Format        Vendor-Defined
          Security                     Vendor-Defined
          Content Indicator Code       Vendor-Defined
          Origination Station          Sender (Appendix A)
            Routing Indication
          Station Serial Number        Originator-Serial-Number
                                         (Appendix A)
          Time of File                 Posted-Date (Appendix A)
          Security                     Vendor-Defined
          Destination Station          Vendor-Defined
            Routing Indicator
          Security                     Vendor-Defined
          Precedence                   Precedence (Appendix A)
          Date/Time Group              Date (Appendix A)
          FM                           From (Appendix A)
          TO                           To (Appendix A)
          Body of Message              Text (Appendix A)
          Station Serial Number        Originator-Serial-Number
                                         (Appendix A)

      H.7.4  Vendor-Defined Fields
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 109

           Field Name                                Identifier Value  



           Language Media Format                                    01 
           This   field   contains  two  ASCII  characters;  the  first
      indicates the input media and the second the output media.

           Security                                                 02 
           This  field  contains  a  variable  length  ASCII  character
      indicator of the security classification of the messages.

           Content Indicator Code                                   03 
           This  field  contains  four  ASCII  characters  and provides
      information describing the message content and  message  handling
      actions to be performed.

           Destination Station Routing Indicator                    04 
           This field contains four ASCII characters indicating the CPU
      and terminal device to which the message should be sent.
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 110

           R. P. Blanc and J. F. Heafner. The NBS Program in Computer
           Network Protocol Standards. In Proceedings, ICCC 80.  1980.

           CCITT Study Group VII/5. Draft recommendation X.MHS1:
           Message Handling Systems: System Model - Service Elements
           (Version 2). Technical Report, International Telegraph and
           Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), December, 1982.

           David H. Crocker, John J. Vittal, Kenneth T. Pogran,
           D. Austin Henderson, Jr. Standard for the Format of ARPA
           Network Text Messages. RFC 733, The Rand Corporation, Bolt
           Beranek and Newman Inc, Massachussets Institute of
           Technology, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., November, 1977.

           E. Feinler, J. Pickens, and A. Sjoberg. Computer Message
           Services Bibliography. Technical Report NIC-BIBLIO-791201,
           SRI International, December, 1979.

           ISO/TC97/SC6 Data Communications. Second Draft Proposed
           Communication Heading Format Standard. ISO/TC97/SC6 N 1948,
           ISO International Organization for Standardization
           Organization Internationale de Normalisation, September,
           1979. Secretariat: USA (ANSI).

           ISO/TC97/SC16. Information Processing Systems - Open Systems
           Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. ISO/DIS 7498, ISO
           International Organization for Standardization Organization
           Internationale de Normalisation, December, 1982.

           National Bureau of Standards. Calendar Date. Federal
           Information Processing Standards Publication 4, U.S.
           Department of Commerce / National Bureau of Standards,
           November, 1968.

           National Bureau of Standards. Code Extension Techniques in 7
           or 8 Bits. Federal Information Processing Standards
           Publication 35, U.S. Department of Commerce / National
           Bureau of Standards, June, 1975.
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 111
           National Bureau of Standards. Data Encryption Standard.
           Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46,
           U.S. Department of Commerce / National Bureau of Standards,
           January, 1977.

           National Bureau of Standards. Representations of Local Time
           of the Day for Information Interchange. Federal Information
           Processing Standards Publication 58, U.S. Department of
           Commerce / National Bureau of Standards, February, 1979.

           National Bureau of Standards. Representations of Universal
           Time, Local Time Differentials, and United States Time Zone
           References for Information Interchange. Federal Information
           Processing Standards Publication 59, U.S. Department of
           Commerce / National Bureau of Standards, February, 1979.

           National Bureau of Standards. Code for Information
           Interchange. Federal Information Processing Standards
           Publication 1-1, U.S. Department of Commerce / National
           Bureau of Standards, December, 1980.

           Jonathan B. Postel. INTERNET MESSAGE PROTOCOL. RFC 753,
           Information Sciences Institute, March, 1979.

           Task Group X3S33 on Data Communications Formats, ANSI
           Subcommittee X3S3 on Data Communications. Third Draft
           Proposed American National Standard for Heading Format
           Structure for Code Independent Communication Headings. ANSI
           document X3S37/80-01, Computer and Business Equipment
           Manufacturers Association, 1980.
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 112

                ASCII-String   35, 36, 47, 50, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61,
                        63, 65, 69
                Assignment   22, 28, 61
                Attachments   23, 57
                Author   19, 57

                BASIC   18
                BASIC Data Elements
                   ASCII-String   47, 63
                   Date   50, 65
                   End-of-Constructor   48, 66
                   Field   50, 66
                   Message   51, 67
                BASIC fields
                   Cc   20
                   Reply-To   19
                   Subject   23
                   Text   23
                BASIC syntactic elements   35
                Bcc   19, 25, 57
                Bit numbering in octets   37
                Bit-String   36, 42, 47, 49, 50, 52, 64, 65, 69
                Boolean   36, 48, 64

                Cc   20, 58
                Chains of correspondence   29
                Circulate-Next   20, 31, 58
                Circulate-To   20, 31, 58
                Circulation   31
                Comment   36, 37, 44, 54
                Comments   23, 58
                Compliance requirements   41
                Compressed   37, 43, 49, 54, 65
                Compression identifier   49, 65
                Compression Identifiers
                   Unspecified   54
                Constructor data element   35, 36
                Contents   38, 76
                Cross Referencing   29

                Data Element Contents   43, 44, 87, 42, 44, 52, 69, 42,
                        44, 46, 47, 51, 64, 69, 87
                Data Elements
                   ASCII-String (BASIC)   47, 63
                   Bit-String (OPTIONAL)   47, 64
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 113
                   Boolean (OPTIONAL)   48, 64
                   Compressed (OPTIONAL)   49, 65
                   Date (BASIC)   50, 65
                   Encrypted (OPTIONAL)   50, 65
                   End-of-Constructor (BASIC)   48, 66
                   Extension (OPTIONAL)   52, 66
                   Field (BASIC)   50, 66
                   Integer (OPTIONAL)   48, 67
                   Message (BASIC)   51, 67
                   No-Op (OPTIONAL)   49, 67
                   Padding (OPTIONAL)   49, 68
                   Property (OPTIONAL)   51, 68
                   Property-List (OPTIONAL)   51, 68
                   Sequence (OPTIONAL)   51, 69
                   Set (OPTIONAL)   52, 69
                   Unique-ID (OPTIONAL)   52, 69
                   Vendor-Defined (OPTIONAL)   53, 70
                Date   20, 50, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65
                Dating   30
                Delivery   13, 20, 60
                Delivery Protocol   13
                Delivery Slot   13

                Encapsulating   26
                Encrypted   37, 43, 50, 54, 65
                Encryption identifier   50, 65
                Encryption Identifiers
                   FIPS-Standard   54
                   Unspecified   54
                End-Date   20, 21, 30, 58, 62
                End-Of-Constructor   36, 42, 44, 48, 66
                Extension   35, 46, 52, 66

                Field   14, 31, 35, 36, 37, 43, 50, 51, 66, 67, 72
                Field Identifier   50, 66
                Field label presentation   35
                   Attachments (OPTIONAL)   57, 23
                   Author (OPTIONAL)   57, 19
                   Bcc (OPTIONAL)   57, 19
                   Cc (BASIC)   58, 20
                   Circulate-Next (OPTIONAL)   58, 20
                   Circulate-To (OPTIONAL)   58, 20
                   Comments (OPTIONAL)   58, 23
                   Date (OPTIONAL)   58, 20
                   End-Date (OPTIONAL)   58, 20
                   From (REQUIRED)   59, 19
                   In-Reply-To (OPTIONAL)   59, 21
                   Keywords (OPTIONAL)   59, 23
                   Message-Class (OPTIONAL)   59, 22
                   Message-ID (OPTIONAL)   59, 21
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 114
                   Obsoletes (OPTIONAL)   59, 21
                   Originator-Serial-Number (OPTIONAL)   59, 21
                   Posted-Date (REQUIRED)   60, 20
                   Precedence (OPTIONAL)   60, 22
                   Received-Date (OPTIONAL)   60, 20
                   Received-From (OPTIONAL)   60, 22
                   References (OPTIONAL)   60, 22
                   Reissue-Type (OPTIONAL)   61, 22
                   Reply-To (BASIC)   61, 19
                   Sender (OPTIONAL)   61, 19
                   Start-Date (OPTIONAL)   61, 21
                   Subject (BASIC)   61, 23
                   Text (BASIC)   61, 23
                   To (REQUIRED)   61, 19
                   Warning-Date (OPTIONAL)   62, 21
                FIPS-Standard   54, 55
                From   17, 19, 29, 57, 59, 61

                Globally unique identifiers   29

                Identifier octet   38, 41, 37, 38, 42, 44, 76
                   globally unique   29
                In-Reply-To   21, 29, 59
                Indefinite length code   41
                Integer   36, 48, 52, 67, 69

                Keywords   23, 59, 88

                Length Code   40, 41, 42, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46,
                        76, 77, 87
                Long length code   41

                Message Transfer System   13, 22, 60
                Message   14, 17, 35, 36, 37, 43, 51, 67
                Message content   13
                Message envelope   13
                Message stores   30
                Message Transfer System   13, 22, 60, 12, 13, 14, 17,
                        20, 22, 60
                Message Types
                   FIPS-Standard   55
                Message-Class   22, 59
                Message-ID   21, 22, 29, 31, 59, 60

                No-Op   49, 67
                Numbering bits in octets   37

                Obsoletes   21, 29, 59
                   bit numbering in   37
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 115
                OPTIONAL   18
                OPTIONAL Data Elements
                   Bit-String   47, 64
                   Boolean   48, 64
                   Compressed   49, 65
                   Encrypted   50, 65
                   Extension   52, 66
                   Integer   48, 67
                   No-Op   49, 67
                   Padding   49, 68
                   Property   51, 68
                   Property-List   51, 68
                   Sequence   51, 69
                   Set   52, 69
                   Unique-ID   52, 69
                   Vendor-Defined   53, 70
                OPTIONAL fields
                   Attachments   23
                   Author   19
                   Bcc   19
                   Circulate-Next   20
                   Circulate-To   20
                   Comments   23
                   Date   20
                   End-Date   20
                   In-Reply-To   21
                   Keywords   23
                   Message-Class   22
                   Message-ID   21
                   Obsoletes   21
                   Originator-Serial-Number   21
                   Precedence   22
                   Received-Date   20
                   Received-From   22
                   References   22
                   Reissue-Type   22
                   Sender   19
                   Start-Date   21
                   Warning-Date   21
                OPTIONAL syntactic elements   35
                Originator   15, 18, 20, 30, 57, 58, 59, 61
                Originator-Serial-Number   21, 30, 59

                Padding   49, 68
                Person   18
                Posted-Date   17, 20, 31, 58, 60
                Posting   13
                Posting Protocol   13
                Posting Slot   13
                Precedence   22, 60
                Precedence categories   22
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 116
                Precedence scheme   60
                   field label   35
                Primitive data element   36, 35, 36
                Printing-Name   36, 37, 44, 54, 82
                Process   18
                   Comment   54
                   Printing-Name   54
                Property   38, 43, 51, 68
                Property-Identifier   51, 68
                Property-List   36, 38, 44, 46, 51, 68, 76

                Qualifier   38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50,
                        51, 52, 53, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 76
                Qualifiers   43

                Received-Date   20, 60
                Received-From   22, 60
                Recipient   15, 19, 20, 22, 57, 58, 60, 61
                Redistribution   22, 26, 61
                References   22, 29, 60
                Reissue-Type   22, 61
                Reply   18, 28
                Reply-to   19, 28, 59, 61
                REQUIRED   18
                REQUIRED fields
                   From   19
                   Posted-Date   20
                   To   19
                   compliance   41
                Role   18

                Sender   19, 31, 61
                Sequence   35, 36, 51, 69
                Sequences   36
                Serial Numbers   21, 30, 59
                Set   36, 51, 52, 69
                Short length code   41
                Slot   13
                Start-Date   21, 30, 61
                Subject   23, 61
                Syntactic reissuing   26

                Text   23, 32, 61
                To   17, 19, 31, 37, 61

                Unique identifiers   29
                Unique-ID   52, 59, 60, 69
                Unspecified   54
ToP   noToC   RFC0841 - Page 117
                User Agent   12, 13, 14
                User interface   35

                Vendor-Defined   35, 46, 53, 70

                Warning-Date   21, 30, 62